فهرست مطالب

فناوری های پیشرفته در بهره وری آب - سال سوم شماره 4 (زمستان 1402)

نشریه فناوری های پیشرفته در بهره وری آب
سال سوم شماره 4 (زمستان 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/12/19
  • تعداد عناوین: 7
  • شیما کمیلی، محمدمهدی حیدری* صفحات 1-17

    سرریزهای کلید پیانویی نوعی از سرریزهای غیرخطی است که دبی در واحد عرض بیشتری نسبت به سایر سرریزها دارد و در مناطقی که تکیه گاه سد اجازه احداث سرریز با طول زیاد را نمی دهد، می توان استفاده کرد. این نوع سرریز اخیرا در مخازن سدها مورد استفاده قرار گرفته و به همین دلیل هنوز بررسی جامع روی این نوع سرریز صورت نگرفته است. در این تحقیق، ابتدا با استفاده از مدل عددی فلوتردی جریان عبوری از سرریز کلید پیانویی شبیه سازی و نتایج مدل با داده های آزمایشگاهی مقایسه شد. در صورتی که در مدل فلوتردی برای جداسازی معادله اندازه حرکت از شمای second order و مدل آشفتگی k-ε RNG استفاده شود، دقت شبیه سازی جریان عبوری از سرریز بیشتر می شود. همچنین در این پژوهش تاثیر هد انرژی و نسبت عرض کلیدهای ورودی به خروجی بر ضریب دبی سرریز با استفاده از مدل عددی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان دارد، افزایش نسبت He/P باعث کاهش ضریب دبی می شود. به طوری که ضریب دبی برای He/P=0.92 حدود 50 درصد نسبت به He/P=0.24 کاهش می یابد. با افزایش عمق آب روی سرریز، تداخل جریان در محل شکستگی سیکل های سرریز صورت می گیرد و در نتیجه ضریب دبی کاهش می یابد. یکی دیگر از عوامل موثر بر ضریب دبی سرریز کلید پیانویی نسبت عرض کلید ورودی به خروجی است. با افزایش نسبت عرض کلید ورودی به کلید خروجی ضریب دبی افزایش یافته و سپس در Wi/Wo برابر 5/1 حداکثر می شود. تاثیر نسبت Wi/Wo بر ضریب دبی با افزایش عمق آب روی تاج سرریز بیشتر می شود.

    کلیدواژگان: مدل فلوتردی، سرریز کنگره ای، مدل آشفتگی، ضریب تخلیه سرریز
  • کمال علیخانی، مرتضی بختیاری*، اعتمادالدین رابعی غلامی صفحات 18-40

    آگاهی در مورد مکانیسم های جریان خاک پیرامون پی اسپادکن که متحمل نفوذ بزرگ مداوم می شوند و نیز برآورد کردن احتمال و درجه شدت یک نفوذ ناگهانی اسپادکن از موضوعات بسیار حائز اهمیت می باشد. در تحقیق حاضر، اقدام به مطالعه عددی بررسی ظرفیت باربری پی اسپادکن سازه جکاپ فراساحلی در خاک، با سیستم دو لایه ای ماسه بر روی رس، با روش کوپل لاگرانژی - اویلری (CEL) گردید. در این پژوهش تاثیر خصوصیات لایه های ماسه ای و رسی از جمله تراکم نسبی (ID) و ضخامت لایه ماسه ای ، مقاومت برشی موجود در مرز دو لایه (su0) ، گرادیان مقاومت برشی لایه رسی بر روی ظرفیت باربری و پدیده گسیختگی پانچ مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت در تحقیق حاضر برای مدلسازی رفتار خاک های ماسه ای و رسی از مدل موهر-کلمب استفاده گردید . نتایج حاصل از تحقیق نشان می دهد، پارامترهای مرتبط با خصوصیات ژئوتکنیکی شامل مقاومت برشی لایه رسی، گرادیان مقاومت برشی، تراکم نسبی لایه ماسه ای، ضخامت لایه ی ماسه ای نسبت مستقیمی با مقاومت باربری پی اسپادکن دارند. به طوری که با افزایش هر کدام از این خصوصیات، مقاومت باربری نیز افزایش می یابد. نتایج به دست آمده برای تغییر ضخامت لایه ماسه ای (6، 7 و 8 متر) مقادیر 263 ، 307 و 346 کیلوپاسکال را برای ظرفیت باربری اوچ نشان می دهد. همچنین برای مقاومت برشی موجود در مرز دو لایه 11، 15 . 20 کیلوپاسکال مقادیر 307 ، 347 و 390 کیلوپاسکال به دست آمده است.

