Investigating the Impacts of Pollution and Electric Vehicle Charging Station on Energy Management in Multi-Agent-Microgrids

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
Increasing the energy consumption, greenhouse gas emission, the need to improve reliability and sustainable supply of electricity, are some of the most challenging issues in modern power systems. To tackle these challenges, using renewable-energy based sources to reduce dependence on fuel-based energy sources is focused. For this purpose, using the electric vehicles, in the form of distributed generation, as an appropriate solution to replace combustion vehicles is strongly considered. In this paper, the energy management in multi-agent microgrids in an integrated framework including the electric vehicle charging stations and reducing pollution is suggested. In the proposed strategy, to manage the energy optimally, two stages are implemented. First, in each microgrid, local energy management is performed, pollution of diesel generation sources is considered, and the hourly amounts of surplus/shortage powers are determined. At the second stage, the microgrid is connected to the upstream network, and the impacts of electric vehicle charging stations, and also the sale/buy of power are modeled. To improve the power quality and optimize the net power, energy storage systems are used. The results of simulation studies using General Algebraic Modeling System software confirm that by applying the proposed technique the operating costs are optimized. They confirm that the total operation costs of microgrids will be increased by considering the fuel cost and produced pollution by diesel generators. Also, by using the electric vehicles charging stations, the overall costs over 24 hours will be reduced, up to $792.
Journal of Energy Management and Technology, Volume:7 Issue: 1, Winter 2023
49 to 58