فهرست مطالب

مطالعات مدیریت راهبردی - پیاپی 56 (زمستان 1402)

فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت راهبردی
پیاپی 56 (زمستان 1402)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1403/02/18
  • تعداد عناوین: 15
  • تحلیل ساختاری امکان بهبود عملکرد شغلی در فضای دورکاری در دوران همه گیری کرونا (صنعت مورد مطالعه: لوازم خانگی)
    امیرحسین کاظم الماسی*، محمدعلی شاه حسینی، حنان عموزاد مهدیرجی صفحه 0

    صنعت لوازم خانگی به دلیل ارتباط تنگاتنگ با مردم و استفاده از محصولات آن به طور روزمره، از جامعه بسیار تاثیرپذیر می باشد. بر این اساس هدف اصلی این پژوهش، تعیین مدلی ساختاری برای بهبود عملکرد شغلی در فضای دورکاری در صنعت لوازم خانگی در زمان همه گیری کووید-19 می باشد. تحقیق حاضر از نظر گردآوری و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نوع توصیفی_ پیمایشی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش مدیران صنعت لوازم خانگی به تعداد 160 نفر می-باشد که طبق فرمول کوکران 112 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. روش نمونه گیری در این تحقیق، از نظر نمونه گیری طبقه ای استفاده و از هر طبقه نیز نمونه ها به صورت تصادفی ساده انتخاب شده اند. به منظور سنجش متغیرهای عملکرد شغلی، دورکاری، اضطراب فناوری اطلاعات از پرسشنامه های استاندارد استفاده شده است. برای آزمون فرضیه ها از روش مدل معادلات ساختاری و در بستر نرم افزارهای آماری اس.پی.اس.اس 20 و اسمارت پی.ال.اس 2 بهره گرفته شد. یافته ها از تاثیر مثبت و معنادار اضطراب فنآوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات بر وقفه کاری حکایت دارد. همچنین اثر اضطراب فنآوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات بر عملکرد شغلی مثبت و معنادار شد. همینطور اثر وقفه کاری بر کارایی شغلی مثبت و معنادار گردید.

    کلیدواژگان: عملکردشغلی، دورکاری، اضطراب فناوری اطلاعات وارتباطات
  • جستاری در کارآمدی نظام برنامه ریزی منابع انسانی سازمان تامین اجتماعی با رویکرد آسیب شناسی و ارائه راهبرد
    جلیل عباسی*، اسدالله مهرآرا، محمدرضا باقر زاده، مهرداد متانی صفحات 0-0
    سازمان ها به منظور بقاء، ایجاد مزیت رقابتی، افزایش کارآیی، رسیدن به هدف های سازمان و تقویت نظام شایستگی نیازمند برنامه ریزی منابع انسانی در چارچوب نظام مدیریت منابع انسانی می باشند. هدف اصلی این پژوهش ارائه الگوی کاهش نارسایی های برنامه ریزی منابع انسانی سازمان تامین اجتماعی بود. این پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی، از نظر ماهیت، اکتشافی و براساس رویکرد تحقیق در شیوه گرده آوری داده ها، تحقیق آمیخته به شمار می رود. در بخش کیفی، مشارکت کنندگان 23 نفر از خبرگان بودند که به روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب شدند و داده ها با استفاده از مصاحبه نیمه ساختارمند گردآوری و با روش تحلیل محتوا تجزیه وتحلیل شد. اعتبار داده ها از طریق آزمون قابلیت بررسی شد. در بخش کمی، جامعه آماری کارکنان حوزه منابع سازمان تامین اجتماعی بودند که حجم نمونه با استفاده از جدول مورگان 364 نفر تعیین و به شیوه تصادفی ساده انتخاب شد. ابزار جمع آ وری داده ها پرسشنامه محقق ساخته (بر مبنای بخش کیفی) بود و طی دو مرحله نظرسنجی دلفی فازی تجزیه و تحلیل داده صورت گرفت. پایایی ابزار با استفاده از آلفای کرونباخ، 783/. برآورد گردید و روایی آن نیز با روش روایی محتوایی و روایی سازه مورد تایید قرار گرفت. یافته ها نشان داد که نظام برنامه ریزی منابع انسانی سازمان با 19 مشکل اصلی مواجه است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که مولفه های استخراجی مدل تحقیق، مورد تائید جامعه قرار دارند. سازمان تامین اجتماعی می تواند با مورد نظر قرار دادن مشکلات شناسایی شده، عوامل موثر بر آن و راهکارهای ارائه شده در این پژوهش، برنامه ریزی لازم را جهت کاهش مشکلات نظام برنامه ریزی منابع انسانی خود انجام دهد.
    کلیدواژگان: مدیریت منابع انسانی، برنامه ریزی منابع انسانی، روش دلفی فازی، سازمان تامین اجتماعی
  • سمیه اسلامی فارسانی، اسماعیل مزروعی نصرآبادی*، علی فرهادیان صفحات 1-22

    با توجه به تاثیرات مخرب حوادث، بحران ها و بلایای طبیعی و غیرطبیعی بر عملکرد زنجیره تامین شرکت ها، متخصصان سازمانی در صدد آن برآمدند تا به مطالعه درباره مفهوم ریسک در زنجیره تامین و همچنین چگونگی راه های مقابله با آن ها بپردازند. با توجه به اهمیت بحث تاب آوری در زنجیره تامین و چگونگی اجرای راهبرد های آن، هدف این پژوهش شناسایی و بررسی راهبرد های مناسب برای ایجاد تاب آوری در زنجیره تامین است. در راستای شناسایی راهبردهای تاب آوری زنجیره تامین از رویکرد فراترکیب بهره گرفته شده است. به منظور روایی و پایایی پژوهش از برنامه ارزیابی مطالعات کیفی استفاده شده است. برای این منظور، با مراجعه به اسناد و مدارک معتبر قابل دسترس در پایگاه های داده «گوگل اسکالر»، «ساینس دایرکت»، «اسپرینگر»، «امرالد»، «علم نت»، «مگیران» و «نورمگز» در بازه زمانی 2019-2000 (خارجی) و 98-80 (داخلی) تعداد 577 مقاله در حوزه تاب آوری زنجیره تامین شناسایی شد و سپس 66 مقاله راجع به موضوع راهبرد ها انتخاب شد. از این تعداد 8 مقاله به زبان فارسی و 58 مقاله به زبان لاتین بودند. با مرور نظام مند پیشینه 68 راهبرد برای تاب آوری زنجیره تامین شناسایی شد و در نهایت با توجه به زمان استفاده از آن ها، به سه دسته کلی راهبرد های پیشگیرانه، راهبرد های همزمان و راهبرد های واکنشی دسته بندی شدند. در بررسی مطالعات قبلی در این زمینه مجموعه کامل و جامعی از راهبرد های تاب آوری زنجیره تامین ارائه نشده است و این تحقیق به دنبال آن است تا با استفاده از مرور نظام مند پیشینه این راهبرد ها را شناسایی و ارائه کند. در نهایت، راهبردهای ایجاد انعطاف پذیری، ایجاد افزونگی، اطمینان از چابکی زنجیره تامین، افزایش قابلیت ردیابی و ساخت فرهنگ قوی همکاری به عنوان مهمترین راهبردها برای تاب آوری زنجیره تامین شناسایی شدند.

    کلیدواژگان: تاب آوری، تاب آوری زنجیره تامین، راهبرد تاب آوری زنجیره تامین، فراترکیب، مدیریت ریسک زنجیره تامین
  • سعید عباس نژاد، اصغر مشبکی اصفهانی*، سید حمید خداداد حسینی، امیرمحمد کلابی صفحات 23-46

    سازمان های فعال در صنعت سیستم های پیچیده جهت تامین نیازهای پیچیده فناورانه خود و تجهیز خود به ترکیبی از مهارت ها و تخصص های مکمل، نیازمند حضور در شبکه های همکاری هستند. هدف اصلی پژوهش بررسی و تحلیل نظام مند و دسته بندی مضامین مورد مطالعه، روندهای قابل مشاهده در مطالعات و تحلیل آماری مطالعات پیشین است. تحقیق حاضر نوعی رویکرد کیفی و اکتشافی دارد و در ابتدا پس از شناسایی کلیدواژه های مرتبط، دستور جستجو شکل گرفت سپس دستور جستجو در پایگاه داده اسکوپوس اجرا شد در انتها پس از اصلاحات لازم 109 مقاله حاصل گردید. جهت دسترسی به مقالات اصیل، محدودیت «صرفا مقالات و مطالعات مروری و به زبان انگلیسی»، اعمال گردید که خروجی به تعداد 68 مقاله تقلیل یافت، که پس از بررسی تک به تک مقالات حاصل از دستور جستجو توسط دو پژوهشگر و به صورت جداگانه، خروجی نهائی به تعداد 47 مقاله کاهش یافت که وارد نرم افزار بیبلیومتریکس[1]  گردیده و پرارجاع ترین منابع، مجلات، دانشگاه ها، افراد و شبکه های همکاری در قالب تحلیل توصیفی پژوهش معرفی گردیدند. همچنین پنج مضمون مهم در این تحقیقات عبارتند از: عوامل اصلی پایداری شبکه در صنایع سیستم های پیچیده، پویایی های انطباق پذیری در شبکه در صنایع سیستم های پیچیده، راهبری شبکه در صنایع سیستم های پیچیده، ارزش در شبکه در صنایع سیستم های پیچیده، نوآوری در شبکه در صنایع سیستم های پیچیده.

