جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "material development" در نشریات گروه "ادبیات و زبان ها"
تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «material development» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»-
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research، پیاپی 43 (Winter 2022)، صص 119 -136تهیه مواد درسی یکی از اجزای اساسی هر برنامه درسی است که باید بر اساس تکنیک های صحیح و منظم باشد. در یک نگاه تفصیلی، با توجه به اهمیت دانستن زبان انگلیسی نه تنها به عنوان یک زبان بین المللی، بلکه به عنوان زبان تجارت، فناوری و علم، دوره انگلیسی نیاز به برنامه ریزی کارآمد دارد تا شرایط یادگیری مناسب را برای زبان آموزان فراهم کند. در این راستا، پژوهش حاضر به منظور تهیه کتاب زبان انگلیسی جدید برای دبیرستان ایرانیان است تا فرصتی را برای دانش آموزان دبیرستانی و همچنین معلمان فراهم کند تا به صورت فعال درگیر متن، سوالات و تصاویر کتاب بر اساس ویلیام باشند. تکنیک رامی برای همگام شدن با پیشرفت های این رشته. نتایج نتیجه گیری این مطالعه نشان می دهد که شاخص درگیری به اندازه کافی مناسب است تا فعالانه فراگیران را در کتاب درسی انگلیسی تازه توسعه یافته درگیر کند. به این معنا که متون، سوالات و تصاویر درون کتاب درسی به نحو مناسبی ایجاد شده اند تا دانش آموزان را به طور فعال درگیر کنند.کلید واژگان: تحلیل محتوا, کتاب های درسی انگلیسی دوره متوسطه ایران, توسعهInternational Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Volume:10 Issue: 43, Winter 2022, PP 119 -136Developing textbook material is a crucial component of any curriculum, which should be based on sound and systematic techniques. In a detailed view, considering the importance of knowing English not only as an international language but as the language of commerce, tech and science, English course needs to be programmed efficiently to provide a suitable circumstance of learning for learners. In this regard, the present study is to develop a new English textbook for Iranian Senior High Schools to provide an opportunity for high school students as well as teachers to be actively engaged in the text, questions, and images of the textbook based on William Rummy’s Technique to keep up with the developments of the field. The results of the study demonstrate demonstrates that the involvement index is appropriate enough to actively engage the learners in the newly developed English textbook. That is, the texts, questions, and images within the textbook are suitably developed to engage the students actively.Keywords: Content Analysis, Iranian Senior High School English Textbooks, material development
Iranian Journal of Foreign Language Teaching Innovations, Volume:1 Issue: 1, Winter and Spring 2021, PP 168 -180The present study aimed to educate a group of young teachers through a TTC for TEYL while evaluating their assumed competence and observed performance. Fifteen student teachers participated in a 5-session online course and maintained their involvement through offline group discussions between weekly sessions. After the course, they were given a 25-item questionnaire to express their subjective assessment in regard with the effect of the TTC on their teaching competence, and were also required to develop multimedia TEYL materials reflecting their actual grasp of the presented content. A chi square test showed that the answers given to 11 items of the questionnaire across five dimensions of TEYL namely motivation, mediation, maturation, manipulation and modulation produced significant coefficient reflecting the teachers' perception of their abilities. In addition, two independent raters scored their performance on the task. The assumed competence and the observed performance were quantified and analyzed in a linear regression model to see if the former can predict the latter. Moreover, the individual and collective reactions of the student teachers both to the contents of the online course and issues raised in the offline discussions were examined via educational discourse analysis. The findings set the ground for designing and assessing future TTC courses in TEYL.Keywords: TEYL, TTC, Teaching Competence, Material Development, Educational Discourse
نشریه زبان پژوهی، پیاپی 34 (بهار 1399)، صص 205 -228
