Landuse planning, using simple capability zoning method

Land and resource developoment suitability is usually achieved by landscape capability analysis. But using land capability analysis in planning process is often restricted by budget and time limitations. A simple yet effective capability analysis method is hence required, that can furnish 'planners reliable land zonning with the least data and time requirement. The Optimum Integration Method (Formann, 1995) of land capability analysis, zonning and classification is one Of these simple, yet effective methods. An addapttion of this method was used for a land-use planning project concerning touristic development of Kohkiloye-UBoyerAhmad Prbvince (Southern. Iran) Successful achievement of foreseen planning objectives resulted in introducing this method for further possible uses in simillar cases. This environmental capability analysi's method in land-use planning process offered both short-term management proposals and long-term planning strategies baseed on actual and preferred land capability and carrying capacity. Furthermore, proper site selection for implementation of pilot development projects was also achieved based on regional and local comparative advantages (and/or disadvantages) of concerning landscapes.
Journal of Environmental Studies, Volume:27 Issue: 1, 2001
79 to 97