The Study of the Effect of Flipped Classroom Approach on Academic Achievement, Academic Self-regulation, Group interaction and Educational Motivation of Students
The overall objective of this research is to investigate the effect of Flipped Classroom Approach (FCA) on academic achievement, academic self-regulation, group interaction and educational motivation. The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and an experimental research in terms of nature. The population of this study includes all of the high school male students who were 11696 students altogether in Kermanshah city. The sample size was 60 students that divided into two groups of 30, control and experimental groups. Data for the study of the effect of FCA on achievement were collected from five pretests and posttests. In order to investigate the effect of FCA on self-regulation, Boufard standardized questionnaire regulation was used. In order to study the effect of FCA on group interaction, the inventory of "interpersonal communication in the class" was used. Also, Harter questionnaire was used to investigate the relationship between educational motivation and FCA. SPSS software Version 22 was used to analyze the data on two levels descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistical test include the effect of Pylayy test, Wilkes Lambda test, Hotteling test, monitoring the test rankings, and Levene test. The results showed that FCA had a positive impact on all of the variables listed.