فهرست مطالب

Ethno-Pharmaceutical Products - Volume:4 Issue: 1, Summer-Autumn 2024

Journal of Ethno-Pharmaceutical Products
Volume:4 Issue: 1, Summer-Autumn 2024

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/09/11
  • تعداد عناوین: 5
  • Shahryar Shakeri * Pages 1-9

    This review explores the therapeutic potential of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) derived from medicinal plants. PUFAs, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, play critical roles in human health and are essential for various physiological functions. While marine sources are known for their high content of omega-3 PUFAs, medicinal plants also serve as valuable sources of omega-6 important fatty acids. PUFAs derived from medicinal plants exhibit a wide range of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, cardiovascular protective, and anticancer effects. This review summarizes the classification and sources of PUFAs, and discusses the extraction of PUFAs from medicinal plants. Specific medicinal plants rich in PUFAs are highlighted, along with their potential health benefits. Understanding the role of PUFAs in promoting human well-being opens avenues for the development of natural interventions and therapeutic approaches. By exploring the rich composition of PUFAs in medicinal plants, we can harness their potential in preventive healthcare and complement existing treatments. Overall, this review provides valuable insights into the medicinal properties of PUFAs derived from plants.

    Keywords: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Medicinal Plants, Anti-Inflammatory, Anticancer Effects
  • Fatemeh Alsadat Amiri, Hossein Mozafari *, Hakimeh Oloumi, Hassan Salari Pages 10-31

    Drought, as a multidimensional stress, has various destructive and adverse effects on plants and affects many morphological characteristics and physiological, biochemical and nutritional processes related to plant growth and development. This tension generates reactive oxygen species causes damage to the cell membrane. In the photosynthetic apparatus, the inhibition of electron transfer causes the reduction of the main photosynthetic pigments and protein accumulation. Wheat response to water deficit stress has many mechanisms that include cellular-molecular changes and its transfer to other metabolic activities and its effect on plant morphology. Therefore, the general purpose of this research was to investigate the interaction effect of iron oxide nanoparticles (25 nm) with two types of zinc nanoparticles (25 and 50 nm) at a concentration of 50 mg/liter on greater resistance of wheat (Arg cultivar) and improving its growth under drought stress conditions. Thus Wheat plants were treated with drought stress including two control levels and 7 days of water deficit. After applying drought treatments and the nanoparticles to the plants, some growth and pigments parameters were measured in stem, root and leaf to evaluate the effect of zinc and iron nanoparticles separately and mutually on the resistance of plants to drought stress. The occurrence of drought stress compared to the control led to a decrease in shoot length and other growth parameters. In this way, drought stress in the form of 5 days of water deprivation caused a decrease in root and stem length as well as other growth parameters such as fresh weight, dry weight, leaf water content, etc. compared to the control plants without drought stress. According to results, in conditions without drought stress, the application of both types of zinc oxide nanoparticles without or combined with iron oxide nanoparticles at the level of 5% had a significant effect.

    Keywords: Drought Stress, Wheat, Growth, Iron Oxide, Zinc Oxide, Nanoparticle
  • Hassan Salari *, Moslem Dehani, Hossein Mozafari Pages 32-39

    Drought stress affects many morphological characteristics and biochemical processes related to plant growth and development. In this sense, drought, as a multidimensional stress, has various destructive effects on plants. By inhibiting the transfer of electrons, this stress creates a secondary stress in the production of reactive oxygen species, causing double damage to the cell membrane, photosynthetic pigments, and other physiological parameters. Today, the use of metal nanoparticles such as zinc and iron in improving activities and dealing with plant stresses can create beneficial effects in plant and agricultural biotechnology. The treatments include drought stress at two levels (drought stress and no drought stress) as the main factor and three levels of iron, zinc separately and integrative of iron and zinc nanoparticles. The results showed that all investigated traits were affected by drought stress conditions, so that under drought stress the fresh and dry weight. Chlorophyll a and b, decreased and the usage of iron and zinc nanoparticles reduced the effects of drought stress in mentioned growth parameters in tomato plants. Therefore, the application of the above nanoparticles can be very effective in improving the growth of tomato plants, especially in dry areas.

    Keywords: Drought Stress, Tomato, Nanoparticle, Chlorophyll A, B
  • Saeid Mirzaei *, Zahra Omara Pages 40-58
    The agricultural sector in developing countries can be the main engine of economic growth and development, but it is always affected by various biotic and abiotic stresses that cause waste of resources. One of the most important of them are pests. Mankind has always been trying to fight against these factors. One of the solutions is the use of chemical and synthetic pesticides, whose negative and destructive effects on human health and the environment are always discussed today. Some plants have secondary metabolites that have pesticidal effects and are very efficient with different effects on insects. Extracts of plant or whole plants have been used for centuries in various cases including pest control, and They are known all over the world. Bioactive plant compounds such as glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids have pesticidal effects that do not affect natural enemies and provide food products free of toxic residues. In addition, no negative effects of these compounds on human health have been reported so far. Today nearly 2500 plants with insecticidal properties are known, but unfortunately only a few of them have been properly evaluated. Furthermore, commercial biopesticides are not widely used in conventional crop production but are recognized by organic crop producers in industrialized countries
    Keywords: Biological Insecticides, Plant Extracts, Botanical Poisons, Biopesticide
  • Golrokh Kalantari Motamedi, Amin Baghizadeh *, Mahmood Maleki, Masoud Torkzadeh Mahani Pages 59-67
    Lawsonia inermis is utilized in the cosmetics industry and traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments. Understanding the chemical and genetic diversity of this plant is essential for breeding purposes. This research investigated the chemical and genetic diversity of 12 distinct populations of Lawsonia inermis from different areas of Kerman province through the use of HPLC and ISSR markers. HPLC was employed to quantify the Lawson compound in the 12 populations, while three ISSR primers were utilized to evaluate genetic diversity. The findings showed notable diversity in Lawson content among samples collected from Jiroft, Shahdad, and Ghale Ganj, with the J5 sample (from Jiroft) displaying the highest value. Furthermore, the ISSR marker demonstrated that all populations could be grouped into three categories, with samples from the same region not necessarily clustering together. Although the marker could not differentiate populations based on Lawson content, it effectively distinguished them based on genetic diversity.
    Keywords: Lawsonia Inermis, ISSR Markers, HPLC, Genetic Diversity