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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "Ecopsychology" در نشریات گروه "ادبیات و زبان ها"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Ecopsychology» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
جستجوی Ecopsychology در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • نرگس رئوف زاده، راضیه اسلامیه*، مرتضی لک
    مقاله پیش رو با اتخاذ رویکرد بوم روانشناسی، در برگیرنده خوانش جدیدی از دو داستان کوتاه «درخت گلابی» و «اناربانو و پسرانش» نوشته گلی ترقی و رمان برجسته نجات استخوان ها نوشته جاسمین وارد است. پژوهشگران با استفاده از مفاهیم کلیدی چون بوم روانشناسی، نفس بوم شناسی، بوم درمانی و بوم شناسی فرافردی که نخستین بار توسط تئودور روزاک، لیندا بازل و وارویکس فاکس مطرح شده، به مطالعه آثار منتخب دو بانوی رمان نویس ایرانی و آمریکایی پرداخته است. نویسندگان منتخب ضمن تاکید بر گستره نگرانی های زیست محیطی در جهان، ارتباط انسان با طبیعت را به تصویر کشیده و آرامش روحی و روانی او را در نزدیکی به طبیعت می دانند. علاوه بر این تمرکز آن ها بر طبیعتی است که ضمن زنده، فعال و خارج از کنترل بودن، صرفا منتظر بیدار شدن انسان جهت همذات پنداری فرافردی با آن است. این پژوهش در نظر دارد ضمن مطالعه تطبیقی آثار فوق، علاوه بر بررسی نتایج حاصل از ترومای گسستگی پیوند انسان با طبیعت به اثبات اثرات مثبت و منفی این قرابت یا دوری پرداخته و اهمیت خودشناسی را در درک هارمونی بین انسان و طبیعت یادآور شود.
    کلید واژگان: بومدرمانی, بوم روانشناسی, بومشناسی فرافردی, ترما, نفس بومشناسی
    Narges Raoufzadeh, Razieh Eslamieh *, Morteza Lak
    Environmental damages and the consequent psychological challenges have made a deep tragedy for mankind and led to the development of ecopsychology at the intersection of ecology and psychology. The approach examines the impact of human relationship on nature and its reverberation in his soul. Applying the ecopsychological approach, the present paper proffers a new reading of Goli Taraghi’s stories “The Pear Tree”,and “Anar Banoo and Her Sons” and Jesmyn Ward’s novel Salvage the Bones. The selected works of the Iranian and American female novelists were studied relying on the key concepts of “ecopsychology”, “ecological ego”, “ecotherapy”, and “transpersonal ecology” proposed by Theodore Roszak, Linda Buzzel and Warwick Fox. In addition to examining the result of the trauma caused by the breach between man and nature, this research aimed to elaborate on the positive and negative effects of this proximity and distance. It also tried to highlight the importance of self-realization in recognizing the harmony between man and nature.
    Keywords: Ecopsychology, Ecological Ego, Ecotherapy, Transpersonal Ecology, Trauma
  • فاطمه حیات داوودی*، محمدحسن حسن زاده نیری، اسد آبشیرینی
    اکوسایکولوژی به مطالعه ی روان انسان در رابطه با محیط زیست می پردازد. روانی که بر اساس نظریه ی ساختار شخصیت فروید محصول ارتباط متقابل، متعامل و متعارض سه عامل "نهاد"(Id)، "خود"(ego) و "فراخود"(superego) است. البته اکوسایکولوژی در آن جا که به وارد کردن خدا در جهان بینی فرد اهمیت می دهد در تقابل با آراء فروید قرار می گیرد. حال ما با روشی توصیفی- تحلیلی به این سوال خواهیم پرداخت که طبیعت بر روح و روان و نوع رفتار و کنش های افراد جامعه ی داستانی جای خالی سلوچ دولت آبادی چه تاثیری داشته است؟ تا سلطه ی عقل را که چنین بحران هایی در ساختار شخصیتی خانواده ی سلوچ رقم زده و باعث شده تعادل ایگوی آن ها بر هم بخورد، نشان دهیم. نتایج پژوهش بیانگر این است که سلطه ی عقل در این رمان با مکانیزه کردن کشاورزی توسط میرزا حسن بدون توجه به سازگاری با محیط و افراد آن سلوچ را با تکانش های آشوبناک "نهاد"، مرگان را با سوگواری و ماخولیا، ابراو را با ناتوانی "ایگو"ی وی در تعادل برقرار کردن بین "نهاد"، "فراخود" و جهان بیرونی، عباس را با اختلال شخصیت ضد اجتماعی و هاجر را با اختلال شخصیت وابسته مواجه کرده است. سلطه ی عقل چون بدون توجه به تاب آوری محیط و افراد آن منطقه به کار گرفته شده، تعادل ایگوی شخصیت های رمان را به هم زده و آنان را دچار اختلالاتی در شخصیت کرده است که علت چنین اختلالاتی را می توان در عدم مشارکت عاطفی ناخودآگاه شخصیت های رمان با پدیده های طبیعی به تاثیرپذیری از جهان سرمایه داری و اومانیسم عصر روشنگری دید.
    کلید واژگان: اکوسایکولوژی, جای خالی سلوچ, نهاد, خود, فراخود
    Fatemeh Hayatdavoodi *, Mohammad Hassan Hassanzadeh, Asad Abshirini
    Ecopsychology studies human psyche in relation to environment. Psychology, which is based on Freud's theory of personality structure, is product of mutual, interactive and conflicting relationship between three factors of Id, ego and superego. Of course, ecopsychology is opposed to Freud's views when it emphasizes introduction of God into individual's worldview. Now, with a descriptive-analytical method, we will deal with question of what effect nature has had on spirit and behavior and actions of people in fictional community of Empty Place of Solouch of Dolatabadi? To show the dominance of nous that such crises have created in personality structure of Solouch family and caused balance of their ego to be disturbed. The results of research show that dominance of nous in this novel, with mechanization of agriculture by Mirza Hassan, regardless of its compatibility with environment and its people, Solouch with chaotic impulses of "id", Mergan with grief and Makholia Abrav with inability of his "ego" to balance between "id", "superself" and outside world, Abbas with antisocial personality disorder and Hagar has faced dependent personality disorder. In fact, the dominance of nous, because it was used without considering the resilience of the environment and people of that region, has upset the ego balance of the novel's characters and caused them to have personality disorders that cause of such disturbances can be seen in lack of unconscious emotional participation of characters of novel with natural phenomena influenced by capitalist world and humanism of Enlightenment era.
    Keywords: ecopsychology, Empty Place of Solouch, Id, ego, superego
  • نرگس رئوف زاده، راضیه اسلامیه*، مرتضی لک

