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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "Dental" در نشریات گروه "پزشکی"

  • Mohsen Rezaee, Shahin Kasraei, Mohammadhamed Zabihi, Narges Panahandeh *

    Some previous studies have suggested that laser irradiation improves the bond strength of composite to dentin. This study aimed to assess the effect of 810 and 970 nm diode laser on microtensile Bond Strength (µTBS) of universal adhesives to dentin. 


    In this in vitro, experimental study, the occlusal third of 54 extracted third molars was cut, and they were randomly divided into 9 groups (n=18). In groups 1-3, Tetric N-Bond Universal (TNB), G-Premio Bond (GPB), and Single Bond Universal (SBU) adhesives were applied, respectively and the teeth were built-up by applying three 1-mm thick composite increments. The same was performed for groups 4-6 and 7-9 with the difference that they underwent 810 and 970 nm diode laser irradiation (0.8 W, 20 s), respectively, prior to light curing. All the teeth were then sectioned into 1×1 mm blocks and their µTBS was measured. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey test.


    The interaction effect of type of bonding agent and laser irradiation on µTBS was not significant (p=0.79). There was a statistical difference between the bond strength of the adhesive systems used (p=0.009).


    Laser irradiation of universal adhesives applied by the etch and rinse (E&R) technique using 810 and 970 nm diode laser (0.8 W, 20 s) prior to their polymerization did not increase their µTBS to dentin.

    Keywords: Adhesives, Analysis Of Variance, Curing Lights, Dental, Dentin, G-Bond, Lasers, Light-Curing Of Dental Adhesives, Polymerization, Semiconductor, Single Bond, Tetric
  • Queen Alice Arul *, Padma Priya Mahalingham, Dipanjan Debnath
  • Atefeh Gohari, Hoda Alimadadi, Mandana Nasseri, Mohammadmohsen Barikani, Mahgol Mehrabani

    This study aimed to compare the effects of requirement-based and test-based formative assessment methods on pre-clinical endodontic competence and performance of dental students.


    This interventional field study was conducted on dental students of Shahid Beheshti Dental School in the first and second semesters of 2021 academic year (third-year students), taking practical basic endodontics 1. After receiving theoretical instructions and practical demonstrations, the students in both groups were asked to perform root canal therapy for extracted maxillary anterior and mandibular/maxillary canine teeth as part of their requirement. Their errors were assessed and recorded by two calibratedinstructors. Next, group 1 students performed root canal therapy for mandibular incisors and premolars as their requirement and returned the treated teeth on a specific date every 3 weeks. Group 2 students did not have a specific requirement and only participated in an examination which included endodontic treatment of the same group of teeth treated by group 1 students at the same designated dates. The treated teeth were assessed by instructors for errors. A final examination was held at the end of the semester for both groups. The two groups were compared by independent t-test, ANCOVA, Pearson Chi-square, and Mann-Whitney tests (alpha=0.05).


    No significant difference was found between the two groups in access cavity preparation, root canal instrumentation, or obturation (P>0.05).


    Requirement-based and test-based formative assessment methods had similar effects on pre-clinical endodontic competence and performance of dental students

    Keywords: Endodontics, Process Assessment, Health Care, Students, Dental, Task Performance, Analysis
  • Saman Jalali, Omid Saed, Kamyar Mansori, Azin Nourian*
    Background & Objective

    Non-cognitive and personality variables, such as grit, have been shown to play an important role in medical science education. In order to facilitate studies in this field, it is necessary to have a reliable and valid instrument. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure and psychometric properties of the short Grit Scale (Grit-S) for Iranian dental students.

    Material & Methods

    For this psychometric study, the short Grit-S was administered to a sample of dental students (n = 226) during the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023 at the School of Dentistry of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. First, the questionnaire was translated, and then the psychometric properties of the Short Grit-S were evaluated. Descriptive statistics and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were performed using SPSS 26, while Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted through AMOS 24.


    The results of this study provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the Short Grit-S as a measure of grit among Iranian dental students. The internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach's alpha), split-half reliability, and test-retest were 0.80, 0.82, and 0.84, respectively. The Short Grit-S was found to be a valid and reliable instrument with good factorial validity, internal consistency, convergence, and criterion validity. The Short Grit-S was found to be useful for finding out how persistent Iranian dental students were in their efforts (Eigenvalue 3.53; variance explained 50.44) and how interested they were in learning (Eigenvalue 1.16; variance explained 16.55). The two-factor model with 7 items (item 2 was omitted) was found to be the best factor structure for the Persian version of the Short Grit-S.


    In conclusion, the study found that the Persian version of the Short Grit-S with 7 items was a reliable and valid instrument for measuring grit among Iranian dental students.

    Keywords: Students, Dental, Psychometrics, Surveys, Questionnaires
  • Bahareh Tahani, Ali Kazemian

