Soft threat and moral security (Sadum tribe in holy Quran case study)

Although there is various sights about soft threat stances and its concept,but analyzing security principles of Islam system imply that moral category play a prominent role in recognizing this one and even soft threat identity.That's why it is consider as a one of the softwar-type security making requirements in Islam that attempt on structure and reinforcement of moral security.In this article authors by using expository – analytical method aim to answer to this question that: what are the soft threat features that relates to moral security of Sadum tribe? Done analysis imply to: First, holy Quran on the basis of human nature congnition,plots some values and goals for him.In description of deviances counts some factors like psychological, social and even metaphysical, physical ones and from another side said that sexual deviance infrastructures are resulted from cultural failure and detour of Amre be marouf and nahy az monkar(it means order to being truth and avoiding from fault) Second,people justice flighting because of false social customs among themselves and neglecting norms, also can regard as the soft threat features that relates to Sadum tibe moral security.Third,corruption of family,being along with deviant people,social unorganized and situation, cultural incoherence, sneer and finally Sadum tribe ignorance are including semantic elements that cover soft threat in Sadum tribe.Fourth,from total notes which about theories present in this article, it is clear that security has a software-type nature and hard security without it, has no mean.
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