فهرست مطالب

زبان کاوی کاربردی - سال پنجم شماره 1 (پیاپی 9، پاییز و زمستان 1400)

نشریه زبان کاوی کاربردی
سال پنجم شماره 1 (پیاپی 9، پاییز و زمستان 1400)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1400/12/10
  • تعداد عناوین: 12
  • محمد حسن امرایی* صفحات 1-32

    یهدف هذا المقال إلی قصه النبی یوسف (ع) القرآنیه علما بانها تختلف عن القصص الادبیه الفنیه؛ إذ القصه القرآنیه تستمد مادتها من الواقع والحقایق التاریخیه ولیست للتذوق الادبی او للمتعه، بل هی فریده فی طابعها وغایتها وتکوینها؛ وتوحی إلی وقایع تجسد بسردیتها الموضوع والفکره المنسجمه مع روح العقیده الإسلامیه. إن قصه یوسف (ع)، قصه حقیقیه معبره لیست من نسج الخیال او من وحی الخرافات بل هی خیر عبره وخیر عظه. واشتملت علی غالبیه عناصر القصه الادبیه الفنیه کما اشتملت علی الکثیر من المشاهد التصویریه بحیث تجعل المتلقی یری فعلا ما حدث وکانه ماثل امام ناظریه. هذه القصه تمثل انموذج الشاب الصابر المتعالی علی الشهوات المترفع عن إغراءات الشیطان والمثل العظیم فی استدعاء إلی عقیده التوحید وإعلاء کلمه الله. هذا المقال بالاعتماد علی المنهج الوصفی والتحلیلی یهدف إلی الکشف عن بنیه الشکل الروایی لقصه یوسف (ع) فی التعبیر عن الزمان والمکان والصراع والحبکه والشخصیات وغیرها من عناصر القصه الداخلیه واستنباط إیحاءات النص ومیزاته الفنیه.

    کلیدواژگان: قصه النبی یوسف (ع)، العناصر الداخلیه، الزمکانیه، الشخصیات، الصراع، الحوار
  • محمد بوبکری* صفحات 33-60

    تتوخی هذه المساهمه البحث فی الآلیات المعرفیه الموظفه فی عملیه بناء المفاهیم العلمیه بواسطه الاستعاره، وذلک فی ضوء المقاربه اللسانیه المعرفیه المعتمده علی نظریه الاستعاره التصوریه إطارا نظریا لها. حیث یروم هذا المقال التاکید علی دور الاستعاره بوصفها مکونا اساسا من مکونات بناء المعرفه العلمیه. وفی سبیل ذلک قسم هذا المقال إلی اقسام ثلاثه رییسه؛ حیث یتناول القسم الاول منه الاسس التجریبیه والفزیاییه والنفسیه التی تقوم علیها الاستعارات التصوریه فی مجال العلوم، ببیان دور کل من التجربه الجسدیه والتجربه الجشطلتیه فی بناء التصورات العلمیه استعاریا. بینما یسوق القسم الثانی منه مجموع التفاعلات المعرفیه التی تحدثها الاستعارات بین مجالات تصوریه حسیه واخری مجرده، باستحضار ثله من المفاهیم الموطره لهذه العملیه؛ من قبیل الدمج التصوری، والترابطات التصوریه الاستعاریه وکذا الإسقاطات الاستعاریه، وتحدید دور کل واحد منها علی حده فی بناء التصورات الاستعاریه. فی حین یضطلع القسم الثالث باستخلاص المستویات المعرفیه التی تتنقل بینها الاستعاره حین بناء التصورات عموما، والعلمیه منها خصوصا، مجملا إیاها فی مستویات اربعه هی: التجسید والإدراک والمقوله والفهم علی التوالی. بغیه التاکید علی اهمیه الاستعاره فی بناء المفاهیم العلمیه بعدها شکلا من اشکال إنتاج المعرفه.

