Religious lifestyle components from the point of view of Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution

Intellectuals study “the Life Style” concept in two major theoretical (values & identity) and concrete (consumption & entertainment) features that the most important of which is consumption. But are the consumption features in an Islamic society which is based on faith in the invisible world and afterlife similar to the western models? If not, by using which components does the lifestyle in an Islamic society become manageable? Since the lifestyle has close relation with culture, society, ethics, ideology, personality, identity, consumption and need and on the other hand passive acceptance and western lifestyle stability with its secular source for Muslim society, will lead to lose one’s identity and personal independence, so that study about Islamic lifestyle components becomes so much important. The research will classify and present main religious lifestyle components from the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution point of view in 5 main scopes such as intellection, personal attitude, family, social attitude and business.
فصلنامه مهندسی فرهنگی, Volume:10 Issue: 84, 2015
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