Palynology and Palynofacies of Aitamir Formation in Zavin section (Khorasan Razavi)

Aitamir Formation is one of the formations in sedimentary basins of Koppeh-Dagh in the north east of Iran. This formation has been made of a sandstone part in the lower and a shale part in the upper. Both the part are Glauconitic and often seen in Olive-green color. This research is on a section of a Aitamir formation based on Palynomorphs which has been conducted on the route from Mashhad to Kalat-e-Naderi, isn the edge of Zavin village with the thickness of 506 meters and the coordinates 36°43̒45.42" north latitude, and 59°57̒5.56"east longitude. 40 samples of this section have been gathered and 120 Palynological slides have been prepared. The study of these slides has resulted in the identification of 28 genera and 47 species of Dinoflagellates. Regarding the identified Dinoflagellates, the age of Aitamir formation in the mentioned Albian-Cenomanian section was determined. The study of the factors involved in preservation of organic materials shows the low to moderate levels of oxygen conditions, with low deposition and an inner to the outer Neritic environment for an Aitamir formation in the mentioned section. Based on the studies that have been done, three Palynofacies were identified for the Aitamir formation in Zavin section.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 95, 2015
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