فهرست مطالب

نشریه پژوهش های فضا و مکان در شهر
سال هشتم شماره 2 (پیاپی 31، تابستان 1403)
- تاریخ انتشار: 1403/06/01
- تعداد عناوین: 6
صفحات 5-30
تمرکز بر تعریف جوامع محلی تاب آور، ظرفیت های نهادی و انطباقی، مهارت ها، انرژی و منابع را در اختیار افراد، نهادها و گروه های محلی قرار می دهد. با وجود اهمیت مفهوم تاب آوری، بررسی آن به صورت یک پدیده چندوجهی در اجتماعات محلی کمتر مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. هدف این پژوهش اعمال تفکر تاب آوری در عرصه اجتماعی-فضایی محله های شهری و ارائه مدل محله تاب آور از منظر اجتماعی-فضایی از طریق مروری تحلیلی-توصیفی بر ادبیات نظری موجود است. در این راستا، روش شناسی در چهارچوب پارادایم تفسیرگرایی در دو گام مرور نظام مند مطالعات و استخراج منابع اصلی (35 سند) و تحلیل محتوای کیفی هدایت شده با رویکرد استقرایی استفاده شده است. یافته ها نشان می دهد که در مدل اجتماعات محلی تاب آور سه لایه یا سطح قابل شناسایی است: لایه فوقانی یا سطح اول شامل سیستم مدیریتی-نهادی و دربردارنده عوامل توانمندکننده اجتماعات محلی است و وظایف تصمیم سازی و قاعده مندسازی در این لایه جریان دارد. این سطح با سطح زیرین خود، یعنی لایه مرکزی، که ناظر بر ظرفیت ها و پتانسیل های اجتماعات است و وظیفه ارائه خدمات عمومی با هدف حمایت و حفاظت در برابر بحران را بر عهده دارد، در تعامل نزدیک است. سطح زیرین نیز بستر کالبدی-فضایی سطوح فوق را ایجاد می کند و شامل عناصر و اجزای محیطی و الگو های فضایی و یا نمود عینی اجتماع محلی است. مضامین سه گانه شامل ظرفیت بسیج شوندگی، ظرفیت تجربه پذیری و ظرفیت نقش پذیری محله در کلیه سطوح مذکور برقرارند و از طریق مقوله های دوازده گانه بیان شده، در سیکلی رفت و برگشتی، جریان هرچه تاب آورتر شدن اجتماعات محلی را بازتولید می کند.
کلیدواژگان: تاب آوری، مکان، اجتماعات محلی، عرصه اجتماعی-فضایی، ظرفیت بسیج شوندگی، ظرفیت تجربه پذیری -
صفحات 31-50
زنان بخش عظیمی از جمعیت هر شهر را به خود اختصاص می دهند. حضور زنان در زمینه های مختلف نسبت به سال های قبل چشمگیر بوده و این حضور امروزه به یک الزام تبدیل شده است؛ بااین حال فضاهای شهری بدون در نظر گرفتن نیاز زنان ایجاد شد ه اند، به طوری که آنها برای حضور در این فضاها با محدودیت روبه رو هستند؛ بنابراین، توجه به خواسته ها و نیازهای این گروه از شهروندان امری ضروری است. هدف پژوهش حاضر، بررسی میزان مطلوبیت و پاسخگویی فضاهای عمومی شهری از دیدگاه زنان شهر شهرکرد است؛ اینکه این فضاها تا چه میزان با نیازهای زنان این شهر انطباق داشته و در حضور آنها موثرند. نوع پژوهش کاربردی و روش بررسی توصیفی- تحلیلی است و برای جمع آوری داده ها از روش پیمایشی و کتابخانه ای استفاده شده است. تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS و بهره گیری از آزمون هایی همچون آزمونT تک نمونه ای و آزمون تحلیل رگرسیون گام به گام انجام شده است. عوامل و شاخص های موثر بر حضور زنان، در چهار بعد امنیت، میزان دسترسی، نیازهای اجتماعی- فرهنگی و شرایط کالبدی سنجش و بررسی شده اند. یافته های حاصل از آزمون T تک نمونه ای، نشان می دهد که مقادیر میانگین شاخص های مورد بررسی، کمتر از میزان متوسط است که این نشان دهنده عدم جوابگویی فضاهای شهری شهرکرد به نیازهای زنان است. همچنین در تحلیل رگرسیون، شاخص امنیت با ضریب تاثیر 446/0 بیشترین اهمیت را برای زنان داشته و نقش موثرتری در افزایش حضور زنان و میزان فعالیت آنها خواهد داشت. به طور کلی، نتایج نشان می دهد که در زمینه طراحی و برنامه ریزی شهری برای حضور زنان در شهر شهرکرد اقدامات مناسب و کافی صورت نگرفته و هیچ یک از فضاها و شاخص های مورد سنجش در محدوده مورد مطالعه از لحاظ میزان انطباق با نیازهای زنان وضعیت مطلوبی ندارند.
