فهرست مطالب
Iranian Journal of Educational Sociology
Volume:6 Issue: 2, Jun 2023
- تاریخ انتشار: 1402/06/10
- تعداد عناوین: 20
Pages 1-12Purpose
One of the variables that effect on the distribution of job opportunities is rent. Therefore, the aim of this study was the sociological analysis of rent production in the distribution of job opportunities.
MethodologyThis study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was employees familiar with the field of research of Tehran municipality, which based on the principle of theoretical saturation, 10 people were selected as a sample with the purposive sampling method. The data was collected by semi-structured interview and its psychometrics indicators were confirmed. The data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding based on the grounded theory in MAXQDA-2021 software.
FindingsThe findings showed that for the sociological analysis of rent production in the distribution of job opportunities were identified 36 concepts, 17 components and 12 categories; So that in the central phenomenon there were one category of rent allocation (gang play, arrangement based on survival and personalization of decisions), in the causal conditions there were two categories of male monopoly (ideological structure and gender hegemony) and showing bureaucracy (bureaucracy in the service of appointments), in the background conditions there were two categories structural oppression (confusion of just criteria with unjust methods) and gender oppression (unbalanced access in the distribution of facilities), in intervention conditions there were one category of the possibility of perceptual error (effective external features and effective personality traits), in strategies there were four categories of purposeful communication action (self-identification and self-enhancement), empowerment (women's self-reflection), value-oriented rationality (superiority of maternal and wifely roles over women's social roles) and irrational tolerance (normalization of discrimination) and in the consequences there were two categories of organizational failure (unbalanced organizational growth and inappropriate social organization) and acquired sense of inferiority (role conflict). Finally, according to the components and categories, a pattern based on the grounded theory of sociological analysis of rent production in the distribution of job opportunities in Tehran Municipality was designed.
ConclusionThe designed pattern of sociological analysis of rent production in the distribution of job opportunities in Tehran municipality can help the specialists and planners of Tehran municipality in the equal distribution of job opportunities.
Keywords: Sociological Analysis, favoritism Production, Job Opportunities -
Pages 13-23Purpose
The compliance ethical characteristics plays an important role in urban management, and accordingly, the purpose of this study was identifying the effective ethical codes on urban management with a meta synthesis method.
MethodologyThis study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The field of research was all articles of effective ethical codes on urban management in 2012 to 2022 years, which number of 26 articles from 311 articles based on the inclusion criteria were selected with purposive sampling method. The data were collected by taking notes from the articles and analyzed with content analysis method based on meta synthesis approach of Sandelowski and Barroso's seven-step.
FindingsThe findings showed that were identified 94 concepts in 16 components and 6 categories for effective ethical codes on urban management. The categories were include urban management ethics codes (with 4 components of individual codes of ethics of employees, ethical codes of managers, ethical codes between employees and ethical codes of organizations with people), procedures of the organization (with 2 components of problem definition and stakeholders), content factors of the organization (with 3 components of environmental factors, organizational factors and fundamental factors), structural strategy (with 2 components of informing and training and correction and improvement of functions), content implementation levels (with 3 components of ethical system leveling, identification of values in the organization and mechanisms of moral strengthening) and implementation consequences of ethical codes (with 2 components of intra-organizational consequences and extra-organizational consequences). Finally, the pattern of effective ethical codes on urban management was drawn.
ConclusionThe pattern of effective ethical codes on urban management can help specialists and planners in improving the situation of urban management.
Keywords: Ethical codes, urban management, individual ethics of employees, organizational factors, informing, training -
Pages 24-34Purpose
The knowledge transfer in educational systems, especially higher education plays an important role in improving their educational and non-educational functions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to present the strategic orientation model of knowledge transfer in University of Applied Sciences and Technology.
MethodologyThis study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was descriptive from type of correlation. The research population was all the managers and employees in University of Applied Sciences and Technology in Tehran city with number 450 people. The sample size based on Cochran's formula was estimated to be 207 people, who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The tool of the present study was a researcher-made questionnaire with 36 items, whose face validity was confirmed by the opinion of experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha method 0.95. The data after collecting with a researcher-made questionnaire were analyzed with the methods of exploratory factor analysis in SPSS and Smart PLS software.