    کلیدواژگان: بررسی و تحلیل پژوهش های شبکه سازی کسب و کار سیستم های پیچیده
  • فرنوش اعلامی*، علی اصغر سعدآبادی، شراره صادقی، شهاب نصیری نیا صفحات 47-60

    هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی تجربه زیسته مشارکت کنندگان در طرح نوای دانشگاه شهید بهشتی است که با استفاده از پژوهش کیفی از نوع پدیدارشناسی به منظور آگاهی از درک مشارکت‎کنندگان از طرح نوآ و مولفه های شکست و موفقیت در این طرح انجام شده است. مشارکت کنندگان پژوهش شامل تیم هایی است که به مرحله نهایی راه پیدا کردند و یا در پیش آزمون نهایی به مرحله نهایی راه پیدا نکردند که پس از مصاحبه با 10 تیم و تا رسیدن به اشباع نظری، نتایج به دست آمد. گردآوری داده ها از طریق مصاحبه است و از روش تحلیل مضمون برای تحلیل یافته ها استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد که داشتن تیم از مهم ترین عوامل موفقیت تیم ها در طرح نوآ بوده است. همچنین افراد موفق توانسته بودند از خدمات مشاوره ای ارائه شده به نحو احسن و در جهت پیشبرد کارهای خود استفاده کنند. درحالی که افراد شکست خورده در طرح تا حد زیادی از این امکان بهره مند نشدند. به طورکلی طرح نوآ برای طرح هایی که به ارائه خدمات و تولیدات کوتاه مدت تمرکز داشتند کاربردی تر بوده است.

    کلیدواژگان: تیم های نوپای دانشگاهی، دانشگاه کارآفرین، نسل سوم دانشگاه ها
  • رحیم قاسمیه*، حسنعلی سینایی، زهره سعیدی صفحات 61-82
    هدف پژوهش حاضر، ارزیابی روش های فرا ابتکاری جهت پیش بینی رفتار قیمت سهام و معرفی کارآمدترین روش در بازار سهام ایران است. بدلیل نااطمینانی در زمینه سرمایه گذاری و کثرت متغیرها، سرمایه گذاران به روش پیش بینی روی می آورند که به واسطه آن ها، تخمین هایشان به واقعیت نزدیک و خطایشان کم شود. در این پژوهش، به پیش بینی قیمت سهام 5 شرکت پذیرفته شده در شاخص فلزات اساسی بورس اوراق بهادار تهران در یک بازه زمانی سه ساله، با شرط فقدان توقف معاملاتی پیوسته برای مدت بیش از 3 ماه پرداخته شد. بدین منظور، متغیرهای بهینه از بین 9 متغیر اولیه و پرکاربرد با استفاده از روش های انتخاب ویژگی، الگوریتم های فرا ابتکاری شاهین هریس  و وال انتخاب و سپس با استفاده از شبکه های عصبی پس انتشار خطا، شبکه عصبی پایه شعاعی و شبکه عصبی با تاخیر زمان به پیش بینی قیمت سهام پرداخته شد. نتایج نشان داد که در پیش بینی قیمت سهام فملی، زنگان، فرآور، فاسمین و فولاد به ترتیب WOATD، HHOTD، HHOTD، HHOTD و HHORBF مدل برتر هستند. همچنین نتایج نشان می دهد که روش تکاملی شاهین هریس در یافتن ویژگی ها نسبت به روش تکاملی وال بهتر عمل کرده است. با توجه به نتایج، مدل HHOTD نسبت به بقیه مدل ها از دقت و کارایی بالاتری برخوردار است.
    کلیدواژگان: سهام، شبکه عصبی، پایه شعاعی، تاخیر زمان، الگوریتم شاهین هریس، الگوریتم وال
  • مجتبی صالحی*، محمدرحیم اسفیدانی صفحات 83-104

    هدف پژوهش، بررسی و توسعه مدل قضاوت برند خدماتی به دلیل پرکاربرد بودن برند خدماتی در بانک کارآفرین است. روش پژوهش، روش آمیخته است. در بخش کیفی، مدل پیشنهادی تحقیق حاصل از مطالعه مبانی نظری و پیشینه تحقیق، در اختیار تیم خبرگان متخصصان بانکی و اساتید بازاریابی دانشگاهی قرار گرفت و با فن دلفی فازی ارزیابی شد. سپس پرسشنامه ابزار سنجش در بخش کمی برای داده های مورد نیاز ده فرضیه تحقیق تهیه شد و پس از تایید پایایی و روایی آن، جهت سنجش مدل در بین نمونه ای به حجم 384 نفر از مشتریان بانک کارآفرین به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی خوشه ای توزیع و جمع آوری شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم افزار Smart PLS است. یافته های تحقیق روابط بین فرضیه ها را تایید کرد و نشان داد اثر آوازه برند بر شواهد برند و اثر این دو بر رضایت مشتری و نگرش به برند از نظر مشتریان بانک کارآفرین تایید شده است. در مسیر مدل قضاوت برند خدماتی، نتایج نشان داد که رضایت مشتری بر نگرش به برند و نگرش بر کیفیت ادراک شده، کیفیت ادراک شده بر قضاوت نسبت به برند و سپس بر قصد خرید مشتری اثر می گذارد و در نهایت این مسیر، وفاداری مشتری ظاهر خواهد شد. این مدل، به مدیران و تصمیم گیرندگان بانکی یک برنامه مدون از جنبه های اثرگذار خدمات بانکی بر رضایت مشتریان و نگرش شان نسبت به برند بانک می دهد که در نهایت منجر به داشتن مشتریان وفادار می شود.

    کلیدواژگان: برند خدماتی، قضاوت برند، کیفیت ادراک شده از برند، قصد خرید مجدد، وفاداری برند
  • حسین رحیمی کلور*، مهرداد ناصرپور صفحات 105-119

    هدف پژوهش بررسی اثر خودبینی رهبران بر انسداد سازمانی با تبیین نقش میانجی تکانه سازمانی و سکون سازمانی در سازمان های دولتی شهر اردبیل می باشد. این تحقیق از نظر هدف کاربردی، به لحاظ روش همبستگی و از نظر شیوه جمع آوری داده ها پیمایشی است. نمونه آماری تحقیق کلیه سازمان های دولتی شهر اردبیل به حجم 227 نفر با روش نمونه گیری در دسترس است. ابزار گردآوری داده ها، پرسشنامه می باشد. روایی پرسشنامه با روش روایی صوری و سازه بررسی و تایید شده است. پایایی آن نیز بر اساس آلفای کرونباخ به میزان 84/0 است. برای بررسی، تجزیه و تحلیل داده های گردآوری شده از نرم افزار Smart PLS و تحلیل مسیر معادلات ساختاری استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان داد که خودبینی رهبری بر سکون سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 77/0، خودبینی رهبری بر تکانه سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 42/0، خودبینی رهبری بر انسداد سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 32/0، سکون سازمانی بر انسداد سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 37/0 و تکانه سازمانی بر انسداد سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 26/0 تاثیر مثبت و معنادار دارند. بر این اساس خودبینی رهبری بر سکون سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 77/0، بیشترین اثرگذاری و تکانه سازمانی بر انسداد سازمانی با ضریب مسیر 26/0 کمترین تاثیر را داشته است.

    کلیدواژگان: خودبینی رهبران، انسداد سازمانی، تکانه سازمانی، سکون سازمانی
  • محسن حبیبی، مرتضی رجوعی* صفحات 121-140

    شیوع بیماری همه گیر کروناویروس تاثیر بارزی بر عملکرد کسب وکارهای کوچک و متوسط گذاشته است که در فرآیند رشد و توسعه اقتصادی و اجتماعی کشورها اهمیت ویژه ای دارند. لذا ضرورت دارد که مدیران کسب وکارها نسبت به ایجاد نوآوری در مدل کسب وکار خود در ایجاد ارزش به منظور بقا و رشد کسب وکار خود اقدام نمایند. هدف پژوهش بررسی تاثیر ظرفیت جذب و انعطاف پذیری راهبردی بر نوآوری مدل کسب وکارهای کوچک و متوسط در طول بیماری همه گیری کروناویروس است. پژوهش از حیث هدف، کاربردی و از حیث روش، از نوع توصیفی همبستگی محسوب می شود. جامعه آماری شامل کسب وکارهای کوچک و متوسط شهر مشهد است. حجم نمونه پژوهش 297 شرکت است که پرسشنامه استاندارد به منظور پاسخگویی برای مدیران ارشد این شرکت ها ارسال گردید. تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها و آزمون فرضیه های پژوهش به کمک  نرم افزار اسمارت پی ال اس و همچنین روش مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری با رویکرد حداقل مربعات جرئی انجام شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که ظرفیت جذب بالقوه به طور مستقیم بر ظرفیت جذب تحقق یافته و همچنین نوآوری مدل کسب وکار و انعطاف پذیری راهبردی تاثیر مثبت و معناداری دارد. اما تاثیر انعطاف پذیری راهبردی بر نوآوری مدل کسب وکار مثبت و معنادار نیست. لیکن ظرفیت جذب یک پیش شرط برای نوآوری مدل کسب وکار و انعطاف پذیری راهبردی محسوب شده و تاثیر معنادار و مثبت بر هریک از این ها دارد. ظرفیت جذب بالقوه کسب وکارهای کوچک و متوسط به طور کلی ظرفیت دسترسی، درونی سازی و بهره برداری از دانش جدید، نوآوری مدل کسب وکار و همچنین انعطاف پذیری آن ها را افزایش می دهد.

