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فهرست مطالب زینب جعفرنژاد

  • حسن مجیدی*، زینب جعفرنژاد

    تعتبر روایه "الکافره " الثانیه عشر من سلسه روایات الکاتب العراقی؛ علی بدر، فقد تطرق بدر الی الظروف السیاسیه والقضایا الاجتماعیه المتازمه بالعراق فی الوقت الراهن، بحیث استوعب المخاطب معاناه الشعب والمشاکل الاجتماعیه واحداث البلاد . قامت الدراسه فی الکشف عن العنف والهمجیه المسیطره واثرها البالغ علی الشارع العراقی.. تسعی هذه الدراسه، اعتمادا علی المنهج الاجتماعی، إلی دراسه روایه «الکافره » حیث تمحورت الروایه علی اندلاع الحرب القایم والارهاب والعنف وإنعدام الامن وبالتالی علی القضایا الاساسیه فی حیاه الفرد العراقی المغلوب علی امره بدءا من الخیانه والعدوان والاغتراب والفوضی والتحیز وعدم المساواه بین الجنسین حتی الانتحار، ویبرز الکاتب ظاهره العنف فی روایته والتعبیر عنها بشتی الطرق. الروایه بشکل عام تبرز الواقع والقضایا الإجتماعیه؛ ویرتکز الکاتب علی الفحص المتعمق لشخصیه الفرد والمجتمع العراقی؛ وهو یعبر عن تفاصیل هذا المجتمع؛ یحدد اوجه القصور والنقص فیه؛ ویذکر انواع العنف فی الروایه. من وجهه نظر الکاتب لا یمکن ان یتحقق اجتناب العنف والقطرسه إلا إذا کان المجتمع متماسک متکاتف ومنسجم اجتماعیا بحیث ینتقد بشکل خاص الوضع الإجتماعی المحیط به والظروف الإجتماعیه کما انه ینتقد الحقایق الحالیه للمجتمع العراقی

    کلید واژگان: الادب الحدیث, التحلیل الإجتماعی, العنف, روایه الکافره, علی بدر}
    Hassan Majidi, Zeinab Jafarnejad

    The novel "alkaferah" is the twelfth of the Iraqi writer's series of novels. Ali Badr, Badr touched on the political conditions and the crisis social issues in Iraq at the present time, so that the addressee absorbed the suffering of the people, social problems and the events of the country. The study focused on revealing the dominant violence and barbarism and its profound impact on the Iraqi street.. This study, depending on the social method, seeks to study the “infidel” novel, where the novel focused on the outbreak of the ongoing war, terrorism, violence and insecurity, and thus on the basic issues in the life of the defeated Iraqi individual. On his issues ranging from betrayal, aggression, alienation, chaos, prejudice and gender inequality to suicide, the writer highlights the phenomenon of violence in his novel and expresses it in various ways. The novel in general highlights reality and social issues; The book is based on an in-depth examination of the personality of the individual and Iraqi society; It expresses the details of this society; Identifies its shortcomings and shortcomings; He mentions the types of violence in the novel. From the writer’s point of view, avoiding violence and altars can only be achieved if the society is cohesive, cohesive and socially harmonious, in which it criticizes in particular the surrounding social situation and social conditions, as well as the current realities of Iraqi society, the suffering of the working classes and the inferiority of society,

    Keywords: Modern literature, social analysis, Violence, the alkaferah novel, Ali Badr}
  • زینب جعفرنژاد، حسن مجیدی*، مصطفی مهدوی آرا، حجت الله فسنقری

    خودکشی به عنوان یکی از معضلات گریبانگیر بشر، رفتاری ضد اجتماعی است که امروزه از پرخطر ترین آسیب های اجتماعی محسوب می شود، روند رو به رشدی دارد و در بحث بی سازمانی اجتماعی مطرح می شود. این معضل اجتماعی از دیرباز به عنوان آسیبی اجتماعی مورد توجه اندیشمندان قرار گرفته و با توجه به اهمیت این موضوع، به تحلیل محتوای رمان «الکافره» با روش توصیفی و تحلیلی پرداخته می شود و بحران ها و ناهنجاری های آن مورد بحث و کنکاش قرار می گیرد. این مقاله سعی دارد تا به تحلیل و تبیین نگاه انتقادی نویسنده بر پایه ی نظریات جامعه شناسی بپردازد و مبحث خودکشی را در پرتو نظریه ی دورکیم مورد کنکاش قرار دهد. با توجه به اهمیت سنجش انسجام، در این مقاله به سنجش انسجام رمان و سپس به تحلیل اقسام خودکشی در این پژوهش پرداخته می شود. یافته ها حاکی از آن است که خودکشی و ذکر اقسام آن و خشونت و سایر آسیب های اجتماعی در رمان، نشان از بی هنجاری و آشفتگی جامعه ی عراق دارد و این بی هنجاری و آشفتگی مهم ترین عاملی است که موجب از خودبیگانگی و در نتیجه خودکشی فاطمه/سوفیا قهرمان داستان می شود و این موضوع در نتیجه ی عدم انسجام اجتماعی (در خانواده)، خشونت، بی هنجاری و عدم شناخت حقوق انسانی و جایگاه اجتماعی استو نویسنده سعی در بهبود اوضاع با ترسیم واقعی این آسیب ها دارد.

