Abbas Effendi and Pales tine; Part 1: Intelligence Cooperation with the Britain


The type of relationship between the Baha'is and especially their leaders with the colonial countries of the time is one of the topics that are always considered in the survey and evaluation of the social, cultural and political role of the Baha'is. What was Abdu'l-Bahá's relationship with the British government, and what role did he played in the formation of the Israeli government? By examining the available his torical documents, it can be seen that with the beginning of the weakening of the pillars of the Ottoman Government, and the activation of the British plan to separate the Arab lands from the Ottoman rule and the beginning of British domination of the Suez Chanel, communications by the British government's spy agency with some local leaders in the Arab regions s tarted. Therefore, it is contacted with Abdu'l-Bahá too. In this paper, his agreement for intelligence cooperation and providing spy elements, as well as provision of food for the British military forces, when deploying forces in the Pales tinian region, is discussed. Observing such actions by the Ottoman authorities, caused their anger and their efforts to arres t and punish Abbas Effendi, and in turn, the efforts of the British military and intelligence authorities to protect and care for Abdu'l-Bahá and to award him Knighthood rewards.

Journal of Bahai Research, Volume:8 Issue: 29, 2024
152 to 229