    “Complex problems require complex solutions” 1 and the population's oral health is a typical –and still unresolved- complex problem. There are some reasons why oral diseases are considered as a major and complex global public health problem. Over three billion people in the world suffer from these diseases 2, and their economic burden on individuals and societies is considerable 3, but the current treatment-oriented (rather than preventive) 4 high-technology approach has proved inefficient and has failed to address the underlying causes of these diseases as well as the existing inequalities in oral health. Even the most cited proposed models applied to understand the determinants of oral health are mostly linear and do not adequately consider the interaction of behavioral, psychological, sociological and structural factors. Thus, a fundamentally different approach is required for a ‘radical action’, i.e., a system change to reduce the burden of oral diseases. 5 In this commentary, we introduce “system thinking” (ST) as the required approach to address this hugely complex problem. We will start with a brief introduction to the definition and characteristics of ST. Then, we discuss how this approach might help policy makers to develop new and effective solutions for some specific problems in the dental public health domain. System thinking could be considered as an initiative or approach aimed at examining how things interact with each other within their respective contexts as a whole entity. 6 This approach has been emerged in the public health literature with impressive growth in the recent years and its implications in solving public health problems ranging from obesity to tobacco have been discussed. Public health interventions usually deal with complex issues that are multifactorial and multilevel. The recognition of such complexity has encouraged public health practitioners and researchers to experiment with systems sciences techniques to shift their focus from individual behavior changes to societal, environmental and policy interventions. 7 Thoughtful engagement with complexity, including capturing and understanding nonlinear cause and effect relationships, differing time scales, identification and management of unintended consequences, and transdisciplinary thinking can be regarded as the key strengths of systems approaches that could be adopted to solve public health problems. 8 Different theories and methods in ST have been designed to aid the analysis and address complex public health problems for which simple blueprint approaches have limited success. 9 Some tools are developed to facilitate reaching a common understanding of an issue, thus prompting further inquiry and action among a group of people. For example, “systems archetypes”, including causal loop diagrams (CLD), can help teams to understand the generic patterns of interaction that can be applicable to their “story”, rather than using the pre-existing templates. 10 CLD has the potential to promote our understanding of the broader political, institutional, and cultural contexts. It could be helpful in improving the currently accepted causality models in dentistry, which have commonly categorized determinants as structural, intermediate and proximal ones, with direct, linear and mostly unidirectional relations. 2 For example, understanding the current visible trend toward cosmetic dentistry in many high-income and even middle-income countries could be seen as a typical case that requires a system-thinking approach. Reduction of the trend to only a moral or financial issue is clearly insufficient. The interaction of a series of cultural, structural, economic and psychological causes could explain over-utilization or over-provision of aesthetic dental services. However, even when analyzing the commercial determinants of dental diseases, as an emerging approach in dental public health, its interactions seem to follow the same causality approach. Therefore, a system science approach might be helpful in identifying how unhealthy commodity industries market their products, gain control over policy, and legitimize their increasing presence in public health. Thus, identification of the connection circles for dental disease causes that would otherwise be missed in more individualized behavior approaches could be achieved by using such qualitative-quantitative methods as CLDs. One of the concerns of health planners has been the inquiry that whether interventions shown to be effective in a research setting would be simply replicated at the large scale or in the real world. The concept of “Effectiveness Decay” contributes the ‘effective coverage’ of an intervention to contextual and operational determinants. The process of using or utilizing an intervention begins with the questions asking whether patients access care and whether and how services are administered, received and adhered to. 11 Therefore, based on this concept, the real effectiveness of a community-based intervention might differ from the expected efficacy illustrated in small-scale research settings. For example, in the field of dental public health, based on a Cochrane systematic review of Fluoride Varnish (FV) application in ideal settings for clinical trials, it is suggested that this intervention can reduce the worsening of caries in the primary dentition with a prevention fraction of 37%. However, applying FV in wider public health programs has shown a modest and nonsignificant anti-caries effect. 12 The potential area for case loss in these interventions, or ‘node’, as a function of many concurrent forces between actors, context and structure of health systems might be discovered. 13 While effectiveness decay models highlight areas of deficiency requiring targeted attention, they do not reveal the underlying causes of such a decay. There are a number of other tools including network mapping, social network analyses and process mapping that are used to map out events or show how things are connected. Thus, it is possible to examine critical processes that are associated with the potential supply and demand-side determinants underlying the nodes indicated in the effectiveness decay models. 11 Application of ST in designing and evaluating the system-wide upstream policies seems to be another enormously important but overlooked issue. To design system-wide policies, the emphasis would be on some kind of multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder involvement. It is recommended that for a collective brainstorming on the possibly system-wide effects of the proposed upstream policies, the representative of each relevant sub-system (considering the relationships and dynamics among these sub-systems) is required. 14 The current unacceptable state of global oral health is rooted not only in external factors as competing disease priorities or scarcity of resources, but also in the inadequate coalescence among oral health actors and their disconnection with the wider global health mainstream. Therefore, to improve the populations' oral health, it is highly recommended that upstream policy interventions, such as legislation, regulation and fiscal change, focus more on the involvement of stakeholders from private and public sectors in oral health and other NCDs systems, industry, non-health sectors such as education councils, mass media, etc. We then need to focus on maximizing the synergy of efforts. Involvement of a wide range of stakeholders is crucial in conceptualizing the pathway of dynamic interactions in sub-systems or building blocks of the oral health system. Furthermore, system thinking can be beneficial for designing the methods to evaluate the implemented system-wide interventions. The emphasis in this approach is mainly upon incorporating plausibility designs such as “interrupted time-series”, which use mixed methods to provide estimates of adequacy, processes, contexts, effects and economic analyses of the interventions. They could complement and upgrade the traditional evaluation methods commonly used in health systems, i.e., probability designs such as randomized controlled trials with high internal validity but insufficient in evaluating system-wide interventions. Finally, it is worth mentioning that while the dental public health could benefit from system thinking approach to solve its special problems, the application of the such approach is emerging slowly in the oral health sector and mostly limited to the behavioral and psychological acculturation of dental habits such as tooth brushing. 15 The use of systems science within DPH is crucial to understanding and promoting good oral health for all, as well as to better understanding the complexity associated with the systems.

    Keywords: System Thinking, Dental, Public Health×
  • Roozbeh Sadrimanesh, Parissa Aref*, Sara Tavasoli-Hojjati, Saman Haghighat
    Background and Aim

    Dissatisfaction of parents with the appearance of conventional stainless-steel crowns (SSCs) has led the pedodontists to choose alternative esthetic restorations such as zirconia crowns.