کلیدواژگان: فضاهای عمومی شهری، حضور پذیری، امنیت زنان، شهر شهرکرد -
صفحات 51-74
مقتدرسازی در توسعه زنان راهی برای تعریف، به چالش کشیدن و غلبه بر موانع زندگی آن هاست که از طریق آن، توانایی خود را برای شکل دادن به زندگی افزایش می دهند. فرآیند مقتدرسازی نه تنها می تواند مهارت ها و دسترسی آن ها به منابع تولیدی را ارتقا دهد، بلکه در ارتقای کیفیت، منزلت و جایگاه کار در جامعه نیز موفق خواهد بود. تاثیر مقتدرسازی زنان تاثیر قدرتمندی بر هنجارها، ارزش ها و در نهایت قوانین حاکم بر این جوامع ایجاد می کند. در همین راستا، هدف پژوهش حاضر تلفیق و ترکیب نتایج مطالعات صورت گرفته درخصوص تحقق پذیری مقتدرسازی زنان در فضای شهری است. پژوهش حاضر، بر اساس رویکرد کیفی و از لحاظ هدف پژوهشی کاربردی است. در این پژوهش با روش فراترکیب به مرور نظام مند چهل و سه پژوهش در بازه زمانی 2007 تا 2024 پرداخته شد. جامعه آماری مشتمل بر کتاب ها، مقاله ها، پایان نامه ها و رساله ها و اسناد علمی مرتبط با مقتدرسازی زنان شهری بود و منابع پژوهش به روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب شد. نتایج بیانگر آن است که مقتدرسازی زنان شهری منوط به تحقق پذیری 5 مقوله یا معیارهای متمایزکننده، 24 زیرمقوله و و 166 کد است. بر اساس نتایج حاصل از یکپارچه سازی داده های پژوهش در فرایند فراترکیب، مقوله گفتمان اصلی توسعه، 33.73 درصد کل کدهای استخراج شده را به خود اختصاص داده است. مقوله نوع دانش مورد نیاز برای توسعه 32.54درصد، مقوله مراحل اقتداربخشی 6.03درصد، مقوله ظرفیت سازی 8.678درصد و مقوله نهادسازی 9.03درصد، کل کدهای استخراج شده را به خود اختصاص داده است. ازاینرو، بیشترین کدهای استخراج شده متعلق به مقوله گفتمان اصلی توسعه است. ضریب کاپای کوهن پژوهش حاضر معادل 774.0 با معناداری 0.000 می باشد که نشانگر توافق معتبر و مناسب بودن پایایی (بالاتر از 0.6) است. پژوهش حاضر با تلفیق و سنتز نتایج مطالعات پیشین توانسته است چهارچوب مفهومی مقتدرسازی زنان شهری را ارائه کند و زمینه را برای کاربست آن در فضاهای شهری فراهم آورده است.
کلیدواژگان: مقتدرسازی، مقتدرسازی زنان، عاملیت، جریان اصلی، فضای شهری، فراترکیب -
صفحات 75-92
الگوی توسعه فضایی برای هدایت و کنترل مسیر توسعه شهرها در آینده اهمیت ویژه ای دارد و دستورکارهای مداخله در ساختار فضایی شهر را برای سیستم مدیریت شهری ایجاد می کند. در این مقاله با به کارگیری رهیافت برنامه ریزی راهبردی فضای شهری مشکل سو، مبتنی بر سنجش نیاز و رضایت ساکنان در شهر دهسرخ (یک شهر کوچک و در حال گذار از روستا به شهر)، الگوی توسعه فضایی شهر در سطح راهبردی تولید و ویژگی های متمایز آن ردیابی و معرفی شده است. به منظور انجام تحلیل های مرتبط با نیازسنجی و رضایت سنجی از شیوه کمی و کیفی (ترکیبی) بهره گرفته شده است که فنون و روش های کمی (چون تحلیل های آماری توصیفی و آزمون میانگین فریدمن) و کیفی (چون تحلیل متن، تحلیل محتوا و تحلیل متون برآمده از گروه هیئت منصفه ذی نفعان کلیدی) و نیز از لحاظ هدف بیرونی کاربردی و توصیفی-تحلیلی-تجویزی است. مهم ترین یافته های پژوهش بیانگر ضرورت مداخله بر اساس مفاهیم بنیادین، چون پایداری، همبستگی اجتماعی و مشارکت عمومی است که مانع از گسیختگی اجتماعی و گسستگی کالبدی در ساختار فضایی شهر می شود و در مسیر ارتقا و بهبود دسترسی ساکنان به خدمات و امکانات پشتیبان سکونت، روند توسعه شهر را هدایت و کنترل می کند. ارتقای سطح رضایتمندی ساکنان (به ویژه در سطح محلات) ارتباط مستقیم با فراهم شدن دسترسی عادلانه و متعادل به امکانات و زیرساخت های شهری دارد.