آموزش زبان انگلیسی، بستری مناسب و ظرفیتی نادیده گرفته شده در دست یابی به هدف های آموزش و پرورش است. محتوای آموزش زبان انگلیسی در ایران، برگرفته یا الگوگرفته از محتوای بازار جهانی است که بیشتر مبتنی بر تفکرات مادی گرایانه و لیبرالیستی است. به همین سبب، این محتوای آموزشی در ناسازگاری آشکار با هدف اصلی آموزش و پرورش اسلامی، یعنی رسیدن به حیات طیبه است. بر پایه متن های قرآنی، تفکر در مخلوقات به عنوان آیات الهی، از قدم های اولیه در راستای دست یابی به حیات طیبه است. در این راستا، برای تولید محتوا، موضوع طبیعت و به ویژه عنصر آب، که یکی از منبع های اصلی تفکر، قابل فهم و در دسترس برای همه انسان ها است، انتخاب شد. سپس چگونگی پرداختن به این موضوع در آیات مربوط به آب در قرآن کریم و تفاسیر نور، نسیم حیات و تسنیم مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته های پژوهش، در قالب رهنمودهایی برای تولید محتوا بر پایه تصویرها و مفاهیمی که قرآن کریم در این آیات به انسان ارایه کرده، تنظیم شده اند. در این زمینه، قالب «بنگر، بیاندیش و زندگی کن» به عنوان طرح اصلی درس پیشنهاد شده است. بر پایه این قالب تصویری از طبیعت توصیف می شود، انسان دعوت به تفکر و عبرت گرفتن از آن می شود. سپس آموزه ها و مفاهیم آن با زندگی پیوند می خورد. در هر یک از تصاویر بر پایه سبک و سیاق زبان قرآن که شامل پرسشگری، تخاطب، استفاده از داستان و تمثیل، و واژه های همنشین است، می توان مفاهیم اساسی مانند توحید و معاد را در محتوا ارایه کرد.
کلید واژگان: تولید محتوا, آموزش زبان انگلیسی, حیات طیبه, طبیعت, آبLanguage research, Volume:12 Issue: 34, 2020, PP 205 -228We have been teaching English in Iran for decades now; however, the materials used at schools and in institutes have been adopted from or influenced by the commercial textbooks published by dominating powers. The themes, topics, and the lexical networks dispose learners toward internalizing secular and materialistic values in life. There have been attempts on the part of Iranian material developers to detach from the inconsistencies of the commercial materials with Islamic and Iranian values; however, the ideal Islamic life4, which is the ultimate goal of education in Islam has rarely received due attention. Moving toward such a lifestyle demands a harmony among all the parts of the educational system, including all the different school subjects and their corresponding materials and methods. Nevertheless, English language courses have remained unaffected by Islamic teachings and have focused on the lowest level of life without considering the critical questions regarding the meaning of life. One of the main steps toward understanding the purpose of life in the Glorious Qur’an is to look around at nature which is one of the richest sources of understanding for people in Islamic thought. Therefore, in this research, the verses about nature in the Glorious Qur’an, specifically the ones about water as the element of life and the source of all living creatures, were studied carefully to find out how the divine language of Qur’an reminds people of the purpose of life by referring them to natural phenomena. Accordingly, the verses from the Glorious Qur’an related to the subject of water, including verses containing the words “water”, “rain”, “spring”, “river”, and “the sea”, along with their interpretations in Tasnim (Javadi Amoli, 2012), Nasime Hayat (Bahrampour, 2013), and Noor (Gharaati, 2009), were checked and analyzed. In these verses, a picture from nature is first described and explained in carefully selected words and then people are urged to think about it. These verses also refer to the people’s responsibility and what they should do in different contexts and situations and try to help them understand how they should manage their likes and dislikes according to God’s Words. The pictures were taken from the verses of the Glorious Qur’an and organized into four images including “life-giving water”, relating to the fact that rain from the sky gives life to the dead land and brings back hope to people; “creation from water”, which is about water as the main element of life from which a great percentage of the creatures’ body is made; “a divine living from the sky: the water we drink, the food we eat”, reminding people of the source of whatever they have and need for life; and at last “such a short life it is”, which refers to the picture shown in some verses of a dead land which is brought back to life by rain, the greenness which is created, and how soon it changes to something like straw which is spread all over with the wind. For the purpose of developing materials, these pictures