    Case Presentation

    In this report, a new approach for fabrication of direct composite crowns for primary molars was described using dual-cure core build-up composite material in five patients with one-year follow-up.


    Direct composite crown appears to be a suitable esthetic restoration for pulpotomized primary molars in cooperative patients with acceptable oral hygiene.

    Keywords: Child, Composite Resins, Crowns, Esthetics, Dental, Molar
  • Ramin Harandi, Zeinab Abbasi Senjedary, Sareh Farhadi*
    Background and Aim

    In dentistry, acquiring knowledge, communication skills, and professional manual skills requires a favorable learning environment. This study aimed to investigate the association of decision-making styles and socioemotional skills in senior dental students (5th semester and higher) of Tehran Islamic Azad University.

    Materials and Methods

    This cross-sectional study evaluated 149 senior dental students. Their demographic information was collected, and they were asked to fill out the Melbourne Decision Making questionnaire (MDMQ), and Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) questionnaire to assess their social-emotional skills. The validity and reliability of the instruments were evaluated. Descriptive statistics and correlations were calculated between the scores of the MDMQ and SSES subscales, and P values < 0.05 were considered significant.   


    A significant correlation was observed between SSES and MDMQ scores with a rho coefficient of 0.193 (P<0.018). Assertiveness presented positive correlations with MDMQ with a rho coefficient of 0.252 (P<0.002). A positive correlation was also found between tolerance skills and sociability skills with correlation coefficients of rho=0.145 and rho=0.141, respectively (P<0. 00). Significant correlations were observed between decision-making styles and the subscales of creativity (P<0.021) and trust skills (P<0.04), respectively.


    A significant relationship was found between dental students' socioemotional skills and decision-making styles. Training that involves creativity and trust skills might be crucial for future decision-making by dental students.

    Keywords: Clinical Decision-Making, Students, Dental, Social Skills, Emotions
  • Muthyala Pavana Sandhya *, Prasanth Tumarada, Brahmaiah Pulicherla, Anuhya Medapati
    Mobile phones have become a vital part of modern life, generating concerns about addiction among students. The present study aimed to assess smartphone usage and addiction among undergraduate dental students in Eluru, Andhra Pradesh.
    A cross-sectional study was conducted among 304 dental students using a pre-designed questionnaire based on the Smartphone Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV). Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
    Out of 304 participants, most spent 3–4 hours on smartphones. Females showed slightly lower addiction scores than males. Addiction tendencies differed across different academic years, with second-year students scoring the highest.
    The study’s findings suggested that most dental students were addicted to smartphones. The study also revealed that having a smartphone was a crucial asset in their daily lives, and they preferred smartphones with advanced features.
    Keywords: Addiction, Behavior, Dental, Smartphone Use, Students
  • Niharika Bhatia, Srirengalakshmi Muthuswamy Pandian *

     This in-vivo study evaluated the accuracy of full-arch digital impressions obtained through different intraoral scanning technologies regarding trueness and efficiency against the standard alginate impressions.


     Alginate impressions were taken from 50 subjects, and the resulting stone casts were scanned using the Trios 3Shape desktop scanner. In-vivo scans were conducted on each participant using three intraoral scanners: Medit, CEREC Primescan, and 3Shape Trios. The scanned files were superimposed onto two software platforms: the 3Shape Orthoanalyser and Geomagic software. This superimposition was performed against the reference model to calculate 3D and 2D deviations, enabling efficiency comparisons between digital and traditional workflows based on work time in minutes. Measurements and comparisons were made in three planes: transverse, sagittal, and vertical dimensions for all the models and stone casts. Statistical analysis employed SPSS 23, with the significance level set at P<0.05.


    Significant deviations were observed between the three intraoral scanners and the alginate impression, with molar and premolar areas showing greater imprecision across dental arches. Compared to the alginate technique, Medit i500 tended to reduce the transverse dimension in the areas mentioned above, while CEREC exhibited higher precision. Molar and premolar areas emerged as the regions with the greatest discrepancies, both in excess and deficiency, compared to the alginate impression. This difference in dimensions was, however, statistically insignificant overall. 3Shape Trios exhibited the shortest scan times, indicating higher efficiency. Among the intraoral scanners, Medit recorded the longest scanning duration.


     Accepting the null hypothesis, the scans obtained using all three scanners were comparable with statistically insignificant differences in the measurements. The three scanners differed in the total scan time taken, with the Medit scanner requiring the longest scan time and the 3Shape TRIOS 3 scanner demonstrating the shortest scan duration.

    Keywords: Dental, Impression Material, Orthodontics
  • Michael Aryan Kya *, Tayebe Rojhanian, Fatemeh Sayar Irani

     One of the key indicators of the effectiveness of a country's healthcare system is the delivery of accessible and impactful health services, particularly in the field of oral and dental healthcare. Among the barriers to the utilization of oral and dental healthcare services within healthcare systems, the most prominent obstacles are a lack of awareness and insufficient financial resources. The objective of this research is to investigate the factors that influence the extent to which individuals in Iran make use of dental insurance services.


     The research employed a linear probability model to evaluate how eight independent variables influence the utilization of dental insurance services. These variables included possession of supplementary dental insurance, age, parenthood, marital status, gender, level of education, DMFT index, and accessibility. The study encompassed data from 384 policyholders who participated across 20 dental clinics located in Tehran. Sampling was conducted using a stratified random sampling method, covering individuals with dental insurance from mid-2022 to mid-2023. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ensured data normality. One-sample examined hypotheses, while Pearson's Chi-Square tested relationships. The Gamma coefficient assessed relationship strength, and the Friedman test ranked factors influencing dental service utilization.