FindingsThe findings of the present study showed that the strategic orientation model of knowledge transfer in University of Applied Sciences and Technology has 36 items in 6 categories including causal factors (with 6 items), central phenomenon (with 3 items), contextual factors (with 7 items), intervening factors (with 4 items), strategies (with 14 items) and consequences (with 2 items), which their factor load was higher than 0.40, their average variance extracted was higher than 0.50 and combined and Cronbach reliability was higher than 0.70. Also, the strategic orientation model of knowledge transfer in University of Applied Sciences and Technology had a good fit and the causal factors had a direct and significant effect on the central phenomenon. The central phenomenon, contextual factors and intervening factors had a direct and significant effect on the strategies and the strategies had a direct and significant effect on the consequences (P<0.001).
ConclusionThe results of this study about the strategic orientation model of knowledge transfer in University of Applied Sciences and Technology can help the officials and planners of the University of Applied Sciences and Technology to improve the educational status of the university through knowledge transfer.
Keywords: Strategic Orientation, Knowledge Transfer, University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Consequences in University Level, Consequences in Society Level -
Pages 35-44Purpose
Text books play an important role in improving the moral status of students, and in the meantime, the amount of attention the text books to moral skills needs to be investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigating the amount of attention to the moral competencies of the national curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the social studies text books of the first secondary school.
MethodologyThis study in terms of implementation method was descriptive which in it was used the method of analyzing text books. The research population was the social studies text books of the first secondary school (7th, 8th and 9th) in the 2021-2022 academic years and all three of them were selected as a sample using the census sampling method. The research tool was taking notes of moral competencies of the curriculum in the mentioned books, which whose face validity was confirmed by curriculum experts and specialists, and whose reliability by test-retest method was calculated 0.86. The data as a content analysis were analyzed with using frequency and percentage frequency method of moral competencies of the national curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the social studies text books of the first secondary school.
FindingsThe findings showed that in the social studies text books of the first secondary school (7th, 8th and 9th) according to the national curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran were identified number of 139 competencies in the three axes of orientation and desire (62 cases), action and behavior (47 cases) and cognition and knowledge (30 cases) that the share of text books for the seventh, eighth and ninth grades was 58, 39 and 42 cases, respectively.
Also, among the 19 moral competencies emphasized in the national curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the text books of the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades covered only 10, 10, and 12 cases of the competencies, respectively.ConclusionAccording to the results of this study, it is necessary to create and promote moral competencies in the social studies text books of the first secondary school based on the national curriculum of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Keywords: Moral Competencies, Curriculum, Text Books, Social Studies -
Pages 45-53Purpose
Students' learning style is one of the important factors that help teachers to prepare conditions for students' learning. So, the aim of this research was to identify the dimensions and components of education based on flipped learning in elementary school.
MethodologyThis study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of qualitative type. The research community were experts in the fields of elementary education, curriculum planning and educational management. Sampling was done with targeted and snowball sampling methods and continued until the research reached theoretical saturation, i.e. 19 people. The research tool was a semi-structured interview with experts, whose validity was confirmed by the triangulation method, and its reliability was calculated by the method of the agreement coefficient between two coders of 0.88, and the data analysis was done by thematic analysis method in MAXQDA-12 software.
FindingsThe findings indicated that education based on flipped learning in elementary school has 45 indicators, 9 components and 3 dimensions of input (with 3 components of equipment, learner and teacher), teaching and learning process (with 3 components of learner preparation, teacher preparation) , learning activities and interaction) and output (with 2 components of implicit results and objective results). Finally, according to the identified dimensions and components, a teaching model based on flipped learning was designed in the elementary school.
ConclusionThe results of this study indicated that in order to improve education based on flipped learning, the dimensions and components identified for it should be given special attention and the ground for their improvement and promotion should be provided.
Keywords: Education, Flipped Learning, Teaching, Learning Process, Elementary School -
Pages 54-62Purpose
The studying public policy can play an important role in improving the country's study situation. As a result, the present research was conducted with the aim of pathology of studying public policy of students in Tehran province from the teachers' perspective.