کلیدواژگان: نیازسنجی، رضایتمندی، برنامه ریزی راهبردی فضایی شهری، دهسرخ -
صفحات 93-119
شهرها با گسترش سریع و افزایش تراکم جمعیت، با چالش هایی در زمینه سلامت جسمانی، روانی و تعاملات اجتماعی ساکنان خود مواجه اند. هدف از این پژوهش، تاثیر منظر فضاهای شهری بر سلامت جسمانی، روانی و تعاملات اجتماعی ساکنان شهر تبریز است. روش پژوهش از نوع کمی و به صورت پیمایشی بوده و جامعه آماری شامل ساکنان شهر تبریز است. حجم نمونه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 384 نفر تعیین و داده ها از طریق پرسشنامه استاندارد جمع آوری شد. پرسشنامه به سه بخش شامل اطلاعات جمعیت شناختی، سوالات مرتبط با سلامت جسمانی و روانی، و سوالات مرتبط با تعاملات اجتماعی تقسیم شده است. برای تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزارهای آماری SPSS و AMOS استفاده شد و مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری برای بررسی روابط بین متغیرها به کار گرفته شد. یافته های پژوهش نشان دادند که منظر شهری تاثیر مستقیمی بر سلامت جسمانی و روانی ساکنان دارد. به ویژه، فضاهای سبز با بار عاملی 0.83 و طراحی فضاهای عمومی با بار عاملی 0.87 بیشترین تاثیر را بر کاهش استرس و اضطراب و بهبود تعاملات اجتماعی داشتند. همچنین، پیاده روها و معابر ایمن با بار عاملی 0.89 به طور قابل توجهی فعالیت بدنی و سلامت جسمانی افراد را افزایش داد. نتیجه گیری حاکی از آن است که توجه به منظر شهری و توسعه فضاهای سبز و فضاهای عمومی به سلامت جسمانی و روحی بهتر ساکنان و افزایش تعاملات اجتماعی منجر می شود.
کلیدواژگان: منظر شهری، فضای شهری، سلامت شهری، سلامت روان، تعاملات اجتماعی، شهر تبریز -
صفحات 121-142
همان گونه که ساعت های عمومی با اهداف گوناگون ازجمله نمایش قدرت فنی و یا کنترل ضرباهنگ زندگی شهری در شهرهای اروپایی رواج بسیار داشته اند؛ اعلان زمان یکی از کارکردهای اصلی مکان های همگانی در شهرهای اسلامی بوده است که به همراه اذان و رویدادهای دیگر در طی شبانه روز زیست عمومی شهرنشینان مسلمان را انتظام می بخشیده است. ازسوی دیگر، ساخت مجموعه های شهری متشکل از عملکردهای گوناگون نظیر مسجد، میدان و... ازجمله سنت های مهم شهرهای اسلامی به شمار می رود که افزودن ساعت های عمومی (شهری) ساختار کالبدی و عملکردی آنها را تکامل بخشیده است. در این پژوهش، بر روی اهمیت و ضرورت موضوع بررسی شیوه های اعلان زمان، به ویژه نقش ساعت های شهری در فضای معماری و شهرسازی اسلامی، تاکید شده است. هدف این پژوهش شناسایی و تحلیل ساختمان های کمتر شناخته شده ای است که به اعلان زمان در شهرهای اسلامی ایران می پرداخته اند. پژوهش با روش تفسیری-تاریخی و توصیفی-تحلیلی انجام شده و بر مبنای متون تاریخی به ردیابی، معرفی و تحلیل ساعت ها پرداخته است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که گاه شمارهای شهری مانند ساعت شاه، که بخشی از میدان نقش جهان بوده اند، نقش مهمی در اعلان زمان به شیوه های متنوع (اسلامی، ملی، اروپایی و زمانی) داشته اند. این گاه شمارها تفسیرهای تازه ای از سازمان دهی میدان نقش جهان ارائه می دهند.
