Developing and Standardization of Achievement Motivation Test (AMT)

The research has been conducted with the purpose of development and validation of Achievement Motivation Test (AMT) on a group of 1073 (560 female, 513 male) selected subjects by multistage sampling method. A modified form of Herman's achievement motivation test was administered. Reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha (reliability coefficient=0.803). The principal components analysis (PC) for validation showed that all of the items overall related to one factor. Quartimax rotation method showed that theoretical structure of the test included seven factors having factor loading greater than 0.30 (perseverance, self-confidence, dynamic perception of time, hardworking, considering criteria in selecting friends, high ambition, futurism, and chance seeking). Statistical tests indicated that motivation for achievement for all grades of high school education were higher in female students. Subjects who majored in mathematics-physics, experimental, and general science exhibited higher achievement motivation scores as compared to subjects majoring in humanities and technical-vocational tract.
Psychological Research, Volume:5 Issue: 1, 2001
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