    کلیدواژگان: کسب و کارهای کوچک و متوسط، ظرفیت جذب، انعطاف پذیری راهبردی، نوآوری مدل کسب و کار
  • عاطفه عبدالهی، مصطفی ابراهیم پور*، محمدرحیم رمضانیان، محمود مرادی صفحات 141-167
    فناوری های نوین عمیقا نحوه ارتباط و تعامل افراد با محیط اطراف خود را تغییر داده اند. این فناوری ها بر هر صنعتی تاثیر می گذارند. حال اگر بنا به تعریف متداول، زنجیره تامین را مجموعه ای از فعالیت های به هم پیوسته تعریف کنیم که شامل هماهنگی، برنامه ریزی و کنترل محصولات و خدمات بین تامین کنندگان و مشتریان باشد، با نگاهی به پیشرفت های فناورانه متوجه می شویم که این ساختارهای سنتی دیگر خودکفا نیستند، چرا که الکترنیکی شدن تقریبا تمام جنبه های زندگی بشر به خصوص فرآیندهای زنجیره تامین را تحت تاثیر قرار داده است. فناوری های نسل چهار صنعت، بیانگر انقلاب صنعتی ا ست که اینترنت اشیا را با سامانه های خودکاری چون هوش مصنوعی و زیرمجموعه آن یادگیری ماشین که خودتنظیم و خودیادگیرنده هستند، همراه کرده است. چنین سامانه های فناورانه ای می تواند زنجیره تامین را از حالت متمرکز بودن به حالت توزیع شدگی تغییر بدهد. هدف از این پژوهش شناسایی مولفه های زنجیره تامین توزیع شده هوشمند و ارائه ساختار روابط علی برای آن ها و همچنین تحلیل هر یک از آن ها در چارچوب ساختار ارائه شده است. در پژوهش پیش رو ابتدا کدها و مقوله ها با استفاده از روش داده بنیاد شناسایی شدند و سپس برای تعیین روابط علی-معلولی از روش نگاشت شناختی فازی استفاده شده است. مدل پژوهش نشان می دهد که زنجیره تامین غیرمتمرکز توزیع شده با توجه به مولفه های خود می تواند منجر به بهبود در جریان های اطلاعاتی شود، مراقبت های بهداشتی-درمانی را ارتقاء دهد و امکان دسترسی عادلانه به خدمات درمانی را فراهم آورد، طوری که می تواند نفوذ بنگاه های رانتی در عرضه، تجویز و درمان کشور را تا حد زیادی کاهش دهد.
    کلیدواژگان: بلاکچین، اینترنت اشیا، یادگیری ماشین، زنجیره تامین، سامانه های توزیع شده
  • رضا مرادی لطریی، ناصر یزدانی* صفحات 169-187