    کلیدواژگان: اسپادکن، کوپل لاگرانژ - اولر، نرم افزار آباکوس، گسیختگی، تراکم نسبی
  • ریحانه حقیقی، امیر ملک پور اسطلکی*، مهدی اسمعیلی ورکی صفحات 41-60

    تحلیل پایداری شیب های خاکی در مسائل مهندسی مربوط به بررسی خاکریز جاده ها، جداره رودخانه ها و شیب های بالادست و پایین دست سدهای خاکی حائز اهمیت می باشد. با توجه به تاثیر عدم قطعیت و مقادیر تصادفی متغیرهای ژئوتکنیکی موثر بر پایداری شیب خاکی جداره رودخانه و وجود همبستگی میان این متغیرها، در تحقیق حاضر از تحلیل احتمالاتی مشترک متغیرهای تصادفی دارای همبستگی (در این تحقیق، زاویه اصطکاک داخلی و چسبندگی خاک) با کاربرد توابع کاپولا در بررسی پایداری این شیب های خاکی استفاده شد. همچنین در انجام تحلیل ها تاثیر تغییرات تراز سطح آب رودخانه و تاثیر کاربرد روش های تعادل حدی مختلف در تعیین پایداری شیب در قالب یک مطالعه موردی در چهار مقطع از رودخانه شلمان رود استان گیلان مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. برای انجام تحلیل های احتمالاتی یک برنامه رایانه ای در محیط نرم افزار MATLAB توسعه داده شد. نتایج نشان داد که تابع کاپولا فرانک و روش تعادل حدی مورگنسترن-پرایس ابزار مناسبی در انجام تحلیل احتمالاتی به منظور تعیین توزیع احتمال ضریب اطمینان پایداری شیب خاکی جداره رودخانه می باشند. بررسی توزیع های احتمال ضریب اطمینان به دست آمده از روش های مختلف تعادل حدی نشان داد که تابع توزیع نرمال در مقایسه با تابع توزیع مقادیر حدی GEV برازش بهتری بر نتایج دارد. با کاهش تراز آب در رودخانه، مقادیر ضریب اطمینان کاهش می یابد که بیشترین نرخ کاهش ضریب اطمینان در تغییر از تراز سطح آب حداکثر به ازای 20 درصد کاهش سطح آب رخ داده و کاهش ضریب اطمینان به ازای کاهش سطح آب از 20 به 40 درصد با نرخی کمتر ایجاد می شود.

    کلیدواژگان: تعادل حدی، عدم قطعیت، قابلیت اطمینان، کاپولا، نرم افزار Geostudio
  • ساناز مصباح قره تپه، حسین خزیمه نژاد*، مهدی دستورانی صفحات 61-79

    پژوهش حاضر به منظور تعیین ضریب دبی سازه ترکیبی سرریز نیم دایره ای-مستطیلی و دریچه کشویی در یک کانال آزمایشگاهی مستطیلی به عرض 3/0، طول 10 متر و عرض 5/0 متر انجام شد. آزمایش ها در دو وضعیت، برقراری جریان با بازشدگی ثابت دریچه و دبی های مختلف و برقراری جریان با بازشدگی های مختلف دریچه و دبی های ثابت در دو شیب 002/0 و 004/0 انجام شد. در انتها با استفاده از روابط موجود، ضریب دبی بدست آمد. همچنین با استفاده از تئوری باکینگهام یک رابطه کلی جهت بررسی تاثیر پارامترهای بی بعد مختلف بر ضریب دبی جریان توسعه داده شد. نتایج آزمایش ها نشان می دهد که ضریب دبی با افزایش پارامتر Y/D، ابتدا کاهش و سپس افزایش می یابد. همچنین با تغییر شیب کف، تغییرات قابل ملاحظه ای در ضریب دبی ایجاد نشده است و با کاهش پارامترHg/D ، ضریب دبی تقریبا ثابت شده و به عدد ثابت 74/0 میل می کند. بررسی نتایج پژوهش حاضر با نتایج سایر پژوهش-هایی مشابه، نشان از تطابق نتایج دارند.

    کلیدواژگان: دریچه کشویی، سرریز مرکب، کانال انتقال آب، اندازه گیری جریان
  • آرمان حقیقی، الهام درویشی*، احسان روشنی صفحات 80-93

