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فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

s. torkan

  • S. Torkan *, A. Mahmoodirad, S. Niroomand, S. Ghane

    An important and core issue for the managers of banking sector is to evaluate and rank the branches of a bank. In this study, a typical multi-criteria ranking problem for the Tose’e Ta’avon bank branches in Khuzestan province of Iran as a case study is defined and solved. For this aim, first a set of important criteria for evaluating banking sector are selected from the literature and experts of the field. Then, for coping with the uncertain nature of the real-life problems, the data of the bank branches in the selected criteria for the past years are obtained and represented as interval values. A decision framework consisting of two phases are proposed to rank the given bank branches. In the first phase the criteria are weighted by the methods such experts’ opinions, interval Shannon’s entropy, and linear combination of these two methods. In the second phase, the classical PROMETHEE approach is extended to its interval form and applied to rank the bank branches. By implementing the proposed solution methodology on the case study, several rankings are obtained and their similarities are compared to each other. The decision maker can consider any of the rankings for further managerial decisions.

    Keywords: Multi-criteria decision making, Banking sector, PROMETHEE approach, Interval value, Uncertainty
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