    کلیدواژگان: الاستعاره التصوریه، المفاهیم العلمیه، الدمج التصوری، الترابطات الاستعاریه، الإسقاطات التصوریه، الفهم الاستعاری
  • مهین حاجی زاده*، حمید ولی زاده، صیاد پناهی صفحات 61-82

    یقوم المنهج التقابلی علی دراسه ومقابله لغتین او لغه ولهجه ضمن مستویین لغویین معاصرین، فهو یقوم بإثبات الفروق بین المستویین وتفسیر صعوبه تعلیم اللغات، وهو بمثابه الاساس الذی تقوم علیه اللغه، یعتمد هذا المنهج علی تفسیر وتوضیح الفروق بین اللغتین وصعوبه تعلم کل منها للاخر من خلال الکشف عن اوجه الشبه والإختلاف بینهما.بما ان اللغه العربیه تکون لغه تصریفیه اشتقاقیه و اللغه الترکیه لغه التصاقیه ذات لواحق؛ قام البحث بالدراسه التقابلیه حول اسماء الإشاره فی هاتین اللغتین لإبراز مواطن التشابه والتفارق من حیث القواعد النحویه وانواعها ومواقعها فی الجمله. من اهم نتایج الدارسه ان اسماء الإشاره قد تعد فی اللغه الترکیه من الضمایر ولکن ادوات الإشاره فی العربیه لا تعد من الضمایر إلا عند بعض اللغویین المحدثین. و کذلک إن اللغه العربیه تفرق بین التذکیر والتانیث، بینما اللغه الترکیه لا تفرق بین التذکیر والتانیث.و تتفقان فی قبول کل حالات الاسم و فی رتبه ادوات الإشاره. تبرز اهمیه هذه الدارسه فی انها تفتح الطریق امام الباحثین والدارسین والمعلمین من الاتراک فی هذا الحقل لتعلیم العربیه للطلبه الناطقین بغیر العربیه، وعسی ان تکون مفیده لمعلمی العربیه الذین لا یعرفون اللغه الترکیه وهم یدرسون العربیه للاتراک.

    کلیدواژگان: اللغه العربیه، اللغه الترکیه، الدراسه التقابلیه، اسماء الإشاره
  • عبد السلام السید حامد* صفحات 83-106

    النحو العربی - وهو نحو جمله - فیه من الوسایل والقواعد ما یکفل قدرا کبیرا من تحدید المعنی والإسهام فی امن اللبس، وذلک عن طریق القراین اللفظیه والمعنویه المختلفه، یضاف إلی ذلک ما فی صور الاستعمال وادواته من طرق تمکین المعنی والاحتیاط له. ولیس الإشکال هنا فیما یتکفل السیاق والقراین ببیانه والدلاله علیه من اقرب طریق، إنما الإشکال فیما جاوز ذلک - کالإحاله بصورها المختلفه - مما یحتاج إلی وسایل اعم ومبادی دلالیه کلیه. ومما لا شک فیه ان النظر إلی لسانیات النص یفضی إلی تطویر ادوات نحو الجمله الدلالیه وإیجاد معابر ومحاورات بینهما، مما یکون له اثر ملحوظ فی استنباط کثیر من الاسس والمبادی التی تودی إلی فهم امثل للمعنی الکلی للنص وحل کثیر من إشکال اللبس والغموض فیه، ما لم یکن اللبس او تعدد احتمالات المعنی مزیه متوخاه وإبداعا فنیا مقصودا وإثراء للمعنی. ومن امثله ذلک: اسس العلاقات بین الجمل وصور التتابع وتوالی الفقرات، ومبادی تفسیر النصوص واستراتیجیات التلقی والقراءه، والتکافو الدلالی وعلاقته بالاختیار الاسلوبی ومغزاه.