    تحویل آب برای 6 ناحیه شبکه توزیع آب شهر تازه آباد به صورت 12، 8 و 6 ساعته با هدف تامین آب مورد نیاز و یکنواختی توزیع بالا با استفاده از الگوریتم جستجوی هماهنگ تک هدفه و دو هدفه بهینه شد. در مدل هیدرولیکی از روش تحلیل هیدرولیکی مبتنی بر فشار و روش گسیلنده برای تعیین دبی گره ها استفاده و نتایج باهم مقایسه شدند. در تمام سناریوها درصد تامین آب به روش گسیلنده بیش از روش مبتنی بر فشار است اما یکنواختی توزیع کمتر است. تحلیل هیدرولیکی به روش گسیلنده افزایش برداشت آب در ساعات تحویل را نشان داد که این نتایج منطبق بر داده های میدانی تحقیقات دیگر است. در شبکه تازه آباد چنانچه در 2 نوبت آب تحویل داده شود، حداکثر دبی در شبکه بیش از حداکثر دبی شرایط موجود شبکه است. اما در صورت تحویل آب در 3 و 4 نوبت حداکثر دبی به حداکثر دبی شبکه نزدیکتر خواهد شد. اما درصد تامین کاهش خواهد یافت به عبارتی مشترکین حجم آب کمتری برداشت می کنند. نتایج اندازهگیری حجم آب مصرفی توسط فن و همکاران در 225 روستای چین نیز نشان داد که با کاهش ساعت تحویل آب حجم آب مصرفی کاهش چشمگیری خواهد داشت.در شبکه تازه آباد، تحویل آب در 8 ساعت به عنوان بهترین گزینه انتخاب شد. در این حالت نسبت آب تامین شده به آب موردنیاز حدود 70 درصد و یکنواختی توزیع حدود 87 درصد خواهد بود. همچنین حداکثر دبی در شبکه توزیع آب تقریبا برابر حداکثر دبی در شرایط فعلی است.

    کلیدواژگان: شبکه توزیع آب، تحویل نوبتی، الگوی مصرف، جستجوی هارمونی، روش گسیلنده
  • آمنه میان آبادی*، مژده سلیمی فرد، مریم سلاجقه صفحات 94-115

    تبخیر-تعرق یکی از مولفه‎های کلیدی بیلان آب و برنامه‎ریزی آبیاری است. بنابراین برآورد دقیق این مولفه می‎تواند باعث بهبود مدیریت بهره‎برداری از آب و افزایش راندمان مصرف آب شود. با توجه به محدودیت ابزار اندازه‎گیری تبخیر-تعرق، روش‎های سنجش از دور می‎تواند به این منظور استفاده شود. در این مقاله از الگوریتم مثلثی برای تخمین تبخیر-تعرق در دشت کرمان در فصل های رشد 1399 (2020) و 1400 (2021) استفاده و نتایج آن به صورت نقشه‏های پهنه‏بندی تبخیر-تعرق ارائه شد. برای صحت‎سنجی نتایج الگوریتم، مقدار تبخیر-تعرق واقعی به دست آمده با استفاده از روش مثلثی برای یک باغ پسته که دارای شرایط مدیریت شده (بدون تنش) بود، با مقادیر حاصل از روش فائو 56 مقایسه شد. نتایج نشان داد که مقدار تبخیر-تعرق برای این باغ پسته با دقت قابل قبولی تخمین زده شده است (ضریب همبستگی 73/0، میانگین خطا 6/1- میلی متر در روز، جذر میانگین مربعات خطا 8/1 میلی متر در روز و nRMSE برابر 4/0). اگرچه مقدار منفی ضریب نش-ساتکلیف (3/1-) نشان می دهد که میانگین مقادیر حاصل از فائو 56 پیش بینی بهتری از الگوریتم مثلثی ارائه می دهد. مقادیر به دست آمده از الگوریتم مثلثی کمتر از مقادیر فائو 56 بود که می تواند به دلیل عدم قطعیت موجود در الگوریتم، عدم قطعیت داده های اندازه گیری شده و یا اختلاف زمانی بین تاریخ تصاویر انتخابی و تاریخ آبیاری باشد.

    کلیدواژگان: دمای سطح زمین، سنجش از دور، شاخص نرمال شده تفاوت پوشش گیاهی، لندست
  • رویا نیازمند، آرمان مقدم نیا، پیمان طهماسبی، سامان نیک مهر، عیسی معروف پور* صفحات 116-137

    یکی از چالش های توسعه پایدار کشاورزی، استفاده درست از منابع آب و سایر نهاده های کشاورزی به منظور افزایش بهره وری است که یکی از راهکارهای آن استفاده از سامانه های نوین آبیاری است. هدف از این مطالعه، ارزیابی شاخص های بهره وری مصرف آب و انرژی محصول سیب زمینی در دشت دهگلان استان کردستان بوده است. در پژوهش حاضر، 19 مزرعه به صورت تصادفی، به مجموع مساحت 177 هکتار، انتخاب شدند. مزارع در سه گروه CE (سامانه آبیاری بارانی کلاسیک ثابت آبپاش متحرک با منبع تامین انرژی برق)، CD (سامانه آبیاری بارانی کلاسیک ثابت آبپاش متحرک با منبع انرژی سوخت دیزلی) و WE (سامانه آبیاری بارانی لوله چرخ دار با منبع تامین انرژی برق)، دسته بندی شدند. حجم آب مصرفی مزارع، به وسیله دبی سنج اولتراسونیک اندازه گیری گردید. در پایان فصل آبیاری، میزان برق مصرفی هر کدام از مزارع از شرکت برق منطقه ای استان، دریافت شد. در مزارعی که از سوخت دیزل برای موتور پمپ ها، استفاده می شد، میزان گازوئیل مصرفی ماهانه ثبت می گردید. میزان عملکرد محصول نیز، از طریق کیل گیری اندازه گیری شد. متوسط میزان بهره وری مصرف آب مزارع مذکور به ترتیب 1/4، 5/3 و 1/4 کیلوگرم بر مترمکعب و شاخص بهره وری مصرف انرژی نیز به ترتیب 4/0، 2/0 و 4/0 کیلوگرم بر مگاژول بود. متوسط شاخص کارایی مصرف انرژی نیز به ترتیب 4/1، 7/0 و 4/1 بود. متوسط شاخص انرژی ویژه نیز به ترتیب 7/2، 7/5 و 5/2 مگاژول بر کیلوگرم بوده است. به طورکلی، بر اساس شاخص های موردمطالعه، وضعیت مزارع CD نامطلوب و انرژی خالص دریافتی از آن ها، منفی است.

