فهرست مطالب

پژوهشنامه زبان و ادبیات روسی
سال یازدهم شماره 1 (پیاپی 21، 2023)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/03/21
  • تعداد عناوین: 12
  • Bugaeva Irina Vladimirovna Pages 11-30

    The article presents the experience of organizing the educational process using multimodal social media. The purpose of the study is to describe the possibilities of new technologies in the classroom in Russian as a foreign language for the study of vocabulary of different thematic groups, grammar, speech genres, and the development of oral and written speech skills. Firstly, this is a project to develop a travelogue. The essence of the project is an invitation to travel around the native places of students using the multimodal text of the travelogue as a learning unit as the basis for organizing the teaching of oral and written speech in a foreign language. At an advanced stage of teaching philologists, the work on creating a booktrailer is effective as a creative group task of a project type for the analysis of a literary text. With the help of such work, several educational and didactic tasks are solved at once. Step-by-step tasks for creating a training booktrailer and requirements for its evaluation are given.

    Keywords: Travelogue, Booktrailer, Communicative Competencies, Training Project, New Technologies, Linguoculturology
  • Ирина Вепрева, Яо Цзясюй Pages 31-50

    The article describes the range of representatives of the animal world, identified on the basis of associative adjacency with topos of dirt and garbage. The habitat, habits or behavior of animals are associated with the world of impure existence. The bestiary demonstrates the dehumanization of the political world by attributing zoomorphic traits to politicians. Zoometaphors are combined within the framework of semantics characterizing the moral aspects of political existence. The analyzed bestiary includes five groups: wild animals (jackals and hyenas), domestic animals (pig), small rodent animals (mice, rats), birds (crow), insects (fly, cockroach, louse, flea, bedbug). It is revealed that the constitutive feature of zoosemantics is the axiological component. Zoomorphic names-characteristics are aimed at discrediting state power, a sharp decline in the image of a politician and have a bright pejorative coloring. Bestial moments of immoral behavior of politicians based on direct associations with dirt (for example, the metaphorical image of a pig) are not always the main ones in the semiotics of the presented zoworld. Thus, in the convergence of the scale of the world of insects and politicians, the insignificance and insignificance of party activity, which devalues political life, is conceptualized.

    Keywords: Zoometaphora, Concept DIRT, Concept GARBAGE, «Unclean» Animals, Negative Connotation, Moral Aspects
  • Мария Жигалова Pages 51-72

    The article analyzes fragments of the use of symbolism of color meanings in the works of M.Bulgakov ("The Master and Margarita"), A.Pushkin ("Imitation of the Koran"), A.V.Zhigulin, Yu.P.Kazakov ("Blue and Green"), determines the role and place of color meanings in the interpretation and analysis of the work, in the reader's comprehension of the inner world the writer, the character, the spiritual world and the character of the lyrical hero, the artistic world of the work as a whole. A scheme of coloristic analysis and methodological recommendations are proposed, which can be used by readers studying at higher school, teachers; examples of fragments of practical classes and creative works are given (A.V. Zhigulin "Black Stones", Yu.P.Kazakov "Blue and Green") for different levels of education. It is concluded that such a reading of poetic and prose texts with an understanding of the symbolism of color meanings, the color spectrum of the feelings of the heroes, the composition of the score of the hero's experiences, helps to reveal the color of the epochs and society, psychological traits of the character, the activity / passivity of the hero's participation in the actions unfolding on the pages of the work.

    Keywords: nalysis, Symbolism of Color, Artwork, A.V.Zhigulin, Yu.P.Kazakov, Methodological Recommendations
  • Джанолах Карими-Мотаххар, Сейеде Фаэзе Хоссейни Дарберази Pages 73-90

    This article discusses the story of the modern Russian science fiction by Sergei Vasilievich Lukyanenko "The Road to Wellesberg". Unlike current writers, who pay very little attention to fantastic literature, Sergei Lukyanenko was able to take a special place among his contemporaries in this genre of literature. The story “The Road to Wellesberg” is one of the famous works of the author, in which the elements of fantasy are very obvious, and the author, with his modern techniques and methods, made his written language tangible for teenagers. Sergei Lukyanenko transforms the past and the future through fantastic literature. He believes that only in fantastic literature can the world be depicted in such a way that it seems believable and real, while being a fantasy. With his fantasy pen, the author well depicts the position of modern adolescents in society and the family. In addition, Sergei Lukyanenko sometimes mixes science and technology with fantastic literature and thus makes today's modern world more exciting.