    کلیدواژگان: امن اللبس، نحو الجمله، لسانیات النص، المعنی - الإحاله، الانسجام (السبک)
  • آزاده منتظری* صفحات 181-204

    رابطه نقاشی با ادبیات رابطه ای است دیرپای که منتقدان ادبیات از گذشته تا به امروز بدان اذعان داشته اند، و بی جهت نیست که نقاشی را شعر صامت و شعر را نقاشی گویا نام نهاده اند. ابن خفاجه(451-533ق) یکی از معروفترین شعرای اندلس که به شاعر طبیعت نیز شهره شده، با الهام از چشم اندازهای زیبای طبیعت اندلس تصویرهایی پویا ، سیال و در نوع خود منحصر به فرد خلق کرده که با آثار نقاشان  امپرسیونیست تا حدودی مشابهت هایی دارد. این نوشتار حاصل پژوهشی است با روش توصیفی تحلیلی که اشعار ابن خفاجه را با هدف نگرش جدید به شعر قدیم، و نیز  بررسی وتحلیل  ویژگی های بصری اشعار او طبق رویکرد امپرسیونیسمی، مورد کنکاش قرار داده است. از مهم ترین نتایج پژوهش حاضر، می توان به این موارد اشاره کرد: علی رغم اینکه ابن خفاجه حدودهفت قرن یا حتی بیشتر پیش از ظهور جنبش امپرسیونیسم می زیسته و هنرش را به منصه ظهور رسانده اما شاید بتوان ادعا کرد که او تا حدودی مهم ترین اصول اساسی جنبش امپرسیونیسم را-  که عبارت است از برداشت های آنی هنرمند از تصاویری که در واقعیت، تحت تاثیر میزان تابش و حتی جهت نور تداعی شده، در برخی  اشعارش داشته است. قهرمان برخی از تابلوهای شعری ابن خفاجه همانند آثار امپرسیونیست ها، نور است که تحت تاثیر آن تصاویری غالبا با رنگ هایی ناب و خالص پدید می آیند ، تصاویری که در شعر ابن خفاجه حکم همان توصیف ها و تشبیه هایی را دارد که در موارد زیادی دور از واقعیت و یا حتی گاهی بسیار عجیب می نمایند  و یا به عبارتی آشنایی زدایی می کند که البته در موارد زیادی اجتماع آن تصاویر در واقعیت نیز امکان پذیر نمی باشد مضافا بر اینکه فقط نور نیست که موجب تداعی صورت ها در ذهن خواننده می شود بلکه فقدان نور و به عبارتی تاریکی هم موجد برداشت های آنی و صورت هایی در خور توجه شده است. کاربست رنگ های خالص و ناب و قرارگرفتن رنگ ها در کنار یکدیگر بدون آنکه رنگ ها با یکدیگر آمیخته شوند، را نیز می توان  از جمله مشابهت های  هنری شعر ابن خفاجه با آثار امپرسیونیست ها به شمار آورد.

    کلیدواژگان: امپرسیونیسم، تصاویر شعری، تحلیل بصری، عصر اندلس، ابن خفاجه
  • علی نجفی ایوکی*، مرضیه سادات کدخدایی صفحات 205-230

    معادل یابی بین واژگان دو زبان از موضوعاتی است که نقش مهمی در ترجمه و انتقال معنای مورد نظر نویسنده به مخاطب دارد؛ در این روش، کلمه مورد نظر در متن مبدا شناسایی و معادل های به کار رفته در متن مقصد مشخص می شود. این پژوهش سعی دارد با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی به شناسایی، استخراج و دسته بندی استراتژی و ابزارهای صرفی و نحوی ای بپردازد که در متن نهج البلاغه به کار بسته شده و می تواند معادل حرف ربط «هرچند» در زبان فارسی باشد. تعریف قالب و ساخت نحوی، تشریح موضوعاتی که آن حروف عهده دار انتقال آن بودند و بیان اغراض کاربست آن حروف و نقش عهده دار مفهوم هرچند، از مهم ترین اهدافی است که نویسندگان مقاله حاضر در پی تحقق آن هستند. از مهم ترین نتایج تحقیق حاضر این است: برخی از حروف به رغم اینکه در ظاهر معنای مستقلی ندارند، نقش کلیدی در القای مفهوم مورد نظر متکلم دارند معادل های «هرچند» در زبان فارسی تنها به دو حرف «لو» و «ان» در زبان عربی خلاصه نمی شود بلکه به استناد متن نهج البلاغه و با در نظر گرفتن بافت و سیاق متن، حروف دیگری از جمله لکن، إلا، حرف عطف، نقش نحوی حال و صفت می تواند معادلی مناسب و کاربردی برای حرف ربط هرچند در زبان فارسی باشد . برخی از اغراض تنها در یک اسلوب خاص کاربرد داشته و برخی دیگر غرض مشترک داشته اند. با مطالعه نمونه های استخراج شده مشخص گردید غرض «استدراک» بیشرین بسامد را در میان اغراض بلاغی به خود اختصاص داده و تقریبا در تمامی ساختارها به کار رفته و با مفهوم حرف «هرچند» نیز سازگاری بیشتری دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: نهج البلاغه، معادل یابی واژگانی، واژه «هرچند»، استراتژی ترجمه، علوم بلاغی
  • محمد امین رودینی، جواد سعدون زاده*، سهاد جادری صفحات 251-270

