فهرست مطالب

Journal of Plant Physiology and Breeding
Volume:14 Issue: 1, Winter-Spring 2024
- تاریخ انتشار: 1403/03/12
- تعداد عناوین: 9
Pages 1-15ObjectiveOpium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is an important source of physiologically active medicinal alkaloids. It is one of the world’s best medicinal plants and the only commercial source for narcotic analgesics, morphine, codeine, the vasodilator papaverine, the cough suppressant, and the powerful anticancer drug noscapine. The current study aimed to examine the content of major alkaloids in the capsules of seven populations of poppies, collected from Balkh Province, Afghanistan.MethodsThree locations (replications) were considered for each population. In each location, 15 plants with the uniform main capsules were randomly selected. A 1.5 to 2 g of capsule powder was obtained from each population/replication. Such amounts collected from three locations were then mixed to assess the major alkaloids between populations, 200 mg of which was used for extraction. Major alkaloids (morphine, codeine, thebaine, noscapine, and papaverine) were measured, using the HPLC method.ResultsThe results indicated that the highest amount of noscapine (1398.4 µg/g DW), papaverine (802.6 µg/g DW), and thebaine (1129.2 µg/g DW) were detected in the P1 population, which appeared to be the most valuable medicinal-industrial population. For morphine and codeine, P6 (2947.7 µg/g DW) and P7 (5638.3 µg/g DW), respectively, had the highest amounts of these substances. Pharmacologically, the P4 population having the lowest morphine (narcotic drug) and the highest thebaine (non-narcotic drug) is prescribable for the medication of addicts. Monoploid genome size (2Cx DNA) was positively and significantly related to noscapine, papaverine, and codeine, indicating that a higher genome size population produced more of these alkaloids. The UPGMA phenogram constructed based on 10 variables showed four distinct cluster groups of the studied populations.ConclusionThe P1 population stood out for its medicinal and industrial value due to its high contents of noscapine, papaverine, and thebaine. Conversely, The P4 population, while containing the lowest level of morphine (a narcotic drug), also had a relatively high amount of thebaine (a non-narcotic precursor to other alkaloids). These dual-compounds metabolites make it a potentially useful population to treat drug-affected patients.Keywords: Afghanistan, HPLC, Major Alkaloids, Papaver Somniferum
Pages 17-31Objective
Wheat landraces are a valuable source of allelic diversity for various traits that could be used to broaden the genetic basis of elite germplasms. Assessment of genetic variation of grain yield (GY) and correlated traits is essential for implications in wheat yield improvement.
MethodsIn the present study, 140 spring wheat landrace accessions, collected from various geographical regions of Iran, were evaluated for GY and spike-related characters at two successive cropping seasons.
ResultsHigher genetic variation was observed among the landraces for the studied traits as revealed by phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficient of variation. For all traits, PCV was higher than GCV indicating the influence of the growing season on the variation of the traits. Although the heritability estimate (h2) for GY was low (0.35), the yield-related traits showed higher h2 ranging from 0.63 to 0.93. The distribution patterns of landraces, as revealed by cluster analysis and principal component analysis, did not align closely with their geographical distribution. However, accessions with similar phenotypic characteristics were grouped together.
ConclusionThe population structure and genetic relationships of the Iranian bread wheat landraces presented here highlight their diverse genetic architecture. The results of this study provide valuable information for the utilization of landraces in the genetic improvement of bread wheat.