were summarized into sentences from Qur’an with a list of words from the same verses, which together will take thoughts closer to the concepts intended by the Glorious Qur’an. In these scenes, pictured through words for people, they are reminded that it is God who has created and controls everything and He is the One who is praiseworthy. This is referred to as the foundational concept of “Tawhid” or the oneness of God which has a leading role in different aspects of life and stands against the positivistic view toward the natural phenomena assumed to be bestowed upon us by Mother Nature. Furthermore, people are reminded about death and life afterwards by being strongly advised to look at the death and life happening around in spring, when the earth gets green. These two concepts are fundamental in Islamic ideology of life and determine every aspect of life style; therefore, the purpose of materials should be to delineate these concepts and their applications. The language of the Glorious Qur’an has presented these concepts in stories, metaphors, and similes, in all of which words come together beautifully to serve the purpose of teaching man the divine concepts essential to both worldly and spiritual life. Moreover, man is asked questions to rise from the death of ignorance and be challenged to think by being addressed in these verses. Based on these findings, the units in the materials can be organized around the structure of “look, think, and live”, in which learners will be shown a picture from nature, descriptions of which should be worded according to the words and sentences from the Glorious Qur’an. Some questions are also suggested for each picture which can be formed into a writing or speaking task in class, which are Tawhid- and Maa’d-based. These questions can help learners relate these concepts to their real life, broaden their views toward nature, and deepen their thoughts by stepping beyond mere enjoyment and worldly benefits from nature.
Keywords: Material development, English language teaching, the ideal Islamic life, Nature, Water -
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Translation Studies, Volume:4 Issue: 1, Winter 2019, PP 89 -104Teaching grammar to EFL students has always been a challenge for EFL teachers. Many studies have acknowledged the role of using mobile apps to remove this problem. Therefore, the present study was conducted to see if the use of English Grammar Ultimate Software app can enhance the use of verb tenses by Iranian intermediate students. To this end, thirty-two students participated in this study based on their performance in a Quick Oxford Placement Test. They were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Each group consisted of 16 learners. Then a test of grammar was administered to two groups as the pre-test to assess their knowledge of simple present, simple past, present continuous, past continuous, and simple future tenses and ensure their homogeneity. Learners in the control group were taught these tenses through traditional language classrooms and received no extra treatment at all. However, learners in the experimental group were taught those tenses through English Grammar Ultimate Software app. Finally, in order to measure the effect of the treatment, a posttest was given to both groups. The results of the comparison between and within groups showed that the participants who had benefited from mobile-assisted learning had a significantly better performance on the post-test than the participants in the control group. The findings of the present study can have implications for material developers and EFL language teachers teaching grammar.Keywords: E-learning, Grammar knowledge, MALL, material development