    Keywords: Fantasy, Fantastic Literature, Sergei Lukyanenko, Technology, Today’s Teenagers
  • Лорина Репина Pages 91-111

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the concepts of citizen and patriot in Russian preaching literature of the last quarter of the 18th century, mainly on the example of the “court sermons” of Damaskin, Bishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Alatyr (1737–1795). These little-known sources significantly supplement and change the traditional ideas about the range of interpretations and elaboration of the theoretical constructs of the Western European Enlightenment in Russia of this period, leading a discussion of the content of basic concepts such as "love for one's country", "common good", "citizen", "patriot" , from the limited space of rhetorical poetry and other widely used texts, interpreted within the framework of "monarchist patriotism". The author of the article examines the semantic shifts in the content of this range of concepts of Russian intellectual culture of this period in the context of the transfer of ideas of Western European enlighteners and the transformation of the value system of the transitional era. The author concludes that the expansion of the genre spectrum of the studied texts makes it possible to see not only significant parallels and similarities associated with the development of the relevant pan-European educational ideological blocks in the spirit of "political theology", but also important semantic differences that arise in the field of the national cultural code.

    Keywords: Preaching Literature, Citizen, Patriot, Common Good, Truth, Justice
  • Шустова Светлана Викторовна Pages 113-127

    The proposed article examines the linguistic representation of the concept GRATITUDE in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Russian language and in the national corpus of the Russian language. Gratitude arises on the basis of an emotional and rational assessment of what is happening, the expression of gratitude is ritualized. The addressee of gratitude can be not only specific people, but also communities of people and non-personalized entities: the world, God. The purpose of the article is to study a fragment of the conceptual field of the Russian language. The methods are free associative experiment and contextual analysis. Contextual analysis is used to identify and describe the pragmatic potential of the behavioral speech act. Behabitives are a mixed group of speech acts related to social behavior and relationships between people. Behabitives include the notion of reacting to the behavior of other people, as well as the attitude towards someone's behavior in the past or in the future and the explicit expression of this attitude. The data of a free associative experiment, dictionaries, data of the national corpus of the Russian language are used as material.

    Keywords: concept, Russian Language, Free Associative Experiment, Associative-Verbal Field, Model, Paremia, GRATITUDE, Speech Act
  • Фетисенко Ольга Леонидовна Pages 129-144

    A current revival of spiritual life in Russia enhanced interest in the heritage of those public figures for whom religion was the highest value above all their activities. One of such figures was the public school reformer Sergey Alexandrovich Rachinsky (1833–1902). He did not left any theoretical works, expressed his ideas rarely in articles, as well as in his letters. This manuscript treasury attracts researchers’ attention, but only two correspondences have been published (with Vasily Rozanov and Stepan Smolensky). Worthy of special note is his epistolary dialogue with a man of a different generation, education and character. Ivan Leontyevich Leontiev (1856–1911), a writer and a theoretician of people’s theatre (the pen name Ivan Shcheglov), came to adopt the Orthodox faith and regarded Rachinsky as his spiritual teacher. The correspondence took place between 1891 and 1900 and contained 123 letters. What could bring together a St. Petersburg neurasthenic, as Shcheglov admitted himself to be, and the piously calm rural hermit? The present article is supposed to answer this question.

    Keywords: Russian Literature, Sergei A. Rachinsky, Public School, Ivan L. Leontiev (Ivan Shcheglov), Correspondence, Creative Heritage, Archives
  • Махбубех Алияри Шорехдели, Доцент университета «Тарбиат Модарес», Тегеран, Иран, Сахар Газвинян Pages 145-167

    As a result of the development of political relations between Iran and Russia, and the increase in the number of translations of political news, there is currently a need for a study to consider the linguistic features of news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. In this work, based on 300 headlines selected from 21 – 27April 2021, from four news sites IRNA, ISNA, RIA NOVOSTI and GAZETA.RU, we intend to compare syntactic models of political news headlines in Russian and Persian languages. The novelty of the study lies on the fact that for the first time the syntactic models of political news headlines are examined in a contrastive manner on the material of the Russian and Persian languages. The results of our study show that the frequency of the phrase headings in Persian is much higher than in Russian, and in some cases sentence headings are translated to Persian by both sentence headings and phrase headings. Among syntactic structures, simple sentences are widely used in political news headlines in both languages.