    کلیدواژگان: آبیاری بارانی، انرژی ورودی، بهره وری مصرف آب، سیب زمینی، کارایی مصرف انرژی
  • Shima Komeili, Mohammad Mehdi Heidari * Pages 1-17

    Piano key weir is a form of nonlinear weir designed to improve the discharge capacity of spillway structures. Due to the increase in effective length, they can be used in dam spillways or water regulation structures. It is modified form of labyrinth weir which easy to place on the existing spillway or newly constructed dam with less base area. There is no standard method available for PK weir design, and the amount of published information is insufficient for the design of PK weir. A large number of geometric and hydraulic parameters affect the discharge capacity of PK weir, and their effect on the hydraulic performance of the weir can be investigated with a numerical model or laboratory data. Simulation of flow over PKW using FLOW-3D software and the effect of the turbulence model on the accuracy of the numerical model is one of the goals of this study. Also, in this research, the effect of the ratio of the inlet key width to the outlet key width (Wi/Wo) and the effect of the energy head on the discharge capacity are investigated.


    Laboratory data from Anderson (2011) were used to validate the numerical model. The total length and height of the weir are 4.848 and 0.197 m respectively, the floor slope in inlet and outlet key are 1:1.8, and number of keys is 4. The inlet and outlet key width are 0.116 and 0.925 m respectively, and the Wi/Wo ratio is 1.25. Selection of boundary conditions for the numerical model is one of the most basic stages of simulation. In order to define the boundary conditions, in the inflow point (Xmin) volume flow rate, in the sides of the weir (Ymin, Ymax) and bed (Zmin) wall condition, on the upper border (Zmax) symmetry condition and in the outflow section of the weir, outflow condition was used.

    Results and discussion

    The numerical model results were compared with the laboratory data. The results showed that if the second order scheme and RNG k-ε turbulence model are used in the numerical model, the simulation accuracy of the flow over PKW increases. Also, the results show that increasing the He/P decreases the discharge coefficient. So that the discharge coefficient for He/P=0.92 decreases by about 50% compared to He/P=0.24. With the increase of the water depth on the weir, the interference of the flow takes place at the breaking point of the weir cycles, and as a result, the discharge coefficient decreases. Another factor affecting the flow coefficient of the piano key is the ratio of the inlet key width to the outlet key width. By increasing the Wi/Wo, the flow coefficient has increased, and then it becomes maximum at Wi/Wo=1.5.


    In this research, the simulation of the flow over piano key and labyrinth weir was done using a numerical model. The results showed that for a fixed depth, the piano key weir passes more discharge than the labyrinth weir, and the ratio of flow through the piano key weir to the labyrinth weir is about 1.08. In other words, at a constant depth, the piano key weir passes 8% more flow. In this research, the effect of head energy on the discharge coefficient of the piano key weir was also investigated. The results show that increasing the He/P decreases the discharge coefficient. The results showed that if the Wi/Wo equal to 1.5, the highest discharge coefficient occurs for the piano key weir.

    Keywords: FLOW-3D model, Labyrinth Weir, Turbulence model, capacity of spillway
  • Kamal Alikhani, Morteza Bakhtiari *, Etemadaldin Rabee Gholami Pages 18-40

    Jackup rigs are one of the most widely used and popular offshore structures in semi-deep waters due to their mobility. The new jackups usually consist of a floating triangular body supported by three independent vertical truss legs that can be raised, lowered and jacked, and each of these legs rests on foundations known as spuds. They ride and reach stability and balance by penetrating deep into the soil. In cases where the seabed soil has a layered structure including a strong layer placed on top of a weak layer, there is a possibility of punch failure during foundation penetration. Knowing about the soil flow mechanisms around the foundation of the spudcon that suffer continuous large penetration and also estimating the probability and degree of intensity of a sudden spudcon penetration are very important issues.