    البحث حول المفردات المتقاربه المعنی القرانیه فی اللسانیات والتفاسیر الإسلامیه، قدیمه قدم نزول الآیات القرانیه وکتابتها. اللغویون واللسانیون مایزال اظهروا اعجابهم وتسایلوا عن هذه الظاهره البارره العجیبه فی القران، بما اللغه تحتوی علی المفردات کانت لها معنی واحد لکن له دلالات مختلفه وجمالیات خفیه متنوعه؛ حیث لایمکن ان نستخدم واحد منها مکان الآخر. هذه الظاهره فی القران استخدمت بکل امکانیاتها وخصایصها اللغویه النابضه واتسعت دایریه وعظمت اهمیته بما القران اختارت المفردات فی صوره حیویه ذات جمالیه کثیره متلایمه بالخطابات المستخدمه فیها، تکمن إعجازها وعبقریتها فی دقه اختیارها وإبداعیه دلالتها. وفقا لهذا التخطیط الهام، یرکز البحث هذا، حول هذا النوع من المفردات فی القران الکریم وتتوقف فی دلالاتها وعن الخطاب الساید الذی تم استخدام المفردات بالحفاظ علیه. إذن سیشردنا البحث إلی النتایج القیمه الجدیده. اخترت المقاله، لدراسه المفردات المتقاربه المعنی دراسه دقیقه، سوره الفرقان والفاطر من السور المکیه من القران الکریم بغیه الوصول إلی نتایج لغویه دلالیه وتفسیریه قیمه،حیث نتمکن خلالها علی مکانه المفردات المتقاربه المعنی واثرها فی توصیل المعنی والقاء الدلاله کما تبدو عبرها الإعجاز القرانی والإختیار المعجمی العجیب والوحیانی فی نص القران المحکم. قد خلصت النتیجه تم توظیف المفردات المتقاربه المعنی حول المفاهیم الاساسیه والمبادی المرکزیه للدین الإسلام فی سوره الفرقان والفاطر بما هما سورتان مکیتان الاهم فیها إلقاء الاصول الدینیه وتمثیلها وتجسمها وقد تتسم الجمالات المتمایزه کالإیقاعیه والدلالیه والسیاقیه، لکن الاهم فی کلها حیث تم توظیف هذا المفردات فی الخطاب الخاص القرانی نظرا إلی استقطاب والاثر علی قلوب المومنین والکفار. یجدر الذکر ان المنهج المستخدم فی هذه المقاله هو المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی.

    کلیدواژگان: المفردات المتقاربه المعنی، القران الکریم، السیاق، سوره الفرقان الفاطر
  • Mohammad Hassan Amrayi * Pages 1-32

