فهرست مطالب

Iranian Journal of Ichthyology
Volume:11 Issue: 2, Jun 2024

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/04/09
  • تعداد عناوین: 6
  • Sorour ECHRESHAVI, Hamid Reza ESMAEILI* Pages 79-92

    Consistent and ongoing biodiversity exploration is crucial for understanding diversity patterns over time and space and evaluating conservation efforts. Despite increased research in the western Indo-Pacific, recent ichthyological studies continue to reveal high rates of new species discoveries and records. In this study, the presence, general morphology, scale and otolith shape variations, osteology, distribution, and molecular phylogenetic affinity of the banded grouper Epinephelus radiatus have been documented/presented from the northwest of the Oman Sea. The morphological and meristic characteristics of specimens were well fited with E. radiatus. The scales were cycloid type, being oval/ ovoid, oval/ true oval, and oval/ reversed ovoid in different body regions of fish. The lateral line scale has a wide and long canal extending from the posterior end of the scale to just before the anterior margin, becoming wider in the anterior region. The otolith shape is elliptic-oblong, with a crenate/ irregular dorsal margin, sinuates ventral margin, and dentate and irregular posterior margin. Sulcus groove medium, heterosulcoid; opening ostial. Ostium funnel-like. Cauda tubular, strongly curved, ending close to the ventral margin. Colliculum heteromorph. Crista superior and inferior are well-developed and ridgelike. The vertebral column includes 10 abdominal and 14 caudal vertebrae, with a total vertebral count of 24. DNA barcoding based on mitochondrial COI sequences revealed that some species of the genus Epinephelus including E. radiatus are nested within the Mycteroperca clade, and thus both the genera are not monophyletic.

    Keywords: Oman Sea, Biodiversity, DNA Barcoding, DNA Taxonomy, Otolith, Scale Morphology, Osteology
  • Mohammad Sadegh ALAVI-YEGANEH*, Arezoo SHEIKHZADEH, Mehdi GHANBARIFARDI Pages 93-97

    This study confirms the presence of Bluespotted dottyback, Pseudochromis persicus in the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf. One specimen was collected with the fishing hock line in February 2022 from the coastal water of Hormuz Island. Detailed information on the morphometric and meristic characters and sequence of COI gene is used to support identification. Genetic results revealed a 0.09-0.23 (p-distance) distance with other congener species in the area, while identified haplotypes were at 0.002 distance with conspecific haplotypes. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the identified haplotype is in a monophyletic clade with other haplotypes of P. persicus from the Gene bank. The result could be suitable for a better understanding of the fish fauna in the Persian Gulf.

    Keywords: DNA Barcoding, Hormuz Island, Pseudochromidae
  • Imran KHAN*, Fakhr Ul ISLAM, Hazrat ALI, Mohammad ATTAULLAH, Muhammad Asjad KHAN Pages 98-114

    Knowing ichthyofaunal diversity and distribution models are critical challenges for researchers and fisheries managers who deal with the decline and extinction of freshwater ichthyofauna. The aim of this review is to evaluate the important literature reporting on ichthyofaunal diversity, their distribution and conservation status and also to identify the climatic and anthropogenic threats that are responsible for the decline of ichthyofauna in the three rivers of the Malakand division Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Peer reviewed articles, published from 2000 to 2023, that described freshwater ichthyofaunal diversity, their distribution and conservation status were carefully selected. In total, 66 freshwater fish which belong to 8 families have been reported at the survey sites. Out of these the dominant family among the three rivers of the Malakand division is Cyprinidae (56%) followed by Nemacheilidae (15%). The conservation status of the studied ichthyofaunal diversity of the Malakand division indicated that 66 % of the species are of least concern, 10% are endangered, 6% are vulnerable, 7% are nearly threatened, 3% are critically endangered while 8% are not evaluated. Published records show that freshwater ichthyofaunal diversity is continuously declining due to anthropogenic factors and climatic changes such as global warming, heat waves, flooding, illegal and overfishing, habitat destruction and water pollution. In conclusion, certain measures such as habitat restoration, banned on illegal fishing and control of water pollution are required to preserve ichthyofaunal diversity in the studied area. Furthermore, a complete survey of the current ichthyofaunal diversity, conservation status and water quality analysis are highly recommended at the studied sites.