    In the present research, a numerical study was carried out to investigate the bearing capacity of the spudken foundation of the offshore jackup structure in soil with a two-layer system of sand on clay. Finite element analysis of large deformations has been used to simulate the continuous penetration of the spudken foundation in a layered soil consisting of a strong sand layer placed on top of a weak clay layer. Numerical simulation is done by "Eulerian-Lagrangian coupling" method in ABAQUS software.In this research, the effect of characteristics of sand and clay layers, including relative density (ID) and thickness of sand layer, shear strength at the boundary of two layers (su0), gradient of shear strength of clay layer on bearing capacity and punch rupture phenomenon are studied. In this research, the Mohr-Columb model was used to model the behavior of sandy and clay soils.

    Results and discussion

    The results of the research show that the parameters related to geotechnical characteristics, including the shear strength of the clay layer, the shear resistance gradient, the relative density of the sand layer, and the thickness of the sand layer have a direct relationship with the bearing strength of the Spadken foundation. So that with the increase of each of these characteristics, the bearing resistance also increases. The obtained results showed that by increasing the thickness (Hs) and relative density (ID) of the sand layer, the load bearing capacity of the pispodken (q) and the volume of the transferred sandy soil mass (the height of the soil mass (hplug) and the width of the soil mass) (bplug) increases, so that with the increase of Hs from 6 m to 8 m, the value of qpeak increases from 263 kPa to 346 kPa, the value of hplug from 6.52 m to 8.26 m and the value of bplug from 6.6 m to 6.9 m and with The increase of ID from 20% to 60% increases the qpeak value from 328 kPa to 367 kPa, the hplug value from 6.85 m to 7.14 m, and the bplug value from 5.7 m to 6 m. Also, the investigation of the effects of shear resistance (su0) and shear resistance gradient (ρ) of the clay layer shows their direct relationship with the bearing capacity and the reverse relationship with the volume of the transferred soil mass, so that with the increase of su0 from 11 kPa to 20 kPa, the value of qpeak from 307 kPa to 390 kPa, the value of hplug from 7.41 m to 7.14 m and the value of bplug from 6.9 m to 6.6 m, and with the increase of ρ from 1 kPa/m to 2 kPa/m, the value of qpeak from 314 kPa At 352 kPa, the value of hplug goes from 7.14 m to 6.9 m and the value of bplug goes from 6 m to 5.7 m.


    The results of this research can be summarized as follows:• Parameters related to geotechnical characteristics, including shear resistance of clay layer, gradient of shear resistance, relative density of sand layer, thickness of sand layer have a direct relationship with the load bearing strength of the foundation. So that with the increase of each of these characteristics, the bearing resistance also increases.• The severity and risk of punch breakage increases with the increase in the thickness of the sand layer and the decrease in the shear strength of the clay layer.• The soil rupture pattern under the infiltrating spudken foundation changes with respect to the depth, such that at surface depths, the rupture has two components, shear along the almost vertical shear plane in the sand layer and local shear rupture in the clay layer.

    Keywords: spud can, Lagrangian-Eulerian couple, Abaqus soft ware, punch, relative density
  • Reyhaneh Haghighi, Amir Malekpour Estalaki *, Mehdi Esmaeili Varaki Pages 41-60

    Stability analysis of earthen slopes is important for the investigation of road embankments, river walls and upstream and downstream slopes of earthen dams. The sloping earthen walls of the river are always subject to instability and failure caused by various factors such as floods, variations of the water level in the river. In investigating the stability of the earthen sloping walls of rivers, the role of hydraulic and geotechnical variables and their correlations are important as factors of creating uncertainty in the analyzes. The aim of current research is to investigate the effect of water level changes on the stability of the soil slopes of the river wall under the conditions of applying the correlation of effective random geotechnical variables with the use of copula functions. Also, comparing the performance of copula functions used in combination with limit equilibrium methods is another goal of this research.


    The uncertainty and correlation of the random soil properties including the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the river sloping wall were investigated at four cross-sections of Shalmanrood river in Guilan province of Iran. To this end, a computer code was developed in MATLAB and five copula functions were applied to the soil properties and the calculated correlations and distributions were compared using Akaike and Bayesian information criteria to determine the best copula. Then in GeoStudio software, using three limit equilibrium methods including Bishop, Spencer and Morgenstern-Price the slope stability was approximated. The distributions of factor of safety were obtained for three scenarios of water level including the maximum observed level and the water level decline by 20 and 40 %.

    Results and discussion

    For the maximum water level in the river cross-section 1, the distribution of factor of safety was obtained in the range of 1.4-3.6 using the limit equilibrium method. By decreasing the water level by 20%, the factor of safety changes to 1.2-1.9 and declining the water level by 40% , the range is obtained 1.06-2.8. The same trends of decreasing the factor of safety by the water level decline in the river are observed in three other cross-sections. For the maximum river water level in cross-section 1, the maximum error of normal and GEV distributions were obtained equal to 7.8 and 11.4%, respectively. In addition, the error of normal and GEV distributions for water level decline by 20% were13.4% and 13.6% respectively. Finally, the error of 9% and 14.5% were obtained for the water level decline by 40% for the normal and GEV, respectively. It is observed that normal distribution offers better performance for all water levels and the errors of both distributions increase with water level decline. This trend is also observed in the all studied cross-sections.