کلیدواژگان: عمارت وقت وساعت، رصد اوقات وساعات، ساعت شاه، علم الحیل، میدان نقش جهان، فضای شهری
Pages 5-30Introduction
The focus is on defining resilient communities as local institutional and adaptive capacities, skills, energy and resources that empower local individuals and groups to take control of their communities to determine how to build strong, healthy and vibrant communities in which people are proud to live. Local communities, as the cells of urban life, are part of the spatial organization of the city that have the ability to be identified socio-culturally. Values such as social trust, social solidarity and social integration are seen as internal capacities and hidden wealth in urban local communities. Despite the efforts made, the lack of deep clarity in the conceptualization of local community resilience is one of the main reasons for the confusion about related concepts, so that it can be said that to date, a comprehensive model of local community resilience that includes the functioning of all physical and socio-economic components from the immediate impact to the recovery phase in the face of a crisis has not been available, or clarifying the concept and operationalizing the mechanisms that lead to increasing the capacity of the local community for resilience has been ignored, and until there is a correct and accurate understanding of the concept, it is not possible to move towards operationalizing it in the real city context. This research gap emphasizes the innovative aspect of the upcoming study. Therefore, the need to address this issue in order to make human settlements as sustainable as possible is felt more than ever. The aim of this article is to apply resilience thinking in the social space of urban neighborhoods and to present a resilient neighborhood model from a social perspective through a descriptive-analytical review of theoretical literature. In this regard, the main questions are posed as follows: What dimensions does a rigorous definition of a resilient local community cover? And what are the themes, categories, and levels of the resilient urban neighborhood model in its social space?
Theoretical framework:
This research, which aims to apply resilience thinking in the social space of urban neighborhoods and present a resilient neighborhood model from a social perspective through a descriptive-analytical review of theoretical literature, seeks to answer the first question, namely, what dimensions does a rigorous definition of a resilient local community cover? After reviewing studies in this field, and considering that it seems that three general categories of definitions can be identified; Definitions regarding the process of resilience, definitions regarding the neutralization of adverse effects and the ability to maintain sustainable performance, and definitions that address the range of characteristics of resilient communities provide the following definition: "By understanding resilience as a process, local community resilience can be introduced as an integrated framework including interactions between enabling factors (citizens, institutions, public attention and government support) and capacities (such as coping, adaptation and providing solutions) that are current at different levels. In fact, local community resilience is defined as the ability of a community to resist crises or disruptions, which emphasizes variables related to leadership, collective efficacy, attachment to place, preparedness, learning and social trust. The local community as a whole must effectively cope with adversity and learn from it."
MethodologyIn order to achieve the main objective of the research, the methodology is followed in two main steps; A systematic review of the studies conducted as the first step, for a descriptive analysis of the general characteristics of these studies, including the process of publication and temporal and geographical distribution and extraction of the main sources to conduct a qualitative content analysis as the second step. The PRISMA method was used for a systematic review of the studies conducted due to the clarity of the steps and a more detailed examination. In response to the main research question and within the framework of the interpretivist paradigm, a qualitative content analysis method guided by an inductive approach was used. This analysis was carried out in 4 stages including summarization, coding, classification and discovery of themes.
Result and DiscussionA descriptive analysis of all studies conducted in the field of local community resilience shows that after a steady trend from the beginning, resilience theories have been raised more seriously in 2015. This increasing trend continues at a very high speed until it reaches its peak between 2020 and 2022. This period coincides with the onset of the global pandemic, and the resurgence of ideas related to local soft governance and micro-planning in self-sufficient and autonomous neighborhoods and resilient communities. Also, in the two-phase search that was conducted (1993-2015 and 2016-2024), the graphs show that in addition to the multiplicity of links in the second period, in the latter period, the multiplicity of keywords used has grown significantly and has generally shifted from general and general areas such as individuals, adults, parents, infrastructure, green space and the like, towards more specialized micro-areas such as environmental psychology, spatial poverty, vulnerable groups, racial and minority issues and gender, local governance, environmental perception, mental disorders, well-being, coping behavior, environmental violence, etc.
ConclusionIn the presented model, 3 layers or levels can be identified, the first level includes the management-institutional system and includes the factors that empower local communities, and decision-making and regulation tasks occur in this layer. This level interacts closely with its lower level, the central layer, which oversees the capacities and potentials of communities and is responsible for providing public services with the aim of supporting and protecting against crises. The lower level also creates the physical-spatial context of the above levels and includes environmental elements and components and spatial patterns or the objective manifestation of the local community. The three themes of mobilization capacity, experience capacity, and role-taking capacity are established in all the aforementioned levels and are expressed through the 12 categories stated, in a round-trip cycle.
Keywords: Resilience, Place, Local Communities, Social-Physical Space, Mobilization Capacity, Experience Capacity -
Pages 31-50Introduction
In recent years, despite the rapid trend of women's presence in urban public spaces, these places are designed without considering the needs of women, and men have more facilities to use urban spaces (Azimi, 2015: 122). In other words, although public spaces are created for the use of the general public, regardless of gender, ethnicity, etc., women have more limited access to such spaces than men. Even in some cases they are completely excluded from spaces that are generally free for men and their presence. Limiting factors such as danger and fear are among the most important elements in women's experience in the urban space and make their use unsafe, as a result, women limit their access to public space due to the existence of such issues (Rush, 2012: 9).The city of Shahrekord, as one of the middle cities and the center of Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province, like most cities in Iran, has a male-oriented structure in terms of public and physical spaces; Today, this has created problems for the presence of women in the public spaces of this city, which account for almost half of the population; Therefore, in this research, it has been tried to measure and evaluate the variables and criteria that have a role in the presence of women in the public spaces of Shahrekord. For this purpose and according to the material raised, the main question of the research is whether the urban spaces of Shahrekord are compatible with the needs of women and are responsive to their needs? What is the desirability of these spaces? And how effective are these spaces in the activity and presence of women?
