فهرست مطالب

Human, Health and halal Metrics
Volume:2 Issue: 1, Winter-Spring 2021
- تاریخ انتشار: 1400/06/22
- تعداد عناوین: 9
Pages 1-11Background and objective
Dietary fibers are of prebiotic compounds which can increase viability of probiotic microorganisms in food products during storage and have healthful effects on the consumers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of inulin and sugar beet fiber on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of red grape juice and their stimulatory impact on viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum in the beverage.
Materials and methodsAmounts of 0.7, 1.4, and 2.1% w/v sugar beet fiber and 1, 2 and 3% w/v inulin were added to red grape juice inoculated with 108 CFU/ml Bifidobacterium bifidum. Viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum by enumeration on MRS agar, colorimetric evaluation, and study of sensory attributes by 5-points hedonic test were done on days 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. Moreover, pH and brix were determined during the storage time.
Results and conclusionBy increasing the concentration of inulin and sugar beet fiber, brix and pH of red grape juice increased and decreased, respectively. After 25 days of storage, the highest survival (7.05 log CFU/ml) was observed in the treatment containing 3% w/v inulin and 2.1% w/v sugar beet fiber and the least survival (5.03 log CFU/ml) was observed in control. Number of probiotic in all the treatments containing dietary fiber was higher than 106 CFU/ml after 25 days of storage, but lower than 106 CFU/ml was enumerated in control. The highest brightness and the least redness and yellowness was observed in control. By increasing the concentration of inulin above 1% w/v and sugar beet fiber above 1.4% w/v, palatability of grape juice samples decreased significantly. Therefore, red grape juice fortified with 1.4% w/v sugar beet fiber and 1% w/v inulin is a desirable beverage which can support survival of probiotic bacteria within the recommended range.
Keywords: Bifidobacterium bifidum, Inulin, Probiotic, Red grape juice, Sugar beet fiber -
Pages 12-19Background and objective
Olive oil has a lot of nutritional and medicinal benefits, which make it more valuable than other oils. Therefore, it is noticeable for adulteration by mixing with the cheaper oils. At this study, authenticity of virgin olive oils sold in herbal stores in north of Iran (Rasht) has been investigated.
Material and methodsDuring 2019, 26 samples of virgin olive oils were collected randomly from the herbal stores of Rasht city (Guilan, north of Iran). Fatty acid profile by gas chromatograph, peroxide value by calculation of milliequivalent of active oxygen per kilogram of oil, and acidity by titration of the samples with potassium hydroxide were determined in the laboratory and compared to the national regulation.
Results and conclusionApproximately, 58% of the samples were out of the permitted range at least in one of the measured parameters. With regard to fatty acid profile, 77% of the samples were within the normal range. Predominant fatty acids were included to oleic acid (59.8 ±14.3%), linoleic acid (21.4 ±14.1%), palmitic acid (13.8 ±1.4%), stearic acid (2.7 ±0.8%), and palmitoleic acid (0.7 ±0.3%). In case of peroxide value, 92.3% of the samples were within the acceptable range. Based on acidity, different virgin olive oils were differentiated as extra virgin (n = 1, %3.8), first grade virgin (n = 11, 42.31%), ordinary virgin (n = 8, %30.77), and lampante virgin (n = 6, %23.08). Our investigation revealed that the olive oils sold in herbal stores as traditional market should be monitored restrictedly to assess their originality and storage condition. Although, they should be examined periodically to find any adulteration, if exists.
Keywords: acidity, Fatty Acid, herbal store, Peroxide, Rasht, virgin olive oil -
Pages 20-26Background and objective
Ocimum basilicum, generally identified as sugary basil, is a popular culinary herb. It contains functional oils such as chavicol, linalool, and eugenol, which are usually used in food and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of this study was evaluating the effect of basil seed gum on physicochemical and sensory attributes of low-fat probiotic yogurt.
Materials and methodsEffect of basil seed gum at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2% w/w was studied in low fat probiotic yogurt during 1, 7, and 15 days. pH, acidity, viscosity, and dry matter were analyzed in the samples and compared to control. Sensory properties were included to color, texture, mouthfeel, and flavor.