    The performance of the Morgenstern-Price method compared to other limit equilibrium methods is not affected by the variations of the water level in the river and always offers acceptable results. Three limit equilibrium methods used (Bishop, Spencer, and Morgenstern-Price) provide similar results at lower values of the factor of safety (with lower cumulative probability, CDF). Frank copula is the best function to model the correlation of random variables affecting the studied sloping walls of the river. The highest rate of change in factor of safety is observed for the water level decline by 20%.

    Keywords: Copula, GeoStudio software, Limit equilibrium, Reliability, uncertainty
  • Sanaz Mesbah Gharehtapeh, Hossein Khozeymehnezhad *, Mehdi Dastourani Pages 61-79

    The overflow structure is used to organize and control the water level in open canals and relaxation ponds. Composite sharp edge overflows are designed in different ways and are made up of several openings in such a way that when there is a shortage of water, The flow only passes through the main section of the spillway and more discharge is created on it, and during the flood, with the increase of the discharge, the upper section also starts working, and as a result, it prevents the return of water and the increase of the water level upstream of the spillway. In this situation, the measurement is done with more accuracy (Boss, 1988). Due to the ability to control the water level and the ease of construction and measurement of flow intensity, sharp edge spillways and sliding gates have been widely investigated. On the other hand, most of the overflows in their upstream cause the formation of a region with relatively still water, which creates favorable conditions for sediments and waste materials to settle in the water, which is considered one of the defects of this structure. With the combination of overflow and gate, the difficulties and disadvantages of using each one alone can be reduced so that materials with sedimentation properties are easily emptied from the gate part and mineral and floating materials are emptied from the overflow (Negm et al, 2002).


    The experiments of this research were carried out in the hydraulic laboratory channel of the Faculty of Agriculture of Birjand University. The channel used in this experiment has a rectangular cross section with a width of 0.3 meters, a length of 10 meters, a height of 0.5 meters and a maximum flow rate of 30 liters per second. The current research was carried out in the form of establishing flow with constant opening of the gate and different flow rates, as well as establishing flow with opening of different gates and constant flow rate in two slopes of 0.004 and 0.002 to determine the flow coefficient. In order to carry out the present experiment, a semi-circular-rectangular overflow structure and a sliding gate is made of galvanized sheet and installed in the test section.By including all effective parameters and dimensional analysis by Buckingham’s method and considering ρ, v and y as repeated variables, the general equation of dimensionless parameters is obtained as follows after simplification.  In the present study, dimensionless parameters Hg/D, y/D and  were investigated.

    Results and discussion

    According to the collected data and the hydraulic and geometrical parameters of the structure, the discharge coefficient of the structure was investigated. The flow coefficient of the combined structure was calculated in two states of constant gate and different flow rates, and constant flow rate and different gates. Also, in order to control some of the experiments, the discharge coefficient of the combined structure was investigated in two slopes of 0.004 and 0.002. In all these researches, the discharge coefficient of the combined structure was between 0.6 and 0.8.


    The test results show that the discharge coefficient depends on whether the gate is submerged or not and the height of the upstream water. Also, the flow coefficient in the conditions of water passing through the gate decreases with the increase of Y/D parameter, and the flow coefficient increases with the increase of Y/D when water passes through the gateand semi-circular-rectangular overflow. By changing the slope of the floor, the discharge coefficient has not changed significantly and with the decrease of Hg/D, the discharge coefficient is almost fixed and tends to a constant number of 0.74.

    Keywords: Sliding gate, Combined weir, water transfer channel, flow measurement
  • Arman Haghighi, Elham Darvishi *, Ehsan Roshani Pages 80-93

    Climate change and population increase have caused an increase in consumption in the existing water distribution networks, as a result, an increase in the discharge in the pipes and a decrease in the pressure in the nodes. The decrease in pressure makes some consumers unable to receive the required water. To solve this problem, long-term and short-term solutions have been proposed. Replacing pipes with pipes with a larger diameter is one of the solutions. But it requires considerable time and money. Intermittent supply of water can be used in existing networks to solve the problem.TazeAbad network has a large pressure drop during peak hours. The reason for this is the low diameter of the main pipes, which cause a large drop in the pressure as the consumption increases and the discharge increases. In this study, in order to improve justice and increase water supply in this network, optimal intermittent supply of water was done for 6 areas of this network.