     Possessing supplementary dental insurance with an average rank of 5.2 is the most influential factor in the extent of utilization of dental services. The DMFT index, ranking on average at 2.5, is identified as the third factor (following accessibility to dental services as the second factor) in the utilization of dental services.


     Possessing insurance emerges as a crucial factor compared to the DMFT index when it comes to dental visits. In other words, Iranians with a DMFT index but lacking insurance coverage show a lower likelihood of seeking dental treatment. This observation holds true even in the more affluent northern areas of Tehran, contrasting with regions spanning from center to lower Tehran.

    Keywords: Oral Health Related Quality of Life, Insurance, Dental, Delivery of Health Care, Iran
  • Aylar Javaheripour, Hajar Shafaei, Ilyad Ghaffarloo, Aydin Sohrabi

    Fixed orthodontic retainers are pivotal in determining the success of treatment outcomes. However, the bonding materials utilized in their construction are not completely inert. These materials may release bisphenol A (BPA), a compound associated with various health risks. This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of potential bonding agents used in fixed orthodontic retainers.


    In this experimental study, human gingival fibroblasts were cultured and subjected to various dental materials. These materials included acrylic resin (representing removable retainers), Transbond LR, and Enlight LV (which are common adhesives for fixed retainers), as well as Gradia Direct, Direct Flo, and Herculite XRV (commonly used in restorative composites). A control group was also exposed to normal saline. Discs measuring 0.5×1×1 mm were prepared from these materials. The viability of the fibroblasts was assessed using the MTT assay, and a statistical analysis (one-way analysis of variance) was conducted to compare the groups at a significance level of 0.05.


    The results of statistical analysis indicated no significant difference between the groups in terms of cytotoxicity for human gingival fibroblasts (p= 0.71).


     None of the tested materials negatively impacted the viability of human gingival fibroblasts. These results provide valuable clinical insights, reassuring orthodontic practitioners about the safety profile of these commonly used materials in the context of fixed orthodontic retention and restorative procedures.

    Keywords: Fixed orthodontic appliances, Orthodontic Cytotoxic agent, Bonding, Dental
  • سارا پورشهیدی، شیوا شیرازیان*، پریسا ترابیان، سمانه رازقی، احمدرضا شمشیری
    زمینه و هدف

    دندانپزشکان با بیشترین خطر ابتلا در دوران پاندمی کوید مواجه بودند. تربیت دانشجویان توانمند اولین وظیفه دانشکده دندانپزشکی است، برای غلبه بر مشکلات ایجاد شده، ضروری است کاستی های آموزشی ایجاد شده شناخته شوند. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین دیدگاه دانشجویان دانشکده دندانپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران سال 1400-1399 در خصوص توانمندی های مورد انتظار کسب شده در مقطع بالینی دوره دندانپزشکی عمومی در دوران پاندمی کرونا بوده است تا در دوران پساکرونا بتوان در راستای جبران نقایص موجود برنامه ریزی های آموزشی لازم را انجام داد.

    روش بررسی

    این مطالعه مقطعی توصیفی در دانشکده دندانپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران سال 1399-1400، در 3 مرحله طراحی چک لیست، روان سنجی (که توسط تیمی متشکل از 4 نفر از مسوولین آموزشی دانشکده (شامل معاون آموزشی دانشکده، مدیر دفتر توسعه آموزش، کارشناس آموزش و کارشناس دفتر توسعه آموزش) و دو نفراز اعضای هیات علمی دانشکده دندانپزشکی و متخصص در حوزه آموزش پزشکی انجام شد) و نظر سنجی از دانشجویان سال های سوم، چهارم، پنجم و ششم دندانپزشکی عمومی در مورد واحد دندانپزشکی عمومی در مورد واحد های درسی پری- کلینیک/بالینی انجام شد. روایی محتوایی با استفاده از نظر متخصصان و پایایی با ضریب همبستگی درون خوشه ای (ICC) بررسی شد. سپس پرسشنامه های طراحی شده به صورت گوگل فرم و به روش سرشماری در اختیار کلیه دانشجویان دوره عمومی دندانپزشکی در مقطع بالینی دانشکده دندانپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران قرار گرفت. در نهایت پس از جمع آوری داده ها، آنالیز اماری با استفاده از داده های توصیفی مانند میانگین و انحراف معیار ارایه شد و نتایج به مدیران گروه ارسال شد.

    یافته ها

    روایی محتوایی به صورت کیفی با استفاده از نظر متخصصان و پایایی با ضریب همبستگی درون خوشه ای (ICC) بالای بررسی شد که نشان دهنده روایی و پایایی مطلوب (بالای 79/0) بود. 122 دانشجو (نرخ پاسخ دهی: 53%) در مقطع بالینی فرم های مربوط به واحد های پیش- بالینی/بالینی گذرانده شده در دوران کوید را تکمیل کردند. دروس مبانی- پروتز-پارسیل، جراحی 1 و ترمیمی 3 بیشترین نیاز به آموزش بیشتر را داشته اند و مبانی - پروتز - پارسیل، جراحی 1 و جراحی 4 با وجود آموزش کافی، بیشترین نیاز به تمرین عملی را جهت کسب توانمندی لازم داشته اند.

    نتیجه گیری

    بر اساس نتایج این مطالعه دروسی که دانشجویان در آن ها نیاز به تمرین بیشتر احساس کردند در سطوح مختلفی از پری کلینک و کلینیک بودند، این موضوع مبین این است که شاید مشکل مواجهه با بیمار به دلیل کرونا تنها علت موجود نباشد. لذا ضمن برنامه ریزی آموزشی جهت رفع نیاز دانشجویان شرکت کننده تکرار مطالعات مشابه در شرایط پسا کرونا هم ضروری به نظر می رسد. از سوی دیگر این روش برای نیاز سنجی آموزشی برای دوره های آموزش مداوم نیز می تواند کمک کننده باشد.