Theoretical Framework:
Urban space is an area that is formed through the performance of different human groups, their activities and behaviors, and social and cultural interactions of citizens take place in this space (Beebeejaun, 2017: 326). From the mid-twentieth century to the present, the concept of urban space, with reference to the ideas of Patrick Geddes, Lewis Mumford, Jane Jacobs, Kevin Lynch and other thinkers of the humanist and culturalist school, relies on the principle that urban space is part of the city structure, which has a continuous and harmonious whole and is physically enclosed. (Parsi, 2002: 44). Until the end of the 20th century, the concept of urban space was summarized in spatial and physical issues. But since 1990, other concepts such as economic, cultural and social concepts in connection with the urban space were taken into consideration (ibid.). Based on this; The urban space is a part of the construction of the city, and its concept is not only a physical identity, but also a functional space that provides opportunities for citizens to communicate and interact. Desirable urban spaces enable the presence of more citizens in the environment and have human and physical dimensions. The characteristics of urban spaces are strongly influenced by the activity and behavioral patterns of their users (Farhadian and Nafti, 2012: 2).In these urban spaces, women, as half of the human society, need laws and regulations as well as supporting factors and components in order to perform their activities optimally and play their role; (Sadeghi and Pourgholami, 2019: 427). This is despite the fact that feminist thinkers agree that the city is man-made because women have contributed to its planning and construction, and they benefit from being surrounded by a man-made environment. The built environment is a reflection of men's activities, men's values and men's tendencies towards residential space (Gottdiener & Hutchison, 2011: 148).Since the conditions governing urban spaces are different, the level of satisfaction with these spaces also varies. In order to check the desirability of urban spaces, there must be specific criteria and indicators. Therefore, in the current research, the basis of the study is the concept of women's use of urban spaces and indicators to meet the needs of women, which will lead to an increase in their presence and activity in urban spaces. These indicators and concepts include physical conditions, socio-cultural conditions, the issue of security and also the issue of access, which themselves have sub-criteria.
MethodologyThis research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and analytical in terms of nature and method. In the first step, the current situation was identified through exploring various documents related to the subject. Also, the method of collecting information and the indicators required for developing the questionnaire were determined. In the next step, in order to check the validity of the research tool, the questionnaire prepared by several professors and experts related to the subject was studied, and with their approval, its validity was confirmed. The reliability of the tool was checked through pilot testing and Cronbach's alpha test. The value of Cronbach's alpha for different indicators varied between 0.752 and 0.840, and considering that it is above 0.70, its reliability was confirmed. The statistical population of the research is women and girls aged 15 to 55 years of Shahrekord city, and using Cochran's formula, 384 questionnaires were distributed among the sample people who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. This questionnaire contains 42 questions with general and specialized questions, which are valued and designed as a Likert scale from completely disagree to completely agree. The results of the questionnaire have been analyzed and evaluated using SPSS software and single-sample T-tests and step-by-step regression.
Result and discussionThe study of descriptive statistics shows that among the people of the research sample, approximately 35% of the sample is in the age group of 25-35 years. Also, in terms of marital status, 57.5% are married. 37% of the respondents have bachelor's education and 38.3% of the women of the statistical population declared their occupation as housewives, which has the highest frequency in this statistical sample. The findings from the one-sample t-test indicate that, in relation to the general indicators of the study, none of the indicators of women's presence in urban spaces of Shahrekord have an average higher than the desirable level. Among the four main indicators studied, the socio-cultural activities have a higher score than the other indicators.In order to examine the impact of urban space indicators (including physical conditions, security, accessibility, and socio-cultural activities) as independent research variables on the presence of women in urban spaces as the dependent variable, a multivariate stepwise regression method was used. The findings of the regression analysis show that the dimensions of security, access, and physical conditions were able to predict the presence of women in urban spaces in three stages. More precisely, in the first stage, only the security dimension with a standard beta coefficient of 0.446 explained 20 percent of the variance in women's presence. In the second stage, access conditions were added to the security dimension with a standard beta coefficient of 0.2, and the ability to explain women's activity and presence reached 23/0. In the third stage, physical dimensions with a standard beta coefficient of 0.134 were added to the security and accessibility dimensions, and the explanatory power of efficiency reached 25/0.An examination of the results obtained from the sample T-Tech test shows that none of the indicators of women's presence in urban spaces of Shahrekord had an average higher than the desirable level. Also, among the four main indicators examined, the cultural-social activities index was far better than other indicators in the studied area. In general, according to the results of this section, it can be said that the urban spaces of Shahrekord do not meet the needs of women. The results of the study are in line with the research of Pourmohammadi et al. (2014). Cities are designed by men who have little or limited information about the needs of women. The specific physiology of women in many cases keeps them away from urban spaces. The inappropriateness of urban design, streets, sidewalks, etc. causes women to be deprived of access in many cases for reasons that they themselves are not exactly aware of.Also, the results of the step-by-step regression analysis to investigate the effect of the quality of urban spaces on the activity and presence of women show that the "security" variable has the greatest effect on the criterion variable. The findings of theresearch are in line with the findings of Beizaei et al.'s research (2017), which showed that the security index is very important in relation to the presence of women in urban spaces. This means that the women of our society still face a sense of insecurity in urban spaces, and this factor is one of the main factors in deterring and limiting the use of urban spaces.
