Assessment of Shear Strain Variation along Koch Fault Zone Based on Study of Foliation

In this study, value of shear strain for the Koch fault zone was determined based on the angle of foliations with the edge of the Koch fault zone. The Koch fault zone with N-S trend is located in northeast of Birjand, at the end northwest of the Sistan structural zone. In the Koch fault zoneshear strain(γ)was calculated based on the foliations, which are from the types of fracture cleavage. Shear strain in central part of the Koch fault zone reaches to 4 degrees, its maximum. The value of shear strain reaches to 2 degrees in southern and northern parts of the Koch fault. The value of shear strain decreases from central part of the Koch fault towards the northern and southern parts. The latter indicates the growth of the fault from the central to the northern and southern parts.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 94, 2015
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