فهرست مطالب
Journal of Crop Nutrition Science
Volume:10 Issue: 2, Spring 2024
- تاریخ انتشار: 1403/05/28
- تعداد عناوین: 6
The integrated management of plant nutrition is always considered as a solution in sustainable development. In this process, the need for chemical fertilizers is reduced and helps to make the environment healthier.
OBJECTIVESCurrent study was done to assess effect of different level of fertilizer and biofertlizer on growth curves and crop production.
METHODSThis experiment was conducted via randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at Shahid Salemi field in south west of Iran-Ahvaz. The studied treatments included urea application only, Nitroxin application only, Nitroxin + 25% nitrogen from urea source, Nitroxin + 50% nitrogen from urea source, Nitroxin + 75% nitrogen from urea source, Azotobacter application only, Azotobacter + 25% nitrogen from urea source, Azotobacter + 50% nitrogen from urea source, Azotobacter + 75% nitrogen from urea source.
RESULTThe results indicated that the combined application of organic and chemical nitrogen fertilizers had a significant effect on growth indices. The highest values of dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, relative growth rate, crop growth rate, and net assimilation rate were obtained from the Nitroxin + 75% nitrogen from urea source, Azotobacter + 75% nitrogen from urea source, and Nitrogen supply entirely from urea source treatments. The lowest values of growth indices were observed under 100% Nitroxin and 100% Azotobacter nitrogen source treatments. The combined fertilizer treatment significantly influenced grain yield. The highest grain yield was obtained from Nitroxin + 75% nitrogen from urea source and Azotobacter + 75% nitrogen from urea source treatments with averages of 3670 and 3500 Kg.ha-1, respectively. The lowest grain yield with average of 2610 Kg.ha-1 was obtained from the treatment using only nitrogen from the Azotobacter source.
CONCLUSIONOverall, the results of the experiment showed that the simultaneous use of organic and chemical nitrogen fertilizers can have a positive effect on physiological indices and grain yield while reducing the use of chemical fertilizers. This can significantly contribute to environmental sustainability and serves as an important strategy towards sustainable agriculture.
Keywords: Azotobacter, Biofertilizer, Nitroxin, Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture -
Nitrogen is a crucial component of plant nutrition, and its deficiency limits productivity of crops more than any other element. Organic fertilizers have an effect on the quantity and quality of carbon and soil capacity in storing and releasing nutrients needed for plant growth during process of decomposition and mineralization.
OBJECTIVESThis study was done to assessment effect of different levels of amino acid and Nitrogen macro nutrient on seed yield and its components of Wheat crop.
METHODSCurrent research was carried out via factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications along 2022-2023 agronomic year. The treatments included Amino acid (nonuse or control, 1.5, 3 and 4.5 L.ha-1) and Nitrogen fertilizer from urea source (100% equal 300 kg.ha-1, 70% equal 210 kg.ha-1 and 40% equal 120 kg.ha-1).
RESULTResult of analysis of variance revealed effect of different level of Amino acid, Nitrogen fertilizer and interaction effect of treatments (instead harvest index) on all studied characteristics was significant. Assessment mean comparison result of interaction effect of treatments on all measured traits indicated the maximum amount of number of spike per m-2 (390.5), number of seed per spike (41.30), 1000 seed weight (42.75 g), seed yield (460.70 g.m-2) and biologic yield (1377.44 g.m-2) were noted for 4.5 lit.ha-1 amino acid and 100% Nitrogen (Also it doesn’t had significant differences with 70% Nitrogen) and lowest amount of mentioned traits belonged to nonuse of amino acid and 40% Nitrogen treatment.
CONCLUSIONThe use of foliar application of amino acids along with nitrogen chemical fertilizer can reduce the consumption of nitrogen chemical fertilizer in addition to producing sufficient crops, which significantly contributes to the health of the environment and is an important strategy in the direction of moving towards sustainable agriculture. Therefore, by using 70% of urea fertilizer along with 4.5 liters per hectare of amino acid, it is possible to save the consumption of chemical fertilizers and produce economic yield in studied region.
Keywords: Cereal, Crop Production, Nutrition, Seed Weight, Urea. -
Growth regulators are organic substances besides nutrients, synthesized in plants, causing alteration in their cellular metabolism. Synthesis of some plant hormones is adversely affected by environmental factors, which causes restriction on physiological processes of the plant and ultimately, limits their growth potential.
OBJECTIVESCurrent research was done to evaluate plant growth regulator (Auxin Hormone) on crop production of Bread Wheat cultivars.
METHODSThis study was conducted via split plot experiment based on completely randomized block design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments included wheat cultivars at three levels (Chamran 2, Behrang and Mehregan) and auxin hormone at three levels (including zero or control, 50 ppm and 100 ppm.ha-1), which were placed in the main and sub plots, respectively.
RESULTAccording result of analysis of variance effect of Auxin, cultivar and interaction effect of treatments (instead harvest index, number of seed per spike and 1000 seed weight) on all studied traits was significant at 1% probability level. Evaluate means comparison result indicated in different level of cultivar the maximum harvest index, number of seed per spike and 1000 seed weight was noted for Chamran 2 and minimum of that belonged to Mehregan cultivar. Compare different level of Auxin Hormone showed that the maximum and the minimum amount of harvest index, number of seed per spike and 1000 seed weight belonged to 100 ppm and control treatments. Assess means comparison result of interaction effect of treatments indicated maximum seed yield, biologic yield and number of spike per m2 was noted for Chamran 2 and 100 ppm Auxin hormone and lowest ones belonged to Mehregan cultivar and nonuse of auxin treatment.