    Keywords: News Headline, Political Internet News, Syntactic Model, Russian Language, Persian Language
  • Завельская Дарья Александровна Pages 169-192

    The article presents developments designed for teaching Russian literature of the classical era in higher educational institutions. Russian Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov's work is considered not only as an example of high artistry of Russian classicism, but also as a basic theoretical basis for the development of the Russian literary tradition. To substantiate this approach, the principles of historical poetics and a systematic analysis of Lomonosov's theoretical works in the field of poetic dimensions and stylistics are used. The features of natural images of odes and idylls, their philosophical sound, patriotism and psychologism, which later became the basis for the development of other literary trends, are demonstrated. The rich potential of the low style is also considered, thanks to which the poetics of everyday life, folk flavor and a variety of lively, sincere human manifestations were embodied in literature. The fruitfulness of Lomonosov's method is supported by the development of his approaches to artistic language in the works of other representatives of Russian classicism from Sumarokov to Derzhavin. The result of studying the theory and practice of M.V. Lomonosov should be the formation of students' fundamental understanding of the ways of development of Russian fiction.

    Keywords: Lomonosov, Methodology, Classicism, Aesthetics, Image, Genre
  • Сафиулина Рано Мирзахановна Pages 193-206

    The article deals with the position of I. A. Bunin in the Parisian discussion of 1927. In this regard, the problem of being-in-memory as an artistic object in the works of I. A. Bunin after 1927 is revealed. In this regard, the writer's novel "The Life of Arseniev" and other works that reflected the two main motives in Bunin's work after 1927 - the motive of irreversibility and the motive of the universality of man are studied, and a new concept of "being-in-memory" is introduced. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the embodiment of these motives in Bunin's work, the influence of these motives on the conceptual foundations of his work. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the embodiment of these motives in Bunin's work, the influence of these motives on the conceptual foundations of his work. An analysis of the works created after 1927 allows us to conclude that Bunin's super-task as a writer and a person is to preserve in the memory of mankind the objective and spiritual world of pre-revolutionary Russia, an era that has gone irrevocably into oblivion and is preserved only in people's memories.

    Keywords: Bunin, Russian Emigration, Controversy of 1927, Newspaper Dni
  • Татьяна Сивова Pages 207-224

    In the article on the material of K. Paustovsky's works, belonging to the Meshchersky cycle, the fragment of spatial conceptosphere of the writer's works – the space of the Meshchersky forest is reconstructed. The main results of the research are: 1) establishment of quantitative and qualitative composition of lexemes actualized in Meshchersky forest descriptions creation; 2) creation of a register of main and additional features significant in the Meshchersky forest space visualization; 3) the features of auditory, coloristic, luminous, spatial, odorative representation of the Meshchersky forest description; 4) identification of studied descriptions functionality; 5) description of the Meshchersky forest spatial model, as well as its role in creating spatial and temporal dimensions of the artwork, its chronotope. The results make a certain contribution to the description of the master’s of the art word linguistic picture of the world, to full version of Russian spatial conceptosphere creation.

    Keywords: Conceptosphere, Language Picture of the World, Spatial Picture of the World, Writer's Individual Style, K. Paustovsky
  • Резвани Ваджихе Pages 225-245

    The purpose of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the used communicative teaching methods, and to identify their potential to increase motivation in students. According to the stated purpose, the study is based on the results of a survey entitled "Which emotional methods most successfully influence the process of language acquisition?" The survey involved 114 undergraduate students studying Russian at Iranian state universities. Testing focused on how successful the learning methods are? How do students evaluate the use of new methods, including the use of role-playing methods, watching films, conducting discussions and staging performances? In other words, the focus of our attention was on modern approaches that affect the emotions and motives of students. As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that students strive to create interactive, emotional relationships between students and teachers in order to adequately assess their competencies and improve their academic level.

    Keywords: ommunication, Motivation, Education, Russian Language, Iranian Students