جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "attitudes" در نشریات گروه "فقه و حقوق"
تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «attitudes» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»-
This study investigated the attitudes of teachers and students toward the Iraqi primary school sixth grade task-based English textbook. Two hundred students and two hundred English teachers were invited to provide their opinions through questionnaires and interviews. Specifically, the focus was on the suitability of English textbook tasks in terms of the target age group, culture, customs, traditions, class duration, classroom capacity, the availability of teaching aids, as well as the capability of teachers to interact and communicate the textbook material to students to achieve the desired learning outcome. Two instruments were used in this study. The first instrument was two questionnaires to investigate the teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward the English textbook of sixth-grade primary level based on TB, and the second instrument was a semi-structured interview to investigate teachers’ attitudes. The semi-structured interview was used to survey the participants’ attitudes, feelings and intractability with the task-based English text. The results of questionnaires pointed to the negative attitudes of the teachers and students toward the English textbook of grade 6. Moreover, both the teachers and students faced difficulty understanding and following the tasks in the textbook, leading to their confusion and waste of time. That is, the tasks were believed to be difficult to complete, perform or even redo out of the class. Finally, the textbook content appeared unsuitable for both teachers and students in terms of cultural norms and their application in local daily life situations. The study concluded with recommendations for the Iraqi Ministry of Education to modify the textbook content to match the group age-targeted 12 years old, their cultural standards, the classroom capacity, and teaching aids.Keywords: attitudes, English book of grade 6, Iraqi EFL teachers, students
Effects of Critical Thinking on Writing Cause and Effect Essays by Iranian EFL LearnersThe goal of the current study was to investigate the effects of critical thinking skill on EFL learners’ cause and effect essay writing and their attitudes towards it. To achieve this goal, 60 Iranian upper-intermediate EFL learners were randomly divided into two equal control and experimental groups. After evaluating their knowledge of writing, the conventional teaching methods were used for the control group while an eight-step method was used to promote the critical thinking skill for the experimental group. Then the participants sat for the second test to assess the effect of critical thinking instruction and to compare the groups with each other. Elicitation of their attitudes towards the method was done by the questionnaire. The results revealed that the critical thinking instruction had meaningful consequences on the cause and effect essay writing of the participants, and the participants had positive attitudes towards the training. The findings of the research can recommend useful suggestions for the instruction of writing and critical thinking skills.Keywords: attitudes, Upper-intermediate, Output Skill
The Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners` Attitudes towards Using Flipped Teaching via Google ClassroomFlipped teaching is the process of moving lecture content from face-to-face class time to before class. The potential values of flipped teaching in which learners are actively engaged in the learning process have been emphasized during the past years; however, there is still little research evidence about the attitudes of the learners towards flipped teaching and the use of technology. The present investigation aimed to explore Iranian EFL learners' attitudes towards flipped teaching. To this end, 40 female intermediate EFL learners with the age range of 19 to 29 from the training department of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in Khuzestan, Iran, based on the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) were selected through convenience sampling and assigned into two groups with the same instructional strategies since having 40 students in a single class was not possible. An attitude questionnaire was examined in terms of frequencies and percentages. The results of frequency analyses indicated that EFL learners in the study had a positive attitude towards flipped teaching and agreed that it was helpful to them in many ways. The findings can be of significance for EFL learners, instructors, and syllabus designers.Keywords: attitudes, Autonomous Learning, Classroom Engagement, Flipped Teaching, Google Classroom
