جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "Schrodinger equation" در نشریات گروه "ریاضی"
تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Schrodinger equation» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»جستجوی Schrodinger equation در مقالات مجلات علمی
In this paper, we present an exact analytical solution for five interacting quarks. We solve the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for pentaquarks in the framework of five-body and two-body problems. For this purpose, we utilize Yukawa potential in Jacobi coordinates. Also finding the relation between the reduced masses and coupling constants of pentaquarks, we obtain the coupling constant of Yukawa potential for pentaquark systems. We calculate the energy of these systems in their ground state. The results are well consistent with the theoretical results. Our procedure to obtain these results is appropriate for other potentials and $n$-body systems.Keywords: Exact solution, Schrödinger equation, Pentaquark, Coupling constant, Yukawa potential
Multiquadric radial basis functions combined with compact discretization to estimate solutions of two dimensions nonlinear elliptic type partial differential equations are presented. The scattered grid network with continuously varying step sizes helps tune the solution accuracies depending upon the location of high oscillation. The radial basis functions employing a nine-point grid network are used to improve the functional evaluations by compact formulation, and it saves memory space and computing time. A detailed description of convergence theory is presented to estimate the error bounds. The analysis is based on a strongly connected graph of the Jacobian matrix, and their monotonicity occurred in the scheme. It is shown that the present strategy improves the approximate solution values for the elliptic equations exhibiting a sharp changing character in a thin zone. Numerical simulations for the convection-diffusion equation, Graetz-Nusselt equation, Schr¨odinger equation, Burgers equation, and Gelfand-Bratu equation are reported to illustrate the utility of the new algorithm.Keywords: Radial basis function, Compact discretization, Scattered grid network, Schrodinger equation, Gelfand-Bratu equation, errors
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications, Volume:14 Issue: 3, Mar 2023, PP 245 -259This paper studies the nonlinear quantum-probability based Schrodinger type, Ivancevic options pricing model using the method of Lie symmetries to determine its point symmetries, invariant analytical solutions and conversation laws. In our analysis, we consider a non-zero and zero adaptive market potential model. We demonstrate that this model is invariant under a five-dimensional Lie algebra for the former, and invariant under a seven-dimensional Lie algebra for the latter case. These symmetries allow for a progressive reduction of the equation and thus facilitate a solution. We obtain reductions, exact solutions and conservation laws for both the non-zero and zero adaptive market potential models. We show that many exact solutions are expressible in terms of two transcendental functions, the Fresnel sine and cosine integrals. Graphical solutions are provided in certain cases. This analysis and solutions to such a financial derivatives pricing model are unique, providing novel insights.Keywords: Lie symmetries, Exact solutions, Schrodinger equation, Conservation laws
In this work, we approximate a typical model form of bivariate static Schrödinger Equation by an appropriate approach based on bilinear finite element method (FEM), then we obtain the results of the PDE on a new type 3 feather rose coefficient function in a rectangular domain i. e., eigenfunctions or solutions. In fact, we search for influence of 3-feather rose and pass by a weak singularity barrier in the origin. We also obtain approximate eigenvalues and final stiffness matrix elements. This paper is accompanied by examples of the novel Schrodinger’s model.Keywords: Rectangular, bilinear finite elements, Schrodinger equation, 3 feather rose form potential, Variable Schrodinger coefficient, Galerkin method
The study presents the approximate solutions of Schrodinger equation in D-dimensions with the modified Mobius square plus Hulthen potential. The energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions are obtained using the Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. Special cases of this potential are reported. Numerical results are also computed.Keywords: Schrodinger equation, modified Mobius square plus Hulthen potential, Nikiforov Uvarov method
In this paper, we investigate the connection between closed Newton-Cotes formulae, trigonometrically-fitted methods, symplectic integrators and efficient integration of the Schr¨odinger equation. The study of multistep symplectic integrators is very poor although in the last decades several one step symplectic integrators have been produced based on symplectic geometry (see the relevant literature and the references here). In this paper we study the closed Newton-Cotes formulae and we write them as symplectic multilayer structures. Based on the closed Newton-Cotes formulae, we also develop trigonometrically-fitted symplectic methods. An error analysis for the onedimensional Schrodinger equation of the new developed methods and a comparison with previous developed methods is also given. We apply the new symplectic schemes to the well-known radial Schr¨odinger equation in order to investigate the efficiency of the proposed method to these type of problems.Keywords: Phase, lag, Schrodinger equation, Numerical solution, Newton, Cotes formulae, Derivative
In this paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness result of the linear Schrodinger equation with Marchaud fractional derivative in Colombeau generalized algebra. The purpose of introducing Marchaud fractional derivative is regularizing it in Colombeau sense.Keywords: Colombeau algebra, Marchaud fractional differentiation, Schrodinger equation
In this paper, the homotopy analysis method (HAM) is considered to obtain the solution of the Schrodinger equation with a power law nonlinearity. For this purpose, a theorem is proved to show the convergence of the series solution obtained from the proposed method. Also, an example is solved to illustrate the eciency of the mentioned algorithm and the h-curve is plotted to determine the region of convergence.Keywords: Schrodinger equation, Power law nonlinearity, Homotopy analysis method (HAM), Convergence
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