جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "O-set" در نشریات گروه "ریاضی"
تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «O-set» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»-
By applying the concept of the Lukasiewicz fuzzy set to the filter in hoops, the Lukasiewicz fuzzy filter is introduced and its properties are investigated.The relationship between fuzzy filter and Lukasiewicz fuzzy filter is discussed.Conditions for the Lukasiewicz fuzzy set to be a Lukasiewicz fuzzy filter are provided, andcharacterizations of Lukasiewicz fuzzy filter are displayed.The conditions under which the three subsets, $\in$-set, q-set, and O-set, will be filter are explored.
Keywords: Lukasiewicz fuzzy set, Lukasiewicz fuzzy filter, $, in$-set, q-set, O-set -
Lukasiewicz fuzzy set is applied to positive implicative filter of BE-algebra. The notion of positive implicative Lukasiewiczfuzzy BE-filters is introduced, and its properties are investigated. The relationship between fuzzy positive implicative BE-filter and positive implicative Lukasiewicz fuzzy BE-filter is discussed, and conditions under which Lukasiewicz fuzzy BE-filter can be positive implicative Lukasiewicz fuzzy BE-filter are explored. Characterizations of positive implicative Lukasiewicz fuzzy BE-filter are provided. Conditions for Lukasiewicz fuzzy set to be positive implicative Lukasiewicz fuzzy BE-filter are considered. Conditions are found where E-set, q-set, and O-set of the Lukasiewicz fuzzy set can be positive implicative BE-filter.Keywords: piBE-filter, fpiBE-filter LfBEalgebra, LfBE-filter, pi LfBEfilter, E-set, q-set, O-set
Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Volume:3 Issue: 4, Autumn 2022, PP 25 -36With the aim of applying the Łukasiewicz fuzzy set to commutative ideal in BCI-algebras, the concept of Łukasiewicz fuzzy commutative ideal is introduced, and its properties are investigated. The relationship between a Łukasiewicz fuzzy ideal and a Łukasiewicz fuzzy commutative ideal are discussed. After providing an example of a Łukasiewicz fuzzy ideal, not a Łukasiewicz fuzzy commutative ideal, conditions under which a Łukasiewicz fuzzy ideal can be a Łukasiewicz fuzzy commutative ideal are explored. Characterizations of Łukasiewicz fuzzy commutative ideals are displayed. Conditions under which $\in$-set, q-set, and O-set can be commutative ideals are found.Keywords: Łukasiewicz fuzzy set, Łukasiewicz fuzzy subalgebra, Łukasiewicz fuzzy (commutative) ideal, $in$-set, q-set, O-set
در BCK-جبرها، مفهوم ایده آل استلزامی مثبت فازی لوکاسیویچ معرفی شده و چندین ویژگی آن مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. رابطه بین ایده آل فازی لوکاسیویچ و ایده آل استلزامی مثبت فازی لوکاسیویچ مورد بحث قرار گرفته و ویژگیهای یک ایده آل استلزامی مثبت فازی لوکاسیویچ بررسی شده است. شرایط لازم برای اینکه یک ایده آل فازی لوکاسیویچ، یک ایده آل استلزامی مثبت فازی لوکاسیویچ باشد، ارایه شده است، عالوهبراین، شرایطی را که تحت آنها یک ∋-مجموعه، q -مجموعه و O-مجموعه یک ایده آل استلزامی مثبت باشند، بررسی می شوند.
Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras, Volume:3 Issue: 2, Spring 2022, PP 47 -58In BCK-algebras, the notion of Lukasiewicz fuzzy positive implicative ideal is introduced, and several properties are investigated. The relationship between Lukasiewicz fuzzy ideal and Lukasiewicz fuzzy positive implicative ideal is discussed, and characterizations of a Lukasiewicz fuzzy positive implicative ideal are considered. Conditions for a Lukasiewicz fuzzy ideal to be a Lukasiewicz fuzzy positive implicative ideal are provided, and conditions for the ∈-set, q-set and O-set to be positive implicative ideals are explored.
Keywords: Lukasiewicz fuzzy set, Lukasiewicz fuzzy ideal, Lukasiewicz fuzzy positive implicative, ∈-set, q-set, O-set -
The aim of this research is to define ⊥-proximally increasing mapping and obtain several best proximity point results concerning this mapping in the framework of new spaces, which is called orthogonal bmetric spaces. Also, several well-known fixed point results in such spaces are established. All main results and new definitions are supported by some illustrative and interesting examples.
Keywords: Best proximity point, fixed point, O-set, orthogonal b-metric space
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