فهرست مطالب

Journal of Rangeland Science
Volume:13 Issue: 2, Spring 2023
- تاریخ انتشار: 1402/03/11
- تعداد عناوین: 8
Pages 125-142
Determining the environmental capability of optimally using land and preventing the degradation of natural resources arr important steps towards a sustainable development strategy. The present study was conducted in 2014-2017 aiming to assess the ecological capability for agriculture and rangeland of the Razin watershed in Kermanshah province, west of Iran, in seven classes using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and the application of Geographic Information System (GIS). The information layers were initially selected by the research group and those layers that were important were selected according to the research literature, then the final screening of the information layers was performed by fuzzy Delphi method. These layers were including land form units (slope, elevation, aspect), soil information (texture, depth, hydrological groups, erosion, granulating, gravel percentage, evolution, organic carbon content, exchangeable cations, available phosphorus), climate, water, land use, vegetation density, and lithology. FAHP technique was used to calculate the importance coefficients of the criteria and sub-criteria entered into the evaluation model. Weighted layer modeling was performed by ArcMap 9.3 software using the weighted linear composition method in overlay tool. The results showed that water, climate, slope, and soil texture criteria with 0.23, 0.132, 0.118, and 0.88, respectively, were the most important in modeling Razin ecological capability. 1776 environmental units with unique ecological characteristics were identified. This area has ecological potential for agricultural and rangeland use in seven classes. In terms of effective carrying capacity (ECC), all classes except class 2 and 5 were sustainable. Due to the very high accuracy of the FAHP-GIS integrated model in the use of agricultural land suitability, it is recommended to use this model instead of other conventional methods.
Keywords: Ecological capability, land use, Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), Effective carrying capacity (ECC), Razin watershed -
Pages 143-154
Caper is a drought tolerant plant and natural feed of animal in the coastal rangelands of Iran. However, due to soil salinity and alkalinity issues, the growth of such native plants in the southern soils of Iran is limited. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various mulches including oil mulch, cement, sugarcane bagasse, palm waste and their combination, on soil properties and plant growth characteristics of caper plant in 2019 in Deylam, Iran. The results showed that using sugarcane bagasse and palm waste mulch significantly increased the soil nutrients (available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Similarly, both mulches significantly increased soil moisture with values of 24.61 and 23.03% and decreased electrical conductivity (EC) with values of 83.60 and 81.46 dS/m, and pH (6.77 and 6.95), respectively (p <0.01). In contrast, application of non-organic mulches such as oil and cement mulch and their combination let to decreases of soil moisture with values of 17.03%, 18.40% and 18.97%, respectively (p <0.01). Using sugarcane bagasse mulch and palm compost mulch significantly increased stem length (20.26 and 22.43 cm), weight of the aerial part of plant and SPAD value (41.40 and 41.97 unit) of caper plant, respectively (p <0.01). There was negative correlation between plant weight and soil EC (R=-0.74) and pH (R=-0.57). Findings suggested the significant effect of organic mulches on adjusting soil EC and pH for improving the establishment of caper plants in the coastal rangelands of Iran.
Keywords: Sugarcane bagasse, Palm compost, Salinity, Alkalinity, Coastal rangelands -
Pages 155-167
One of the major challenges in semi-arid regions of Iran is to supply the adequate forage for livestock and meanwhile prevent the destruction of rangelands due to overgrazing. Therefore, this study aimed to compare three cropping systems of barley using Salsola turcomanica (ST), and Chrysopogon zizanioides (CZ) in three treatments of barley+ST, barley+ST+CZ and mono-culture of barley. Two-year field trials data were collected from November 2018 to October 2020 in two experimental sites using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. The results of analysis of variance over two years indicated that the effects of year, location, and year by location interaction were significant (p<0.01) for all of barley’s yield components. Mixed cropping of barley with other species had no negative effect on barley traits such as grain yield, straw yield and harvest index. In addition, the mixed cropping of barley+ST and barley+ST+CZ in the first year produced 2.5 t/ha more forage yield than that mono-culture of barley. This was due to high production of Salsola (ST), in mixed cropping. In both years, yield of Salsola production was about 25% of whole produced biomass. Drastic reduction in rainfall in the second year reduced the obtained yield; so, there was no significant difference among three cropping systems in the second year. However, cropping systems of barley+ST and barley+ST+CZ produced about 1 t/ha more forage than that for the mono-culture of barley. Mixed cropping of barley +ST+CZ did not affect yield components of barley. Mixed cropping of barley with Salsola turcomanica could guarantee soil cover throughout the year and is recommended for forage production in rangeland in Iran.
