Distortions of the Old and the New Testaments Based on Quran and Rationality

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
In theology, originality and deviation of holy scripts has engaged minds and dialogs of the researchers of this field for centuries. Wholeness and originality of a holy book has an imperative part for validity of the religion and its acceptance by the followers. Although, according to the Quran and Hadith, the preceding religions are explicitly titled expired and following them is prohibited, nevertheless, discussion and proofing of the script deviations can influence the current followers of the religions, as well as the Muslims who do not believe in expiration of the religions, to accept or deny following the religion. With investigations into the Quran, Hadiths of the Fourteen Infallibles, and opinions of Shia and Sunni Interpreters, it is concluded that the scripts known today as Old and New Testament or Bible, has been subjected to various verbal and semantic distortions. Additionally, the argument is supported by rationality and reasoning based on document and content validity criticism, such as document cohesion and coherence analysis, validity of the scriptures and number of document versions; as well as comparison of the versions and their consistency or inconsistency, contrast and contradiction in a single version, courteousness towards God and the Prophets, irrationality of many sentences and... .
Motaleat - e - Taghribi Mazaheb - e - Eslami, Volume:16 Issue: 55, 2022
75 to 90
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