    Keywords: Fish, Freshwater, Distribution, Conservation, Climate Changes
  • Yuri A. SHUSTOV, Marya A. LESONEN, Vyacheslav V. GORBACH* Pages 115-123

    The feeding habits of Perca fluviatilis in the water bodies of the lake-river system of the Pista River (White Sea basin) from May to October were studied. The stomach contents of the perches were analyzed. The occurrence frequency of food items and ratio to the total mass of the food bolus were calculated using standard methods. The contents of the stomachs were described using the index of fullness, the occurrence of major groups of food items and their relative importance. The taxonomic richness of the fish’s food supply was estimated by the regression models, which describe the accumulation of food items with an increase in the number of examined stomachs. There was no substantial differentiation in the taxonomic composition of food items between the river and the lake. Zoobenthos prevailed in the spring and summer everywhere, and fish was the second dominant food item. The river displays two distinctive features in this time: a) the poor contribution of the zooplankton due to its scarcity in running water and b) the use of fish as food items by smaller perches. A considerable decrease in the taxonomic richness model values of food items and increase in the number of empty stomachs indicate deterioration of feeding conditions in autumn. Therefore, perch begins to consume the imago of aerial insects, which fell into the water, and fish more actively. However the season feeding spectrum is considerably restructured only in the river, where fish becomes the major type of food. The transition to a predatory mode of life seems to compensate for the shortage of other food resources. The results of the study show that a running water regime transforms the feeding patterns of perch. In a fluvial environment, the contribution of zooplankton decreases markedly and perches use fish as food more actively. The fish and aerial insects become the main food of perch in the river in autumn.

    Keywords: European Perch, Lake-River Ecosystem, Feeding Spectrum, Food Supply Richness, Predation
  • Uma Bharati SAHU, Kumari Vandana RANI, Neeta SEHGAL* Pages 124-146

    Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) is involved in various physiological functions that are regulated by somatotropic (GH-IGF1) axis. To decipher the role of IGF1 in the HPG-L axis gene encoding igf1 cDNA of female catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, has been sequenced followed by in silico analysis as well as seasonal expression of igf1 in brain, liver and ovary organs. The mRNA expression of igf1 gene in these three organs elucidates that it plays a pivotal role in the HPG-L axis. In ovary, igf1 gene expression exhibits a direct correlation with gonadosomatic index, whereas, an inverse relationship has been observed in brain and liver tissues. Hence upregulation of igf1 in brain and liver, during the post-spawning phase and downregulation in ovary shows the shift from gonadal growth to somatic growth in resting phase. In silico analysis depicts that IGF1 is stable and hydrophilic in nature with 159 amino acid (aa) and molecular weight of 17.65 kDa. Secondary structure shows the presence of maximum random coils and alpha-helix. It is secretory protein showing maximum interaction with IGF1R, estrogen receptor alpha and GH. Protein structures of IGF1, luteinizing hormone beta (LHβ), follicle stimulating hormone beta (FSHβ) and growth hormone (GH) have been constructed and interaction among them has been docked which suggests that gonadal and somatic axes are probably interlinked and may regulate the neuroendocrine system of fish.

    Keywords: Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1), In Silico Analysis, Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Gonadal-Liver (HPG-L) Axis, Seasonal Reproduction, Heteropneustes Fossilis
  • Majid NOROOZEI, Hamed MOUSAVI-SABET *, Soheil EAGDERI Pages 147-160

    This study aimed to provide detailed osteological characteristics of Paraschistura abdolii due to the restricted studies on the skeletal structure of this genus in recent years. A total of 35 P. abdolii specimens were collected from Hamun-e Jaz Murian Basin and were cleared and stained. Based on the results, this species can be distinguished from other species of this genus by having 4 basibranchials, 9 pterygiophores, 5 hyporals, swim bladder with a dentate, a sesamoid bone, extra urohyal bone, a distance between the epiural and the centrum body, and strong dentition of the supraneoral-3 bone.

    Keywords: Bone, Loach, Hlilrud River, Freshwater, Iran