MethodologyThe present study was applied in terms of purpose and survey in terms of implementation method. The research population had two parts, which in the first part was 30 cultural experts of education in the cities of Tehran province in the 2018-19 academic years, which number of 15 people of them were selected as a sample with using the targeted sampling method. The research population in the second part was 26889 teachers of education in the cities of Tehran province in the 2018-19 academic years, which based on Cochran's formula number of 379 of them were selected as a sample by stratified random sampling method, respecting the size of the population in each region. The cultural experts declared their level of agreement with each of the items of the initial researcher-made questionnaire (23 items in the two components of the studying social policy and studying general policy) during two Delphi rounds, the teachers also declared their agreement with each of the items of the modified researcher-made questionnaire (8 items in two components). The data were analyzed by percentage of agreement and one-sample t-test in SPSS software.
FindingsThe findings of the first part of the research, i.e. cultural experts showed that after two Delphi rounds, among the 10 items related to the studying social policy the percentage of agreement for 5 items was higher than 50 percent and among the 13 items related to the studying general policy the percentage of agreement for 3 items was higher 50 percent.Also, the findings of the second part of the research, i.e. teachers showed that the percentage of high and very high importance of 7 items out of the final 8 items of the modified questionnaire was calculated above 70%. In addition, in both components of studying social policy and studying general policy the population average significantly was higher than the hypothetical average (P<0.05).
ConclusionThe results of the present study have many practical implications for public policy officials, managers and planners. Based on the results of this study, they can take an effective step towards improving and promoting the studying public policy of students.
Keywords: Pathology, Studying Policy, Students, Teachers -
Pages 63-85Purpose
The purpose of the current study was to identify, quantify, and prioritize the components of reducing the resistance of managers of government organizations in the administrative transformation plan.
MethodologyThe mixed study method is based on exploratory mixed study. The statistical population in the qualitative section was university professors, managers, and experts of executive systems, in the quantitative section, managers and experts of government agencies, and in the prioritization section, high and middle managers of executive systems of selected organizations. In-depth interviews were used in the qualitative part, while questionnaires were used in the quantitative part, and matrix questionnaires were used in the prioritization one. Acceptability (expert review) and confirmability (expert review) were used to determine the validity and reliability in the qualitative stage, while in the quantitative stage, the validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by three methods form, content, and structure. Reliability was estimated and confirmed by three methods of determining factor loadings of items, Cronbach's alpha of components (between 0.760 and 0.888) and combined reliability (between 0.842 and 0.923). In the prioritization section, the content of the matrix questionnaire was approved by five academic and organizational experts in terms of comprehensibility and expressiveness, and the rate of inconsistency of the criteria was calculated and confirmed as 0.05 to 0.07. Qualitative data were analyzed with the ground theory technique, while quantitative data with structural equation modeling technique, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis tests in SPSS and Smart PLS software, and the prioritization section, data were analyzed through hierarchical analysis (AHP) in EXPERT CHOICE software.
FindingsThe results of the qualitative part indicated that the paradigm model includes 10 dimensions (categories) and 22 components (concepts) in the form of causal, contextual, interventional, strategy, and consequence conditions.
ConclusionThe results of the quantitative part showed that all the components of the study model were confirmed. The results of the prioritization section show the greater importance of the outcome and organizational productivity component.
Keywords: Organizational Change, Managers' Resistance to Change, Administrative Transformation Plan -
Pages 86-96Purpose
Brand development in tourism of natural places can play a vital and effective role in attracting tourists. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate a structural equation modeling of brand development in tourism of natural places.
MethodologyThis study was applied in terms of its objective and quantitative in its approach. The research population consisted of employees of organizations and cultural heritage institutions in Tehran city (1,200 individuals). The sample size was determined as 384 individuals using the Krejcie and Morgan table, and they were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire on brand development in tourism of natural places with 23 items, whose content validity was confirmed by 20 experts, and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha as 0.82. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in software such as SPSS and LISREL.
