elnaz rashidian
The settlement evolution of the Early Neolithic period is considered a milestone in the human cultural history.While the archaeological implications of this period are discussed extensively, the landscape of Early Neolithic Iran has remained underrepresented, mostly due to lack of geoarchaeological investigations. The early periods Formative and Archaic Susiana, attested in several sites in the Susiana plain in southwestern Iran, are of utmostimportance as they bear witness to the first implications of standardization of material culture and intra-regional organization. This paper summarizes our current understanding of these periods as well as their landscape in the seventh and sixth millennia BCE. Then, it proposes a preliminary reconstruction of the landscape in this period based on recent geoarchaeological investigations by the author, applying a combination of different methods such as remote sensing, GIS analysis, and original geoarchaeological data including sediment cores, soil profiles, as well as laboratory analyses including sedimentological and chemical analyses (and lithological description in the field) and OSL dating. The results widen our perspective regarding the region’s hydrology. The Early Neolithic landscape of Susiana seems to have been different from the current one, primarily due to the tangible changes in watercourses and the noticeable differences in the surface soil and vegetation. The results further confirm thatheavy sedimentation of later periods covers most of the surface of this buried landscape including now buried watercourses and small wetlands.
Keywords: Iran, Susiana, Neolithic, Geoarchaeology, Riverine Landscape, Early Holocene -
Dez and Karun are two perennial rivers originating from the Zagros mountains in highland Iran, flowing into theriverine landscape of the Susiana Plains in southwestern Iran. They are crucial elements of the landscape and centralto the region’s archaeology, especially regarding agriculture and trade, at least since the late Neolithic. The oldestknown settlements of the Susiana date back to the seventh millennium BCE in the flood plains of these two rivers.This long and continuous interaction of rivers and human settlements is worth understanding. The current Dez-Karun-confluence is assumed to be very young, especially given the very straight channel of the joint rivers directlyafter their confluence – for about 20 kilometers (km) to the south – before it regains a meandering character.In this paper, I propose that their current confluence is recent and explore this proposition based on archaeologicalevidence, historical accounts, and newly generated geoarchaeological data, as well as OSL dating. Then, I discussthe implications of this environmental change, making a case for the hybrid nature of this change as an event withinthe framework of human-environment-interaction.
Keywords: Dez River, Karun River, Geoarchaeology, Riverine Landscape, Iran, Susiana, OSL Dating, River Confluence -
زمین باستان شناسی ابزاری توانمند در بازشناسی تعامل چشم انداز طبیعی و فرهنگی یک منطقه است. مهم ترین پرسش در این پژوهش، چگونگی تعامل زیستگاه های دشت شوشان و نظام آبی آن در دوره پیش از شهرنشینی بزرگ مقیاس منطقه است. در این مقاله، خلاصه ای از یک بررسی زمین باستان شناختی اخیر ارایه شده که فرضیه رایج تاثیر فرهنگی میان رودان (بین النهرین) بر شوشان در تغییر الگوی زیستگاهی در هزاره های پنجم تا دوم پیش ازمیلاد، را به چالش می کشد. این بررسی در دو سطح خرد و کلان، با کمک صدها رخنمود و پنجاه و یک مغزه، نهشته گذاری جریان های آبی کهن منطقه را بازشناسی کرده و با شواهد باستان شناختی از 10 زیستگاه در شوشان بزرگ تکمیل کرده است. این نمونه های رسوب در آزمایشگاه تجزیه و تحلیل شده و برخی نیز به روش تابش گرمایی تاریخ گذاری شده اند. درنهایت، برهمکنش (تعامل) تغییر مکانی الگوی زیستگاهی و جریان های آبی با کمک نرم افزار GIS تحلیل فضایی شده است. نتیجه این تحلیل دست کم سه نکته را تایید می کند: نخست، حرکت باختری جریان های آبی شوشان هم زمان با دوره روستانشینی پسین؛ دوم، همسویی بی واسطه این تغییر نظام آبی و تغییر مکانی الگوی زیستگاهی در سطح خرد و کلان؛ سوم، تفاوت چشمگیر چشم انداز طبیعی شوشان و میان رودان در این دوره. بدین ترتیب، تاثیر بی واسطه چشم انداز طبیعی در تغییر الگوی زیستگاهی شوشان و نیز واکنش فرهنگی به این تغییرات به شکل سازگاری با چشم انداز از دیدگاه کنام سازی و درهم تنیدگی بحث می شود. در پایان بر اهمیت روزافزون بررسی های هدفمند زمین باستان شناختی به ویژه در ایران تاکید شده است. نتیجه پژوهش پیش رو این گمان را تقویت کرده که نظام آبی این منطقه درطول این دوره بر اثر یک عامل بیرونی از تعادل خارج شده و ارتباط جریان های آبی کهن با یکدیگر در این منطقه را برای مدتی مختل کرده است.
کلید واژگان: شوشان بزرگ, زمین باستان شناسی, الگوی زیستگاهی, نظام آبی خوزستان, روستانشینی پسینThis paper presents a summary of a recently conducted geoarchaeological survey in the Susiana plains in southwest Iran. Here, the question of subsequent interaction of human settlements and their riverine landscape of the Greater Susiana region (roughly equivalent to modern Khuzestan) in the Later Village and the Early-historical periods (~ fifth to second millennium BCE) has been chosen as a case study. This study challenges the idea of the cultural expansion from South-Mesopotamia and its direct socio-political involvement in the spatial evolution patterns in Susiana in this timespan. It also offers an alternative interpretation: the riverine landscape and its spatial interaction with the settlement system. It has been suggested that the Later village settlements of Susiana were greatly influenced by the physical changes of the riverine landscape in their spatial development. This paper examines this hypothesis via geoarchaeological methods from the macro-level such as remote sensing to micro-level such as laboratory analysis of sediment logs to address this issue. The results of this study confirm three main points: (i) the westward migration of active watercourses in the mentioned time span; (ii) the direct correlation of this event with the spatial evolution of the studied settlements; and (iii) the overall differences between the neighboring plains of Susiana and south Mesopotamia in their geomorphological response to their fluvial evolution.
Keywords: Geoarchaeology, Greater Susiana, Riverine Landscape, Later Village Period, Early History, Settlement Patterns
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