فهرست مطالب
Journal of Animal Diversity
Volume:3 Issue: 3, Sep 2021
- تاریخ انتشار: 1400/06/10
- تعداد عناوین: 8
Pages 1-7
The Taylor’s Mangrove crab-eating Frog (Fejervarya moodiei Taylor) which was reported first from the Indian Subcontinent in 2016 is being reported for the first time from West Bengal State based on the collection of three specimens from South 24 Parganas district from 1983 to 2008 and photographic record of one uncollected specimen in 2019. The species is also compared with Fejervarya cancrivora Gravenhorst with which it is mostly confused.
Keywords: Brackish Water Frog, Bali Island, Kalinagar, Marichjhapi, Namkhana, Sunderban Biosphere Reserve -
Pages 8-17
We provide an account on the distribution, morphology and biology of the Indian trinket snake, Coelognathus helena (Daudin, 1803) from Gujarat, India, and report the first record of the subspecies, Coelognathus helena nigriangularis Mohapatra, Schulz, Helfenberger, Hofmann, Dutta from the Gujarat state based on reptile surveys throughout the state. We show that our understanding regarding the morphology of this species is not fully known as our series of specimens shows a high range of 204–245 ventral scales in C. h. helena and 219–279 ventral scales, 78–98 subcaudal scales in C. h. monticollaris.
Keywords: Colubrinae, endemic, Narmada, range extension, taxonomy -
Pages 18-44
Herpetological diversity of the Eastern Ghats hill range in the Indian peninsula is rather overlooked and incompletely documented. We here present information on the amphibian and reptile diversity in the poorly-explored Central Eastern Ghats hill range in peninsular India. Based on a 1000-hour bio-inventory study of the series of ranges between the Palar River (abutting Tamil Nadu) and the Krishna River (abutting Telangana) for about 10 months (300 field days), we present the following results. A total of 104 species of herpetofauna, consisting of 24 amphibian species, 35 lizard species, 41 snake species and 4 chelonian species were documented. Several new range extension records and new findings of rare species are discussed, substantiated by photo-vouchers, pre-existing museum specimens or both.
Keywords: Amphibians, Andhra Pradesh, biodiversity, hill range, reptile, species richness -
Pages 45-55
Odonates are one of the most ancient, well studied and fascinating insects considered as bio-indicators of aquatic ecosystems. Studies of Odonata have been carried out in many parts of Nepal, but no specific study has been performed in Tanahun. Hence, a study was conducted to determine the species diversity and abundance of Odonata in the Sishaghat region of Tanahun district, Nepal from June to August 2020. A transect survey method was used for data collection. A total of six transects, each with a length of 200 m: - (three in each habitat type: agricultural lands and forest streams) were laid out randomly and each transect was surveyed three times. Data were pooled and analyzed with SPSS. A total of 629 individuals of 26 Odonata species from 20 genera and 7 families were recorded. The overall Shannon-Wiener diversity index was H= 2.25, Shannon Equitability was E= 0.69 and Margalefs’ richness index was R= 3.88. Sub-order Anisoptera was more diverse (H= 1.94) and more abundant (n= 545) than Zygoptera (H= 1.31, n= 84). However, species richness was higher and evenness lower in Zygoptera (R= 2.26, E= 0.55) than Anisoptera (R= 2.22, E= 0.72). Anisoptera comprised 15 species under 10 genera from two families and Zygoptera comprised 11 species under seven genera from five families. The family Libellulidae represented the highest species richness (R=1.75). Neurothemis fulvia and Orthetrum pruinosum were the most abundant species (RA= 23.21 and 21.78 respectively). While considering the global context, among the recorded Odonata, 25 species are included under the least concern and one under the vulnerable category by IUCN. A higher number of species was found in agricultural lands (nine species); hence, the water bodies around should be preserved to conserve the Odonata.
Keywords: Calicnemia nipalica, Damselfly, Dragonfly, Flier, Percher, Libellulidae -
Pages 56-71
The present study was conducted to figure out the diversity of mammalian species from a peri-urban coal mining region of West Bengal for almost three years from September 2017 to August 2020. The survey was done on the basis of direct sightings, extensive searches, detection and identification of indirect mammalian signs such as pug marks and droppings, opportunistic sightings and road-kill incidents. Secondary information from previous literatures and information from local people, citizen scientists and Forest Department were also included in the study. A total of 20 mammals belonging to 9 orders, 15 families and 20 genera were observed from 31 locations during the present study and 6 species belonging to two orders, three families and four genera which were previously reported from the present study location but not observed during this study were also included in the list. Two endangered species such as Asian Elephant Elephas maximus and Indian Pangolin Manis crassicaudata were observed from the present study location within the study period. Based on the habitat types, maximum number of species was observed from the Human Habitation (HH) areas whereas least number of species was noted from the Riverside Zones (RS). Proportion of the different habitat types for each mammalian species found in the present study and also collected from the literatures depicted that Asian House Shrew Suncus murinus, Asian Palm Squirrel Funambulus pennant and Indian Pygmy Pipistrelle Pipistrellus mimus were among the most abundant mammals in the study area. Golden Jackal Canis aureus was observed from a wide variety of habitat types whereas the two varieties of civets were only observed from the riverside areas. Principle Component Analysis between species and habitat type indicated that Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis, Black-naped Hare Lepus nigricollis were associated with the grasslands only whereas Hanuman Langur Semnopithecus entellus and other small rodent species were generally found in the human habitation areas. Various threats like habitat destruction, habitat degradation and hunting posed the major problems in the present study location. More detailed study will surely unveil some more mysteries from this region.