The field of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) has recently witnessed a renewed interest in pronunciation; nevertheless, this interest has been mostly directed toward pronunciation instruction even though learners’ instructional gains are heavily dependent on their attitudes and motivations. Thus, this study aimed to examine the construct validity of learners’ attitudes and motivations for pronunciation (LAMP) inventory in Iranian EFL academic context and investigate Iranian EFL learners’ attitudes and motivations regarding teaching and learning English pronunciation. Accordingly, the LAMP inventory was administered to 364 Iranian English-major undergraduates. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the 8-factor LAMP model fit the Iranian EFL context. In terms of English-major learners’ attitudes, findings revealed that although they had highly positive cognitive and conative attitudes toward pronunciation instruction, they were heavily influenced by negative affective filters acting as a hindrance to their progress. Regarding motivations, English-major learners were mostly influenced by intrinsic and curiosity drives. Nevertheless, contrary to some previous findings, the majority of the respondents showed integrativeness and strove for native-like pronunciation. Therefore, the results imply that syllabus designers and instructors for English-major learners need to place stronger emphasis on pronunciation instruction via challenging, meaning-oriented tasks and computerized methodologies.Keywords: attitudes, English-major learners, EFL pronunciation, LAMP, motivations
باورها، ارزش ها و نگرش های عام به عنوان مجموعه ای از عناصر معنایی مشترک، بخش هسته ای و گوهری فرهنگ جامعه را شکل می دهند. این منظومه به دلیل برخورداری از اعتبار و تایید اجتماعی در سه سطح خرد، میانه و کلان، به صورت به هم پیوسته و در ارتباط متقابل با یکدیگر، ساخت یافته و نهادی می شوند. این سه خرده نظام معنایی از یک سو در نظام جامعه گستر فرهنگ، به مثابه چتر فرازین نظام اجتماعی استقرار و تمکین دارند، و از سوی دیگر، از طریق فرایند جامعه پذیری به ذهن و ضمیر اعضای جامعه راه یافته و درونی می شوند. از سوی سوم، در پرتو تعاملات بین الاذهانی و تبادلات رفتاری گسترده و مستمر، در سامانه ها و سطوح نهادی نیز رسوب کرده، به بخشی از مولفه های قوام بخش آنها تبدیل می شوند و به صورتی مکرر و پیوسته از طریق کنش ها و ارتباطات متنوع در عرصه های مختلف زندگی روزمره بازتولید می شوند. دو نظام هنجاری مهم و هدایتگر کنش ها در جامعه اسلامی، یعنی فقه و قانون (و تا حد زیادی اخلاق) قویا با این سه عنصر معنایی در تعامل بوده، تاثیر و تاثر متقابل دارند و به صورتی درآمیخته، جهان اجتماعی (اعم از عناصر معنایی و عینی) را ساخت می دهند. با توجه به نسبت متقابل و دیالکتیکی میان این عناصر فرهنگی، نوشتار حاضر سعی دارد در مجال محدود خود، نسبت میان فقه و قانون (به مثابه ترجمان قانونی فقه) به عنوان مجموعه ای از قواعد اجتماعی هدایتگر کنش های جوارحی (و به صورت غیرمستقیم کنش های جوانحی) فرد از یک سو، و کنش های اجتماعی و تعاملات نهادی و سازمانی را از سوی دیگر بررسی و تحلیل کند. فقه و قانون، هم خود تبلور هنجاری باورها و ارزش های پذیرفته شده هستند و هم متقابلا در تداوم، تایید، تقویت و اثربخشی آنها تاثیر دارند. روش این مطالعه، در مقام گردآوری، اسنادی و در مقام تحلیل، نظری و استنباطی است.
کلید واژگان: باور, ارزش, نگرش, واقعیت, معنا, نهاد, هنجار, فقه و قانونPublic beliefs, values and attitudes as a complete form and as a set of meaningful elements constitute the central sector and the essence of the culture of society. This system is structured and institutionalized due to its social validation at three micro, intermediate and macro levels in an interconnected way. These three semantic subsytems lie in the community-wide culture as the main umbrella of the social system deployment. Accordingly, fiqh and law creat a social world (both subjective and objective). By focusing on the mutual and dialectical relationship between these elements, the present research attempts, in its limited scope, to compare the relation between fiqh and law (the legal explanation of fiqh) as a set of social rules that guide the conduct of bodily part actions (and indirect internal actions) of the individual on the one hand, and social practices, institutional interactions, will be analyzed on the other hand. The embodiment of Islamic jurisprudence and law through accepted normative beliefs and values reciprocally are effective in the continualtion and endorsement of the normative values that depends on fiqh and law. Through the process of socialization in the community's mind and conscience of the members of society, they are internalized. Moreover, in the light of interactions between individuals intellectual exchanges, systems and institutional levels, they are part of their potent components, and in turn repeatedly and consistently through actions and contacts in various areas of daily life are reproduced from standard normative systems in Islamic society, based on fiqh and law (and a great deal of morality) strongly with these three of the semantic interactions. Therefore, this study use documentary, analytical method.
Keywords: beliefs, values, attitudes, reality, meaning, institution, rule, Islamic jurisprudence, law
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