    رقابت روزافزون در عصر کنونی و روبرو بودن با نیازها و خواسته های متنوع و متغیر مشتریان،امکان تغییر و ابتکار در محصولات و  خدمات شرکت ها را امری بسیار مهم و ضروری ساخته است. خدمات جدید را می توان هسته اصلی مزیت های رقابتی شرکت ها به حساب آورد. انطباق با محیط متلاطم، نیازمند جریانی مداوم از توسعه و ارائه محصولات جدید است. بر این اساس در پژوهش حاضر تاثیر استراتژی های هم رقابتی، یادگیری سازمانی و کسب وکار بر توسعه خدمات جدید مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. تحقیق حاضر از حیث هدف، کاربردی و از حیث ماهیت یا روش گردآوری داده ها، توصیفی (غیر آزمایشی) از شاخه مطالعات میدانی به شمار می آید. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه محقق ساخته با بهره گیری از شاخص های پیشینه تحقیق است. روایی محتوایی پرسشنامه با نظر خبرگان و اساتید مورد تایید قرار گرفت و پایایی پرسشنامه از طریق ضریب آلفای کرونباخ به میزان 899/0 تایید گردید. جامعه آماری این پژوهش، مدیران فروشگاه های زنجیره ای استان تهران مشتمل بر 699 فروشگاه از فروشگاه های زنجیره ای افق کورش، شهروند، رفاه، اتکا، میادین میوه و تره بار شهرداری، هایپراستار، نجم خاورمیانه، هایپرسان، هایپرمی، ایران مال و شهر فرش می باشد و تعداد نمونه با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی خوشه ای در دسترس و با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 248 فروشگاه زنجیره ای انتخاب گردید. تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از رویکرد مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری انجام شد. یافته های این تحقیق نشان می دهد: استراتژی های هم رقابتی، یادگیری سازمانی و کسب وکار بر توسعه خدمات جدید در فروشگاه های زنجیره ای استان تهران تاثیر دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: استراتژی هم رقابتی، یادگیری سازمانی، استراتژی کسب و کار، توسعه خدمات جدید
  • مرضیه بخشی ریزی، اسدالله کرد نائیج*، احمد آکوچکیان، سید حمید خداداد حسینی صفحات 189-209
    هر حوزه ای از دانش مانند دانش تصمیم گیری راهبردی که در پی ورود به واقعیت تجربی برای ایجاد تغییر است، ریشه در جهان بینی حاکم بر آن دارد و نمی تواند بدون توجه به مبانی زاویه فکری خود طراحی و اجرا شود. بدین سان برای دستیابی به دانش تصمیم گیری راهبردی قرآن بنیان، چاره ای جز تنظیم معرفتی آن از سطح مبانی زاویه فکری تا سطح تجربی، مبتنی بر آموزه های وحیانی نیست. در این راستا، در پژوهش پیش رو، مبنی بر سازوکار ترکیبی روش دلالت پژوهی و منطق دلالت در پیشینه علم اصول، با استناد به سوره انفال کوشش شده است تا با استفاده از تحلیل تم و تحلیل محتوا در نرم افزار atlas.ti، نمونه هایی از دلالت های مبتنی بر مبانی معرفت شناسی مرتبط با موضوع تصمیم گیری راهبردی فهم و تبیین شود. حاصل این فرآیند استخراج 192 کد اولیه، 14 مضمون پایه و 6 مضمون سازمان دهنده شامل نقش و کیفیت پیوستگی ادراکات حقیقی، اعتباری و وجدانی در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، تبلور فاعل تصمیم گیرنده از جنبه نظری و کاربردی، دانش گفتمان آفرین تغییر و تحول در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، جایگاه ارزش ها در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، منابع معرفت در تصمیم گیری راهبردی و اعتبار منابع معرفت در تصمیم گیری راهبردی، در ذیل یک مضمون دلالی فراگیر، یعنی نمونه مبانی معرفت شناسی تصمیم گیری راهبردی بوده است. گفتنی است نتایج تحقیق در مبانی معرفت شناسی قرآن بنیان در حوزه تصمیم گیری راهبردی است و این مهم، زمینه ساز تولید، فرآوری تدوین جامع نظریه و دانش تصمیم گیری راهبردی قرآن بنیان از سوی پژوهشگران این حوزه و بدین سان ارائه مدل های کاربردی خودویژه برای مدیران راهبردی، از چشم انداز جریان فکر دینی (قرآنی) در عینیت تحقیق و توسعه ای است.
    کلیدواژگان: تصمیم گیری استراتژیک، مبانی معرفت شناختی، پارادایم، قرآن، دلالت پژوهی
  • مریم فرهمند*، سجاد شکوهیار، ندا فرحبخش صفحات 211-231
    پایداری به طور گسترده یکی از چالش های بزرگی است که امروزه چالش برانگیز است. انسان ها برای ایجاد تعامل اجتماعی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی به حمل و نقل پایدار اهمیت می دهند. لذا راه حل های پایدار در صنعت حمل و نقل شهری فرصت آفرینی کرده و در پی آن بحث هایی در مورد وسائط حمل و نقل عمومی، تاکسی های تلفنی، اینترنتی و خودروی اشتراکی صورت می گیرد. از طرفی از آنجا که شهروندان با پیدایش و توسعه شبکه های اجتماعی، می توانند آزادانه و بدون اینکه به پرسش های از پیش تعریف شده مقید باشند، نظرات خود را بیان کنند، تجزیه وتحلیل شبکه اجتماعی، فرصتی برای سازمان ها شده تا بتوانند با صرف هزینه و زمان کمتری نسبت به نظرسنجی، اولویت های بخش عظیمی از مشتریانشان را درک کنند. شبکه های ملی منبعی ارزان و با ارزش برای دسترسی به نظریات مشتریان و آنچه در ذهن آنها وجود دارد می باشد. تحقیق حاضر تلاش کرده است با استفاده از داده کاوی و متن کاوی در شبکه اجتماعی به ترسیم ذهنیت مشتریان و استفاده کنندگان از سیستم حمل و نقل بپردازد به گونه ای که عوامل اثر گذار بر گرایش افراد در استفاده از هرگونه حمل و نقل شهری بررسی و اولویت بندی نموده و راهبردی برای بهبود پایداری سیستم حمل و نقل شهری ارائه نماید.
    کلیدواژگان: حمل و نقل پایدار، حمل و نقل شهری، شبکه اجتماعی، داده کاوی، تحلیل احساسات
  • مرتضی حاجی حسینی*، محمدعلی شاه حسینی، محسن نظری، مسعود کیماسی صفحات 233-255
    زمینه های توسعه اقتصادی مبتنی بر اقتصاد دیجیتال در کشورها، از طریق بهره مندی از فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات و به واسطه ایجاد شرکت های دانش بنیان، رو به افزایش است. شرکت های دانش بنیان به منظور افزایش علم و ثروت، توسعه اقتصادی بر پایه دانش و تحقق اهداف علمی و اقتصادی در راستای گسترش اختراع و نوآوری و در نهایت تجاری سازی نتایج تحقیق و توسعه درحوزه فناوری های برتر و با ارزش افزوده بیشتر شکل گرفتند. از آنجا که حوزه فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات (فاوا) پیشران توسعه کسب وکارهای مبتنی بر اقتصاد دیجیتال به صورت گسترده ای تاثیر گذار است، لذا بررسی نقش های ارزشی این شرکت ها از اهمیت ویژه ای برخوردار است. هم آفرینی ارزش یکی از نظریات اساسی در گستره مدیریت راهبردی و مدیریت نوآوری، مطرح است. لذا، هدف اصلی این پژوهش، شناسایی عوامل موثر و ارائه چارچوب هم آفرینی ارزش (خلق مشترک ارزش)، برای ایجاد و توسعه قابلیت های راهبردی در شرکت های دانش بنیان در حوزه فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات (فاوا) بوده و سعی دارد با شناسایی ذی نفعان و نقش آفرینان اصلی اکوسیستم کسب وکارهای این حوزه و با ایجاد شبکه ارزش، به بقا و توسعه سازمان ها کمک نماید. برای دستیابی به هدف پژوهش از روش کیفی (با استفاده از مرور نظام مند مبانی نظری) بیش از 230 پژوهش و مطالعه استخراج و از بین آن ها 64 مقاله و پژوهش به صورت عمیق بررسی شد. شناسایی عوامل موثر بر هم آفرینی ارزش در شرکت های دانش بنیان حوزه فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات (فاوا) مبتنی بر 5 مقوله شامل: ذی نفعان و نقش آفرینان، عوامل اصلی اثرگذار بر هم آفرینی ارزش، عوامل زمینه ای موثر بر هم آفرینی ارزش، عوامل مداخله گر در هم آفرینی ارزش و نتایج و پیامدهای آن، با 17 زیر مقوله و 72 کد مولفه، از یافته های این مقاله بودند. در نهایت مدل هم آفرینی ارزش در شرکت های دانش بنیان حوزه فاوا ارائه گردید.
    کلیدواژگان: ارزش، هم آفرینی، کارآفرینی، فناوری اطلاعات و تباطات(فاوا)
  • محسن نظرزاده زارع*، مهدی نامداری پژمان، داود قرونه صفحات 257-272
    پژوهش حاضر باهدف تحلیل سبک رهبری گفت وشنودی و درخشش سازمانی از طریق تعهد سازمانی در بستر دانشگاه فرهنگیان کشور انجام شد. برای نیل به این مقصود، از رویکرد کمی از نوع توصیفی- همبستگی با استفاده از مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری استفاده شد. جامعه پژوهش شامل تمامی کارکنان هیئت علمی و غیر هیئت علمی دانشگاه فرهنگیان کشور به تعداد 980 نفر بود که از این تعداد، 276 نفر از آن ها با استفاده از فرمول کوکران و با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری طبقه ای انتخاب شدند. ابزار پژوهش شامل سه پرسشنامه رهبری گفت وشنودی، درخشش سازمانی و تعهد سازمانی بود که پایایی آن ها با استفاده از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ به ترتیب 97/0، 95/0 و 81/0 گزارش شد. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از روش های آمار توصیفی و استنباطی استفاده شد. یافته های پژوهش نشان داد که سبک رهبری گفت وشنودی بر درخشش سازمانی و تعهد سازمانی تاثیر مثبت و معنادار دارد و همچنین تعهد سازمانی بر درخشش سازمانی تاثیر مثبت و معنادار دارد. افزون بر این، رهبری گفت وشنودی از طریق تعهد سازمانی بر درخشش سازمانی تاثیر مثبت و معنادار دارد. بر اساس نتایج این پژوهش، مدیران دانشگاه فرهنگیان می توانند از طریق ایجاد فضایی برای مشارکت اعضای هیئت علمی و کارکنان در فرآیندهای تصمیم گیری و برنامه ریزی، نه تنها به افزایش تعهد سازمانی در ذی نفعان اصلی دانشگاه کمک کنند، بلکه باعث افزایش درخشش سازمانی در دانشگاه فرهنگیان نیز شوند.
    کلیدواژگان: رهبری گفت و شنودی، درخشش سازمانی، تعهد سازمانی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان
  • Structural analysis of the possibility of improving job performance in telecommuting during the Covid-19 epidemic (Study industry: home appliances)
    Amirhosein Kazem Almasi *, Mohammad Ali Shah Hoseini, Hanan Amoozad Mahdiraji Page 0

    The home appliance industry is very influential in society due to its close relationship with people and the use of its products on a daily basis. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to determine a structural model for improving job performance in telecommuting in the home appliance industry during the Covid-19 epidemic. The present study is a descriptive-survey type in terms of data collection and analysis. The statistical population of the research is the managers of the home appliance industry to 160 people, of which 112 people were selected as a sample according to the Cochran's formula. Sampling method In this research, in terms of stratified sampling and samples from each stratum were selected by simple random sampling. Standard questionnaires were used to measure the variables of job performance, telework, and IT anxiety. To test the hypotheses, the structural equation model method was used in the context of SPSS 20 and Smart PLS 2 statistical software. Findings indicate a positive and significant effect of information and communication technology anxiety on work interruption. Also, the effect of information and communication technology anxiety on job performance was positive and significant. Also, the effect of work stoppage on job efficiency was positive and significant.The home appliance industry is very influential in society due to its close relationship with people and the use of its products on a daily basis. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to determine a structural model for improving job performance in telecommuting in the home appliance industry during the Covid-19 epidemic. The present study is a descriptive-survey type in terms of data collection and analysis. The statistical population of the research is the managers of the home appliance industry to 160 people, of which 112 people were selected as a sample according to the Cochran's formula. Sampling method In this research, in terms of stratified sampling and samples from each stratum were selected by simple random sampling. Standard questionnaires were used to measure the variables of job performance, telework, and IT anxiety. To test the hypotheses, the structural equation model method was used in the context of SPSS 20 and Smart PLS 2 statistical software. Findings indicate a positive and significant effect of information and communication technology anxiety on work interruption. Also, the effect of information and communication technology anxiety on job performance was positive and significant. Also, the effect of work stoppage on job efficiency was positive and significant.The home appliance industry is very influential in society due to its close relationship with people and the use of its products on a daily basis. Accordingly, the main purpose of this study is to determine a structural model for improving job performance in telecommuting in the home appliance industry during the Covid-19 epidemic. The present study is a descriptive-survey type in terms of data collection and analysis. The statistical population of the research is the managers of the home appliance industry to 160 people, of which 112 people were selected as a sample according to the Cochran's formula. Sampling method In this research, in terms of stratified sampling and samples from each stratum were selected by simple random sampling. Standard questionnaires were used to measure the variables of job performance, telework, and IT anxiety. To test the hypotheses, the structural equation model method was used in the context of SPSS 20 and Smart PLS 2 statistical software. Findings indicate a positive and significant effect of information and communication technology anxiety on work interruption. Also, the effect of information and communication technology anxiety on job performance was positive and significant. Also, the effect of work stoppage on job efficiency was positive and significant.