    کلید واژگان: دورکیم, خودکشی, علی بدر, الکافره}
    Zeinab Jafarnejad, Hassan Majidi *, Mostafa Mahdavi Ara, Hojjatollah Fasnaghari

    Émile Durkheim was the first sociologist to introduce suicide (as a social phenomenon) to sociology from the realm of individual and psychology. He studied the rate of suicide as a social harm in the context of individual's relationship with the group and concluded that social situations are the main reason for people within a community to commit self-destruction. As he also found, attempts to directly convince them to avoid this suicidal act is futile because the real motives lie in the context of the society. In his novel Al-Kafareh (the infidel woman), Ali Badr, a contemporary Iraqi writer, attempts to portray the current perturbed conditions in Iraq in the form of a story of a woman named Fatima whose father and brother were influenced by the takfiri ideology of ISIL and committed suicide. She commits suicide roo after suffering the pain of immigration and asylum to Europe. It seems that this social harm can be analyzed in the light of Durkheim’s theory. To explain the causes of social harms such as suicide in different groups of the current Iraqi society, this paper analyzes the novel Al-Kafareh and criticizes the author's analytical views based on Durkheim's sociological theories to answer the questions a) what is the relationship between the suicide of an individual and group social events in the novel Al-Kafareh? and b) In terms of adaptation, to what extent is the attempt to self-destruct by the characters of the story consistent with Durkheim's theory? Undoubtedly, the answers to these questions can significantly explain the socially harmful factors and be effective in conveying the author's awareness to the audience in the world of fiction.


    The research method of this study is qualitative and descriptive using content analysis. Content analysis is done in a systematic way to objectively, qualitatively and systematically describe the content and concepts of written texts. The authors' approach in this paper is sociological criticism of the content (sociological themes) to explain and criticize the author's critical view based on Durkheim's sociological theories. To achieve this goal, the required data on Durkheim's theory and social harms were first collected by a library method with a focus on suicide. Afterward, the novel was reread and analyzed and a network of themes through content analysis as well as extraction of textual evidence. An attempt was also made to divide the analytical part of the article into four parts based on the suicide types and according to Durkheim. Thus, each example was analyzed under its subcategory by matching the text to the theory.

    Results and Discussion

    Durkheim divides suicide into four types according to the relationship of the self-destructive individual with the group. They include Egoistic (selfish), Altruistic (unselfish), Anomic (anomalous) and Fatalistic (coincidental). In the light of studying the relationship between the suicide of the characters in the story with social realities such as integration and regularity (social control), the research findings suggest that there is no coherence between individuals in a small institution such as family nor in the wider circle of group or society, which leads to egoistic or altruistic suicide of the characters in the story. The coherence between man and woman is weak and unfounded in the Iraqi society because it is a patriarchal society, such that the perceived class differences as well as the lack of equal access to economic and social capital has eased the links of individual with the group and paved the way for egoistic suicide. It can be said that those connected to the ISIS group have mechanical solidarity and that their suicide operations are classified as altruistic suicide.


    The novel Al-Kafareh has several social and critical aspects, and the author depicts social themes through a dramatic familiar narrative style. Representation of such anomalies in the society can give collective activists the necessary insight and self-awareness and, accordingly, the social critic can scrutinize different aspects of the society in a literary work. All the elements of the novel are closely related to the Iraqi society and its relationships. The main theme of this novel is suffering, which includes various physical and psychological forms resulting from the rupture of human relations, the tense situation in the family and society, economic and social pressures, the disturbed conditions of women in the society, and so on. By mentioning these issues, the author seeks to show the turmoil in the Iraqi society, and, by depicting family and social relationships, he illustrates social gaps. To account for the suicide of the novel's characters according to Durkheim's theory, incoherence and insecure situations can be considered as contributing factors. The novel classifis the suicide of Sophia, her spouse, and Adrian’s father as anomic, egoistic and fatalistic, respectively.

    Keywords: Durkheim, Suicide, Ali Badr, Infidelity}
  • حسن مجیدی*، زینب جعفرنژاد، حجت الله فسنقری، مصطفی مهدوی آرا