Results and conclusionAfter addition of basil seed gum to the yogurts, pH of the samples was slightly lower than control. By increasing the concentration of gum, viscosity and dry matter were increased during storage. Analysis of sensory evaluation showed that the samples containing gum had significant differences in texture compared to control. Sensory properties were improved by addition of gum except for color which had the best score in control. The samples containing 0.1% w/w gum had significantly better flavor in comparison to the samples containing 0.2% w/w gum in which the best mouthfeel was found. The least score of mouthfeel was related to control, although the differences were not significant. Results showed that basil seed hydrocolloid has good potential to be used as fat replacer in food formula such as yogurt.
Keywords: Basil seeds, Hydrocolloid, Lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus casei, Low-fat yogurt -
Pages 27-32Background and objective
The most common problem in patients referred to orthopedic clinics is low back pain. Iliolumbar ligament enthesopathy is one of the causes of low back pain. In this study, we investigated the results of conservative therapy in two groups of patients with low back pain.
Materials and methodsThis cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on 817 patients with back pain referred to our orthopedics clinic during 2013-2014. After diagnosis, patients were divided into two groups. Group A had pain with short external rotator muscles, iliolumbar ligament enthesopathy and gluteal muscle tenderness, and group B were presented with other causes of low back pain. After the end of the conservative therapy the Oswestry disability index were filled by subjects.
Results and conclusionOf total, 303 patients (37.1%) were entered the group A and 514 patients (62.9%) were considered as group B with other causes of back pain. Out of 817 patients, 251 were males and 566 were females. The most common cause of pain was found to be discopathy with 438 cases (53.5%). The mean score of the Oswestry pain severity questionnaire was not statistically significant between 2 groups (P = 0.065) prior to the treatment. However, there was found a significant difference between the frequency distribution of the two groups according to the severity of the pain after the treatment (P = 0.0001). In conclusion, the results of our study indicated that the degree of disability, paraclinical cost, diagnosis based on the correct clinical examination in patients could be different, and patients with injuries such as iliolumbar enthesopathy and injured short extensor muscles around the hip and gluteus responded well to conservative therapy.
Keywords: Chronic pain, enthesopathy, Low back pain, Sprain -
Pages 33-39Background and objective
Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse (SNAC) is a common pattern of degenerative wrist arthritis. Besides the conventional surgical method (4-corner fusion (4CF)), alternative methods have been described as capitolunate arthrodesis. The objective of this study was to investigate the surgical result of the capitolunate fusion and the results from the post-surgical one-year follow-up.
Materials and methodsFrom March 2008 to March 2017, among 21 patients with SNAC wrist, stages 2 and 3, 14 were included. Following the scaphoid resection, by preserving capitate convexity and concavity of the lunate's distal face, the lunate was reduced on the capitate, and capitolunate fusion was done using Herbert screws, in the antegrade direction. All patients were followed for one year. Clinical examinations and wrist x-rays were investigated in each follow-up session. Visual analog score (VAS), Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH score) were compared before and after the surgery. Grip strength, flexion and extension were recorded one year after surgery, compared with intact non-operated hand.
Results and conclusionUnion occurred in all of the patients. VAS score and DASH score decreased (from 6.5 to 3.3 and from 46.14 to 30.43). The VAS score and DASH score decreased significantly after a one-year follow-up (P-value ≤ 0.05). Operated hand flexion was 34.30° (20-80), the extension was 32.58° (20-60), and grip strength was 29.69 Kg (22-40). Non-operated hand flexion was 56.38(30-80), the extension was 61.8 (38-80), and grip strength was 44.54 Kg (28-76). These differences were statistically significant (P-value ≤ 0.05). Based on our study results, scaphoid excision and capitolunate arthrodesis resulted in an acceptable functional wrist with minimal pain. This finding reflects that capitolunate arthrodesis is a time-saving and easy-to-learn procedure. Minimal morbidity of this method supports the idea that the capitolunate arthrodesis is an acceptable alternative to 4CF, the conventional surgical method.
Keywords: Capitolunate fusion, DASH, partial wrist fusion, Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse (SNAC), wrist osteoarthritis -
Pages 40-45Background and objective
Tahini is a regional dish prepared from sesame seeds and consumed as breakfast worldwide. It is a good source of zinc, copper, and group B vitamins. However, the product may be contaminated with toxic heavy metals. Therefore, our purpose was development of analytic method for simultaneous determination of zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium in Tahini.
Materials and methodsOur work was conducted on 37 brands of Tahini (n = 74). The samples were purchased from local market of Tehran (Iran). Concentration of heavy metals was measured by polarograph. Voltammetric analysis was carried out by using 746 VA trace analyzer by differential pulse anodic stripping Voltammeter at Hanging mercury dropping electrode.