FindingsSeven factors were identified: place value, communications and information, tourist facilities and services, physical factor, awareness of the tourism destination brand, attachment to the place, and contextual conditions. All of them had factor loadings exceeding 0.60, the extracted variances were all over 0.70, and the Cronbach's alpha for all of them was higher than 0.80. Furthermore, the model of brand development in tourism of natural places had a good fit, and brand development in tourism of natural places had a positive and significant impact on all seven mentioned factors (p < 0.05).
ConclusionBased on the results of this study, to attract tourists, conditions can be provided for the realization of place value, communications and information, tourist facilities and services, physical factor, awareness of the tourism destination brand, attachment to the place, and contextual conditions.
Keywords: Brand Development, Tourism, Communications, Information -
Pages 97-111Purpose
Considering the importance of sports service small businesses in creating a competitive advantage in this field, the present research was conducted with the aim of providing a framework of analyzing the effective factors on the success of small businesses of sports service.
MethodologyThis research in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The statistical population of the current study was all active managers and experts in small businesses of sports services, which number of 16 people of them were selected as a sample according to the principle of theoretical saturation and with the purposive sampling method. The tool of the current research was a semi-structured interview, which its validity was confirmed by triangulation method and its reliability was obtained by Cohen's kappa coefficient method 0.803 and the data obtained from its implementation were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding method in MAXQDA software.
FindingsThe findings showed that for the effective factors on the success of small businesses of sports service were identified 81 indicators, 23 components and 8 dimensions. The dimensions were included environmental (with three components of government support, legal environment and competitive environment), business plan (with three components of capital, information and work force), organization (with two components of suitability of job and employee and business institutional relations), marketing and information (with three components of marketing plans, networking and market orientation), financial affairs and facilities (with four components of budget, economic fluctuations, infrastructure and equipment and facilities), innovation (with three components of innovation in management, innovation in services and innovation in process), models consumption of sports services (with two components of consumption behavior and purchase patterns) and consequences of business success (with three components of commercialization, branding and sports participation). Finally, the pattern of the framework of analyzing the effective factors on the success of small businesses of sports service was drawn.
ConclusionAccording to the results of this study, the success of small businesses of sports service depends on many factors. Therefore, in order to achieve success in small businesses of sports service, it is possible to provide the basis for improving the identified indicators, components and dimensions in the current research.
Keywords: Success of Small Businesses, Sports Service, Networking, Innovation in Management, Innovation in Services -
Pages 112-121Purpose
Sport plays an important role in health and therefore, it is necessary to examine the tendency to sport based on knowledge industry and culture industry. As a result, the aim of this study was to sociological explanation of the role of knowledge industry and culture industry on tendency to sport among the youth of Bandar Abbas city.
MethodologyThis study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The research population in the qualitative part was the elites of the fields of sociology, sociology of sports, media and education, which number of 20 people of them were selected as a sample with using the purposive sampling method. The research population in the quantitative part was the youth of BandarAbbas city, which number of 400 people of them were selected as a sample with using the multi-stage cluster sampling method. The research tool in the qualitative part was depth and semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part was researcher-made questionnaire (42 items), which their validity and reliability were confirmed. To analyze data in the qualitative part were used the open, axial and selective coding method in MAXQDA software, and in the quantitative part were used the exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in SPSS and LISREL software.
FindingsThe findings of the qualitative part showed that for the sociological explanation of the role of knowledge industry and culture industry on tendency to sport were identified 42 indicators, 11 components and 3 dimensions of the knowledge industry (with 3 components of training and fosterage, introduction and make known of sports and sports scientific materials), the culture industry (with 5 components of television sports programs and competitions, radio sports programs, sports virtual pages, sports press and television sports documentaries) and the tendency to sport (with 3 components of physical and mental health, quality of life and leisure and pleasure). The findings of the quantitative part showed that the factor load of all factors was higher than 0.40, the average variance extracted of all them was higher than 0.50 and the reliability of all them was higher than 0.70. Also, the sociological explanation model of the role of knowledge industry and culture industry on tendency to sport had a good fit, and both the knowledge and culture industry had a direct and significant effect on the tendency to sport among the youth of Bandar Abbas city (P<0.001).