    Keywords: job performance, Telework, IT Anxiety
  • A study on the efficiency of the human resource planning system of the Social Security Organization with a pathology approach and strategy presentation
    Jalil Abbasi *, Asadollah Mehr Ara, Mohammadreza Bagherzadeh, Mehrdad Matani Pages 0-0
    Aim and
    In order to survive, create a competitive advantage, increase efficiency, achieve organizational goals, organizations need human resource planning within the human resource management system. Manpower in organizations is considered as human capital and the most important infrastructure and is the main source of competitive advantage, creativity, innovation, productivity, effectiveness and development and transformation and for reasons such as scarcity, irreplaceability and imitation and process impact on other variables and Extra-organizational is the most valuable and strategic asset of the organization. The main purpose of this study was to provide a model for reducing manpower planning inadequacies in the Social Security Organization.
    This research is mixed in terms of applied purpose, in terms of nature, exploratory and based on the method of data collection. The participants of the quality section were 23 experts who were selected by purposive sampling. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the data were analyzed using content analysis method. The validity and reliability of the data were assessed through aptitude test. In the quantitative part, the data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire and was analyzed in two stages of fuzzy Delphi survey. Cronbach's alpha was estimated to be 783% and Demitel method was used to fit the extracted pattern. The statistical population at this stage was the resource staff of the Social Security Organization, which was determined using Morgan's table of 364 people and the sample was selected by simple random sampling.
    Findings indicated that the organization's human resource planning system faces 19 main problems, which are the indicators of lack of proper planning model, improper implementation of human resource planning, lack of monitoring, control and feedback (performance evaluation - effectiveness), human resource planning, lack of adequate support. Human resource planning, lack of prioritization of the organization's human resource planning, short-term view and elimination of the task of planning were among the most important problems and shortcomings of the organization's human resource planning system. The results show that the extractive components of the research model are community-approved. Also, 14 factors affecting the problems of the human resource planning system were identified, including factors such as managerial instability; Rental and political selection of managers; The desire to maintain the status quo; Lack of specialized and efficient planning managers; Changes in government, political, cultural, economic, and technological laws were among the most important factors influencing the problems of the organization's human resource planning system. Finally, 14 strategies were identified to overcome the problems of the human resource planning system, which are solutions to design an appropriate HR planning model; Understand and support senior planning management; Integrated human resource planning system; Managerial stability and non-political appointments; Improving, implementing and properly implementing the monitoring and performance evaluation system were among the most important solutions to overcome the problems of the human resources planning system of the Social Security Organization. The Social Security Organization can do the necessary planning to reduce the problems of the human resource planning system by identifying the shortcomings, the factors affecting it and the solutions presented in this study.Discussion and
    The human resource planning system of the Social Security Organization, as one of the factors for the survival and prosperity of the organization, has a key role in achieving its goals and the findings of this study provide operational implications in improving the organizational performance of the Social Security Organization. The Social Security Organization can do the necessary planning to reduce the problems of its human resource planning system by considering the identified problems, the factors affecting it and the solutions presented in this research.
    Keywords: Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Fuzzy Delphi method, Social Security Organization
  • Somayeh Eslami Farsani, Esmaeil Mazroui Nasrabadi *, Ali Farhadian Pages 1-22

    Several disruptions in the business environment can occur naturally or by unnatural causes. Due to the destructive effects of disasters, crises, natural and unnatural disasters on supply chain performance, organizational experts seek to study the concept of risk in the supply chain as well as how to deal with them. Resilience refers to the system's ability to cope with disruptions and swiftly return to a prior or improved state. If the supply chains are not resilient, they will suffer severe damage with any disruption; as a result, resilience is a critical issue for the supply chain. Given the significance of this issue, the objective of this study is to identify suitable strategies for enhancing resilience in the supply chain.


    A metasynthesis approach was employed to identify supply chain resilience strategies. To evaluate the validity and reliability of the research, the quality assessment program (CASP) and the Cohen's kappa formula were utilized. For this purpose, by referring to the valid documents available in the databases "Google Scholar", "Science direct", "Emerald","Springer", "Elm Net", "Magiran" and "Noormagz" in the period 2000-2019 (External) and 80-98 (internal) 577 articles in the field of supply chain resilience identified, and then 66 articles related to the topic of strategies were selected. Of them, eight articles were In Persian, and 58 articles were in Latin.

    Results and Discussion

    With a systematic review of the literature, 68 strategies for enhancing supply chain resilience were identified: “Increase backup inventory”, “Considering the bill of materials and substitutes (BOM)”, “Production of semi-finished products”, “Strategic inventory management”, “Postponing”, “Creating flexibility in transportation”, “Channel rerouting and reconfiguration”, “Adaptation of social and environmental issues”, “Creating additional capacity in the structure of the distribution network”, “Create backup capacity”, “Compliance with sustainability”, “Increasing speed”, “Delivery during low traffic hours”, “Create redundancy”, “Achieving a high level of flexibility”, “Ensuring supply chain agility”, “Customer response”, “Demand forecast”, “Creating diversity in the portfolio”, “Product differentiation and customization”, “Building relationships with buyers”, “Smooth replacement of the product”, “Creating appropriate contractual agreements”, “Establishing public and private partnerships”, “Creating relational competencies and social capital”, “Focus on integrity and communication”, “Increase creativity”, “Efficiency and skill development”, “Establishing a relationship with the supplier”, “Use of multiple sources of supply”, “Choosing the right supplier”, “Creating flexibility in supply”, “Providing parts and goods from domestic suppliers instead of foreign suppliers (use of domestic resources)”, “Using incentives for supplier development and improvement”, “Supplier resilience”, “Production outsourcing”, “Strengthening facilities”, “Dispersion of facilities”, “Operations and Supply Chain - Focus on supply chain management”, “Designing the supply chain network (paying attention to the size of the network/structure of the distribution center)”, “Building a strong culture of collaboration”, “Use of employees overseas”, “Human resources management”, “Quality Control”, “Using Six Sigma processes”, “Improve production and process for efficiency and reduce waste”, “Implementation of lean production processes with timely delivery and low inventory”, “Implementation and use of information and communication technology”, “Increased traceability”, “Provide security”, “Improve the security system”, “Creating a risk management culture”, “Safety certificate”, “Classification planning”, “Creating contingency planning”, “Revenue management through dynamic pricing and advertising”, “Economic supply incentives”, “Possible redirection”, “Creating logistics capabilities”, “Superior transportation”, “Use of multiple carriers/ports”, “Accelerate transportation”, “Creating flexibility in transportation” and “Channel rerouting and reconfiguration”. They were grouped in 12 categories including "inventory management", "adaptability", "demand management", "communication management", "knowledge management", "and supply chain management “,” quality management “,” information management “,” risk management, Planning “,” Financial Management and Logistics Management". Finally, according to the time of their use, they were classified into three general categories: preventive strategies, concurrent strategies and reactive strategies. Some categories were placed in only one category of preventive strategies, concurrent strategies and reactive strategies, but some strategies were placed in two or three categories. A review of previous studies in this field has not provided a complete and comprehensive set of supply chain resilience strategies, and this article seeks to identify and present these strategies using a systematic review of the literature. Finally, creating flexibility, creating redundancy, ensuring supply chain agility, increasing visibility and building a strong culture of cooperation were identified as the most important strategies for supply chain resilience.


    The supply chain resilience strategies are categorized into those that can be utilized before a disruption, during a disruption, and after a disruption, based on the timing of their application. In the pre-disruption conditions, adopting preventive strategies will help to prevent the occurrence of disruptions. Based on this categorization, it is essential to identify preventive strategies according to the specific conditions and implement them effectively. When a disruption occurs, the supply chain must be prepared for it and be able to respond quickly to that disruption. Consequently, identifying concurrent (current) strategies is crucial here. Thus, by adopting concurrent strategies, the supply chain can be saved from severe damage in the event of a disruption. In situations where supply chain disruption has occurred and led to supply chain disruption, it is crucial to adopt reactive (recovery) strategies to improve the situation and its recovery. In summary, the adoption of appropriate strategies is crucial, considering the specific conditions in which the supply chain operates. Managers should focus on identifying strategies that enhance supply chain resilience.

    Keywords: Meta-Synthesis, Resilience, Supply chain resilience strategy, Supply Chain Resilience, Supply chain risk management
  • Saeed Abbasnejad, Ashghar Moshabbaki Esfahani *, Seyyed Hamid Khodadad Hoseini, Amirmohammad Colabi Pages 23-46