    مسایل ومباحث مربوط به طبیعت و محیط زیست توجه تعداد کثیری از نظریه پردازان را به خود جلب کرده است. آنچه مدت زمان زیادی است ذهن بشر را به خود معطوف ساخته اهمیت حفظ طبیعت، گونه های گیاهی و جانوری است که در راستای حفظ سلامت روح و روان انسان نقش اجتناب ناپذیری دارند. دغدغه های زیست محیطی، طبیعت بکر و دست نخورده، انسان، حیوانات و گیاهان از جمله مباحثی است که بسیاری از نویسندگان در آثار خود به آن پرداخته اند. از آنجاییکه محل تلاقی علوم انسانی وعلوم طبیعی بررسی رابطه انسان، طبیعت و ارتباط تنگاتنگ آن دو با یکدیگر است، این تحقیق بر آن است تا با تمرکز بر رمان رویاهای حیوانی (1990)، اثرمعروف باربارا کینگس الوربه بررسی این پیوند ناگسستنی بپردازد. مقاله حاضر با اتخاذ نقد بوم روانشناسی، ضمن بررسی رمان رویاهای حیوانی به اثبات تاثیرات مثبت رابطه تنگاتنگ بامحیط زیست بر روان آدمی می پردازد. این پژوهش درنظر دارد تا با بکارگیری مفاهیمی چون نا خودآگاه بوم شناسی و طبیعت بارگی که برای اولین بار توسط تیودور روزاک و ادوارد او ویلسون در حوزه بوم روانشناسی مطرح شده به شناسایی و التیام آسیب های روانی تنشی از دوری انسان از طبیعت بپردازد.