    کلید واژگان: کووید-19, دندانپزشکی, دانشجویان, آموزش, پاندمی, دانشکده
    Sara Pourshahidi, Shiva Shirazian*, Parisa Torabian, Samaneh Razeghi, Ahmad-Reza Shamshiri
    Background and Aims

    Dentists faced the highest risk of infection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educating competent students is the first task of the dental school to overcome the created problems and thus, it is necessary to recognize the created educational deficiencies. This study aimed to assess the students' perspectives from the Dental School at Tehran University of Medical Sciences during the academic year 2019-2020, concerning the competencies expected to be developed during the clinical phase of the general dentistry curriculum during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings are intended to inform the formulation of educational strategies in the post-pandemic period to address identified gaps in training.

    Materials and Methods

    During the academic year 2019-2020, a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at the School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The study consisted of three phases: checklist design, psychometrics, and a survey of general dentistry students in their third to sixth year. The checklist design phase involved a team of four individuals, including educational officials from the faculty, academic staff members, and medical education experts. Experts confirmed the content validity of the checklist, while reliability was assessed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), which indicated favorable validity and reliability. Subsequently, questionnaires formatted as Google Forms and a census approach were distributed to all students enrolled in the general dental course within the clinical section of the School of Dentistry at Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Ultimately, following the data collection process, statistical analysis was conducted utilizing descriptive statistics, including the mean and standard deviation, and the findings were communicated to the group managers.


    The assessment of content validity was established at a minimum of 71%, based on the evaluations provided by five experts. Additionally, reliability was measured using an intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC) exceeding 0.79, signifying a strong level of both validity and reliability. 122 students (53%) in the clinical stage completed the forms related to the pre-clinical/clinical units passed during the Covid era. Despite having enough training, basics Removable Partial Prosthodontics, Surgery 1, and Restorative 3 courses needed more training. In addition, Basics Removable Partial Prosthodontics, Surgery 1, and Surgery 4 needed the most practical training to acquire the necessary competencies.


    The findings of this research indicated that the dental students expressed a desire for increased practice across various levels of pre-clinical and clinical courses. This would suggest that the challenges associated with patient interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic may not be the sole contributing factor. Consequently, alongside the need for educational planning to address the requirements of enrolled students, it appears essential to conduct similar studies in the post-pandemic context. Furthermore, this approach may also prove beneficial in evaluating educational needs for ongoing professional development courses.

    Keywords: COVID-19, Dental, Students, Education, Pandemics, Schools
  • نگار کمالی*، فریماه سرداری، مصطفی صادقی
    زمینه و هدف

    کیفیت خواب نقش بسزایی در عملکرد تحصیلی دانشجویان دندانپزشکی به ویژه در سال های بالینی دارد؛ شناسایی و درمان دانشجویان در معرض خطر اختلالات خواب باعث می شود که افت عملکرد تحصیلی کاهش یافته یا محدود شود. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین ارتباط کیفیت خواب با عملکرد آموزشی دانشجویان دندانپزشکی رفسنجان (ایران) بود.

    روش بررسی

    مطالعه حاضر، یک مطالعه مقطعی- توصیفی- تحلیلی بود که در بین تمامی دانشجویان دندانپزشکی رفسنجان انجام شد. این مطالعه به روش پرسشنامه به صورت آنلاین در سایت پرس لاین برای تمامی دانشجویان دندانپزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی رفسنجان - ایران ارائه شد. پرسشنامه شامل اطلاعات دموگرافیک و شماره دانشجویی به همراه پرسشنامه استاندارد کیفیت خواب پیتزبرگ بود. پرسشنامه پیتزبرگ، کیفیت خواب را در بازه صفر تا 21 بررسی می کند. لینک پرسشنامه از طریق تلگرام در دسترس دانشجویان قرار گرفت و معدل کل دانشجویان با استفاده از شماره دانشجویی از معاونت آموزش دانشگاه به دست آمد. داده ها با نرم افزار SPSS26 تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. ابتدا داده ها با آزمون کولموگراف اسمیرونوف تحلیل شدند. نتایج این آزمون نشان داد که توزیع داده ها نرمال نمی باشد (05/0

    یافته ها

    151 دانشجو در پرسشنامه شرکت داشتند که از این تعداد 73 نفر مرد (3/48%) و 78 نفر زن (7/51%) بودند. میانگین و انحراف معیار سنی افراد مورد مطالعه3/2 ± 11/22 سال بود. میانگین نمره کلی کیفیت خواب دانشجویان دندانپزشکی برابر با 13/8 بود که طبق پرسشنامه، دانشجویان، کیفیت خواب ضعیفی را تجربه می کنند. 1/86% دانشجویان، دارای کیفیت خواب ضعیف بودند. بررسی همبستگی کیفیت خواب با عملکرد تحصیلی نشان داد که بین آن ها ارتباط معنی داری وجود ندارد. کیفیت خواب با جنسیت، تاهل، محل سکونت و سال ورودی ارتباط معنی داری نداشت (05/0

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج مطالعه حاضر نشان داد که اکثر دانشجویان دندانپزشکی رفسنجان، کیفیت خواب پایینی داشتند. با اینکه بین کیفیت خواب و عملکرد تحصیلی ارتباطی وجود نداشت اما توجه به وضعیت خواب این دانشجویان به منظور ارتقاء کیفیت خواب آن ها که عاملی مهم در ارتقاء سلامت آن هاست از سوی مدیران و برنامه ریزان بهداشتی ضروری به نظر می رسد.