ConclusionBased on the results of this study, it is suggested that in order to improve the tendency to sport among youth people, planning should be done in the field of knowledge industry and culture industry, and the identified components and indicators for them should be promoted.
Keywords: Sociological, knowledge industry, culture industry, tendency to sport, youth -
Pages 122-130Purpose
The immigrants in the destination communities always face many challenges in cultural and social fields and they must coordinate and adapt themselves to cultural and social influences. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of sociological investigating of cultural-social influence of Afghanistan immigrant families from Iran.
MethodologyIn a qualitative, applied and cross-sectional research, 16 parents and children of Afghanistan immigrant families referring to the one of Tehran's helper clinics were examined in terms of cultural-social influence. The research tool was included semi-structured interviews with parents and children of Afghanistan immigrant families. For data analysis was used thematic analysis method according to grounded theory.
FindingsThe findings of the sociological investigating of cultural-social influence of Afghanistan immigrant families from Iran showed that 20 concepts in 7 categories of insecurity in Afghanistan (with 3 concepts of life insecurity, economic insecurity and financial insecurity), better living conditions in Iran (with 4 concepts better health, food preparation and food hygiene, better environmental conditions of people and better moral feedback in the society), better economic conditions in Iran (with 2 concepts of providing social life basic facilities and more economic situations), problems of social life in Iran (with 3 concept of racial mentality of Iranians in dealing with Afghans, financial and economic discrimination against Afghans and humiliation of native culture of Afghans), preservation of Afghan traditions and cultural values in Iran (with 2 concepts of holding traditional ceremonies of Afghans and connection of young Afghans with traditional ceremonies of Afghans), problems of educating Afghans in Iran (with 2 concepts of structural problems against the education of Afghans and negative cultural and racial attitudes from some Iranians) and accepting the values and norms of Iranian society (with 4 concepts of accepting and carrying out common traditions, understanding and accepting some aspects of culture daily social life of Iranians, participation in friendly gatherings of Iranians and family relationship and marriage with Iranians) were identified. The analyzes according to the grounded theory showed that in the causal conditions of the social structures of the acceptance of immigrants there are four categories of social trust, institutionalization of the principles of social education, development of structures that support the acceptance of immigrants and creation of equal conditions for the social life of immigrants, in the central phenomenon of security, health and better living conditions in Iran three are three category of lack of security in Afghanistan, better living conditions in Iran and better economic conditions in Iran, in the basic conditions of infrastructure there are two categories of financial resources and human resources, in the interfering conditions of social life challenges of Afghan immigrants there are one category of individual-social life problems in Iran, in the proposal solutions for the acceptance and participation of immigrants in Iranian society there are two categories of solving structural problems in the social presence of Afghans and cultural education of Iranians for better acceptance of Afghan immigrants and in the consequences of the life outcomes of immigrants in Iran there are three categories of perceived results and cultural-social acceptance, functional results and preservation of Afghan traditions and cultural values in Iran.
ConclusionThe sociological investigating of cultural-social influence of Afghanistan immigrant families from Iran can reveal different angles of cultural-social influence and cultural-social specialists and planners can use them to improve the current situation.
Keywords: Sociological, Cultural-Social Influence, Immigrant Families, Afghanistan, Iran -
Pages 131-139Purpose
Considering the importance of school anxiety and its role in the decline of other academic performance, the present study was conducted with the aim of prediction of school anxiety based on the academic self-efficacy, academic support and academic engagement of first secondary students.
MethodologyThe current research was a descriptive from type of correlation. The research population was all first secondary students of Tabriz city in the academic years of 2022-2023. The sample size based on the Krejcie and Morgan table was calculated 269 people, which this number were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling method. The research tools were the questionnaires of school anxiety (Philips, 1987), academic self-efficacy (Jinks & Morgan, 1999), academic support (Sands & Plunkett, 2005) and academic engagement (Reeve, 2013). The data obtained from the implementation of the questionnaires were analyzed with the methods of Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression with enter model in SPSS software.
FindingsThe findings showed that all three variables of academic self-efficacy, academic support and academic engagement had a significant negative relationship with school anxiety in first secondary students (P<0.01). Also, the three mentioned variables significantly were able to predict 56.5 percent of school anxiety changes in first secondary students (P<0.001).