    IntroductionOrganizations in some cases, such as Complex Products and Systems (COPS) do not have access to resources or the possibility and how to use them.Complex Products and Systems are such products and systems that strongly require strong engineering knowledge and high costs with a project organizational structure and customized based on technology networks, structures and engineering and infrastructure services. In other words, organizations active in the Complex Products and Systems industry need to be present in collaborative networks in order to meet their complex technological needs and because they must be equipped with a combination of complementary skills and expertise. Given the importance of networking in the Complex Products and Systems industry due to its basic features and the good literature that has been formed in this field of research in recent years, therefore, it is possible to use a review research to identify studied areas. future trends, and other areas of interest.Methodology The main purpose of this research is a systematic review and classification of the studied subjects, observable trends in studies, descriptive statistics of previous studies. The present study is a systematic review and citation research in which the steps of systematic review study of Denyer and Tranfield (2009) have been used. At first, after identifying the relevant keywords and confirming the experts, the search command was formed as TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“complex product systems” OR “complex products and systems” OR “complex capital goods” OR “complex Product-Service System”) and (“Collaborat*” OR “Network*” OR “cooperat*”)), and in the next step, the search command was executed and modified in the Scopus database, which finally produced 109 outputs.Results and Discussion The period of studied articles was from 1995 to 2021, published in 38 sources, the annual growth rate of articles from 2017 to 2021 has quadrupled, "Research Policy" journal is the first rank in this field by publishing 5 articles. Tae Yang Park published the most articles in the field and is in first rank and Hanyang University is with the highest number of organizational affiliations in this field, China with 12 scientific products is of the top country in the list of scientific products in this field. However, articles originating in the United Kingdom with 133 citations have the most citations to articles.Complex systems industries have denser and more complex network connections, which makes it difficult for transformative innovations. Therefore, equipping with communication capabilities can facilitate coordination to face this challenge [44]. Meanwhile, in line with Schumpeter's theory of creative destruction, radical innovations can completely erase the value of outdated technologies and competences and thus lead to the exit of the industry for backward companies. Recent research indicates that innovation flows from the business level to the network level. Innovation in the network is the result of the appropriate flow and its sharing between network members. One of the methods of knowledge transfer and circulation can occur in the form of complementary assets. For example, two companies, one of which has capabilities in raw material production and the other in its processing, can facilitate the flow of knowledge by properly transferring knowledge and participating in this process. Another type of innovation and knowledge flow can occur in the form of innovative division of labor. This is a kind of recombination of network members' knowledge with problems and solutions. As a result of creating such a recombination, the member companies of the network will find the ability to make what they could not make and provide alone. Of course, the importance of explicit and implicit knowledge should not be overlooked. Therefore, tacit knowledge, which is much lower in transmission power and rarely takes a written form, can be easily transferred in face-to-face and direct relationships in networks. That is, the greater the share of tacit knowledge, the more difficult it will be to transfer. Therefore, being in the network can promise more innovation for their members due to the access and variety of knowledge available in the networks. Conclusion After studying the theoretical foundations and holding meetings to present the articles, the five main topics discussed in the reviewed articles were identified, and the results of the answers to the articles were presented. The first theme is about the main factors of network stability in the complex systems industry, which include: the quality of the relationship between network actors, the degree of movement towards goals and achieving them in a flexible and cooperative atmosphere, the realization of a goal that each member has joined the network with the same motivation. Establishing two-way communication in a network, cooperation, solving the problem of resource dependence, appropriate actions in the field of strategic management, the presence of managers with basic skills in network management and the use of various tools to create a common understanding between members. Adaptability in the network in complex systems industries: participation and presence in networks and the formation of some interdependencies in networks, lead to changes in the business model of companies, which these changes occur due to adaptation to the network.The five main themes are identified as follows:How does network stability happen in the Complex Products and Systems industry?What are the dynamics of network adaptability in Complex Products and Systems industry?How is network management in Complex Products and Systems industry?How to create value in networks in Complex Products and Systems industry?How does innovation in the Complex Products and Systems industry occur?Due to the limitations of the research and access to the most original articles, because part of the validity of the research comes from the validity of the search and its articles, so from these outputs only articles and review studies and in English selected and the output was 68 articles. This number of articles was re-examined by two researchers and separately. The final output of the study was 47 original articles that were entered into Bibliometrics software to provide the most referenced resources, journals, universities, individuals and collaboration networks. And other related items to be identified.

    Keywords: Business networking, Systematic review, complex products, systems
  • Farnoosh Alami *, Aliasghar Sadabadi, Sharareh Sadeghi, Shahab Nasirinia Pages 47-60

    In the last decade, universities have invested significantly in startup accelerator programs. While research on academic startup accelerators is limited, it supports multiple roles and outcomes. Recent research identifies two main roles for university start-up team accelerators-developing students' entrepreneurial skills or supporting technology transfer-and provides case studies that illustrate each: the MIT Delta Accelerator, which focuses on entrepreneurship education, and the Transfer Accelerator. Arizona State University Technology, which focuses on technology transfer. Technology transfer means the commercialization of research conducted by professors and graduate students. However, researchers found that current undergraduate students or recent graduates were more likely to create high-quality startups within three years of graduating from US universities. Similarly, found that students at UK universities were ten times more likely to start businesses than faculty members. Recognizing that students are a powerful source of entrepreneurship stimulation, universities have begun to develop ecosystems that support the creation of student startups, and university accelerators are one of the constituent elements of this ecosystem. According to the report of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the status of entrepreneurship education in Iran's schools and universities has improved over the last few years, but Iran's score is still lower than the world average. On the other hand, with the process of globalization, social, economic, political and health conditions have changed and universities need a system that teaches and promotes creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation to students and faculty members, which is one of the projects of Shahid Beheshti University is NOA.


    The method used in this study is qualitative and phenomenology was used to receive the lived experience of the participants in the NOA project and the tool used was interview. Participants in the study included participants in Shahid Beheshti University NOA project who reached the final stage or were not selected in the final test, which was obtained after interviews with 10 theoretical saturation teams. Content analysis method was used for data analysis. In total, 10 teams agreed to conduct the interviews, following the theoretical saturation.

    Results and Discussion

    The NOA project is held every year with the aim of motivating, training and advising innovators to create knowledge-based and creative companies in the innovation centers of Shahid Beheshti University's faculties and research institutes. 580 ideas were received from all over the country. 128 teams entered NOA's pre-acceleration period. 4 workshops about entrepreneurship ecosystem, presentation skills to attract capital, zero to hundred entrepreneurship and business model canvas were held. Mentoring sessions were held for 155 hours for 128 teams in two specialized and business mentoring sections, of which 78 teams made it to the preliminary evaluating stage, and finally 26 teams made it to the acceptance and evaluation committee of Science and Technology Park. In this research, the lived experiences of the participants in the NOA project were investigated and the results were expressed about the components of failure, success and their understanding of the project. In total, according to theoretical saturation, 10 teams agreed to conduct the interview. Regarding the components of failure, from the participants' point of view, 7 main codes and 3optional codes were obtained from the interview analysis. The participants believed that poor time management, poor mentoring and counseling services were one of the reasons for their failure in the NOA project. The components of success from the participants' point of view included two selection codes and one central code, which generally included the components of effective communication and presentation of strong plans.


    It seems that the participants in the NOA project identified poor time management, mentoring and refereeing services as the factors that led to their failure in the project. Some participants admitted that they did not receive enough training to participate in the scheme. Although this university has organized business and specialized counseling sessions in this field, sometimes they were few or at the preliminary level for startups. On the other hand, weakness in time management has been one of the important factors of their failure. Since this project was difficult to start and hold face-to-face meetings during the Corona epidemic, the team members have not been able to hold face-to-face meetings with each other as they should. Some participants also considered the short duration of the project and its early completion as an obstacle to planning. Another factor that hindered the success of the teams was the lack of recognition of the referees. Since this plan included the entire university and different disciplines, the provision of mentoring and refereeing services was not defined based on the field and expertise of each startup, which weakened the provision of these services. On the other hand, those who managed to present their plan in the end admitted that team building was one of the factors of their success. The team members were complementary to each other and each specialized in a subject. Other factors that have contributed to the success of the teams are the motivation and intention they pursue to become entrepreneurs.