Keywords: Cluster Analysis, Genetic Diversity, Principal Component Analysis, Structural Equation Model -
Pages 33-50ObjectiveGroundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an annual oilseed and proteinous crop whose production is mainly affected by genotype × environment interactions, making it hard to select superior genotypes. The multi-trait selection indices have been used to choose genotypes based on multiple traits.MethodsIn this study, 11 groundnut genotypes were evaluated based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in three locations, Talesh, Masal, and Rasht, Guilan province, Iran, during two growing seasons (2019-2020 and 2020-2021). Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method, and factor analysis was applied to grouping the traits. Multi-trait genotype-ideotype distance index (MGIDI) and ideal genotype selection index (IGSI) were calculated to select superior genotypes using 16 agronomical characteristics.ResultsAlthough by considering the 30% selection intensity, the genotypes selected by the MGIDI and IGSI indices in the three locations were somewhat different, the ICG192 groundnut genotype was selected as a superior genotype in all three areas based on both MGIDI and IGSI indices.ConclusionThe results revealed relative compliance between the MGIDI and IGSI indices in the selection of superior genotypes, and they may be used for genotype selection based on multiple traits.Keywords: Genotype-Ideotype Distance Index (MGIDI), Ideal Genotype Selection Index (IGSI), Multi-Environment, Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML)
Pages 51-66ObjectiveBarley as one of the most important cereals is crucial to supplying the required energy for both humans and animals. Grain yield is strongly influenced by environmental conditions and breeders often determine the stability of high-yielding genotypes across various locations before recommending a cultivar for release.MethodsFor this research, 18 barley genotypes were tested at four different research stations including Gachsaran, Moghan, Khorramabad, and Gonbad in Iran. The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model was used to identify the stable genotypes.ResultsPartitioning of the GE interaction indicated that the first interaction principal component axes (IPCA) captured 35.9% of the interaction sum of squares. However, the five IPCAs accounted for 87.4% of the total interaction. Moreover, 13 AMMI-based stability statistics were calculated. Using cluster analysis, AMMI stability indices were divided into four groups. This analysis showed that most indices do not correlate with the grain yield. AMMI indices were placed in separate groups with large distances from the grain yield. However, the yield stability index (YSI) showed the highest correlation with grain yield, and based on that, G13, G18, and G11 genotypes were recognized as superior genotypes. G13 and G18 genotypes had an acceptable performance in two years and four locations, so they may be regarded as genotypes with both high yield and stability in these environments. However, by using the AMMI2 mega-environmental analysis to select suitable cultivars for each mega-environment, the target region was divided into three sub-regions, and the winner genotypes of each sub-region were identified. The first mega-environment consisted of the areas Gonbad and Ghachsaran, where genotype G14 was the winner; the second mega-environment consisted of the Khorramabad area, where genotype G2 was the winner, and the third mega-environment included only the Moghan area, where genotype G13 was the winner.ConclusionIn conclusion, the AMMI2 mega-environmental analysis identified three mega environments and the best genotypes specifically adapted to these environments. Since two test areas Gonbad and Ghachsaran were located in the first mega-environment, it seems that the performance ranking of the test genotypes in these areas will be almost the same, and in coming years, the test can be performed in only one of these areas.Keywords: AMMI, Barley, Mega-Environment. SIIG Index
Pages 67-76ObjectiveChinese lantern (Physalis alkekengi L.) is an important medical herb due to its physalin. This plant is widely used to treat various diseases. Therefore, developing a repeatable micropropagation method for this plant would be valuable.MethodsIn this study, shoot tips and axillary buds of Chinese lantern were treated with different growth regulators (IAA, NAA, BAP, GA3, and IBA) with various concentrations. In another experiment, the effect of salt concentration on the MS medium was investigated.ResultsThe results showed that using axillary buds as an explant in the full-strength MS, supplemented with 2 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L IAA, resulted in a higher number of shoots per explant (3±1.22) and the highest number of nodes (13±1.22) and stem length (8.04±1.92). Compared with other strengths of MS salts, the full-strength MS medium, supplemented with 2 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L IAA, or 0.5 mg/L BAP alone produced the highest number of shoots per explant, number of nodes, and stem length. However, the MS salt supplemented with a low concentration of BAP (0.5 mg/L) alone looks economically feasible. Decreasing the salt concentration of the basal medium decreased all micropropagation characteristics and in most cases, the decrease was statistically significant. The ddition of GA3 to the combination of 2 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L IAA, significantly improved stem elongation at the concentration range of 0.5 – 1.5 mg/L The number of roots was higher (2±00) after 30 days on the MS basal medium when supplemented with 1 and 2 mg/L NAA or 2 mg/L IAA. The well-rooted plantlets were isolated and transplanted to paper cups for hardening and the well-established plants were transferred to the field for acclimatization.ConclusionIn conclusion, our results showed that the full strength of MS medium, supplemented with 2 mg/L BAP plus 0.5 mg/L IAA and 0.5–1.5 mg/L GA3 improved micropropagation characteristics of P. alkekengi.Keywords: Axillary Buds, Chinese Lantern, Micropropagation, Organogenesis, Physalis Alkekengi