ConclusionThe results of this study have practical implications for people who deal with students, and they to reduce school anxiety in students can increase their academic self-efficacy, academic support and academic engagement through educational workshops.
Keywords: School anxiety, Academic Self-Efficacy, Academic Support, Academic Engagement, Students -
Pages 140-150Purpose
The present study was conducted with the aim of studying the effect of philosophy education for children on the development of the spiritual intelligence of sixth grade female students.
MethodologyBased on theoretical foundations and previous research based on Islamic-Iranian foundations, it was investigated in the form of a quantitative (semi-experimental) method. The statistical population of the research was all sixth-grade female students of Bedroom district. Among them, 32 people were randomly selected as a statistical sample in the control group and the experimental group. Sohrabi and Naseri's spiritual intelligence questionnaire was used to measure students' spiritual intelligence. The results of statistical data analysis (univariate covariance) showed that teaching philosophy to children has an effect on the development of students' spiritual intelligence.
FindingsIn the set of research results, it indicates the effect of teaching philosophy for children on the development of transcendental self-awareness and spiritual experiences of sixth grade female students. But the philosophy education program for children does not show an effect on the development of patience and the ability to forgive. The philosophy education program for children by strengthening logical and analytical powers, along with creating a deep philosophical view, teaches children how to think and make decisions and thereby be able to solve their problems and problems. Solve as much as possible. Spirituality is defined as the constant effort of human beings to answer the reasons of life, but only the mind can answer these questions, which has learned its skills in childhood.
ConclusionIt is suggested to create a compulsory course as philosophy for children in Farhangian University. So that all new cultural teachers are familiar with this program and can be a useful facilitator for students.
Keywords: Forgiveness, Spiritual Experiences, Transcendent Self, Awareness, Patience, Philosophy for Children, Child, Spiritual Intelligence -
Pages 151-159Purpose
A competitive advantage based on the empowerment of professors can create a competitive advantage for the university. As a result, this study was conducted with the aim of explaining the background factors of competitive advantage based on the empowerment of university professors.
MethodologyIn an applied research from type of qualitative, the educational elites of universities and non-governmental-non-profit higher education institutions of Mashhad city were investigated. For this purpose and according to the principle of theoretical saturation, 21 people were selected as a sample with the purposive sampling method and were individually subjected to semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed with open, axial and selective coding methods in MAXQDA software.
FindingsThe findings indicated that for the background factors of competitive advantage based on the empowerment of university professors were identified 34 indicators, 9 sub categories and 4 main categories. The main categories were included the categories of organizational (with 2 sub categories of organizational dependence and governance view), cognitive (with 3 sub categories of organizational learning, knowledge management and educability), psychological (with 2 sub categories of limited control and passive thinking) and cultural (with 2 sub categories of organizational culture and organizational ethics). Also, according to the main and sub categories, the pattern of background factors of competitive advantage based on the empowerment of university professors was drawn.
ConclusionAccording to the pattern of background factors of competitive advantage based on the empowerment of university professors in the present study, to create a competitive advantage based on the empowerment of university professors, can be provided the context for the realization of background factors through the identified main and sub categories.
Keywords: Competitive advantage, empowerment, professors, knowledge management, educability -
Pages 160-167Purpose
Self-efficacy as a part of self refers to belief and confidence to one's abilities to achieve goals and tasks. Therefore, the aim of this study was investigating the impact of curriculum literacy and media literacy on job self-efficacy in secondary school teachers.
MethodologyThe method of research was descriptive from type of correlation. The statistical population in this study were included all secondary school teachers in West Islamabad city in the academic years 2021-2022 with number of 260 people, which based on the Krejcie and Morgan table number of 165 people were selected by simple random sampling method. The research tools were included job self-efficacy, curriculum literacy and media literacy questionnaires, which were completed by the secondary school teachers and their reliability was estimated to be higher than 0.70. To answer the research hypotheses were used the confirmatory factor analysis tests and structural equation modeling in SPSS and LISREL software.