تهیه و تدوین مطالب درسی و فهرست واژگانی در آموزش زبان انگلیسی برای اهداف آکادمیک؛ روشی تقلیل گرایانهنگی (1988) بیان می کند که یادگیری لغات پیش نیازی مهم در درک مطلب است. با استفاده از روشی تقلیل گرایانه و در نظر گرفتن چشم اندازهای مورد نظر برای تهیه و تدوین مطالب درسی این مطالعه با هدف ایجاد فهرست واژگانی متون انگلیسی برای اهداف آکادمیک انجام گرفت. این مطالعه 6479 صفحه، 2،081،678 واژه، 63،825 واژه بدون تکرار را مورد بررسی و تجزیه و تحلیل قرار داد. بر این اساس تعداد 636 واژه براساس فراوانی و تکرار در متون مختلف بعنوان فهرست واژگانی در انگلیسی برای اهداف ویژه آکادمیک انتخاب گردید. قدرت پوششی این واژه ها در متون مختلف آکادمیک بیان کننده این مطلب است که این واژه نامه نقش مهمی در متون مختلف آکادمیک دارد. یافته های این تحقیق می تواند کمکی برای طراحان مواد و محتوای مطالب درسی، در طراحی کتاب های آکادمیک دانشگاهی باشد. علاوه بر این یادگیری این واژه ها توسط فراگیران می تواند آنها را در مهارت های نوشتاری و خواندن متون انگلیسی یاری رساند.کلید واژگان: واژگان انگلیسی برای اهداف آکادمیک, حوزه مطالعه, واژه, پوشش متنی, کتابهای دوره درسی, تهیه و تدوین مطالب درسیJournal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Volume:9 Issue: 19, Spring-Summer 2017, PP 53 -72Nagy (1988) states that vocabulary is a prerequisite factor in comprehension. Drawing upon a reductionist approach and having in mind the prospects for material development, this study aimed at creating an English for Academic Purposes Word List (EAPWL). The corpus of this study was compiled from a corpus containing 6479 pages of texts, 2,081,678 million tokens (running words) and 63825 types (individual words), and 2615 word families from online resources. The created EAPWL included 636 word families, which accounted for 12%of the tokens in the EAPWL under study. The high word frequency and the wide text coverage of this word list confirm that this word list plays an important role in English for Academic Purpose texts and hence can be a justified resource for material development in the field. From these findings, it can be concluded that the EAPWL created in this study can serve as a guide for material developers and syllabus designers especially in designing course-books, in addition learning these words by learners can help them in better understanding of their texts, and development in their writing and reading comprehension.Keywords: English Word List for Academic Purpose, Corpus, Token, Text Coverage, Material development
تحقیق حاضر کوششی در جهت یافتن مولفه های فرهنگی پنهان در مجموعه کتب درسی cover to cover از انتشارات اکسفورد می باشد که هم اکنون در برخی دانشگاه های ایران در درس زبان عمومی تدریس می شود. برای انجام تحقیق حاضر از دو شیوه استفاده شد: 1) بررسی کیفی متون خواندنی مجموعه سه جلدی این کتاب با استفاده از تحلیل محتوایی متون ان بر اساس اصالت سنجی متون از جهت گنجاندن ارزش های فرهنگی غربی. در این مرحله بررسی بر روی شش متن (از هر جلد دو متن) به شکل انتخاب تصادفی صورت گرفت. 2) در مرحله دوم از روش مصابه با "گروه هدف" از تجربیات مدرسینی که از این مجموعه کتب در کلاس های درسی خود استفاده کرده بودند بهره گرفته شد. در نهایت بررسی دو مرحله ای نشان از عدم تطابق مفاهیم فرهنگی پنهان موجود در این مجموعه با محیط های فرهنگی و ملی ایرانی داشت. در پایان پیشنهادات نویسنده در راستای ارتقای وضعیت موجود با استناد به افزایش قدرت و آگاهی فرهنگی به مدد اموزش های تحلیلی برای گویندگان غیر بومی زبان بررسی شدند.کلید واژگان: راستی ازمایی, تهیه و تدوین مطالب درسی, ارزش های اسلامی, فرهنگ زبان دوم, آگاهی فرهنگیJournal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Volume:8 Issue: 17, Fall- Winter 2015, PP 166 -191This research study was an attempt to explore hidden cultural components in an ELT textbook from Oxford University Press (OUP) titled 'Cover to Cover'. Two research methodologies were relied on to unveil the western ideologies in this series: Firstly, a qualitative review over its reading textbooks was undertaken for authenticating the hidden western values for Iranian contexts. At this stage, analyses over randomly chosen units of the three-volume CTC book were managed via qualitative content analysis using inductive category formation techniques. In a second stage, a focus group including English language teachers indulged in teaching this series were interviewed to enrich the data with lived experiences. Overall, the findings revealed that the hidden values in the sampled texts might transmit some counter-local perspectives against Iranian leaners' local culture. Pedagogical suggestions as to improving critical cultural awareness practices for non-native students in the light of material development practices for EFL settings were discussed at the end.Keywords: authenticity, material development, Islamic values, L2 culture, cultural awareness
