The Comparison of Interpersonal Identity Statuses in Married People with Regards to Emotional Divorce
Identity formation and its role in the intimate relationships of marriage are very important & require research and studying. The aim of this research was to compare the means of four interpersonal identity statuses of emotionally divorced men & women. The research method was descriptive and the design was ex post facto. The Participants were 200 married men & women that five years past from their marriage who were selected by two stage random cluster sampling from five regions of Qazvin City. The participants completed two questionnaires consisted: Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity status-2nd version (EOM-EIS-2) and Gottman''s emotional divorce scale were used. Data were analyzed by spss20 software in MANOVA & ANOVA. Results showed no significant difference in identity statuses between men & women. There was significant difference between two groups with & without syndromes of emotional divorce in identity statuses (moratorium & diffusion)، that is، the group with syndromes of emotional divorce obtained higher scores in identity statuses like moratorium & diffusion. The couples that diffused in interpersonal relationship identity are more likely to have emotional divorce symptoms. So، considering similarity in identity statues as a mate selection criterion by spouses can grantee the marital success in their future life.
Journal of Applied Psycology Research, Volume:6 Issue: 1, 2015
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