Iran, land of wonders
Some criticized us that we pride ourselves on our country more than what is real. Correctness of this depends on the personal interpretations of the individuals, and this writing doesn’t aim at confirming or rejecting this claim. Across our homeland, there can be seen many points and intricacies that each of them can differentiate our homeland from other places in the world. Since these points and intricacies can be considered as the factors differentiating a county, every nations being in our place would pride himself on his country. Discourse on using clean energies or modern energies has become the main topic in the scientific circles, and many scientists have done their best to realize the use of clean energies. Perhaps it can be said that the first clean energy used by human being was the wind. Sailing ships used in the past can be a clear support for this fact that the wind was used as a clean energy. The wind wasn’t used just for providing the old vessels with motor powers; In the Netherlands, the energy produced by the wind was used for the windmills, and also in many places the energy of the wind was used for the wind wheels of the wells. Nowadays, the wind is also used as an energy, and the new form of using the wind can be seen in wind power stations which can be seen in Ghazvin to Rasht road near Manjil dam and in other places
دو ماهنامه گردشگری, No. 30, 1391