جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « documentary realism » در نشریات گروه « علوم انسانی »
اصبح استخدام الرمز من ابرز میزات ادب الطفل فی فلسطین. فالکاتب باستخدامه للرموز إنما یزید فی جمالیات روایاته من خلال إضفاء مسحه الغموض والعمق علی لغته القصصیه. ویعتبر محمود شقیر من ابرز الادباء الذین استخدموا الرمز فی روایاته الواقعیه، فکانت بعض روایاته مفعمه بالإبداع والتولید مثل روایات "انا وجمانه" و"کلام مریم" و"احلام الفتی النحیل"، مما جعلنا نتتبع الرمزیه فی اعماله الروائیه للطفل، فقد نهل شقیر من هذه الینابیع الثره واستقی محاوره الفکریه لیعبر عن واقع الطفل الفلسطینی، سواء واقعه الخارجی الذی یحیط به او واقعه النفسی وما یختلج فی ذاته من مشاعر واحاسیس وروی. کل ذلک لتعمیق تجربته الإبداعیه والإنسانیه والشعوریه، والتاثیر فی جماهیر الاطفال. تعتمد هذه الدراسه علی المنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی للکشف عن اهم مظاهر الرمزیه فی بعض اعمال محمود شقیر، وقد وصلنا إلی ان نتاجه القصصی یصور الواقع، واجتهد الکاتب فی التنویع والتمرد علی التنمیط المالوف فی الواقعیه. کما انه تاثر بالرمزیه، فکان الرمز ضروره فنیه فی ادب محمود شقیر، وقد لجا الکاتب لاستخدامه کوسیله للتعبیر عن آرائه نتیجه لکبت حریه التعبیر وفرض الحصار الثقافی، إذ تجاوز، من خلاله، قیود الاحتلال ورقابته الامنیه، ولقد اتخذ الادیب من الرمز وسیله فنیه ورکیزه من رکائز تصویره للواقع، وقد تنوعت وتشعبت مصادر رموزه فی ادبه الطفلی، منها التاریخیه والدینیه والطبیعیه والاسطوریه.کلید واژگان: الرمز, محمود شقیر, ادب الطفل, فلسطین, الواقعیه}Mahmoud Shukair is considered one of the most prominent writers affiliated with realism, especially when the local conditions in Palestinian society matured, which led to the dominance of the realist trend in the Palestinian novel. These political circumstances and events did not leave a trace of romance in literature, but rather imposed positive realism on literature, so Mahmoud Shukair turned to his society, and the concerns and pain of his people’s children became one of his active themes and the main themes of his ideas. His writing became an objective extension of the real-life story, in its connection with the Palestinian child's concerns and suffering. Some of his novels were a reality full of creativity, such as "I and Jumana," "Maryam's Words" and "Dreams of the Skinny Boy". That made us trace three types of realism in it, most notably documentary realism, which tends to convey reality as it is, and realism and the symbol that came to a realistic necessity, which prompted the writer to use it as a means to express his views, as a result of the suppression of freedom of expression, and the imposition of cultural siege. The third form in the stories is "fantasy," which is represented in the way the writer seeks to stimulate and stimulate the imagination of the child and is embodied in the child's dream of transcending the time and spatial limits… to fly into a new reality. We have come to the conclusion that his fictional production depicts reality, and conveys it faithfully, to expose it and then to change it with his new means, such as fantasy and symbol. This is what distinguishes Shukair in his narrative construction. We have sensed solutions and proposals that call for changing the reality; this in itself is positive in the narrative construction, and is in harmony with the realists’ positions, values and calls to criticize and change reality.Keywords: Palestinian Children's Literature, Mahmoud Shukair, Documentary Realism, Symbol, Fantasy}
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