A Review of the Basics of Measurement, Reporting and Verification System (MRV) and suggest the National Emission MRV System
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (بدون رتبه معتبر)
According to Iran National Communication to UNFCCC in 2010, the GHG emissions are equal to 540 million tons per year. If it increases at the same way in comparison with BAU Scenario, this will be 1,800 million tons in 2025. Low-Emission Development Strategies are national long-term strategies for reducing emissions while promoting sustainable development which can be implemented in the energy, transportation, industry and other sectors. The Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of these actions is important to generate transparency, built trust on their effectiveness and facilitate decision-making.
This paper first provides the bases and objectives of a measurement, reporting and verification system. Then the national emission MRV system has been investigated. Finally, with reference to the laws and regulations in the country, the guidelines for measurement, reporting and verification and Institutional arrangements for setting up the MRV emission system in IRAN are proposed.
Instruction of measurment in MRV of emission system, instruction of reporting in MRV of emission system, and instruction of verification in MRV of emission system in the country. Also, the institutional arrangement for implementing the MRV system in the country to assist policy makers and decision makers and managers, is provided.
Due to the complexity of the MRV system, this article specifically addresses the MRV of emissions and provides guidelines for its implementation in the country. Measureable data, authorities and how they are measured, reported cases, authorities, how they report, and time, as well as verifications, authorities, how and time of verification are proposed.Keywords:
hozan journalcom, Volume:3 Issue: 3, 2018
12 to 29