FindingsThe findings showed that the job self-efficacy variable has four components of individual self-efficacy beliefs, collective self-efficacy beliefs, expectation of individual consequences and expectation of collective consequences, curriculum literacy variable has three components of curriculum planning system, curriculum basics and curriculum planning elements, and media literacy variable has five components of understanding the content of media messages, awareness of the hidden goals of media messages, critical look at media messages, conscious selection and analysis of media messages, which factor load of all was calculated above 0.50 and Cronbach's reliability of all was calculated above 0.70. Also, both variables of curriculum literacy and media literacy had a direct and significant effect on the job self-efficacy of secondary school teachers (P<0.001).
ConclusionThe results of this study indicated the effective role of curriculum literacy and media literacy on the job self-efficacy of secondary school teachers. Therefore, to increase job self-efficacy, it is possible to improve their curriculum literacy and media literacy through educational workshops.
Keywords: Job self-efficacy, curriculum literacy, media literacy, teachers -
Pages 168-175Purpose
The concept of social health along with other aspects of health, including physical, mental and spiritual has a special place. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of studying the social health of students with an emphasis on curriculum planning.
MethodologyThe research method in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was survey. The statistical population in this study were included all 5,200 students of the second high school in Lordegan city. The sample size was determined based on Cochran's formula 357 people, which this number were selected by available sampling method. Data was collected with Keyes social health questionnaire (1998) with five components of social flourishing, social correlation, social cohesion, social acceptance and social participation, which its validity was confirmed by experts (mentors and advisors, specialists and research experts) and its reliability was confirmed by the method Cronbach's alpha was calculated 0.78. The data were analyzed with using mean, Friedman test and independent t-test methods in SPSS software.
FindingsThe findings showed that 7 questionnaires were removed from the analysis due to incompleteness and analyzes were performed for 350 people. Also, the amount of social health was below average, the amount of social correlation, social acceptance and social participation was below average and the amount of social flourishing and social cohesion was above average. Among the components of social health, respectively the amount of social cohesion, social participation, social acceptance, social flourishing and social correlation was higher among students. In addition, the average social health of male students was higher than female students (P<0.05).
ConclusionIn general, the results indicated an unfavorable state of social health in students, especially in female students. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt curriculum planning in the educational environment to improve their social health.
Keywords: Social Health, Students, Curriculum Planning -
Pages 176-190Purpose
Mentoring creates a competitive advantage for the organization in compared to the competing organizations. As a result, the aim of this study was identifying the dimensions of mentoring for school principals of Tehran province.
MethodologyThis study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative from type of synthesis research and content analysis. The research population was articles related to mentoring in domestic and foreign valid databases in the 2000 to 2023 years and academic experts and officials with experience in education of Tehran province in the 2021-2022 academic year, which number of 18 articles and 17 experts and officials of education according to the principle of theoretical saturation were selected as a sample with the purposive sampling method. Data were collected by taking notes from articles and semi-structured interviews with academic experts and education officials and were analyzed by using thematic analysis method in MAXQDA-V12 analysis software.
FindingsThe findings showed that based on the review of articles and interviews with experts and officials, mentoring for school principals of Tehran province had 81 sub-themes in 16 main themes of knowledge, attitude, skill, participation-oriented, focus, organization, support, educational leadership, educational communication, development of inherent skills, development of communication skills, development of technical skills, development of environmental skills, innovative performance, competitive performance and educational performance. Finally, a themes network of mentoring for school principals of Tehran province was drawn.
ConclusionAccording to the findings of this study, can be taken an effective step in order to implement the school principals mentoring of Tehran province through the realization of the identified sub-themes and main themes.
Keywords: Mentoring, school principals, participation-oriented, educational leadership, educational communication, educational performance -
Pages 191-202Purpose
The main purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the factors affecting the maturity management of educational technology in Iranian schools.
MethodologyThe research method is mixed (qualitative-quantitative). To conduct this research, in addition to document study, thematic analysis technique with MAXQDA12 software was used to identify factors and components. The statistical population in this research were all experts in the field of educational management and educational technology, as well as regional managers with high experience and work experience in education, which was done after 14 theoretical saturation interviews. The interviews lasted between 75 and 120 minutes. Finally, the basic, organizing, and inclusive themes are extracted and in the quantitative part, the Dimtel technique is used to determine the effectiveness of the dimensions of educational technology.