    کلید واژگان: بوم روانشناسی, بوم درمانی, بوم محوری, ناخودآگاه بوم شناسی, طبیعت بارگی
    Narges Raoufzadeh, راضیه اسلامیه *, Morteza Lak

    Issues and topics related to nature and the environment has attracted the attention of a large number of theorists and critics. What has made the human mind focus for a long time is the importance of preserving nature, plant and animal species, which play a very essential role in maintaining the health of the human soul. Since the conflation of humanities and natural sciences results in the investigation of the relationship between man, nature and their intimacy, the research aims to reveal the deep and unbreakable bond by focusing on the novel of Animal Dreams. The present article, by adopting the ecopsychological approach, examines the novel and attempts to elaborate on the positive effects that intimacy with the environment has on the human psyche. The study aims to identify and heal the damage caused by the separation of man from nature and its serious mental and psychological consequences by using concepts such as biophilia, ecological unconscious and ecopsychology, which were first proposed by Theodore Roszak, and Edward, O. Wilson in the field of ecopsychology. 

    Background of the Study:

     Considerable investigation has been done on Animal Dreams (1990), Barbara Kingsolver’s outstanding work. Despite the abundance of existing findings from the perspective of ecocriticism and ecofeminism, no research has so far attempted to analyze this novel with an ecopsychological approach. In this section, we will limit ourselves to mentioning several cases. Marwa Hussein Ahmed Abdelfattah, in his dissertation titled “An Ecocritical Reading of Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams and Prodigal Summer”, using Bakhtinian dialogics and Timothy Morton’s ecological theory examines these two novels. Theda Wrede, in her article titled, “Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal Dreams: Ecofeminist Subversion of Western Myth” (2012), which printed in Feminist Ecocriticism: Environment, Women, and Literature, reviews the myth of the West in Animal Dreams and studies its impact on the formation of the land, women, and cultural minorities. In The Ecofeminist Power of Metamorphosis: Mythic Bonds between the Feminine and the Natural in Barbara Kingsolver’s Fiction, Hayley Knowlton, illustrates how women strives to restore and improve the environment of their hometown, rather than try to pursue a utopia. Priscillia Leder in her prominent book entitled Seeds of Change (2010), provides a complete summary of Barbara Kingsolver’s life. Referring to different periods of her life, the author reviews her literary works, including her novels, articles and poems. Many critics blame Kingsolver for her hopeful outlook which is accompanied by bitter realities. Catherine Himmelwright in her article “Gardens of Auto Parts American Western Myth and narrative American Myth in The Bean Trees”, expands her argument on how Kingsolver re-imagines and retells patriarchal myths. Himmelwright illustrates how Kingsolver in The Bean Trees uses Native American myths to neutralize the traditional contradiction between a liberal and adventurous western man and a passive, static, domestic woman. Pamela H. Demory in her article entitled “Into the Heart of Light: Barbara Rereads Heart of Darkness” (2002), introduces Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible as a reflection of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. She believes that in both novels, the white agents of foreign powers are often soulless and corrupt. Both novels present an Africa which is both seductive and dangerous; a completely alien land for Western and deadly for those who cannot adapt to it (181). Nanthinii M. and Dr. V. Bhuvaneswar in their conspicuous article “Rethinking Climate Change: Cli-fi Dynamic in Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behaviour” (2015), seek to investigate Kingsolver’s prominent climate fiction. They combine the story with real climate change in the world and express beliefs and disbeliefs to explain the global catastrophe. Such perceptions help to revise existing beliefs about climate change as well as symbolically induce an urgent need to solve environmental problems.