Results and conclusionConcentration of Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu was calculated as 3.79 ±2.43, 1.48 ±0.08, 0.015 ±0.01, and 0.012 ±0.007 µg/100 g, respectively. Amount of Pb and Cd was lower than acceptable limit approved by CODEX in all the samples, while concentration of Cu and Zn was within the standard range. According to our investigation, Tahini can be used as a valuable food to meet the nutritional needs without any toxic effect arisen from deleterious heavy metals in the consumers.
Keywords: Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Tahini, Voltammetry, Zinc -
Pages 46-51Background and objective
Despite the benefits of methadone and its widespread use in opioid treatment programs, this drug has various adverse side effects even at therapeutic doses. This study aimed to determine the frequency of long QT intervals in patients treated with methadone with doses lower than 100 mg.
Materials and methodsIn this cross-sectional study, all the patients between 30-65 years of age admitted for methadone maintenance treatment were enrolled. A matched group of patients with no history of using methadone was included. Screening electrocardiography was performed for all participants at the beginning. Demographic data, drug history, QT interval, and Maximum QTc time were evaluated. The mean QT interval was compared with the defined normal value using the one sample t-test. Also, the mean QT interval based on the methadone dose consumption and other variables was analyzed using t-test or ANOVA statistical tests. P-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 18.
Results and conclusionOut of 196 subjects, 97 patients were in the methadone group. 83.5% of methadone users and 68.7% of the control group were males. The mean age was 43.8, and 44.5 in the methadone and control group, respectively. 83.5% of methadone users and 68.7% of the control group were males. In the methadone group, 17.5% had abnormal QTc-Max, while only 2% of the control group had abnormal QTc-Max (P=0.0001). Of the people who consumed less than 40 mg of methadone daily, 3.7%, and those who consumed more than 40 mg, 34.9% experienced abnormal QTc-Max (P=0.0001). This survey revealed that methadone use in even doses lower than 100 mg could also increase the risk of QT prolongation. Therefore, the treatment team needs to be aware that arrhythmias might occur within a wide range of methadone treatment doses.
Keywords: Dysrhythmia, methadone, opioid, QT-interval, toxicity -
Pages 52-62Background and objective
Encapsulation is extensively used in food science and technology for protection of bioactive compounds by using several materials originated from different animals and plants. However, application of some of them is limited due to their suspicious halal origin. In this regard, gelatin is of concern for industrial application since it can be obtained from pork. At this review, we tried to investigate the halal biopolymers frequently used in food preparations.
Results and conclusionBiopolymers have incredible impact in the formula as gelling, stabilizing, viscosifying, and coating agent. Other than the favorable roles of biopolymers, their origin is important by some countries to find out they are derived in accordance to halal concepts. Therefore, those derived from halal animals through the process which does not threat the halal status are accepted by Islamic countries. In such cases, alternative biopolymers such as agar, pectin, and carrageenan by similar features for the specific purpose should be used instead of gelatin derived from pork.
Keywords: Biopolymer, coating materials, Encapsulation, Halal -
Pages 63-74Background and objective
Childhood cancer survivors frequently experience long-lasting consequences of chemotherapy. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is one of the most common malignancies that occur during childhood. By the help of new protocols, 5-year survival is about 80%. Despite all improvement in treatment and increasing surveillance, morbidities of these treatments are lifetime. The aim of this study was to review the recent updates on chronic neurologic deficits occurred by treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, risk factors of these neurologic deficits, and prevention of their side-effects. Also, this review discusses the genetic variability in biochemical pathways targeted by chemotherapeutic agents as a possible mechanism contributed to psychopathology in acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors.
Results and conclusionThe most important drug used for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is methotrexate. It is also the main drug for central nervous system prophylaxis. Most of chemotherapies drugs cannot pass blood brain barrier but methotrexate is an exception. Methotrexate is a double-edge sword, because it can pass blood brain barrier and can be used for central nervous system prophylaxis to decrease the relapses. On the other hand, it can cause chronic neurologic deficits as a result of its passage from blood brain barrier in the developing brain. In conclusion, prophylactic interventions during treatment (e.g., administration of leucovorin) and after treatment (e.g., cognitive training and maintenance of academic growth) are effective routes in prevention of late effects in survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Keywords: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, central nervous system, childhood cancer, Methotrexate