ConclusionThe analysis of the research results shows that women in the studied area have long realized the difficulties and issues they face in urban spaces. The urban life of women is full of experiencing situations and conditions that make them face different issues than men. Planners should put aside their old approaches to the development of the space and understand the existential nature of women and their practical methods of urban space. Misunderstanding of women's urban needs is the first reason for the inequality between men and women's urban space and ultimately results in less presence of women in urban spaces.
Keywords: Urban Public Spaces, Women Presence, Women's Security, Shahrekord -
Pages 51-74Introduction
Empowerment in women's development is a way to define challenge and overcome the obstacles in their lives, Through which they increase their ability to shape their lives. The empowerment process can not only improve their skills and access to productive resources, but will also be successful in improving the quality, status and place of work in society. women's empowerment creates a powerful influence on the norms, values and ultimately the laws that govern these societies. In this regard, the aim of this study is to integrate and synthesize the results of studies on the feasibility of urban women empowerment.
Theoretical framework:
The idea of empowerment is often linked to the concept of power relations, which specifically refers to gaining more or less power among actors.However, women's empowerment differs from the empowerment of other disadvantaged groups due to intra-household dynamics.Women's empowerment and gender equality are often considered two sides of the same coin: progress towards gender equality requires women's empowerment, while women's empowerment helps to increase gender equality. In the case of gender inequality or discrimination, it is generally believed that women are disadvantaged or excluded in terms of decision-making and access to economic and social resources.All definitions of women's empowerment refer to women's ability in certain areas, particularly in controlling their lives, having freedom to make decisions, and having input into changing life choices. Women's empowerment is usually combined with the position that women hold, which is often demonstrated by their acquisition and control of resources, which include not only material and financial resources, but also social and human resources; Resources that can enhance women's ability to exercise their choices. Examples of these resources include age, education, employment, social capital, networks, and asset ownership. Women's empowerment is a multidimensional concept, and women who are powerful and empowered in one dimension are not necessarily powerful in another. It has also been proven that women need resources and a sense of agency to achieve their life outcomes. The multidimensional concept of agency encompasses various domains, including decision-making authority, control over finances, and freedom of movement. Having decision-making authority and excessive use of money is a more accurate and accurate description of women's power.
MethodologyThe present research is based on a qualitative approach and in terms of the purpose of a applied research. In this study, a systematic review of 43 studies in the period from 2007 to 2024 was conducted using the meta-synthesis method. The statistical population consisted of books, articles, theses, dissertations, and scientific documents related to the urban women, empowerment ,and the research resources were selected by convenience sampling.
Result and discussionThe results indicate that the empowerment of urban women depends on the realization of 24 sub-categories and 166 codes. Based on the results of integrating research data in the meta-synthesis process, the main development discourse category accounted for 33.73 percent of the total extracted codes. The category of the type of knowledge required for development accounted for 32.54 percent, the category of empowerment stages accounted for 6.03 percent, the category of capacity building accounted for 18.67 percent, and the category of institution building accounted for 9.03 percent of the total extracted codes. Therefore, the majority of extracted codes belong to the main development discourse category. The Kappa-Cohen coefficient of the present study is equal to 0.774 with a significance of 0.000, which indicates a valid agreement and the appropriateness of reliability (higher than 0.6).
ConclusionThe present study, by combining and synthesizing the results of previous studies, has been able to present a model of the conceptual framework of women's empowerment and has provided the ground for its application in urban places.