    Quranic stories take their content from historical facts and are unique in nature, purpose and composition. It presents the facts that in its narration, the subject and the idea are in harmony with the religion of Islam. This article is a descriptive and analytical method to reveal the structure of the narrative form of the story of Joseph (pbuh) in expressing time, place, conflict, plot, characters and other elements of the inner story. The structure of narration in Surah Yusuf is an objective interaction, a framework in which it is linked to dialogue and an invitation to adhere to human values and principles. The characters of this story, the plot and its temporal-spatial dimensions, highlight the linguistic feature of the miracle of Quranic discourse. Conflicts in the story of Joseph (pbuh) to: 1. General conflicts between the characters in the story that include several conflicting images, including: The struggle of Joseph (pbuh) with him. Brothers, the struggle of Yusuf (pbuh) with the wife of the king, the struggle of Yusuf (pbuh) with the women of the city, the struggle of Yusuf (pbuh) with the ruling regime, the struggle of Jacob (pbuh) with his sons and also the struggle of the beloved woman with the women. 2. The inner psychological contradiction of the Qur'anic character of the story, which is represented in the inner conflict between Yusuf (pbuh) and Yaqub (pbuh). 3. The conflict between man and nature. The characters in Joseph's story can be divided into two main types: stable characters, especially Jacob and Joseph, and anxious and changeable characters, especially the wife of the king of Egypt and Joseph brothers. Conflict in Yusuf's story culminates when anxious characters emerge victorious and fixed characters, especially Yusuf, remain in a state of mystery, ambiguity, and waiting for the unseen. Then comes the end of the conflict and the unraveling of the plot, which reveals the lies of the anxious characters and the retreat from their positions in the face of the hero's power and his steadfastness in his right position.

    Keywords: Quran, Fiction Studies, the story of Prophet Yusuf (PBUH), Internal Elements, Complication, Characterization
  • Mohammed Boubekri * Pages 33-60

    This article examines the cognitive mechanisms involved in the use of metaphor as a generative tool for the articulation of scientific concepts. Proceeding through a cognitive linguistic approach and drawing on the theory of conceptual metaphor as a theoretical framework, the article underscores the role of metaphor as a key component in the construction of scientific knowledge. The article consists of three main sections: the first addresses the experimental, physical, and psychological bases upon which the conceptual metaphor operates in scientific knowledge production. More specifically, the first section demonstrates how bodily experience contributes to the construction of scientific concepts through the element of metaphor. The second section, on the other hand, looks into the processes of scientific knowledge production animated by the element of metaphor at the experimental and abstract levels, concerning the mechanisms that inform this process of scientific knowledge production. The reference to cognitive mechanisms such as conceptual blending, metaphorical conceptual mapping, and metaphorical projection is followed by an explanation of the role of each of these components, respectively. The third section identifies the four elements central to the construction of concepts in general and scientific concepts in particular. These components are embodiment, perception, categorization, and understanding. Taken together, the sections of the article trace and explain the overall process through which the element of metaphor allows for the construction of scientific concepts and forms of knowledge production.

    Keywords: conceptual metaphor, Scientific Concepts, Conceptual Blending, Metaphorical Mappings, Conceptual Projections, Metaphorical Understanding
  • Mahin Hajizadeh *, Hamid Valizadeh, Sayyad Panahei Pages 61-82

    A contrastive method is based on examining two simultaneous language levels, that is, a confrontation between two languages or a language with a single accent. This method proves the differences between the two language levels and expresses the problems of language teaching and is a pillar on which the language relies. The contrastive method, by discovering the commonalities and differences between the two language levels, expresses the differences and difficulties of teaching each of the two languages to the other. Since Arabic is an adjective and derivational language, and Turkish is an adjective-suffix language, the scholars therefore studied the contrasts of demonstratives in these two languages in order to find similarities and differences in terms of grammar, types and examined their position in the sentence. One of the most important findings of the present study was that sometimes nouns in Turkish are considered as pronouns, but in Arabic they are considered as pronouns only by some modern linguists. Similarly, Arabic distinguishes between males and females, while in Turkish there is no difference between males and females, and all nouns and punctuation are used equally for males and females. The importance of the present study was that it can provide a platform for Turkish researchers, scholars and teachers in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speaking students. It is also hoped that this research will be useful for Arabic teachers who are not familiar with Turkish but are learning Arabic for Turkish.