Keywords: Asansol, Citizen Science, Durgapur, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal -
Pages 72-85
Dinagat Islands hold most of the mineral deposits in the Philippines and have been among the largest mining contributors in the country since 1939. Aside from a massive mining industry, logging is also intensive in this group of islands potentially imperiling its remaining biodiversity. This study primarily aims to determine the species composition of terrestrial vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) in two study areas categorized as modified habitats (mining area and logging area) in the Dinagat Islands. These wildlife species are important bio-indicators as they show sensitivity of the species to anthropogenic disturbances. Suitable field survey methods were conducted for the taxa established and a quantitative analysis was performed to determine the diversity and similarity of the species between the study areas. A total of 65 species were identified in the two study areas: 33 species were exclusively identified in the mining area, 49 species were exclusively identified in the logging area, and 17 species were found in the both study areas. It should be noted that among the 65 species, 41 species are either endemic to Mindanao and/or the Philippines, and two species were endemic to Dinagat Islands. This study also recordedthe newly described coral snake endemic to the island, Calliophis salitan Brown, Smart, Leviton and Smith. This study indicates that although Dinagat Islands is modified by anthropogenic activities, the terrestrial vertebrate species are thriving. Intensive survey in other modified habitats in Dinagat Islands is the next-step forward to take into account existing wildlife to improve conservation decisions, planning and management on the islands.
Keywords: Anthropogenic disturbances, amphibians, birds, Dinagat Islands, logging, mammals, mining, reptiles -
Pages 86-92
Few researches have been conducted on the hispid hare Caprolagus hispidus, an endangered small mammal native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas. In major protected areas of Nepal, grassland burning has been considered as one of the most important habitat management tools however its effects on grassland dependent species such as hispid hare has been less explored. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the grassland burning practices and its effect on distribution pattern of hispid hare at Shuklaphanta National Park, western Nepal. A total of 90 plots were laid in unburned (n= 45) and burned areas (n= 45) from November 2017 to May 2018. Two different approaches of grassland burning were observed: alternate and complete burning. Grassland burns are conducted from November to April each year, which coincides with the prime breeding season of hispid hares. A total of 89 pellet groups were observed in 22 plots out of 45 unburned plots while a total of 56 pellet groups were found in 17 plots out of 45 burned plots, both showing clumped type of distribution pattern of hispid hare in the study site. Higher number of fresh pellets was observed in the unburned plot. In contrast, higher number of old pellets was found in the burned plots. Thus, it is suggested that alternate year burning practices might have more positive effects on distribution and survival of this endangered species, rather than every year.
Keywords: Alternate burning, breeding season, clumped distribution, grassland fire, strip transects -
Pages 93-108
Jakhor Taal is an ox-bow perennial lake, situated in Dhangadhi sub-metropolitan city in Kailali district, Nepal. The present study focused on the factors determining fish diversity, socio-economic status of fishing communities and conservation challenges of Jakhor Taal. Fish sampling was done by Gillnet, Cast net and other local fishing gears such as Helka, Tiyari net and Dhadiya. A total of 24 fish species (8 exotic and 16 native) were recorded belonging to 7 orders, 14 families and 22 genera. The order Cypriniformes was found to be highest obtaining 41.66% among the total fish species recorded and 65.38% of total fish caught during the study period (February 2019- August 2019) followed by Siluriformes (20.33%) and Perciformes (16.67%), respectively. In the diversity index, in case of season, the Shannon-Weiner diversity index was found high (2.93) in winter (February) and low (2.76) in summer (July). Similarly, the Simpson and Evenness values were also found slightly high during winter (February) in comparison to summer (July). In case of the stations, the Shannon-Weiner diversity index was found high (2.73) at the station II in compare to the station I, III, and IV which is 2.31, 2.09, and 2.04, respectively. Results from the Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that the environmental variables such as water temperature, depth and dissolved oxygen were found to be highly significant to most of the fish species for different stations and months. However, pH and free CO2 has not shown any relation or significance. Altogether, 22 clusters were formed in which exotic species show highly significant cluster in comparison to that of native species. The socio-economic status of the local fishing communities found below the poverty line and the lake and its resources play the vital roles in their diet and income source. In context to conservation challenges and implications, this lake is highly neglected by both governmental and local communities which negatively affected its natural properties by habitat destruction, illegal fishing, urbanization, invasive species, and the lack of awareness.
Keywords: Fish conservation, Jakhor Taal, lowland, redundancy analysis, species, wetlands