    کلید واژگان: کیفیت خواب, عملکرد آموزشی, دانشجویان, دندانپزشکی
    Negar Kamali*, Farimah Sardari, Mostafa Sadeghi
    Background and Aims

    The quality of sleep plays a significant role in the academic performance of dental students, especially in the clinical years. Identifying and treating students at risk of sleep disorders can reduce or limit the drop in academic performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the sleep quality and educational performance of Rafsanjan dental Student-Iran.

    Materials and Methods

    The present study was a descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study that was conducted among all dental students in Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences - Iran. This study was presented to all dental students in Rafsanjan by online questionnaire method on Pressline website. The questionnaire included demographic information and student number along with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Standard Questionnaire. The Pittsburgh Questionnaire examines the quality of sleep in the range of 0 to 21. The link of the questionnaire was made available to the students through Telegram, and the GPA of the total students was obtained by using the student number from the Vice-Chancellor of University Education. The data were analyzed with SPSS26 software. First, the data were analyzed with Smironov's kermograph test. The results of this test showed that the data distribution is not normal (P<0.05). Due to the non-normality of the data distribution, non-parametric tests such as K-score, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman were used.


    151 students participated in the questionnaire of which, 73 were men (48.3%) and 78 were women (51.7%). The mean and standard deviation of the age of the subjects studied was 22.11±2.3 years. The overall average sleep quality score of dental students was equal to 8.13, which according to the questionnaire, students experience poor sleep quality. 86.1% of students had poor sleep quality. Examining the correlation between the sleep quality and academic performance showed that there was no significant relationship between them. Sleep quality had no significant relationship with gender, marital status, place of residence, and entry year (P<0.05).


    The results of the present study showed that majority of dental students in Rafsanjan had low sleep quality. Although, there was no relationship between the quality of sleep and academic performance, it seems necessary to pay attention to the sleep status of these students in order to improve their sleep quality, which is an important factor in improving their health by administrators and Rizan health program.

    Keywords: Sleep Quality, Educational Performance, Students, Dental
  • فرزاد فیروزی جهانتیغ*، هدی قائینی حصاروئیه، زهرا قربانی

    شناسایی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر رفتارهای بهداشت دهان در بیماران دیابتی گامی مهم در ارتقای سلامت دهان و دندان است. از این رو هدف از این مطالعه پیش بینی سلامت بهداشت دهان و دندان در افراد مبتلا به دیابت و مقایسه آن ها با افراد سالم است.

    مواد و روش ها

    این مطالعه در بازه زمانی سال های 1399-1400  به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انجام شد. گروه مورد مطالعه شامل 261 (مرد و زن) که 131 نفر سالم و130 نفردیابتی بودند  و جمع آوری اطلاعات با استفاده از پرسشنامه، پرونده پزشکی و معاینه صورت گرفت. 6 متغیر سن، جنسیت، دندان های پوسیده، دندان های کشیده شده، دندان های ترمیم  شده و شاخص سلامت دهانی در این افراد بررسی شد. از دو الگوریتم درخت تصمیم گیری و ماشین بردار پشتیبان  با استفاده از نرم افزار Spss Modeler  استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    مهمترین یافته های تحلیل درخت تصمیم گیری عبارت بود از: 1- اگر سن فرد کمتر و مساوی 37 سال باشد، آنگاه فرد 100 درصد سالم است. 2- اگر سن بالاتر از 37 سال باشد و تعداد دندان های پوسیده شده کمتر از میانگین 7 باشد و دندان کشیده شده هم نداشته باشیم، با احتمال 82 درصد فرد دیابتی است. اگر سن بالاتر از 37 سال باشد و تعداد دندان های پوسیده شده کمتر از میانگین 7 باشد و دندان کشیده شده بیشتر از 1 داشته باشیم آنگاه افراد کمتر از 49 سال، با شاخص بهداشت دهانی بیشتر از 0/9 ، 100 درصد دیابتی هستند. همچنین دقت کل ماشین بردار پشتیبان خطی 70/73درصد بوده  و نشان دهنده این است که دندان پوسیده شده با کمترین مقدار وزن تاثیر کمی در پیش بینی دیابتی و یا سالم بودن افراد دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می رسد استفاده از الگوریتم های درخت تصمیم گیری و ماشین بردار پشتیبان می تواند پیش بینی کننده ابتلا به دیابت بر اساس سلامت و بهداشت دهان و دندان در بیماران مبتلا به دیابت باشد.

    کلید واژگان: بهداشت, دهان و دندان, دیابت, درخت تصمیم گیری, ماشین بردار, هوش مصنوعی
    Farzad Firouzi Jahantigh*, Hoda Ghaeini Hessarouieh, Zahra Ghorbani
    Background and Aim

      Diabetes may increase the incidence of tooth decay due to dry mouth and high blood sugar levels. Identifying the factors influencing oral health behaviours in diabetic patients is thus an essential step toward promoting oral and dental health. As a result, this study aimed to predict oral health in people with diabetes and compare them to healthy people.

    Material and Methods

    The available sampling method was used to conduct this study from  2021 to 2022. The study group consisted of 261 persons (men and women), 131 of whom were healthy and 130 of whom were unhealthy (diabetic), and information was gathered through a questionnaire, medical records, and an examination. These people looked at six variables: age, gender, decayed teeth, extracted teeth, filled teeth, and oral health index. Using the Spss Modeler program, two decision tree methods and a support vector machine and spss Modeler soft ware were used.