    The Intermittent supply of water is usually done based on pressure-based hydraulic analysis. In case, the consumers will also store the needs of other hours. In other words, the consumption pattern in continuous supply cannot be used for Intermittent supply. In this research, the Emitter method is used for the hydraulic analysis of the network. In this hydraulic analysis, the amount of water delivered to the node is a function of pressure.Intermittent supply for 6 areas of the water distribution network of TazeAbad city was optimized in 12, 8 and 6 hours with the aim of supplying the required water and high two-objective by using single-objective and two-objective Harmony Search algorithm. In the hydraulic model, the pressure-based hydraulic analysis method and the Emitter method were used to determine the discharge of the nodes and the results were compared. In different scenarios, the possibility of supplying water in 4, 3 and 2 time intervals was investigated.

    Results and discussion

    In all scenarios, the results of pressure-based hydraulic analysis method are located in all areas of Tazehabad city during peak hours. In this method, despite the high distribution uniformity coefficient, the amount of water delivered to consumers is less than their needs in the hour of supply. At present, in TazeAbad distribution network, consumers receive more water at the existing pressures than the pressure-based method.In the Emitter method, in all scenarios, the distribution uniformity is lower than the pressure-based method. But in this method, the supply percentage is much higher. So that more than 95% of customers' demands have been met in 12-hour supply.By reducing the water supply time, the percentage of supply has decreased in both methods. In the single-objective algorithm, the ratio of supplied water to the required water is more than the double-objective algorithm. But the uniformity of the distribution has increased in the double-objective algorithm. In all scenarios, water delivery in the pressure-based method was in one time interval for all areas, but in the Emitter method, water was usually delivered in 2 time intervals.In TazeAbad network, if water is supplied in 2 shifts, the maximum discharge in the network is more than the maximum discharge of the existing conditions of the network. But if water is supplied in 3 and 4 time intervals, the maximum discharge will be closer to the maximum discharge of the network. The difference between the maximum and minimum network discharges in the two-objective algorithm was lower than the single-objective algorithm. The supply of water in 4 time intervals has had the least changes in discharge and consumption coefficients.


     According to the scenarios reviewed in TazeAbad network, water supply in 8 hours was chosen as the best option. In this case, the ratio of supplied water to required water will be around 70% and the uniformity of distribution will be around 87%. The maximum discharge in the water distribution network is almost equal to the maximum discharge in the current conditions. Also, the range of discharge changes and consumption coefficients is lower than the current conditions. In other words, pressure changes in the network will be less than the current conditions.

    Keywords: Intermittent supply, Water Distribution Network, Consumption Pattern, Harmony Search, Emitter method
  • Ameneh Mianabadi *, Mojdeh Salimifard, Maryam Salajegheh Pages 94-115

    Evapotranspiration is one of the key components of water balance and irrigation planning. Thus, the accurate estimation of this component and the water consumption of plants can improve the management of water use and increase the efficiency of water consumption. Due to the limitation of tools for measuring evaporation-transpiration, remote sensing methods can be used for this purpose. There are several remote sensing algorithms for actual evaporation estimation including SEBAL, SEBS, Metric, etc. In this study we used the triangle method which only was used by Salimifard et al. (2022) in Mashhad Plain. They evaluated the results for the agricultural products, i.e., wheat and maize. The aim of this study is to evaluate the triangle method for a horticultural crop, i.e., pistachio in Kerman Plain. 


    The study area is Kerman Plain in which pistachio is one of the most important agricultural products. Due to water scarcity in this plain, determining the water requirement of the crops is crucial for agricultural activities. Accordingly, it is important to have an appropriate estimation of actual evapotranspiration in the plain. In this paper, the triangular algorithm was used to estimate actual evapotranspiration in the Kerman Plain in the growing seasons of 2020 (1399) and 2021 (1400). For this purpose, the Landsat 8 satellite images with less than 10% cloudiness were used. The variables such as NDVI, LST, etc., were calculated by using the JAVA programming language in the Google Earth Engine code (GEE) system environment. The required meteorological data of Kerman station were acquired from IRIMO. The triangular algorithm is based on the two-dimensional spatial plot of normalized LST and normalized NDVI, which were calculated using bands 10, 5, and 4 of the Landsat 8 in the GEE. Estimation of the wet and dry edges was conducted by MATLAB code. the actual evapotranspiration obtained using the triangular method for a pistachio orchard, which was under irrigation management, was compared to the values obtained by the FAO-56 method. The results were evaluated by correlation coefficient (r), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Error (ME).

    Results and discussion

    The results showed that the amount of evapotranspiration for pistachio was estimated with acceptable accuracy (r= 0.73 and RMSE=1.8, nRMSE=0.4, ME=-1.6). However, the NSE less than zero (-1.3) shows that the observed (FAO-56) mean is a better predictor than the Triangle algorithm. The values obtained from the triangular algorithm were lower than the values of FAO 56, which was in line with the results of the previous studies for both Agricultural and horticultural crops. This underestimation could be due to the uncertainty of the algorithm, uncertainty in the measured data, or due to the time difference between the date of the selected images and the date of irrigation. Moreover, inappropriate quality of water and soil in Kerman Plain and the uncertainty of plant coefficients used are among the factors that can underestimate evapotranspiration values by the algorithm. 