Keywords: Empowerment, Women’S Empowerment, Agency, Mainstream, Urban Space, Meta-Synthesis -
Pages 75-92Introduction
The spatial development model is of particular importance for guiding and controlling the development of cities in the future and creates intervention agendas of urban management system in the spatial structure of the city. Strategic planning is a systematic approach to deciding and implementing activities related to forming and managing a system and its functions. Urban strategic spatial planning emphasizes selectivity, choice of strategic issues, and identification of the planning environment with an analytical-critical perspective. Needs have been introduced as important motivations of individual and collective behavior, so behaviors are reflections of the needs, and sustainability and continuity of human life depend on their satisfaction. Satisfaction can be defined as the level of actual performance of an organization to respond to the expectations of its clients. The lack of needs and satisfaction' assessment processes in urban planning and management system will lead to shortcomings such as: the absence of complete knowledge about citizens’ requests and needs, the lack of mutual relationship between decision-makers and the community, and the absence of applicable theoretical foundations in urban planning and governance.
Theoretical Framework:
In this article, by applying the problem-oriented strategic urban space planning approach, based on needs and satisfaction' assessment processes of residents in the city of Dehsorkh (a small city in transition from a village to a city), the urban spatial planning model has been produced at the strategic level and its distinctive features have been traced and introduced.Urban strategic spatial planning was employed due to the emphasis on the principle of uncertainty in planning, the probability of the planning process, the need to expand the scope of planning in broader political, social, economic, and environmental fields; emphasis on paying attention to the role of various actors (stakeholders); and the ability to support urban planning models based on dual or multiple integrated basic concepts.Focusing on the study area's main and strategic problems allows for guiding the issue and promoting the phenomenon's values. Program priorities are considered by identifying and analyzing problems, and indicators to measure and evaluate program status can be identified.
MethodologyThe research method used in this study, in order to analyses related to needs and satisfaction assessment, quantitative (by analyzing descriptive statistical and Friedman test) and qualitative (by analyzing texts and documents by focus group of key stakeholders) techniques and methods have been used based on a descriptive analysis and a prescriptive-analytical study, based on an inductive, applied research strategy.
Results and DiscussionThe achievement of this research suggest that the importance of intervention based on fundamental concepts such as sustainability, social unity, and public participation, which prevent social disintegration and physical rupture in urban spatial structure and to guide and control the development process of the city in the direction of improving and improving residents' access to services and facilities supporting housing.
ConclusionFinally, according to the obtained results, need for intervention based on fundamental concepts such as sustainability, social solidarity, and public participation that prevent social and physical disintegration in the spatial structure of the city and guide controlling the development process of the city in the direction of improving and promoting residents' access to services and facilities supporting housing. Improving the level of satisfaction of residents (especially at the neighborhood level) is directly related to providing fair and balanced access to urban facilities and infrastructure.
Keywords: Needs Assessment, Satisfaction, Strategic Urban Spatial Planning, Dehsorkh -
Pages 93-119Introduction
The city of Tabriz, with a rich history in urban design, is currently facing challenges such as declining urban landscape quality, the prelude to increasing environmental pollution, and a lack of proper management of public spaces. These issues negatively impact the physical and mental health of citizens as well as their social interactions. Furthermore, the shortage of safe sidewalks and suitable environments for physical activities has pushed residents toward using private vehicles, resulting in reduced physical activity and an increase in chronic diseases. This underscores the critical need to pay attention to urban landscape quality.This research aims to examine the impact of urban space landscapes on the physical and mental health and social interactions of Tabriz residents. It also seeks to provide solutions for improving the design and management of public spaces to enhance the quality of life for Tabriz citizens. The main research question is: "How do urban space landscapes affect the physical and mental health and social interactions of Tabriz residents?"
Theoretical framework:
Based on the theoretical foundations reviewed, the landscapes of urban spaces have significant impacts on the physical, mental, and social health of residents. Access to green spaces, areas suitable for physical activity, and public spaces that facilitate social interactions can significantly improve urban quality of life. Proper urban design can lead to a reduction in physical and mental health issues and an increase in social interactions, while poor design may negatively affect public health and well-being. Considering these foundations, the present research will take a closer look at the impacts of urban space landscapes on the health of Tabriz residents.
MethodologyThis study employed a quantitative research method based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The statistical population included the entire population of Tabriz (1,643,960 people), with a sample size of 384 determined using Cochran's formula and selected through stratified random sampling to ensure diversity in gender, age, and location. Data were collected using a three-part questionnaire addressing demographic information, physical health, and mental and social well-being. Tools such as DASS-21 and GHQ-12 were utilized to assess mental health. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (above 0.70), and validity was ensured through expert review. Data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software, and SEM was employed to explore the relationships between variables.