    The most important findings of decision tree analysis are 1- If the person's age is less than or equal to 37 years, then the person is 100% healthy. 2- If the age is over 37 years and the number of decayed teeth is less than the average of 7, and we do not have any extracted teeth, there is an 82% chance of diabetes. If the age is over 37 and the number of decayed teeth is less than the average of 7, and the number of extracted teeth is more than 1, then people under the age of 49 with an OHI index greater than 0.9 are 100% diabetic. Also, the total accuracy of the linear support vector machine is 70.73%, which indicates that decayed teeth with the least amount of weight have little effect on diabetes or health.


     Decision tree algorithms and support vector machines could predict oral and dental health in diabetic patients.

    Keywords: Health, Oral, dental, Diabetes, Decision Tree, Vector Machine, Artificial Intelligence
  • Kowsar Ebrahimi*, Arezoo Alaee, Afshin Haraji
    Background and Aim

    Positive attitude of dentists towards the professional ethical principles can improve the quality of provided services and minimize occupational stress. This study aimed to assess the attitude and professionalism in education of dental residents at the School of Dentistry of Islamic Azad University, Tehran.

    Materials and Methods

    This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on all dental residents attending the School of Dentistry of Islamic Azad University in Tehran in 2022. Data were collected using the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) professionalism questionnaire, which was translated to Persian by Aramesh, and its validity and reliability were confirmed. This questionnaire includes two parts of (I) demographic information, and (II) questions regarding the perception of professionalism at work (totally 17 questions) in four main domains of excellence, honor/integrity, altruism/respect, and empathy. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews and analyzed by one-way ANOVA and regression test. 


    Of 57 dental residents, 26.3% were males and 73.7% were females. The mean total score of professionalism was found to be 114.96±23.45 out of 153, and the overall percentage of professionalism was calculated to be 75.13%±15.33% out of 100%. The percentage of professionalism score in the third-year and higher residents was 8% higher than that in second-year residents (P=0.052). The mean percentage of professionalism score was not significantly correlated with the field of specialty, gender, age, participation in related courses, or grade point average (GPA) (P>0.05).


    It appears that attitude and professionalism of dental residents of School of Dentistry of Islamic Azad University of Tehran in 2022 were optimal. The honor/integrity domain acquired the highest, and the altruism/respect domain gained the lowest score.

    Keywords: Professionalism, Students, Dental, Education
  • Seham Elsawaay, Ahmed Mhanni, Abubaker Qutieshat*
    Background & Objective

    In dental education, understanding optimal assessment methods and factors like stress and confidence is essential. This research assessed second-year dental students' performance in fixed prosthodontics using multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and pre-clinical practical exams, examining impacts of gender, stress, and confidence.

    Materials & Methods

    Using a quasi-experimental design, 495 students from a single faculty underwent assessment. Selected via convenience sampling, they were exposed to MCQs and practical exams in fixed prosthodontics. An expert-reviewed questionnaire gauged their stress and confidence. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and Pearson's correlation. Additionally, a balanced sub-set of 176 students (88 males and 88 females) was chosen for gender-based analysis.


    Findings indicate statistical parity between MCQ and practical exam performances (p>0.001). Females slightly outperformed in MCQs, while males excelled in practicals, without reaching statistical significance (p>0.05). Stress correlated with practical exam outcomes (r=0.34, p=0.001), and confidence with MCQ scores (r=0.41, p<0.0001).


    The research underscores near-equivalence of MCQs and practical exams for student assessments in fixed prosthodontics. Recognizing the roles of stress and confidence in assessments offers insights for balanced evaluations. Dental faculties should integrate these findings, and future work should pivot towards tool validations for enriched learning.

    Keywords: clinical competence, dental, education, self efficacy, stress
  • فاطمه شجاعی، هاجر شکرچی زاده *، سیمین زهرا محبی

    کیفیت محیط یادگیری در یادگیری فراگیران موثر است و ویژگی های خاص محیط یادگیری بر فرسودگی دانشجویان پزشکی تاثیر می گذارد. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین دیدگاه دانشجویان دندان پزشکی در مورد محیط یادگیری دندان پزشکی و ارتباط آن با فرسودگی تحصیلی انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در مطالعه ی مقطعی حاضر در سال 1400 به بررسی دانشجویان دندان پزشکی عمومی شهر اصفهان از دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی اصفهان و آزاد اسلامی واحد اصفهان (خوراسگان) به روش نمونه گیری آسان پرداخته شد. داده ها با استفاده از پرسش نامه ی «زیرشاخه ی بالینی فرسودگی شغلی» و پرسش نامه ی «محیط یادگیری دانشکده ی دندان پزشکی» از طریق شبکه های اجتماعی واتسپ و تلگرام جمع آوری گردید. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های Mann-whitney U، Kruskal–Wallis ، Spearman و Logistic Regression تجزیه و تحلیل شد (p value < 0/05).

    یافته ها

    از 300 دانشجوی داوطلب با میانگین سنی 2/72 ± 24/25 ، تعداد 54/7 درصد زن بودند. نمره ی کیفیت محیط یادگیری 0/30 ± 2/922 از 5 ارزیابی شد. بالاترین نمره ی کیفیت محیط یادگیری مربوط به بعد سازماندهی برنامه ی آموزشی (0/45 ± 3/13) بود. نمره ی فرسودگی تحصیلی 0/66 ± 2/61 از 5 گزارش شد. بالاترین نمره ی فرسودگی تحصیلی دانشجویان مربوط به بعد بار اضافی (0/87 ± 3/34) بود. بین کیفیت محیط یادگیری و فرسودگی تحصیلی، ارتباطی معکوس مشاهده شد (0/2- = r و p value <0/001).

