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Psyhosociological Research in Family and Culture - Volume:2 Issue: 2, Spring-Summer 2024

Journal of Psyhosociological Research in Family and Culture
Volume:2 Issue: 2, Spring-Summer 2024

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/02/18
  • تعداد عناوین: 5
  • Sefa Bulut * Pages 1-3

    In an era characterized by globalization and mobility, the phenomenon of transnational families has become increasingly prevalent. These families, dispersed across national borders, strive to maintain familial bonds despite geographical separations. This letter explores the dynamics of transnational families, focusing on the methods they employ to preserve relationships and the challenges they encounter, drawing upon recent scholarly contributions to the field. In conclusion, transnational families embody the complexities and dynamism of contemporary family life in a globalized world. Through innovative communication practices, caregiving arrangements, and the maintenance of cultural ties, these families demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability. As globalization continues to shape the patterns of migration and family life, it is essential for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to pay close attention to the needs and experiences of transnational families. Addressing issues of accessibility, supporting caregiving arrangements, and fostering cultural connectivity are crucial steps in ensuring the well-being and cohesion of transnational families. As we move forward, it is vital to continue exploring and understanding the diverse ways in which families maintain their relationships across borders, adapting to the challenges and opportunities of a connected world.

    Keywords: Transnational Families, Relationships, Family Structure
  • Netty Herawati, MohammadBagher Jafari *, Karin Sanders Pages 4-10

    In an era marked by unprecedented globalization, understanding its impact on the most fundamental unit of society—the family—becomes crucial. This study aims to explore the multifaceted ways in which globalization influences family traditions and values, focusing on how global cultural flows, technological advancements, economic factors, and intergenerational dynamics reshape familial practices and beliefs.

    Methods and Materials:

     Employing a qualitative research design, this study gathered data through semi-structured interviews with 20 participants from diverse cultural backgrounds. The participants were selected to cover a broad age range and varied levels of exposure to globalization. Data collection continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. Thematic analysis was utilized to identify key themes and categories within the data, offering in-depth insights into the participants' experiences and perceptions.


    Five main themes were identified: Global Cultural Exchange, Technological Impact, Intergenerational Dynamics, Cultural Adaptation and Resistance, and Economic Influences. Each theme encapsulated several categories and concepts, highlighting the complex interplay between global and local influences on family life. Key findings include the selective adoption of global cultural elements, the transformative role of technology in family interactions, the negotiation between traditional and global values across generations, active engagement in cultural adaptation, and the significant impact of economic factors on family traditions and values.


    The study reveals that globalization exerts a profound and multifaceted influence on family traditions and values, leading to a dynamic process of adaptation, preservation, and transformation. Families are shown to be active agents in navigating the complexities of global and local cultural streams, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in the face of global cultural and economic pressures. The findings underscore the importance of understanding the nuanced impacts of globalization on the microcosm of family life, contributing to the broader discourse on cultural continuity and change in a globalized world.

  • Solmaz Bulut, Baidi Bukhori, Seyed Amir Saadati * Pages 11-17

    Migration significantly affects individuals and families, reshaping identities, roles, and psychosocial well-being. This study aimed to explore the nuanced psychosocial impacts of migration on family roles and identity, seeking to understand the complexities of adjustment, identity transformation, and emotional well-being within the migratory context.

    Methods and Materials:

     Employing a qualitative research design, this study conducted semi-structured interviews with 24 participants from various migratory backgrounds. Theoretical saturation was achieved, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the experiences and perceptions of migrants. Thematic analysis was employed to identify and categorize the primary themes and concepts emerging from the data, focusing on the psychosocial dimensions of migration.


    Three main themes were identified: Adjustment and Adaptation, Identity and Belonging, and Emotional and Psychological Well-being. Under Adjustment and Adaptation, categories such as Cultural Integration, Educational Challenges, Employment and Financial Stability, and Social Networks and Community Support were explored. Identity and Belonging encompassed Family Role Dynamics, Personal Identity Transformation, and Interactions with the Host Society. Emotional and Psychological Well-being included Stress and Coping Mechanisms, Intergenerational Conflicts, Loss and Grief, and Hope and Resilience, each providing insights into the emotional and psychological experiences of migrants.