    ملفین سیمون عالم اجتماع لعب دورا رییسیا فی تحلیل اشکالیه الاغتراب عن النهج الاجتماعی واعطاه ابعادا معینه؛ نظرا لاهمیه ظاهره الاغتراب کظاهره ظلت ملازمه للإنسان منذ فتره طویله، وزادت حدتها وتوغلها فی عصر العولمه، وفرض نفسها علی الادب باعتبار الادب مرآه عاکسه للمجتمعات، ولان الروایه هی تجسید لاستجابه إنسانیه لرویه العالم وعلی ان هذه الظاهره لازالت معقده وتحتاج إلی مزید من الدراسات، قام هذا البحث لدراسه روایه "الکافره" لعلی بدر وتحلیل اهم مظاهر الإغتراب فیها علی اساس المنهج الوصفی-التحلیلی. وقد اسفرت النتایج عن ان قضیه الاغتراب و مظاهرها یعنی الشعور بالعجز، واللامعنی، واللامعیاریه، والعزله الإجتماعیه، والکراهیه الذاتیه واضحه فی سلوک شخصیات الروایه وطریقه تعاملهم مع المشاکل وطریقه اتخاذ قراراتهم وهذا لیس فریدا بالنسبه إلی صوفیا، بطله القصه واسرتها التی تسکن العراق، بل ان ادریان الذی نشا فی لبنان ولجا إلی بلجیکا هو ایضا یعانی من هذه المشکله؛ ویمکن اعتبار اغتراب ادریان من نوع اللامعنی والشعور بالعزله الاجتماعیه واما اغتراب صوفیا هو العجز.

    کلید واژگان: الإغتراب المکانی, الکافره, علی بدر, ملفین سیمن}
    Hassan Majidi *, Zeinab Jafarnejad, Hojat Fesanqari, Mostafa Mahdavi Ara

    melvin Seeman is a sociologist who has been instrumental in analyzing the problem of alienation from a social point of view and has given it particular dimensions and challenges in view of the importance of alienation a phenomenon that has long been associated with humanity and in the age of globalization, It has deeply and profoundly added itself to literature because literature is the mirror of societies, and since the novel is the embodiment of the human response to this worldview, it is the most open way to understand its problems and reality. However, this phenomenon is still Complex and requires further studies. This research, based on a social approach, seeks to elaborate on Al-Kafra's novel analysis of Seaman's theory and the most important aspects of alienation in it, especially the hero, is to say that the problem of alienation is clearly evident in the novel, and in their behavior, how they deal with the problems of decision-making Their alienation is apparent, and this is not unique to Sophia in Iraq, and even Adrian, who grew up in Lebanon and has fled to Belgium, is suffering from the problem. And Adrian's alienation is nonsense and isolationism and Sophia's alienation is powerles. This research has two theoretical and comparative axes in the theoretical axis, the nature of alienation and its types, in general and in practical terms, on the use of the social view It focuses on the sense of powerlessness, meaninglessness, meaninglessness, self-loathing of the main characters and sub-characters

    Keywords: Spatial Alienation, Al-Kafira, Ali Badr, Melvin Simon}
  • خدیجه سلمانی، فاطمه رسولی*، فاطمه اسکندری، فرزانه صانعی، زینب جعفرنژاد

    پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی اثربخشی آموزش تصویرسازی ارتباطی بر صمیمیت همسران مردان مبتلا به اعتیاد در مرکز بهداشت شهرستان کرج سال 1397 انجام شد.


    پژوهش حاضر شبه آزمایشی از نوع طرح های پیش آزمون- پس آزمون و پیگیری با گروه گواه بود. جامعه آماری این مطالعه شامل از سامانه سیب تعداد حجم جامعه 848 اعلام گردید و براساس محاسبات فرمول کوکران حجم بهینه نمونه با 86 نفر انتخاب شد. به دو گروه آزمایش 43 نفر و کنترل 43 نفر تقسیم شد. از ابزارهای شامل پرسشنامه های صمیمت زناشویی والکر و تامپسون اجرا شد. نتایج به وسیله نرم افزار spss  تحلیل شدند .

    یافته ها

    براساس نتایج تحلیل کواریانس تک متغیره می توان گفت نمرات حاصل از مقیاس صمیمیت زناشویی بعد از جلسات آموزشی (000/0 >p،057/7=f) تفاوت معناداری از لحاظ آماری وجود دارد .همچنین نتایج حاصل از یکماه پیگیری از صمیمیت زناشویی بعد از تمرینات ایماگوتراپی در مرحله پیگیری به ترتیب (005/0P›،41/154=F) و (000/0>p،36/14=f) نشان داد که تفاوت معنی داری به لحاظ آماری در صمیمیت زناشویی وجود دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش تمرینات ایماگوتراپی در افزایش صمیمیت زناشویی تاثیر گذار می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: تصویرسازی ارتباطی, صمیمیت, همسران مردان مبتلا به اعتیاد}
    Khadijeh Salmani, Fatemh Rasoli*, Fatemh Eskandari, Farzaneh Sanei, Zeinab Jafarnejad

    Current study with the goal of reviewing The effectivness of imago training on marital intimacy between wife of addicted people in karaj Health center in (2018) was done.methodology of this study is semi experimental research in which pre-test,post-test design with control group was used. statitiscal society of this study includes 848 people and the sample size was 86 people(based on kokran formula calculations) they were put into two experimental and control groups (size of each group was 43)The assesments were used included VALTER AND TOMSON marital intimacy questionare the results were analyzed by spss software and based on single variable covariance. analysis results showed that there is a significant diffrence between the experimental group and control group in the post test in marital intimacy scores .the results of this study showed that imago training was effective to increase marital satisfaction.

    Keywords: Relationship visualization, intimacy, Wife of with addiction}
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