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Volume:2 Issue: 6, Summer 2014, PP 18 -46Mispronunciation is still among the frailties of language learners the world over. The present study reports an all-out investigation into pronunciation training for the Persian-speaking EFL learners at the intermediate level of language proficiency. More specifically, the present study investigated (a) the underlying causes of mispronunciation at the level of segmental features, (b) the crucial importance of error analysis prior to developing any materials concerning suprasegmental features, and (c) the effectiveness of materials developed on the basis of the findings in the first two phases of the study. Sixty-Four Persian-speaking intermediate EFL learners were selected as participants for the purposes of this study. Twenty-Four of them assisted in the second and forty of them in the third phase. Since the results obtained in the first two phases were to be used for the preparation of the materials in the final phase, the researchers devised a pretest posttest design to prove or disprove the efficacy of the whole study. Thus, two intermediate classes in one of the language schools in Isfahan were chosen and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The first phase of the study confirmed the great impact of Persian language on EFL learners English pronunciation (51.82%). The second phase supported the idea that some suprasegmental features such as linking sounds are obstacles to proper pronunciation for Persian-speaking EFL learners. The results obtained from the last phase of the study indicated that pronunciation training with supplementary materials is rewarding albeit the progress might be slow.Keywords: pronunciation, segmental, suprasegmental features, material development, locally, prepared materials
یادگیری بسیاری از نکات گرامری انگلیسی در یک محیط خارجی مشکل می باشد. افعال وجهی یکی از این ساختارهایی است که معمولا یادگیری آن برای دانش آموزان دشواراست. افعال وجهی نه تنها ازنظر معنایی سخت وپیچیده هستند بلکه در بعضی موارد که کلمه های معادل آن ها در زبان مادری وجود ندارد مشکلات بزرگتری را برای دانش آموختگان زبان انگلیسی بوجود می آورند. یکی از این زبان ها زبان مالایی است که در کشور مالزی صحبت می شود و به همین دلیل دانش آموزان مالزیایی در استفاده از افعال وجهی در زبان انگلیسی مشکل دارند و یادگیری آنها به میزان زیادی بستگی به نوع آموزشی دارد که این دانش آموزان دریافت می کنند. این مقاله ابتدا افعال وجهی موجود در یک مجموعه ساخته شده از کتابهایی که در مالزی تدریس می شود را با مجموعه مرجع مقایسه کرده و به این نتیجه رسید که این افعال از نظر کثرت وقوع با مجموعه مرجع متفاوت بوده است. سپس مجموعه ساخته شده از کتاب های تدریس شده در مالزی با مجموعه ساخته شده از انشاء های نوشته شده دانش آموزان سال چهارم متوسطه مقایسه شد و محققین به این نتیجه رسیدند که نه تنها کثرت وقوع افعال وجهی در دو مجموعه بسیار با هم تفاوت دارند بلکه دانش آموزان مالزیایی غلط های بسیاری در ساختار این افعال دارند. دلایل احتمالی این عدم تطبیق و همچنین چگونگی مفید واقع شدن این اطلاعات برای معلمین و نویسندگان کتاب در این مقاله بحث شده است.
کلید واژگان: افعال وجه, مالزیایی, مجموعه زبانشناسی, تولید موارد درسی, گرامرMany elements contribute to the relative difficulty in acquiring specific aspects of English as a foreign language (Goldschneider & DeKeyser, 2001). Modal auxiliary verbs (e.g. could, might), are examples of a structure that is difficult for many learners. Not only are they particularly complex semantically, but especially in the Malaysian context reported on in this paper, there is no direct equivalent in the students’ L1. In other words, they are a good example of a structure for which successful acquisition depends very much on the quality of the input and instruction students receive. This paper reports on analysis of a 230,000 word corpus of Malaysian English textbooks, in which it was found that the relative frequency of the modals did not match that found in native speaker corpora such as the BNC. We compared the textbook corpus with a learner corpus of Malaysian form 4 learners and found no direct relationship between frequency of presentation of target forms in the textbooks and their use by students in their writing. We also found a very large percentage of errors in students’ writing. We suggest a number of possible reasons for these findings and discuss the implications for materials developers and teachers.Keywords: Modal auxiliary verbs, Malaysia, corpus, textbook, material development
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