    نتیجه گیری

    دانشجویان دندان پزشکی اصفهان کیفیت محیط یادگیری و نیز فرسودگی تحصیلی خود را در حد متوسط گزارش کردند. با توجه به ارتباط معکوس بین کیفیت محیط یادگیری و فرسودگی تحصیلی، پیشنهاد می شود مداخلاتی در جهت ارتقاء کیفیت محیط یادگیری و به تبع آن کاهش فرسودگی تحصیلی دانشجویان در دستور کار قرار بگیرد.

    کلید واژگان: دانشجویان دندان پزشکی, دانشکده ی دندان پزشکی, یادگیری, فرسودگی شغلی
    Fatemeh Shojaii, Hajar Shekarchizadeh*, Simin Zahra Mohebbi

    The quality of the learning environment affects students’ learning, and specific characteristics of the learning environment affects medical students’ burnout. The aim of this study was to determine dental students’ viewpoints on the learning environment in dental schools and its relationship with academic burnout.

    Materials and methods

    In this cross-sectional study, we investigated undergraduate dental students from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and Islamic Azad University of Isfahan applying a convenient sampling method in 2021. Data were collected through social networking platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram, using the "Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire" and the "Dental School Learning Environment Survey". Man-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Spearman correlation coefficient, and a linear regression model served for analysis (p value < 0.05).


    Among 300 dental students with a mean age of 24.25 ± 2.72, 54.7% were women. The mean score for the dental school learning environment was 2.92 ± 0.30 out of a maximum score of 5. The highest score was belonged to the dimension of organizing educational program (3.13 ± 0.45). The mean score of academic burnout was 2.61 ± 0.66 of the maximum score of 5. The highest score belonged to the dimension of overload (3.34 ± 0.87). A reverse association revealed between the dental school learning environment and academic burnout (r = -0.2, p value < 0.001).


    Dental students in Isfahan reported the quality of their dental school learning environment as well as their academic burnout as average. Regarding the reverse association between the learning environment and academic burnout, it is suggested to plan interventions aimed at improving the dental school learning environment and reducing the academic burnout.

    Keywords: Students, Dental, Schools, Learning
  • Hamid Kermanshah, Fariba Motevasselian, Zahra Amiri, Fateme Baghbani

    Porcelain laminate veneers (PLV) offer a conservative aesthetic solution for interdental space closure. However, space is typically not distributed symmetrically, and the mesiodistal width of the restored teeth may increase unless multiple teeth are prepared for conventional PLV to maintain appropriate individual tooth proportion. Ceramic fragments can be suggested to close the space without modifying tooth size and dental proportion. This article presents two cases where interdental gaps were closed using lingually placed porcelain laminate (LPPL). All stages of the restorative procedures, including treatment planning, temporization, tooth preparation, and cementation of these delicate restorations, are detailed. Based on the results of these clinical reports, we regard the use of LPPL as a successful treatment option in selected cases, as evidenced by 2- and 6-year follow-ups. The Modified United State Public Health Criteria is reported.

    Keywords: Diastema, Dental Porcelain, Esthetics, Dental, IPS-Empress Ceramic
  • Behnaz Ebadian, Alireza Moazami, Mohammad Jowkar

    Porcelain chipping and delamination are among the shortcomings of all-ceramic restorations. This study aimed to assess the effect of laser irradiation and sandblasting on shear bond strength (SBS) of zirconia to veneering porcelain.

    Materials and Methods

    In this in vitro, experimental study, 60 zirconia blocks were randomly divided into three groups (n=20) for surface treatment with Er:YAG laser, sandblasting, and no surface treatment (control). Each group was randomly divided into two subgroups (n=10) for porcelain application by the layering or the pressing technique. The surface roughness, SBS, and failure mode were determined and analyzed using two-way ANOVA, Tukey’s HSD test, Chi-square test, and Pearson’s correlation test (alpha=0.05).


    The mean SBS was 8.16±3.66 MPa, 9.32±2.7 MPa, and 11.85±3.06 MPa in the control, laser, and sandblasting groups, respectively. The SBS was significantly different among the three groups (P=0.002). The failure mode of the three groups was not significantly different (P>0.05). The sandblasted group showed significantly higher surface roughness than the control and laser groups (P<0.001).


    Sandblasting yielded higher SBS particularly when the porcelain was applied by the layering technique. Although laser irradiation increased the SBS, the difference with the control group was not statistically significant.

    Keywords: Yttria Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia, Air Abrasion, Dental, Lasers, Solid-State, Shear Strength
  • Sana Ansari, Sousan Sadeghian*, Nasim Esnaashari, Sourena Abrishamkar

    Proper planning of orthodontic services at a communal level requires a clear understanding of the correct approach to providing orthodontic treatments to different population groups. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the level of awareness of orthodontic treatments among general dentists and dental students in their last two years of study in Isfahan city.

    Materials and Methods

    In this analytical descriptive and study, 75 dental students in their last two years of  study at faculty of Dentistry, Isfahan Azad University ,and 75 general dentists in Isfahan City were randomly selected. Participants were given a questionnaire consisting of two parts: the first part was related to background information, and the second part contained 25 questions aimed at determining the level of awareness. Data was analyzed using Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, and Spearman correlation tests (α= 0.05). 


    The results showed no significant difference in the mean scores between dental students, and general dentists (P=0.301). However, women demonstrated a significantly higher level of awareness compared to men (P=0.002).The level of awareness did not differ significantly with age (P=0.124) or work experience of dentists (P=0.848).  Furthermore, here was no significant difference in the mean scores of 6ths and 5th year students. (P=0.91).


    The level of awareness of general dentists and dental students in their last two years of study was medium with women demonstrating a higher level of awareness. The level of awareness was not influenced by age, work experience, and year of entering the university.

    Keywords: Students, Dental, awareness, Orthodontics
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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