    In this study, the triangular algorithm was used to estimate actual evapotranspiration in Kerman plain using remote sensing data. Actual evapotranspiration values obtained from the triangular algorithm were lower than FAO 56 values, which might be due to the uncertainty of the algorithm, uncertainty in the measured data, uncertainty of plant coefficients, or due to the time difference between the date of the selected images and the date of irrigation. To have a better evaluation of the remote sensing algorithms, it can be suggested to develop and apply a micro lysimeter in the farms and orchards, or to use the soil water balance of the farms and orchards. These may help to choose the more appropriate algorithm for the given study area, leading to providing the more proper and applicable advices for the farmers for managing the shortage of the water resources. Furthermore, it may help to update the crop coefficients which may lead to better estimation of evapotranspiration.

    Keywords: NDVI, Landsat, LST, Remote Sensing
  • Roya Niazmand, Arman Moghadamnia, Peyman Tahmasebi, Saman Nikmehr, Eisa Maroufpoor * Pages 116-137

    Agriculture, while being a supplier of energy, is also its most important consumer. Agriculture is also the largest consumer of water. The optimal use of the two main inputs of agriculture, namely water and energy resources, in the agricultural sector is one of the important priorities of the country's water and agriculture industry (Ahmad & Khan, 2009). One of the most important programs for agricultural development in the country should be to increase the productivity of water and energy consumption. So far, about 2.9 million hectares in Iran have been covered by pressurized irrigation systems, which has led to an improvement in the water productivity index from 0.87 kg/m3 in 2005 to 1.32 kg/m3 in 2015, and the target is 1.6 kg/m3 in 2025. The Dehgolan plain, with an area of 84,982 square kilometers, is located to the east of the city of Sanandaj. The Dehgolan prohibited aquifer is the only source of agricultural water in the region. The solid set sprinkler irrigation system is the most common irrigation system in the region, and in some areas, farmers also use the wheel-move sprinkler irrigation system. In addition, due to the annual decline in the groundwater level, the energy consumption for pumping water has also increased; therefore, it seems necessary to study the water productivity indices as well as the electricity consumption efficiency and the total energy consumption in the mentioned plain. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the water and energy productivity indices of the important potato crop in farmers' fields, with solid set sprinkler and wheel-move sprinkler irrigation systems. In addition, an attempt was made to study both electricand diesel fuel sources.


    A study involving 19 farms with a combined area of 177 hectares investigated water and energy use in irrigation systems. The farms were divided into three categories: solid set sprinkler systems with mobile sprinklers powered by electricity (CE), solid set sprinkler systems with mobile sprinklers powered by diesel fuel (CD), and wheel move sprinkler systems powered by electricity (WE). To measure flow rate, an ultrasonic flow meter was used on each farm. Electricity consumption data was obtained from the regional electricity company at the conclusion of the irrigation season. Farms using diesel-powered pumps had their monthly diesel consumption documented. The yield was alsomeasured by sampling method. other necessary and complementary information about the studied farms was collected from farmers, including the amount of potato tuber planted in the farm, fertilizers used, pesticides used, required labor force, and agricultural machinery required in the planting, cultivation, and harvesting stages. At last, to evaluate the productivity of the studied farms, the following indices were used: electricity and energy consumption productivity, water productivity, energy efficiency, and specific energy. 

    Results and discussion

    An analysis of various water and energy efficiency indicators revealed that farms using solid set sprinkler systems with mobile sprinklers powered by diesel fuel (CD farms) performed the worst. These farms exhibited the lowest average water use productivity (1.4 kg/m³), energy use productivity (0.2 kg/MJ), and energy efficiency (0.7), while having the highest average specific energy consumption (5.7 MJ/kg). This suggests that CD farms have a negative net energy input, meaning they consume more energy than they produce. 


    This study evaluated water and energy use productivity indices for potato production in farmers' fields of Dehgolan plain, Kurdistan province, Iran. The fields were classified into three groups: CE (solid set sprinkler irrigation system with electric power source), CD (solid set sprinkler irrigation system with diesel fuel energy source), and WE (wheel move sprinkler irrigation system with electric power source). The average energy consumption of CE, CD, and WE farms was 111413, 213931, and 118431 MJ/ha, respectively. The water use productivity indices of CE and WE farms were equal and 17% higher than those of CD farms. The energy use efficiency and productivity of the mentioned farms were also equal and twice those of CD farms. The net energy input of the mentioned farms was 41587, -75931, and 52569 MJ/ha, respectively.In other words, the energy input from CD farms that use diesel engines is negative. In general, based on the studied indices, the status of farms with solid set and wheel move sprinkler irrigation systems that use electric energy is acceptable compared to the national average. However, it is necessary to prioritize the electrification of agricultural wells of farms that use diesel fuel in the country's planning programs.

    Keywords: Energy Use Efficiency, Inlet Energy, Potato, Sprinkler irrigation, Water Use Productivity