CONCLUSIONFinally, according result of current research foliar application 100 ppm Hormone with Chamran 2 Cultivar achieve highest amount of seed yield and its components and can be advised to producers in studied region.
Keywords: Crop Production, Genotype, Harvest Index, Seed Weight, Spike -
Response of Cereal Crop Production to Integrated Management of Chemical Fertilizer and Organic ManurePages 35-40
Nutrient management may be achieved by the involvement of organic sources, bio fertilizers, and micro-nutrients. Studies have shown that long-term use of fertilizers reduces crop yields. This decrease is due to the acidification of the soil, the reduction of biological activity of the soil and the inappropriate physical properties of the soil. Chemical fertilizers have several negative impacts on environment and sustainable agriculture. Therefore, bio fertilizers are recommended in these conditions and growth prompting bacteria uses as a replacement of chemical fertilizers. To alleviate the problem, integrated plant nutrient management is an option as it utilizes available organic and inorganic nutrients to build ecologically sound and economically viable farming system. Many research has suggested that integrated nutrient management strategies involving chemical fertilizers and bio-fertilizers enhance the sustainability of crop production. Integrated plant nutrient management is the combined use of mineral fertilizers with organic resources such as cattle manures, crop residues, urban/rural wastes, composts, green manures and bio-fertilizers. The application of bio fertilizers has become of great necessity to get a yield of sufficient high quality and to avoid environmental pollution. Effect of nitrogen and phosphate bio-fertilizers led to increase in plant height, ear weight, and number of grains per cob, grain yield and biomass yield. Increasing yield was attributed to the plant growth promoting substances by root colonizing bacteria more than the biological nitrogen fixation, stated that yield increased due to promoting root growth which in turn enhancing nutrients and water uptake from the soil. Combined application of organic fertilizer and urea fertilizer or combination urea fertilizer and polyamines significantly increased yield, vegetative growth and chlorophyll index.
Keywords: Biofertilizer, Fertility, Macro Element, Uptake, Yield -
Management of balanced fertilizer application according to plant growth requirements and soil testing is one of the strategies for improving the quality and quantity of agricultural products.
OBJECTIVESThis study was conducted to assessment effect of different levels of Potassium Sulfate and Boron foliar application on seed yield and morphological traits of Corn under warm and dry climate condition.
METHODSThis research was done via split plot experiment based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications along 2023 year. The main plot included Potassium sulfate (Control, 5 kg.ha-1, 10 kg.ha-1, 15 kg.ha-1) and Boron foliar application (Control, 1 L.ha-1, 2 L.ha-1) belonged to sub plots.
RESULTResult of analysis of variance revealed effect of different level of Potassium sulfate and Boron foliar application on all studied traits was significant (instead Ear diameter) but interaction effect of treatments was not significant (instead seed yield and biologic yield). Mean comparison result of different level of Potassium sulfate indicated that maximum amount of biologic yield (1630.10 g.m-2), seed yield (6414.01 kg.ha-1), leaf area index (4.19), plant height (202.11 cm), Ear length (19.06 cm) and Ear diameter (4.43 cm) belonged to 15 kg.ha-1 Potassium sulfate treatment and lowest amount of mentioned traits was for control. As for Duncan classification made with respect to different level of Boron foliar application the highest and lowest amount of studied traits (instead Ear length loss) belonged to 2 L.ha-1 and control treatment.Assessment mean comparison result indicated in different level of Potassium sulfate the maximum Ear length loss (1.95 cm) was noted for control and minimum of that (1.68 cm) belonged to 15 kg.ha-1 Potassium sulfate. Compare different level of Boron foliar application showed that the maximum and the minimum Ear length loss belonged to control (2.13 cm) and 2 L.ha-1 (1.61 cm) treatments.
CONCLUSIONGenerally result of studied research revealed use of 15 kg.ha-1 Potassium sulfate and 2 L.ha-1 Boron foliar application had the highest amount of studied characteristics and it can be advice to produces in studied region.
Keywords: Cereal, Leaf Area Index, Micro Elements, Nutrition, Seed Yield -
The management of fertilizers is one of the important factors that greatly affect the growth, development and yield of mung bean.
OBJECTIVESThis study was conducted to investigation effect of different irrigation levels and combination humic acid and chelated Potassium on quantitative and qualitative traits of Mung bean.
METHODSThis research was carried out via split plot experiment based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications along 2023 year. The main factor included drought stress (80 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan or control, 120 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan, 160 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan) based on the daily evaporation reported from Ahvaz weather station, the closest station to the test site. Also biologic fertilizer (nonuse of biofertilizer or control, 4 L.ha-1 humic acid, 4 kg.ha-1 Chelated Potassium, Combination of 4 L.ha-1 humic acid and 4 kg.ha-1 Chelated Potassium) belonged to sub plots.
RESULTResult of analysis of variance revealed effect of drought stress and biologic fertilizer on all measured traits was significant but interaction effect of treatments (instead seed yield) was not significant. Mean comparison result of different level of drought stress indicated that maximum amount of all measured traits (instead protein content) was for 80 mm evaporation from class A evaporation pan. Also as for Duncan classification made with respect to different level of biologic fertilizer maximum and minimum amount of measured traits belonged to combination of 4 L.ha-1 humic acid and 4 kg.ha-1 Chelated Potassium and control.
CONCLUSIONTherefore, in general, it can be stated that in order to achieve the maximum crop production and qualitative components, planting mung bean with 80 mm from evaporation pan with combined application of humic acid and potassium chelate fertilizer in studied areas will be recommended.
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Leaf Area Index, Pod Length, Protein, Seed Yield