    Keywords: Arabic, Turkish, contrastive study, demonstratives
  • Abdul Salam Al-Sayed Hamed * Pages 83-106

    Arabic syntax -which is about a sentence- contains the means and rules that guarantee the determination of the meaning and contribute to the security of confusion through different verbal and moral clues; in addition to the methods and tools that enable understanding the meaning. However, the problem is not with what the context and clues guarantee to clarify and indicate; rather, it is concerned with what went beyond - such as reference in its various forms - which requires more general means and overall semantic principles. Undoubtedly, the consideration of the linguistics of the text leads to the development of tools towards the semantic sentence and the creation of passages and dialogues between them. This issue would have a noticeable effect on devising many foundations and principles that lead to an optimal understanding of the overall meaning of the text, and solving a lot of ambiguities unless the ambiguity or multiplicity of the possibilities of meaning is an intended quality, an intended artistic creation and an enrichment of meaning. Examples on this issue include the foundations of relationships between sentences and images of sequences of paragraphs, principles of textual interpretation, receptive and reading strategies, semantic equivalence and its relationship and significance to the stylistic choice

    Keywords: Avoidance of Ambiguity, Sentence Grammar, text linguistics, meaning, reference, coherence
  • Marziyeh Badiee, Zolfa Imani * Pages 107-119
    Taking the theory of motion event introduced by Talmy (2000a&b) into account as well as adopting the classification of motion verbs of English proposed by Ibaretxe-Antunano (2006), approved by Ozcaliskan (2004) and Slobin (2000), all of which cited in Cifuentes Ferez (2007), we made an attempt to examine motion verbs of Persian to see whether the classification can justify the motion verbs in the language. In pursuit of this goal, we primarily checked what the aforementioned scholars proposed and then tried to find the motion verbs. As the aforesaid proposal includes manner verbs, we made a corpus of 100 manner verbs in Persian by extracting them from multiple electronic sources such as Persian articles in which motion verbs have been categorized as well as Persian corpora. Having collected the data and semantically investigating them, we put each verb into its relevant class. Ultimately, such a conclusion was drawn that there are 16 groups of manner verbs in Persian for two of which Manner is expressed through satellites, whereas for 13 others, it is stated by verb and for 1 of them, Manner is expressed by a complex predicate the semantic nature of which is an indication of Manner along with direction and speed, that is to say Vehicle crash, not specified among the proposed classification.
    Keywords: Persian, motion verbs, motion event, manner, Classification
  • Ava Imani * Pages 121-146
    This research investigates the social identity of the female gender in the Persian and English languages. To fulfil this end, proverbs of both languages, as the linguistic representations of their cultures, were gathered and analyzed based on the Fairclough’s Approach (1989) to discourse analysis. Accordingly, two corpora consisting of 1668 proverbs were collected from both languages (239 proverbs belonged to the English dictionaries and 1429 proverbs belonged to the Persian encyclopedias). The Persian corpus was gathered from Amsal-o-Hekam and Ketab-e-Koucheh encyclopedias, whereas the English corpus was collected from The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, NTC’s Dictionary of Proverbs and Clichés, and The Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. The collected corpora were compared from a critical discourse analysis perspective. Based on the results obtained from a discursive juxtaposition, four major findings were discovered: First, the female gender displays greater degree of presence in Persian. Second, kinship system is more frequently used in Persian and the familial ties are tighter and stronger than those in the English culture. These findings are in line with the findings of sociologists who believe that family in the eastern societies enjoys a higher degree of solidarity and emotional linkage than in the European countries (Fokkema and Liefbroer 2008); Fokkema, de Jong-Gierveld and Dykstra (2012). Third, as far as the power relationships and the sexual hegemony are concerned, both languages showed nearly equal degrees of sexual discrimination and inequality. Furthermore, we concluded that the Persian language and literature is more caring about and attentive to the female gender. In other words, the female gender has received much more attention in the Persian culture compared to the English culture. As for the kinship system and the familial relationships, the Persian language showed a higher degree of social interactions. Finally, our diachronic comparison showed that the representation of female characters has improved across time as demonstrated by the current data and has gradually moved towards less dominance against the female gender in both Persian and English proverbs
    Keywords: Woman, Proverbial Discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough’s Approach, power, ideology
  • Afrooz Khaleghi * Pages 147-159
    The aim of this study is to encourage the black community to discover their ideal homeplace, since they can only experience humanity at their homes; as soon as they walk out to the streets, they are mistreated by the white population. In order to respond to the research question which is “how does having a homeplace help the black community to indicate their subjectivity?”, this paper seeks to examine the selected stories from the collection of The Ways of White Folks (1934) by James Mercer Langston Hughes in the light of one of bell hooks’ main key terms which is “homeplace”. For black people a safe place is required where they could heal the wounds inflicted by the white supremacist society and recharge their powers to make a revolution happen. Home for marginalized population is where they could resist, where all of them could be subjects, and where they could return to their lost dignity in the public. Homeplace is a place free of white oppression but full of love
    Keywords: Homeplace, Wounds, Recovery, Black Community, White Supremacist, bell hooks, Langston Hughes, The Ways of White Folks
  • Samad Mirza Suzani *, Vida Mohammadalizadeh Khoub Pages 161-179
    The main objective of this study is to probe into the issue of equivalency in three translations of Nahj-al-balagheh. More specifically, it is aimed to find out if there was any significant difference between dynamic and formal types of equivalence in three Persian to English translations of Nahj-al-balagheh by Jafari, Seyed Alireza and Mutahari and reveal whether three English translations of Nahj -al- balagheh could equally convey the same message or not. To accomplish this purpose, Nida’s (1964) model of equivalence is used as the framework of the study. The results demonstrate that considering dynamic and formal types of equivalence, there are significant differences among three English translations. Besides, whereas Jafari’s translation is dynamic, both Seyed Alireza and Mutahari’s translations are more formal in tone. Findings can be of help to the interested readers who intend to do more on the translation of religious texts including Nahj-al-balagheh.
    Keywords: Nahj-al-balagheh, equivalency, Nida’s model, religious texts, formal, dynamic equivalence
  • Azade Montazeri * Pages 181-204

