The evolution of the secret prose style and its relation to the scope of the court and the court During the semi-autonomous regimes of Saman, Ghaznavid and Seljuk(Emphasizing the role of teachers)
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Abstract The extent and complexity of tribunals and court structures during the semi-autonomous states of Samanid, Ghaznavi, and Seljuk in post-Islamic Iran has had a great influence on the evolution of the secular prose prose; With the expansion in bars and courts, especially the Divan of the mission, the importance and position of teachers was added; As a result of the increased prestige of secretaries and secretaries, prose and mediator prose also found a special place. It seems that simple and prose prose has become an artifact and prose prose in the past, with the expansion of courts and courts, and this relationship has been affected by important causes such as political, socio-cultural and psychological factors. Each of these factors has been effective in some way in the perfection of the prose of the scribes and secretaries. In this article, in addition to getting acquainted with the teachers, the evolution of the style of prose prose and also its relationship with development And the expansion of the court and court.
Secretaries , secretaries , Divan of Mission , Prose of the clerk , Tersl , Creation , Divan , court
Journal of Letters and Language, Volume:21 Issue: 44, 2019
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