    In recent decades, a field called ecopsychology has emerged for studying the relationship between our psyche and both nature and environmental crisis. The historian, Theodore Roszak (1933-2011), is credited for coining the term ecopsychology. Roszak argues that “its goal is to bridge our culture’s long-standing, historical gulf between the psychological and the ecological, to see the needs of the planet and the person as a continuum” (qtd. in Worthy 115). Ecopsychology deals with how emotional connections to nature are developed and gives feeling, harmony, eternity and stability. This approach examines ancient and modern cultures that have a history of being embraced by nature such as Buddhism and Hinduism. According to Darlyne G. Nemeth “Ecopsychology: The interaction between psychology and environmental protection is an inspiring concept” (2015 x). Ecopsychologists believe that the widespread destruction of the environment causes great sorrow and aggravation in people and intensifies their frustration


    The findings of this article propose a new perspective from which Animal Dreams (1990) can be read and analyzed. In this work, Kingsolver has depicted relationships between the characters and their varied views towards nature from a new perspective. While proving the effects of closeness, friendship and living in nature on human psyche, the study for the first time introduces new concepts such as ecopsychotherapy and ecotherapy in the field of literary criticism. The researcher believes that by combining other theories from the field of psychology with ecological approach, a new theoretical model can be invented for studying literary works from an environmental perspective. Relying on the two key concepts, proposed by Theodore Roszak and Edward O. Wilson, which are ecological unconscious and biophilia, the researcher admits that the surrounding environment, living conditions, cultural level and social status of people are very important in the formation and development of these two inherent phenomena. The researcher believes that, since the ecological unconscious is present in all humans from birth, man’s condition and lifestyle overshadows the active or passive nature of this phenomenon. Dr. Homer and his daughters are somehow connected with nature in one way or another, and this deep connection always has a healing effect for their souls. The bond of the doctor’s family with nature is unbreakable and very colorful. Nature is the consolation of their pains and suffering; moreover,  playing the role of ecopsychotherapy. Dr. Homer tries to minimize the great sadness of losing his wife by taking photographs and being in nature. Cody fights environmental destruction in Greece, and Holy the youngest daughter moves to Nicaragua to train farmers and restore nature which is a kind of ecotherapy. The presence of ecological unconscious and biophilia is quite evident in Dr. Homer’s family, while in Emiliana’s family, the situation is just the reverse. The researcher considers the lifestyle of Emiliana’s family as the reason for their passive interest in nature. In order to earn money, they cut the heads of peacocks and prepare their feathers for sale. The indiscriminate hunting of peacocks has put them at risk of extinction, while this issue is not the least important for Emiliana’s family. Kellen, Kirti and Meysen mercilessly cut peacocks’ heads off in an attempt of non-inert brutality. Animal Dreams, is the pioneer of the ecological awakening of novelists such as Barbara Kingsolver, in which the relationship between man and nature is reflected very deeply and seriously, introducing a value system based on nature.

    Keywords: Biocentrism, Biophilia, Ecological Unconscious, Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy
  • مرتضی امامقلی تبار ملکشاه، عبدالباقی رضایی تالار پشتی*، بهزاد پورقریب
    Morteza Emamqoli Tabar Malakshah, Abdolbaghi Rezaei Talarposhti *, Behzad Pourgharib

    Ecofeminist discourse is experiencing its peak importance with the rise of both feminism and ecocriticism to the summit of cultural and literary studies. Going back and revisiting authors and texts which helped shaping the current cultural forces through ecofeminist lenses may help us understand how nature and femininity both are viewed separately and together. As one of the most prominent and influential figures in horror and science fiction (and perhaps pop culture in general), Howard Phillips Lovecraft presents a thought-provoking portrait of women and femininity in his texts and since nature plays an integral role in worldview, femininity and nature almost blend into a single concept throughout his fiction. This paper intends to analyze the works of H. P. Lovecraft through Ecofeminist lenses and apply the Ecofeminist theory of Mother/Nature, developed by Catherine M. Roach, on Lovecraft’s life and fiction. The researchers intend to find a correlation between the idea of Bad Nature presented by Roach and the almost always evil representation of femininity in H. P. Lovecraft’s fiction.

    Keywords: Ecofeminism, Ecopsychology, Mother, Nature, H. P. Lovecraft, Ecocriticism
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