Heat film, chemical sensor onboard satellite may prove revolutionary
Two new technologies launched last March onboard a U.S. Naval Academy satellite called MidSTAR-1 have proven successful in their tests in space. One technology is a sensor that can check for harmful chemicals, and the other is a special "film" that can control heat.
(Inset) Dr. Billy R. Smith Jr., director of the USNA Small Satellite Program and MidSTAR-1 program manager, inspects MidSTAR-1 for damage after vibration testing at the Naval Research Laboratory. This test demonstrated that the satellite could survive the rigors of launch and retain functionality.
(Inset) Dr. Billy R. Smith Jr., director of the USNA Small Satellite Program and MidSTAR-1 program manager, inspects MidSTAR-1 for damage after vibration testing at the Naval Research Laboratory. This test demonstrated that the satellite could survive the rigors of launch and retain functionality.
دو ماهنامه هوش مصنوعی و ابزاردقیق, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2010