Pages 77-88ObjectiveSilicon has beneficial effects on a wide range of plant species under abiotic stresses. For this reason, investigating the role of silicon in improving the growth of crops under stress has always been of interest.MethodsThis study aimed to investigate the effect of silicon dioxide on seedlings of bread wheat, Pishtaz cultivar. After sterilizing wheat seeds with 70% ethanol, the seeds were planted in pots filled with perlite. The experiment was arranged as factorial based on a randomized complete block design. At the two-leaf stage, silicon dioxide was applied at four levels (0, 15, 30, and 45 mg/l). After one week, salinity stress was applied at two levels of 0 and 100 mM. After one week of applying salt stress, different morphophysiological traits including root and shoot length, root and shoot fresh and dry weight, and content of chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids, sodium, potassium, and iron were measured.ResultsThe results showed that salinity has a negative effect on morphophysiological traits, and on the contrary, silicon, especially at a concentration of 45 mg/liter, improves these traits under salt stress. Also, the sodium content in the presence of silicon decreased strongly in the wheat seedlings under salinity, and on the contrary, the K/Na increased. Silicon also had a positive effect on the content of iron and chlorophyll of seedlings under salt stress.ConclusionThese results show that silicon improves the growth of bread wheat seedlings by facilitating the absorption of mineral elements, homeostasis of nutrients, and preventing the destruction of chlorophyll.Keywords: Nacl, Photosynthetic Pigments, Sio2, Triticum Aestivum L
Pages 89-106ObjectiveThe consumption of coffee has increased globally because of its flavor and health benefits. The present study aimed to investigate the phenolic compounds and biological activity of four varieties of Coffea arabica L. (Heirloom 1-4) from the flora of Africa.MethodsEthanolic extracts of the green and roasted coffee beans were screened in vitro for their total phenols and flavonoids using Folin-Ciocalteu and AlCl3 assays, respectively. In addition, the antioxidant activity of the extracts was evaluated by three complementary tests DPPH free radical-scavenging, β-carotene/linoleic acid, and metal chelating activity. The antibacterial activity of the aqueous extracts of the samples against two gram-positive and two gram-negative bacteria was also studied by the disk diffusion method.ResultsResults showed that the ethanolic extracts from both green and roasted beans of the variety Heirloom 4 contain the highest amounts of phenols and flavonoids. In addition, the antioxidant activity assays indicated that the activity of the studied extracts was lower than ascorbic acid (a standard synthetic antioxidant) in the metal-chelating activity and the DPPH radical scavenging assay. However, the oxidation of linoleic acid in the β-carotene/linoleic acid system was inhibited by all studied extracts. Furthermore, the aqueous extracts of the green and roasted beans of all varieties showed proper antibacterial activity against the bacterial strains tested.ConclusionIn conclusion, several factors including altitude, variety, extraction methods, and type of solvent used affected the bioactivity of the coffee extracts. All antioxidant activity assays showed a close relationship with the phenolic content of green and roasted samples. Antioxidant activity assays indicated that the green or roasted bean extracts of coffee have potent free radical scavenging activity. Moreover, the differences in the antioxidant activity of green and roasted bean extracts in the same variety could be attributed to the roasting processKeywords: Antibacterial Activity, Antioxidant Property, Coffea Arabica, Flavonoids, Phenols
Pages 107-122Objective
This study aimed to investigate the effect of drought stress and nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield and some morphophysiological traits of quinoa.
MethodsA factorial experiment was performed for the quinoa Titikaka cultivar. The factors included three levels of water-deficit stress based on soil moisture depletion [45% (control), 65%, and 85%] and three levels of nitrogen fertilizer including 50 (control), 100, and 150 kg/ha.
ResultsThe highest leaf area index in the first year was obtained at 45% soil moisture depletion (without drought stress) and the highest chlorophyll index was obtained at 65% soil moisture depletion level. In the second year, the highest leaf area index (11.3) and the highest chlorophyll index (64.20) were obtained from 65% and 85% soil moisture depletion combined with 150 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer, respectively. In the first year of the experiment, the 45% soil moisture depletion with 150 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer had the highest number of panicles per plant (13.1). Also, the highest 1000-seed weight (2.47 g), grain yield (1926.63 kg/ha), and plant height (49.15 cm) were obtained from the 45% soil moisture discharge and 150 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer.
ConclusionThe population structure and genetic relationships of the Iranian bread wheat landraces presented here highlight their diverse genetic architecture. The results of this study provide valuable information for the utilization of landraces in the genetic improvement of bread wheat.
Keywords: Chlorophyll, Nitrogen, Quinoa, Water Shortage, Yield -
Pages 125-146ObjectiveWater deficiency changes the composition of soybean fatty acids. Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and Bradyrhizobium play a vital role in the improvement of soybean protein and oil. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of different drought levels and inoculation/non-inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi and Bradyrhizobium on the soybean oil, protein percentage, and fatty acid composition.MethodsThis experiment was conducted a split-plot factorial layout based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2017. The main factor was irrigation after 70, 110, and 150 mm of evaporation from a class A evaporation pan. Subplots included mycorrhiza fungal inoculations with Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizophagus intraradices, and without fungus, and bacterium inoculation at two levels (Bradyrhizobium japonicum and without bacteria).ResultsDrought stress significantly reduced the oil percentage. The highest oil content (21.94%) was observed in F. mosseae mycorrhiza inoculation. The highest amount of unsaturated fatty acid (74.75%) was observed after inoculation with R. intraradices and bacteria under full irrigation conditions. Inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi and bacteria increased the unsaturated fatty acids in some cases.ConclusionIn conclusion, to improve the oil and protein percent, enhance unsaturated fatty acids, and reduce saturated fatty acids in the soybean, the application of mycorrhiza fungi and inoculation with B. japonicum may be beneficial.Keywords: Drought Stress, Oil, Protein, Saturated Fatty Acids, Unsaturated Fatty Acids