    The study highlighted the profound and multifaceted psychosocial impacts of migration on individuals and families, revealing the challenges and adaptations necessary for cultural integration, the renegotiation of identity and family roles, and the emotional and psychological experiences encountered. These findings underscore the necessity for supportive policies and practices that address the complex needs of migrants, facilitating smoother integration and promoting well-being.

    Keywords: Migration, Family Roles, Identity, Psychosocial Impact, Adjustment, Emotional Well-being
  • Sanja Bilač, Fehmi Öztop, Yasin Kutuk *, Mehmet Karadag Pages 18-24

    Cultural narratives significantly influence mental health perceptions, stigmatization, and coping mechanisms within families. This study aimed to explore the impact of cultural narratives on family mental health, identifying the key themes and categories that emerge from these narratives and their implications for mental health practice and policy.

    Methods and Materials: 

    A qualitative research design was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with 23 participants from diverse cultural backgrounds. Theoretical saturation was achieved, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the participants' experiences. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify main themes and categories, focusing on the nuances of cultural narratives and their impact on family mental health.


    Four main themes were identified: Cultural Identity and Mental Health, Family Dynamics, Coping Mechanisms, and Societal Influence. Within these themes, categories such as Cultural Stigma, Cultural Support Systems, Communication Patterns, Parenting Styles, Individual and Family Coping Strategies, and Access to Mental Health Services highlighted the complex interplay between culture and mental health. Key concepts emerged, including the role of shame and silence, community solidarity, acculturation stress, inter-generational trauma, and the importance of social support networks in navigating mental health within a cultural context.


    The study underscores the profound impact of cultural narratives on family mental health, revealing both barriers and supports influenced by cultural identity, family dynamics, societal factors, and coping mechanisms. It highlights the need for culturally sensitive mental health services and policies that recognize and address the diverse cultural narratives influencing mental health perceptions and practices.

    Keywords: Cultural narratives, family mental health, cultural stigma, coping mechanisms, societal influence, mental health services
  • William Russell, Yaliu Yang* Pages 25-32

    The patriarchal family structure has been a dominant societal framework, influencing gender roles and family dynamics across cultures. However, contemporary societal shifts, including changes in economic conditions, cultural norms, and gender expectations, have begun to challenge and reshape these traditional structures. This study aims to explore the evolution of patriarchal structures in contemporary families, focusing on how these changes impact authority dynamics, economic influences, and cultural and social norms within family units.

    Methods and Materials:

     A qualitative research design was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with 25 participants from diverse backgrounds to gather in-depth insights into the shifting patriarchal dynamics within families. Theoretical saturation was achieved, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the themes. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify key themes and subthemes related to the evolution of patriarchal structures.


    The analysis revealed three main themes: Changing Dynamics of Authority, Economic Influences on Patriarchy, and Cultural and Social Norms. Under the Changing Dynamics of Authority, findings highlighted a trend towards joint decision-making, redistribution of gender roles, and new conflict resolution strategies. Economic Influences on Patriarchy underscored the role of financial independence in challenging traditional norms, with significant changes observed in household economy management and the impact of economic crises on family roles. Cultural and Social Norms revealed shifts in perceptions of masculinity and femininity, the influence of marriage and family traditions, the role of religion, education, and the impact of media and technology on family structures.


    This study demonstrates that patriarchal structures in contemporary families are undergoing significant evolution. Economic autonomy, cultural shifts, and changing gender roles play pivotal roles in this transformation. The findings suggest a move towards more egalitarian family structures, where traditional patriarchal authority is being renegotiated in response to contemporary societal changes.

    Keywords: atriarchal structures, Family dynamics, Economic influences, Cultural norms, Gender roles