Microfacies Analysis of the Asmari Formation at Gorg-Darreh

Area, Kuh-e-Mish (in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt)
The Asmari Formation is well-exposed at Kuh-e-Mish, locating at Gorg-Darreh area (The Zagros fold-thrust belt). In this area, the true thickness of Asmari Formation is 480m. This formation was studied for its microfacies analysis in Gorg-Darreh area (kuh-e-Mish). In this study, seven microfacies was recognized within this formation. These microfacies belong to the tidal flat, restricted lagoon, protected lagoon, patch reef, foreslope, basin sub-environments. A carbonate ramp is suggested for depositional environments of the Asmari Formation. Likewise, distributions of foraminifers of this formation were studied in order to determine the age relationships of the Asmari Formation. In this study, 45 species belonging to 41 genera were identified. In general, three assemblage biozones were recognized in this formation, consisting of Lepidocyclina – Operculina - Ditrupa Assemblage Zone, Peneroplis evolutus - Austrotrillina howchini Assemblage Zone and Borelis melo curdica – Meandropsina iranica Assemblage Zone. Therefore, based on these assemblage biozones, the Asmari Formation is assigned to late Oligocene (Chattian) – early Miocene (Aquitanian- Burdigalian).
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 95, 2015
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