Keywords: barley, Salsola turcomanica, Chrysopogon zizanioides, mixed cropping -
Pages 168-179
Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) reservoirs is high priority in the rangelands managements in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was conducted to estimation carbon sequestration using Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis (MLR), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Euclidean Distance from the soil line (D) on remote sensing data in semi-arid rangelands of southwest of Neishabour, Khorasan Razavi province, Iran. The map of SOC was prepared using a total of 102 soil samples (depth 0-10 cm). Landsat 8 images of the study area were provided on 5 July 2018 and used to develop the models including (OLI, TIRS), visible, near-infrared, middle-infrared, and thermal infrared bands. Models were developed using SOC as dependent variable and spectral data of MLR, PC1 and Euclidean D soil line as independent variables. Then, the developed models were validated using additional samples (30 points). The results illustrated that the MLR, PCA, and Euclidean D soil line models explain 62, 45, and 53% of the total variability of SOC coupled with root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values 0.09, 0.21, and 0.05, respectively. Therefore, the MLR technique could provide superior predictive performance than that for PCA and Euclidean D soil line techniques. It was concluded that the SOC spatial information derived using the MLR technique had much greater spatial detail and higher quality than to that derived from the conventional soil map.
Keywords: PCA, Multivariate regression, ETM+, Rangeland soils -
Pages 180-193
In this research, we used six MODIS remote sensing products to evaluate the vulnerability to desertification in Mashhad, Iran in 2020. The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), Salinity Index (SI), Synthetized Drought Index (SDI), Temperature Condition Index (TCI), and precipitation were considered in May, 2020 when vegetation growth reaches its maximum size. Data layers were standardized using the Fuzzy Transform Function and scaled using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Regarding TCI, VCI, and SDI, the greatest proportion of the area fell under the no drought to mild drought category indicating a lower risk of desertification. However, the Synthetized Desertification Index (SDI) was mainly distributed around the moderate and mild classes (~39%). The results of the EVI index also indicated that most of the area had a suitable vegetation density and low risk of desertification. As for the SI index, ~98% happened under the low salinity risk. Based on the results of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, precipitation (0.25), VCI (0.25), EVI (0.18), and SDI (0.13) obtained the greatest weights. The final vulnerability score ranged between 0.29 and 0.63. The results showed that the greatest parts of the area belong to the moderate risk (~68%) and high risk (30.1) classes of desertification. The highest values were obtained in the eastern and southeastern parts of the area with the lowest level of vegetation density, and high-temperature indices. Naturally, the elevations received the lowest values (~0.29) showing an increasing gradient towards the middle plain. The comparison between the results and the ground truth data indicated high compatibility (kappa value of >0.70). Mashhad City as the major population centre of the area is located in the low-risk category; therefore, desertification doesn’t seem to be threatening the city at the moment.