    The relationship between painting and literature is a long-standing one that literary critics have acknowledged from the past to the present, and it is not unreasonable to call painting silent poetry and poetry expressive painting. Ibn Khafajah (451-533 AH), one of the most famous poets of Andalusia, who is also known as the poet of nature, was inspired by the dynamic landscapes of Andalusia to create dynamic, fluid and unique images that are somewhat similar to the works of Impressionist painters. This article is the result of a research with a descriptive-analytical method that has explored Ibn Khafajah's poems with the aim of taking a new approach to ancient poetry, as well as examining and analyzing the visual features of his poems according to the Impressionist approach. Among the most important results of the present study, we can mention the following: Although Ibn Khafajah lived about seven centuries or even before the emergence of the Impressionist movement and brought his art to the fore, it can be claimed that he somewhat followed the most important and basic tenets of the Impressionist movement - which are the artist's immediate perceptions of images that are in fact, influenced by the amount of radiation and even the direction of light associated in some of his poems. The hero of some of Ibn Khafajah's paintings, like the works of the Impressionists, is light, under the influence of which images often appear in pure colors. Images in Ibn Khafajah's poetry have the same descriptions and similes that in many cases are far away from reality or even sometimes strange, or in other words, they are unfamiliar, but in many cases, the gathering of those images is not possible in reality, in addition to the fact that it is not only light that evokes faces in the reader's mind but lack of light, in other words, darkness has created immediate impressions and notable faces. The use of pure colors and the placement of colors next to each other without the colors being mixed with each other, can also be considered as artistic similarities of Ibn Khafajah's poetry with the works of the Impressionists.

    Keywords: Impressionism, Poetic Images, Visual Analysis, Andalusian Age, Ibn Khafajah
  • Ali Najafi Ayuki *, Marzieh Sadat Kadkhodaie Pages 205-230