    Keywords: University startup teams, Entrepreneur university, Third generation of universities
  • Rahim Ghasemiyeh *, Hasanali Sinaei, Zohreh Saeedi Pages 61-82
    IntroductionThe research’s aim is to evaluate meta-innovative methods to predict stock price behavior and introduce the most efficient method in the Iranian stock market. Due to the uncertainty in the field of investment and the multitude of variables, investors turn to the forecasting method, by which their estimates are close to reality and their errors are reduced. Forecasting the stock market has many complexities as it is affected by a number of economic and non-economic factors such as market news, political events, social chaos and so on (B. Labiad, 2016). Due to the volatility of the stock market, predicting stock price changes in daily trading is a challenging task and it is one of the most important issues in the financial world that has attracted the attention of most financial analysts and researchers. Financial markets are an attractive field for investment in order to achieve high profits but obtaining high profits in this market is not easy, because some data are dynamic, non-linear, and variable, and unstable in nature, and therefore there are many risks in this way (Lahmiri & Boukadoum, 2015). Recently, computational intelligence (CI) techniques such as artificial neural network (ANN), nature-inspired and fuzzy algorithms have been developed for stock price prediction due to their ability to handle noisy data in the financial market(Lahmiri & Boukadoum, 2015). In many cases, ANNs suffer from limitations such as local minima, slow convergence, long training time, and fitting difficulty due to the large number of parameters to adjust(Chandar, 2018). These problems have been neglected in much previous research. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to develop a forecasting model consisting of artificial neural networks and nature-inspired algorithms to investigate the above issues and improve forecasting accuracy. In this regard, this research seeks to answer this question: Can the hybrid models of neural networks and meta-heuristic algorithms provide accurate stock predictions?Methodology In this study, the stock prices of 5 listed companies in the base metals index of Tehran Stock Exchange in the period 1396 to 1398 were predicted. For this purpose, the optimal variables are selected from among 9 primary and widely used variables using feature selection methods, super-innovative algorithms of Harris and Wall's algorithms and then using Back propagation neural networks, radial base neural network and neural network with time delay Stock prices were predicted. Focusing on basic metal companies in Tehran Stock Exchange as a statistical population, 21 companies with the highest correlation coefficient were finally selected as a sample. To generalize the sample as much as possible to the society from among the companies, 5 companies that included small, medium, and large companies were selected as samples. The two symbols Zangan and Faravar were among the smallest companies and the two companies Femli and Foulad were among the largest companies, which were included in the sample as representatives of small and large companies, respectively, and the symbol of Fasmin was included in the sample as a representative of medium-sized companies. The required data: opening price, closing price, highest price, lowest price, closing price, volume of transactions, value of transactions, number of transactions and range of changes were collected from Tehran Stock Exchange Technology Management Company (www.tsetmc.com) and Codal website. MATLAB software was used to perform calculations and implement the proposed method.Results and Discussion The results show that in the symbol of Zangan, the combined models HHOBP, WOARBF and HHOTD have the highest R2 coefficient, respectively. In terms of MSE and MAE criteria, the HHOTD model has the lowest error rate and the lowest absolute average of the difference between the actual and predicted data, which shows that in this model, the predicted values are closer to the actual values. According to the Hitrate criterion, the HHOTD model has the highest correct estimation (89%) compared to the rest of the models. With these results, it can be concluded that Harris Hawk algorithm has the highest accuracy and the neural network with time delay has high efficiency.Conclusion Since linear models do not have the ability to understand and extract non-linear patterns such as stock price time series, the goal in this research was to combine artificial neural networks and meta-heuristic algorithms to accurately predict stock price trends. In this research, first, the optimal variables were selected using feature selection methods, meta-heuristic algorithms of Harris hawk and Whale. Then, by using neural networks after propagation of error, radial basis neural network and neural network with time delay, the stock price was predicted. Considering the findings, it is suggested that the Harris's hawk evolutionary method is superior to the whale's evolutionary algorithm. Proper navigation of the problem space and finding features is the reason for the superiority of Harris's hawk results compared to whale's algorithm. It was also shown in this research that networks with time delay have higher efficiency. Findings indicate that the hybrid method of Harris hawk and neural network with time delay is the most effective.  It is suggested to use a hybrid model of post-error propagation neural network, radial base neural network and time delay neural network with evolutionary algorithms such as genetics in future research. Also, it is suggested to use other predictive algorithms such as support vector regression in combination with neural network with time delay.
    Keywords: Stock, Neural Network, Radial neural network, Time Delay, Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm, Whale Optimization
  • Mojtaba Salehi *, MohammadRahim Esfidani Pages 83-104

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the service brand verdict model as one of the most widely used service brand models in the Karafarin Bank as one one the privates banks of Islamic Republic of Irand and its development. Therefore, in the first phase of this research, after collecting literature related to service brand models and studying the background of service brand verdict model, the researcher reached his proposed model in this research. This model suggests that bank customers form a mindset of brand quality in their minds before verdict a brand. The next point is that the research literature led the researcher to the conclusion that the service brand model does not end with the customers verdict the brand; Therefore, it is assumed that after judging the brand, the intention to buy again and then loyalty to the brand occurs.


    The research method used in this article is a mixed method. In the qualitative section, the proposed research model which is extracted from the study of literature and research background by the researcher, with Fuzzy Delphi Technique has been evaluated by a panel of experts including five banking specialists and five university marketing professors. After that, the extracted model was presented to the panel of experts in the first phase and their opinions were collected in the next stage, and according to the extent of their disagreement in the two stages, it was decided which variables remain in the model. Then, according to the final model which accepted by the panel of experts, the questionnaire was prepared as a measurement tool in the quantitative section and after confirming its reliability and validity, the questionnaire was distributed and collected among a sample of 384 customers of Karafarin Bank in Tehran (capital of Iran) by cluster random sampling. In this research the data analysis was performed by Structural Equation Modeling using Smart PLS software.

    Results and Discussion

    The research findings confirmed the relationships between the hypotheses and showed that the effect of brand hearsay on brand evidence. In this research the effect of brand hearsay which consist of controlled variables (advertisments and promotions) and uncontorolled variables (publicity and word of mouth) on customer satisfaction has been proven. The brand evidence which is consist of brand name, brand value or price, core service, physical environment, service provider employee, feelings and self-image congruity also affects on customer satisfaction.Based on the findings of the research the effect of brand evidence and brand hearsay on brand attitude has been confirmed by the customers of Karafarin Bank. Customer satisfaction affects the attitude towards the brand. Brand attitude affects the  perceived quality. Also it is proven that the perceived quality affects the brand verdict. According to the findings of this research the brand verdict affects the repurchase intention of the customer. It has been proven that at the end of this path and as an conclusion of the model customer loyalty will appear.


    Brand loyalty is strongly influenced by both types of service cues, namely brand hearsay and brand evidence. Both the tangible dimensions of the service and its intangible dimensions, along with advertisements and promotion programs, strongly affect the consumer's behavior at every stage of his brand experience consist of his satisfaction, attitude, perception of quality, vedict toward the brand, intention to repurchase and finally becoming a loyal customer. Therefore, the results of this research suggeste that bank's programs must be planed based on strategies that use brand dimensions to lead customers to loyalty to their services. This model gives bank managers and decision makers a written program of the effective aspects of banking services on customer satisfaction and their attitude towards the bank brand, which ultimately leads to having loyal customers.This study, like other studies, has limited generalizability and its results cannot be used in all service sections. Although the researcher has tried to increase the validity of the results by selecting a large number of respondents, but due to the self-expression of the participants and also the large number of questions in the questionnaire, the ambiguity may arise that the questions were not answered with great accuracy and patience. Future researchers can study and evaluate this model in the wider statistical community or study it in other service sections in addition to the banking system to increase the generalizability of this model.It is also possible to examine the model of this research in the cultural contexts of other cities in the country and study the effects of cultural diffrences on the variables of the model and the relationships between them.

    Keywords: Service brand, brand judgment, Perceived brand quality, Repurchase Intention, Brand Loyalty
  • Hossein Rahimi Kelever *, Mehrdad Naserpour Pages 105-119

    In many organizations in Iran, especially in the public sector, managers and leaders of organizations tend to remain in power and leadership for years, and this is a major disease in the Iranian administrative system. And managers deal with subordinates with a top-down, firm focus approach. This has had dire consequences, including malfunctioning, depression, immorality, layoffs, and overall decline in organizational performance. This can also be seen in government offices and organizations in Ardabil. Hubris sets the stage for the closure of organizations, in which the individual sees the organization as an obstacle to achieving his individual and organizational goals, and individual and organizational performance is reduced. Meanwhile, the organizational trauma that is caused by the creation of bad psychological conditions and also the inertia of the organization, which leads to the conditions of non-change in the organization, has provided more grounds for organizational blockage in many government organizations. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to monitor the effect of Hubris Leaders on organizational obstruction; Explain the mediating role of organizational trauma and organizational inertia in government organizations in Ardabil.


    To analyze and measure the model of this research, data analysis by structural equation modeling has been used. Structural equation modeling is a statistical model for examining linear relationships between latent (unobserved) and explicit (observed) variables. In other words, structural equation modeling is a powerful statistical technique that combines a measurement model (confirmatory factor analysis) and a structural model (regression or path analysis) with a simultaneous statistical test. Through these techniques, researchers can reject hypothetical structures (models) or confirm their conformity with data. The software used in this research for this analysis is SMART-PLS. In SMART-PLS software, the value of t indicates the significance of the effect of variables. The data obtained show the analysis of research hypotheses. And it can be stated that: Hubris leadership on organizational inertia with coefficient of path 0.77 and the value of t 42.89, Hubris leadership on organizational trauma with path coefficient 0.42 and value t44.7, Hubris leadership on organizational obstruction with coefficient T Path 0.32 and value t 8.35, organizational inertia on organizational obstruction with path coefficient 0.37 and value t 57.5, organizational trauma on organizational obstruction with path coefficient 0.26 and value t 04.04 have a positive and significant effect has it. Therefore, all relationships between research variables are confirmed. Accordingly, Hubris Leadership had the most impact on organizational inertia with a path coefficient of 0.77, and organizational trauma had the least impact on organizational obstruction with a path coefficient of 0.26. Also, the GOF index of this model is 0.44, which indicates the overall desirability of the model.

    Results and Discussion

    To analyze and measure the model of this research, data analysis by structural equation modeling has been used. Structural equation modeling is a statistical model for examining linear relationships between latent (unobserved) and explicit (observed) variables. In other words, structural equation modeling is a powerful statistical technique that combines a measurement model (confirmatory factor analysis) and a structural model (regression or path analysis) with a simultaneous statistical test. Through these techniques, researchers can reject hypothetical structures (models) or confirm their conformity with data. The software used in this research for this analysis is SMART-PLS. In SMART-PLS software, the value of t indicates the significance of the effect of variables. The data obtained show the analysis of research hypotheses. And it can be stated that: Hubris leadership on organizational inertia with coefficient of path 0.77 and the value of t 42.89, Hubris leadership on organizational trauma with path coefficient 0.42 and value t44.7, Hubris leadership on organizational obstruction with coefficient T Path 0.32 and value t 8.35, organizational inertia on organizational obstruction with path coefficient 0.37 and value t 57.5, organizational trauma on organizational obstruction with path coefficient 0.26 and value t 04.04 have a positive and significant effect has it. Therefore, all relationships between research variables are confirmed. Accordingly, Hubris Leadership had the most impact on organizational inertia with a path coefficient of 0.77, and organizational trauma had the least impact on organizational obstruction with a path coefficient of 0.26. Also, the GOF index of this model is 0.44, which indicates the overall desirability of the model.


