The consideration of the relation between motive to improvement and performance of police officers and leaders

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (ترویجی)

This paper has been done in order to: 1) Determine the level of current motives for improving staff and field police officers and leaders, 2) Consider the relation between improving motives and job performance of police officers and leaders and 3) Measure the relation between the four personal variable (education, age, rank and work experience). In order to do so, we have reviewed the field literature and researches done on this field first. Then we have modified the motive indices and estimated a measuring scale to evaluate this psychological feature and determined its validity and reliability. This scale was done on a population of 644 police leaders and officers. The data were analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that 1) The level of improving motives for police officers and leaders fluctuates, 2) there is a meaningful correlation between the level of police officers' and leaders' improving motive and their job performance and 3) There is a direct or reverse relation between police leaders' improving motives and personal characteristics.

Supervision & Inspection, Volume:2 Issue: 6, 2009
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