    Equivalence between words of two languages is one of the topics that play an important role in translating and conveying the meaning desired by the author to the audience; In this method, the word in the source text is identified and the equation used in the target text is specified. This research tried to identify, extract and categorize the strategy and morphological and syntactic tools that are used in the text of Nahj al-Balagheh by descriptive-analytical method and can be equivalent to the conjunction "although" in Persian. Defining the format and syntactic construction, describing the issues that those letters were responsible for conveying, and stating the intentions of using those letters and the role responsible for the concept, however, are among the most important goals that the authors of the present article seek to achieve. One of the most important results of the present study is: some letters, although they do not have an independent meaning in appearance, play a key role in inducing the intended meaning of the speaker. The equations "although" in Persian are not limited to the two letters "lu" and "an" in Arabic, but based on the text of Nahj al-Balagheh and considering the context the text, other letters such as but, except , Inflection letter, syntactic role of present tense and adjective can be a suitable and practical equivalent for the conjunction letter, although in Persian. Some purposes were used only in a particular style and others had a common purpose. By studying the extracted samples, it was found that the purpose of "perception" has the highest frequency among rhetorical purposes and has been used in almost all structures and is more compatible with the meaning of the letter "although".

    Keywords: Nahj Al-Balagheh, lexical equivalence, word although, translation strategy, rhetorical sciences
  • Leila Rahmani * Pages 231-250
    The purpose of this study is to determine whether monolingual achieves more Spanish proficiency or bilingual learner, using different learning styles in online classes. This study benefits a comparative case-study design through which the evaluation of learning between two Spanish learners were observed based on a case study qualitative research for each, by the teacher and finally a comparative study plays role to make any relationship or distinctness in-between. Both learners had online private Spanish classes in different countries and used different learning styles. The teacher, who was the researcher, interviewed them to achieve their needs, backgrounds, knowledge, level and also learning styles in traditional classes and compared them with those in online classes, and also compared the learners with each other in order to reach any similarities or distinctions between monolingual and bilingual learning styles.  She based her syllabus and lesson plans on their needs and styles. As a result, she concluded no difference between a monolingual who used Farsi and bilingual who used English and Farsi to learn Spanish. There were commonalities in using learning styles through in-person classes and online classes but with few changes in the way of using them.
    Keywords: monolingual, bilingual, online classrooms, learning styles, Coronavirus (Covid-19)
  • Muhammad Amin Roudini, Javad Sadoun Zadeh *, Sohad Jaderi Pages 251-270

    Language has words that have one meaning, and at the same time, different meanings and hidden aesthetics, and scholars have long considered the effective role of "spiritual sharing" and "verbal sharing" in the interpretation of religious texts. With the formation of modern semantic knowledge, linguists have been concerned with a similar issue called "polysemy" and "homonymy". It is a linguistic unit (word) that indicates several different meanings that are conceptually related to each other. This linguistic concept has also been considered in the tradition of Islamic studies and is referred to as "spiritual sharing". "Polysemy" in semantics refers to a special kind of "semantic relations" in which a linguistic unit (word) refers to several different meanings that are conceptually related to each other. This linguistic concept in the tradition of Islamic studies has also been considered and referred to as "spiritual communion". Also, an important part of the literature on "face writing" in the field of interpretive studies, which is responsible for discussing the variety of uses of a word according to its position in the text of the Holy Quran, is devoted to it. In semantic knowledge, in addition to "polysemy", "homonymy" is discussed and considers it to be the result of the "phonetic-homonymous" words which refer to various and unrelated meanings. This linguistic term, which in the tradition of Islamic studies is called "verbal sharing", in addition to lexicography, has also been considered in the sciences of logic and the principles of jurisprudence. Muslim scholars have called a word that implies two or more true meanings common to the word, and have tried to investigate the causes of its occurrence. The need to distinguish between "polysemy" and "homonym" in lexical analysis has led linguists to suggest the study of the historical background of common words through etymology in order to distinguish them from each other. In this way, word etymology can alert the linguist to the occurrence of verbal commonality, freeing him from the trap of formal similarities and finding false semantic connections. On the other hand, this method is able to explain the semantic relations of the word polysemy (spiritual common) that was previously ignored, and to discuss the process of constructing meanings by discovering the links of the semantic chain. The present study is about Quranic convergent words in linguistics and Islamic interpretations and was able to provide linguistic evidence to reveal the existence of convergence in some words of these roots that have not been considered so far.

    Keywords: Related words, Holy Quran, Text style, Surah Al-Furqan, Surah Al-Fatir