Pain disorders Due to Peripheral Nerve Injury among Iranian Veterans in Khorasan Provinces
Damage to peripheral nerves is a common complication after traumatic injuries in the war. Peripheral nerve injuries are not always associated with permanent deficit, but in a few cases trigger a cascade of complex events in neurons that might be responsible for the generation of severe neuropathic pain. This study was performed to show the clinical manifestations, etiology, treatment, and prevention of the pain due to peripheral nerve injury among Iranian veterans. Mterials and Methods
We studied all of the veterans with chronic pains in a pain clinic of Khorasan Provinces for 2 years all of patients were visited separately by a neurologist, a psychologist and an anesthesiologist and then a questionnaire was completed by each of them without knowing anything about other physician's diagnosis. Results
We had 17 veterans with severe neuropathic pain, 8 with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and 9 with neuroma and pain due to limbs amputation. All of the cases were male and the most important factor was mortar attack. Neuropathic pain was a challenging state in our patients without any response to treatment. Discudssion: The results of this study were similar to other important studies. Bad results of treatment might be explained by severity of neurological dysfunction and delay in the time of treatment. A close collaboration among professionals of multiple disciplines is helpful in achieving optimal treatment effects among veterans.Keywords:
Journal of Military Medicine, Volume:8 Issue: 3, 2006