Ethics Priority over Political PowerIn Imam Ali's Lifestyle (A.S.), with Emphasis on Nahj al-Balagha
The relationship between ethics and politics is one of the complex mysteries in the political world. Therefore, different people and schools, while presenting their political thoughts and views, have tried to explain the relationship between these two categories. Some people think the effective use of political power is incompatible with moral principles and standards. On the contrary, it is a point of view that considers the observance of moral principles in this area necessary. The basic question is whether power and maintaining it is authentic, or values and moral principles are important and politics is the means of providing them? To answer this question, the present research referred to Nahj al-Balagha, which includes religious politics and ethical lifestyle. The main purpose of this research, which is organized by analytical-descriptive method, is to show the political behavior dimensions based on the ethics of Imam Ali (A.S.) in three areas of dealing with people, officials and opponents, in order to find an interpretive model of Imam Ali's (A.S.) morals and directed actions in the field of confrontation between political power and ethics. The research findings show the primacy of morality in the Alawites political system.
An Essay on Affective Strategies for Moral Education in Epistle 31 of Nahj al-Balāghah
Mohammad Sobhani-Nia *, Seyedeh Masoumeh Mousavi
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Commentary Reading of theVerse "The day we call all people to their Imams" Based on Allameh Tabataba'i`s
Mohammad Sobhani Nia*
Journal of The Holy Quran And Islamic Texts,