Result and discussionThis study aimed to investigate the impact of urban space landscapes on the physical and mental health and social interactions of Tabriz residents. The findings revealed that urban landscapes play a decisive role in enhancing the quality of life for citizens. The statistics highlight the tangible effects of urban landscapes in various domains.The quality of green spaces, with an average score of 3.7, indicates a relatively adequate level of access in Tabriz, though certain areas still require improvement. These spaces, with a factor loading of 0.83, significantly reduce stress and improve the mental health of citizens. Sidewalks and pathways, with an average score of 4.1 and a factor loading of 0.89, are among the most important factors in enhancing both physical and mental health, though further standardization is needed in parts of the city.In terms of physical health, the average daily physical activity of residents, with 6.1 steps per day, suggests a moderate level of physical activity. However, this could be improved by enhancing pedestrian areas and public sports spaces. The Body Mass Index (BMI) of residents, with an average of 25.5, indicates a near-overweight condition, underlining the need for expanding spaces for sports and physical activity.In mental health, stress and anxiety levels, with an average score of 3.4, point to a moderate level of stress among residents. Urban landscapes, particularly green spaces and well-designed public areas, play a crucial role in reducing stress and increasing life satisfaction. The sense of security in urban spaces, with an average score of 3.5, suggests that improvements in security, especially in poorly lit and less frequented areas, are necessary.Regarding social interactions, the number of daily social interactions, with an average score of 3.8, indicates a reasonable level of interaction among residents. Public and social spaces, with a factor loading of 0.90, have the most significant impact on increasing social interactions and fostering a sense of community belonging.The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis demonstrated that urban landscapes have a direct impact on physical health (path coefficient: 0.65), mental health (path coefficient: 0.58), and social interactions (path coefficient: 0.62). Additionally, the indirect effects of urban landscapes on mental health through intermediary variables such as physical health and social interactions were confirmed.
ConclusionThe results clearly underscore the importance of improving urban landscapes in reducing stress, enhancing social interactions, and promoting physical health. Urban managers and planners in Tabriz should prioritize actions such as increasing green spaces, improving sidewalks, and developing public spaces, based on these findings, to transform Tabriz into a healthier, more beautiful, and more socially engaging city.
Keywords: Urban Landscape, Urban Space, Urban Health, Mental Health, Social Interactions, Tabriz City -
Pages 121-142Introduction
The announcement of time has played a crucial role in shaping the rhythm of daily life in Islamic cities, much like public clocks in European urban centers demonstrated technological prowess and controlled urban life. Islamic urban architecture, particularly during the Safavid era, emphasized the integration of time-keeping structures into public spaces such as mosques and squares. This research investigates the architectural and cultural significance of time-announcing mechanisms in Iranian Islamic cities, focusing on Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan, which housed diverse time-keeping structures like the "Shah Clock."
Theoretical Framework:
The study explores the historical role of public clocks and time-keeping mechanisms in Islamic urban planning, emphasizing their integration into architectural elements and their role in public and religious life. Drawing on historical texts and the interpretative-historical method, the research connects the development of these structures with advancements in Islamic mechanical engineering and urban design.
MethodologyThis qualitative research employs interpretative-historical and descriptive-analytical methods. Primary historical texts and documents were analyzed to trace and identify urban clocks and their functions. The study categorizes these mechanisms based on their technology, cultural significance, and spatial organization in urban environments. Specific examples, such as the Shah Clock of Naqsh-e Jahan Square and the time-keeping structures of Kashan and Yazd, were examined in detail to reconstruct their role in shaping public life and urban identity.
Results and DiscussionFindings indicate that time-keeping structures, such as the Shah Clock, played a multifaceted role in Islamic cities. These mechanisms combined advanced engineering, artistic craftsmanship, and architectural design. They served religious, social, and political purposes, including the announcement of prayer times, structuring urban life, and symbolizing the authority and technological sophistication of ruling powers.The study highlights the integration of Islamic, Persian, and European time-keeping methods, as evident in the Shah Clock and the Portuguese mechanical clock in Naqsh-e Jahan Square. The presence of artistic elements, such as moving figurines and musical features, added an educational and entertaining dimension, enhancing their public appeal. Moreover, the spatial arrangement of these structures in key urban areas underlined their cultural and social significance.
ConclusionThe study concludes that time-keeping mechanisms in Islamic cities were more than functional devices; they were integral to urban identity, cultural heritage, and public life. The Shah Clock and other similar structures in Isfahan, Yazd, and Kashan exemplify the intersection of technology, art, and religion in Islamic architecture. The absence of many of these structures today underscores the need for further research and preservation efforts to uncover their historical and cultural importance.This analysis provides valuable insights for contemporary urban planning by emphasizing the cultural and architectural integration of functional and aesthetic elements. Reintroducing such culturally significant structures in modern cities could foster a renewed appreciation of historical identity and urban harmony.
Keywords: Time, Clock Building, Clock Observation, Shah's Clock, Science Of Knowledge, Naqsh-E Jahan Square, Urban Space