Keywords: Degradation, Land-use, Vegetation, Salinity, Khorasan -
Pages 194-203Bouffordia dichotoma (Willd.) Ohashi et al. [syn. Desmodium dichotomum (Willd.) DC], family Fabaceae, is recognized by farmers (locally called Chimero) in Eastern Amhara Region, Ethiopia as a valuable livestock feed. This forage is growing as spontaneous intercrop with sorghum or maize crop. It is an herbaceous self-regenerating legume growing in a wild state. Short-listed accessions were undergoing for preliminary variety trial. In order to determine forage yield and quality of Desmodium dichotomum, a field experiment was carried out using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in year 2020. Plots were harvested to determine Dry Matter (DM) yield and leaf to stem weight ratio. Forage samples from each replicates were harvested and grounded using Wiley Mill, to pass through a 1 mm screen. The ground tissue was then analyzed for moisture, Crude Protein (CP), Crude Fiber (CF), crude fat, total ash and mineral concentrations. The highest mean DM yield was recorded for accession no. 37708 (10.78 ton/ha) followed by accession 37709 (7.7 ton/ha) while the lowest was 2.84 ton/ha (accession 2003). The highest CP concentration occurred in accessions no. 37708 and 37709 (23.9%), followed by accession no. 37702 (23.3%), while the lowest value of CP was recorded for accession no. 37715 (20.5%). A considerable concentration of mineral element was observed among the tested accessions. According to the results accession no. 37708, 37709 and 37705 can be considered as a good source of forage.Keywords: biomass, Chimero, Nutrient, Forage quality
Pages 204-215The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of oat (Avena sativa; variety-CI-8237), vetch (Vicia villosa) and their mixtures under irrigation conditions in the Ethiopian highland. This mixed cropping is a mixture of legume and cereal, it was done to fulfills a variety of functions, including complementary use of growth factors, such as soil nutrients, light, and water; reduced pest and disease incidence, reduced soil erosion, more total biomass production, more yield stability, and more household food security. Treatments were included: sole oat (T1), sole vetch (T2), 85% oat + 15% vetch (T3), 70% oat + 30% vetch (T4), 55% oat + 45% vetch (T5) and 40% oat + 60% vetch (T6). Experimental plots were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in Damot Gale District, Wolaita Zone, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region, Ethiopia. Data collected for emergence date, plant height, and number of leaves per tiller, total fresh yield, dry matter yield and chemical composition in two consecutive years (2018-19 and 2019-20). The greatest and shortest days to emergence with 19 and 13 days were recorded in 100% vetch and 100% oat, respectively. The highest Dry Matter (DM) yield was obtained from the mixture of 55% oat and 45% vetch (6.75t/ha). The highest Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) was obtained in 55% oat and 45% vetch mixture. Similarly, this treatment had lower Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) (45.77%), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) (8.01%) and Acid Detergent Lignin (ADL) (1.31 g per kg) concentrations and highest In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) (73.14%). Overall, it is recommended that in the highlands of Ethiopia, smallholder farmers can use 55% oat and 45% vetch to increase the quantity and quality of fodder.Keywords: chemical composition, mixed cropping, Oat, Yield parameters, Vetch
Pages 216-229
Economic valuation of rangelands is one of the best methods for conservation goals. A study was conducted to assess the economic value of forage loss under the two main forms of traditional pastoralism i.e. sedentary pastoralism and nomadism in historic grazing semiarid rangelands in Khabr National Park, Kerman province, Iran in 2019. Forage production was measured by clip-and-weigh method and forage quality was assessed using Crude Protein (CP) and Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF) indices. The replacement cost method was used for forage valuation and Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) was used as the principal character of forage value. Forage production was decreased by 65% and 78% under nomadism and sedentary pastoralism respectively as compared to exclosure. Assessing species distribution along grazing gradient, using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), showed that forage quality decreased as grazing intensity increased due to plant composition change. Lathyrus annuus and annual grasses were the highest and lowest value forage, respectively. The forage values for exclosure area, near exclosure area and near village and pastoral tent were 75 $, 20-25 $ and 6-10 $.ha-1.year-1, respectively, indicating 65 to 92% reduction in the forage value in traditional pastoralism forms than to exclosure area. Therefore, there was priority to perform appropriate grazing systems such as rest rotational grazing to improve the condition of historic grazing lands and pastoral’s income.
Keywords: Ecosystem, Grazing, Exclosure, Economical value, Nomadism