FindingsAccording to semi-structured interviews, 4 dimensions (educational technology knowledge management, educational technology resources and facilities, control and coordination on educational technology and educational technology infrastructure), 15 components (organizing themes) and 55 indicators (basic themes) In order to manage the maturity of educational technology in Iranian schools, it was extracted. After that, according to the questionnaire of paired comparisons to identify the influential and influential dimensions, it was determined that the dimensions of educational technology infrastructure, knowledge management of educational technology, control and coordination of educational technology, and resources and facilities of educational technology are respectively more influential.
ConclusionThe findings of this study have many practical implications for managers and officials of the education system, and they based on the results of this study can take an effective step towards improving the maturity management of educational technology in Iranian schools.
Keywords: Maturity management of technology, educational technology, schools, cultural, social infrastructure -
Pages 203-211Purpose
Ambivalence includes the ability to perform exploitative activities (attention to the present time) and exploratory activities (attention to the future time) at the same time. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of drawing a scientific map of the field of ambidextrous leadership with a bibliometric approach.
MethodologyThis research in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of execution method was descriptive. The population of this study was conducted researches in the field of ambidextrous leadership in the Scopus database from 2007 to 2023 with a systematic method. For data analysis was used from bibliometric method with the two objectives of functional analysis and citation network analysis and with PRISMA protocol in VOSVIEWR software.
FindingsThe results of functional analysis showed that in the field of ambidextrous leadership, Rosing et al had the most citations (583 items) with an article entitled Explaining the heterogeneity of the leadership-innovation relationship: Ambidextrous leadership. Also, the countries of China, Australia, Germany, England and America respectively had the most research in the field of ambidextrous leadership. In addition, the findings of the citation network analysis showed that there were three clusters for authors and six clusters for countries in the co-citation pattern. Also, the synonymy pattern had 1309 links, 337 keywords and 48 clusters, which most of them were with the keywords of innovation, creativity and leadership.
ConclusionThe findings of this study about the ambidextrous leadership with a bibliometric approach indicate that the results of this study can help to understand the different angles of ambidextrous leadership with the aim of increasing and promoting it.
Keywords: Scientific Map, Ambidextrous Leadership, Bibliometric Approach, Innovation, Creativity -
Pages 212-224Purpose
Parenting plays an important role in the correct guidance of children to their career path succeed. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the educational components of parents for career path success from childhood.
MethodologyThis research in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative from type of exploratory. The population of this research was all the documents including books and articles about the career path success from childhood in the range of 2013 to 2022 years. According to the inclusion criteria number of 15 books and articles were selected as samples with the purposive sampling method. Data was collected by taking notes from documents. Also, to analyze the data used from Hsieh and Shannon (2005) content analysis method.
FindingsThe findings indicated that the educational components of parents for career path success from childhood had 6 comprehensive codes, 14 organizing codes and 56 primary codes. In this study, comprehensive codes include fostering love to learning (with 2 organizing codes of setting the context for learning and practical learning opportunities), group activity training (with 3 organizing codes of learning manners, integrating teamwork skills in everyday life and preparing to solve teamwork conflicts), training resourcefulness and resourcefulness (with 3 organizing codes of teaching the art of positive skepticism, exposing the child to resourceful and resourceful models and fostering resourcefulness skills), developing an intellectual perspective (with 2 organizing codes of providing new experiences and training of foresight), preparation for networking and conversation in the labor market (with 2 organizing codes of fostering reflective performance and fostering practical and communication skills) and age-appropriate understanding from the labor market (with 2 organizing codes of child's mental preparation for the future labor market and practical preparation for the future labor market). Finally, the pattern of comprehensive and organizing codes of educational components of parents for career path success from childhood was drawn.
ConclusionAccording to the findings of this study, for the career path success can use from the identified comprehensive and organizing codes in this research and provide the ground for their realization.
Keywords: Parenting, Career Path Success, Fostering love to Learning, Group Activity Training, Preparation for Networking, Conversation