An Investigation on Psychometric Properties of Obsessive -Compulsive Inventory - Revised (OCI-R(among a Sample Group of University Students
This study is mainly aimed at investigating the psychometric properties of OCI-R inventory (questionnaire) among 320 students at Allamma Tabatabayi University. All students were non-clinical samples. Previous studies indicated that OCI-R is a useful tool in assessing the obsessive- compulsive symptoms both in clinical and non- clinical samples. Descriptive analysis of the inventory showed that the average scale for Iranian students were similar to that of foreign students. The final examination of the inventory according to internal reliability by Cronbach Alfa showed that the inventory had an acceptable internal reliability and Alfa coefficient for all subscales were high, except for neutralization subscale coefficient of internal reliability which was in middle point. Another important finding was the acceptable convergent and divergent validity of the OCI-R. The confirmatory factor analysis to investigate the given 6-parameter structure according to Foa et al (2002) led to a 6-parameter model with acceptable برازش Indicators. The main factors of the inventory were hoarding, checking, neutralizing, washing, obsessing and ordering.
مجله برخط دانش روان شناختی, Volume:1 Issue: 2, 2012