A Historical-sociological Analysis of the Salafi Movements Emergence and Their Security Consequences

Fundamentalism, as an outcome of modernity, is known largely as Salafism in Islamic countries. Although the main concern of Salafism is to revive Islamic identity which is perceived endangered by substantial threats, radical Salafism with its exclusive literal reading of Quran and Hadiths as well as focusing on the sacred war (Jihad) and recall to good deeds (Amr bel Maarouf), to a violent and militaristic confrontation to all that are not in the line with them as non-believers (Kaafer). This paper examines the origins of salafism emergence and shows the main security threats of them. It concludes that sectarism, violence, fragmentation of Muslim world and paving ground for the presence of western powers in Islamic nations are of such threats.
Journal of Police Historical Studies, Volume:3 Issue: 9, 2016
53 to 78
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