Biography of Dr. Musa Iranshahr, Distinguished Iranian Botanist

This brief biography is consecrated to a scientist who has spent more than sixty years of his life on the study of Iranian plants and made a significant contribution to our knowledge of botany in Iran. Dr. Musa Iranshahr was born on 7 December 1923 in Tabriz (Iran). He did his elementary and high school where he was born. After graduating from Faculty of Agriculture, Tehran University, he received his doctorate in Agriculture from «Die Universität Für Bodenkulter, Wien» in 1977 and then worked in the Technical Office, Forest Organization and Training Office. In 1966, following his love and interest to Botany, he joined Dr. Esfandiari, his former teacher and E. Behboudi, an old friend in «IRAN» Herbarium of Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (formerly named «EVIN» Herbarium of Plant Pests and Diseases Research Institute) at Tehran. Dr. Iranshahr was appointed as the head of the Department of Botany as well as «IRAN» Herbarium in 1975, and kept this position until 1979, when he was retired. However, his intensive research collaboration with the Herbarium continues till present. Dr. Irashsahr never stopped his struggle for the advancement of botany in Iran and enrichment of «IRAN» Herbarium. He traveled over 60, 000 km and has spent more than 500 days in mountains, forests, deserts and plains of Iran, alone or together with other botanists, namely, Rechinger, Alava, Riedl, Renz, Lamond, Ershad, Termeh, Moussavi, etc. collecting plant species. A few plant species discovered and described from Iran were named after him in recognition of his contribution to botanical science in Iran. He authored 37 new taxa and over 36 scientific papers and books in botany. His devotion to research activities has left him little time to take executive or educational positions, but he never refused to train and support younger botany enthusiasts. Those who had the opportunity to attend his lectures have much to say about how love can bring together knowledge and humbleness in a man.
Botanical Journal of Iran, Volume:14 Issue: 1, 2013