    It can be said that Hubris Leadership, due to its high durability among managers and organizational leaders, paves the way for creating a stagnation and lack of optimal organizational performance, as well as the lack of proper morale among employees in performing assigned tasks and Organizational growth and excellence. In the meantime, taking advantage of organizational trauma and having a disproportionate spirit and mentality has also increased the occurrence of organizational obstruction, and on the other hand, lack of flexibility and creating conditions for change and change in the organization also creates inappropriate mood in It has increased among the employees and has provided the ground for the occurrence of more organizational obstruction. In fact, the administrative system is without a doubt the most important political system of any country, so that any progress and development of society depends on the healthy and consistent functioning of this system. One of the criticisms leveled at the country's administrative system is the incompatibility of these organizations with environmental changes and the use of young management to reduce the leadership hegemony. In organizational policies and policies in the public sector, it is observed that the reuse of knowledge and old people to solve new problems has become a law or principle. That is why in the public sector, phenomena will remain static, monotonous, and without creativity and innovation until it is no longer possible to continue this situation or to be changed by external forces. This incompatibility is rooted in organizational stagnation or inactivity, or in other words, organizational inertia, which has provided the ground for organizational trauma and creating bad psychological conditions. Government organizations in Iran are always criticized for using very repetitive and outdated methods and procedures in doing the relevant work and are stagnant and immobile, and all of the above از Created an organizational blockage.

    Keywords: Leadership Hubris, Organizational Obstruction, organizational trauma, and Organizational Inertia
  • Mohsen Habibi, Morteza Rojuee * Pages 121-140

    The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has had significant effects on the performance of important businesses, especially small and medium businesses, which are of particular importance in the process of economic and social growth and development of countries and the special attention of policymakers. Exogenous crises have put the survival of small and medium businesses in doubt, and this causes fundamental disturbances in the economic systems of countries, so it is necessary for the managers of these types of businesses to develop and innovate their business model as a constant source. It is worth taking action to maintain, survive and grow your business in this critical situation. The importance of business model innovation in today's world is increasing, and top executives of global companies predict that its necessity will even exceed the importance of product and service innovation. Because business model innovation is a new criterion based on which pioneering companies try to create and provide more value to their customers, therefore the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of absorption capacity and strategic flexibility on small and medium business model innovation with emphasis. It is about the effects of the pandemic virus, Covid-19.


    The present research is applied one in terms of purpose and descriptive correlation in terms of method. The statistical population is the small and medium-sized businesses of Mashhad in the number of 1300 companies, which were selected using the Cochran formula, a sample consisting of 297 companies, and the research questionnaire containing demographic questions and basic questions related to the measurement of potential absorption capacity. 6 items), realized absorptive capacity (7 items), strategic flexibility (6 items) and business model innovation (9 items) in the number of 350 questionnaires sent electronically to the senior managers of these companies for completion, and finally, 299 questionnaires were collected. Statistical analysis related to respondents' demographic information in terms of gender, age, education level, and company size were analyzed using SPSS software. The content validity of the questionnaire was checked and confirmed with the help of five experts and academic faculty members in the field of management, as well as two indicators, CVI and CVR. The validity of the structure was examined and confirmed using convergent validity (AVE index greater than 0.5) and divergent validity (Fornell-Larker matrix). Reliability was also confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficients and composite reliability (more than 0.7). Finally, the fit of the model with the help of coefficients of determination (R2) and the goodness of fit index (GOF) shows a moderate to a strong fit of the research model. Then, using SmartPLS software and structural equation modeling based on the least-squares approach, the research hypotheses were tested.

    Results and Discussion

    The results show that the potential absorptive capacity is directly related to the realized absorptive capacity with a path coefficient of 0.633 and a significance value of 20.019, as well as to business model innovation with a path coefficient of 0.234 and a significance value of 3.042, and on strategic flexibility with a path coefficient of 0.279 and a significance value of 3.863. It has a positive and significant effect. Also, the findings showed that strategic flexibility does not have a positive and significant effect on business model innovation. The findings of the research show that absorptive capacity is considered a dynamic ability as a prerequisite for business model innovation and strategic flexibility, which are two vital elements for gaining competitive advantage, and has a significant and positive effect on each of these.


    The potential absorption capacity of small and medium-sized businesses generally increases their capacity to access, internalize, and exploit new knowledge, business model innovation, and flexibility. Therefore, it is suggested that managers of small and medium businesses focus on different aspects of their business model as well as its relationship with the business environment. Also, to control the conditions and the possibility of survival and continuation of the business, they should be aware of the fundamental changes in the market and the need for creative business platforms and management of conditions. Pay more attention to turbulence. Therefore, measures such as reviewing the business model through a bias toward digital transformation and identifying digital capabilities appropriate to turbulent conditions, as well as flexibility and changing the view of resources, and finding solutions to solve the future consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic crisis can be among the necessary suggestions and solutions. Managers of small and medium-sized businesses are considered critical in these critical situations, the reason being that in critical situations, senior business managers focus on making quick decisions in the shortest possible time, which creates small advisory circles and most decisions are based on knowledge. Potentially occurs.

    Keywords: Absorption capacity, Strategic Flexibility, Business Model Innovation, Covid-19 Virus, Small, Medium Businesses
  • Atefeh Abdollahi, Mostafa Ebrahimpour *, Mohammadrahim Ramazanian, Mahmoud Moradi Pages 141-167
     New technologies have profoundly changed the way people communicate and interact with their surroundings. These technologies affect every industry. Now, if according to the common definition, we define the supply chain as a set of interconnected activities that include coordination, planning and control of products and services between suppliers and customers. Looking at technological advances, we realize that these traditional structures are no longer self-sufficient, because digitalization has affected almost all aspects of human life, especially supply chain processes. The technologies of the fourth generation of industry represent the industrial revolution that has combined the Internet of Things with automatic systems such as artificial intelligence and its subset of machine learning, which are self-adjusting and self-learning. Such technological systems can change the supply chain from a centralized state to a distributed state, in fact, the deployment of these technologies provides distribution and decentralization for supply chains. The globalization of the economy and the increase in commercial competition have increased the importance of using innovative methods to achieve the goals of the supply chain. With the automation of processes, business activities have moved from manual operations to electronic transactions and all organizational processes have benefited from information and communication technologies. Considering that the design of most processes is at the disposal of centralized centers; There are always problems such as: poor efficiency, coordination at a low level and poor cooperation between the departments of a business unit, the emergence of distributed frameworks such as the blockchain platform and 4.0 generation technologies in addition to Organizations are helped in having complete transparency in transactions and cooperation with each other. They can share transactions on a peer-to-peer page.
    The purpose of research is to identify the components of the intelligent distributed supply chain and provide the structure of causal relationships for them, as well as the analysis of each of them in the framework of the presented structure. In the present research, codes and categories were first identified using the grounded method, and then the fuzzy cognitive mapping method was used to determine causal-effect relationships.In order to design the structure of the cause-effect relationships of the components of the intelligent distributed supply chain, it was extracted according to the fuzzy cognitive mapping method. Collective mapping was obtained by calculating the average of experts' opinions. According to its components, distributed decentralized supply chain can lead to improvement in information flows, promote healthcare and provide fair access to medical services. Also, assigning treatment priority to patients according to their physical condition for medical care, complying with the terms and conditions of the production line, reducing fraud, detecting authorized hazardous substances and removing drugs that have been licensed outside of the legal criteria can influence the company.
    Results and Discussion
    High rents in the supply, prescription and treatment of the country to a great extent. The components of the correct implementation of the guidelines for hazardous drugs, the correct implementation of GMP rules, improvement in demand forecasting, correct and timely response of suppliers and suppliers, transparency and traceability, reduction in executive costs, Reducing the risk of implementing projects and carrying out contracts, behavioral data analysis algorithms, error and fraud detection algorithms, processes of identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation and deployment, execution and monitoring, analysis of purchase plans and Procurement provides the possibility of tracking the information, political, monetary and back and forth flows of medicine, which represents its supply and demand among the manufacturer, government sector, patients, pharmacies, insurers, retailers of raw materials and importers. and reduces the possibility of fraud and corruption.Also, allocating treatment priority to patients according to their physical condition for medical care, complying with the terms and conditions of the production line, reducing fraud, detecting authorized hazardous substances and removing drugs that have been licensed outside of the legal criteria can influence the company. High rents in the supply, prescription and treatment of the country will be reduced to a great extent, which can be more effective for special and incurable patients, we know for certain that the required medicine for import and production, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to correctly identify and choose, with these created solutions, transparency is determined in whether the goal of the treatment program has been taken into account. Because we know that the distribution of special benefits is under the control of government officials and they define the priorities of subsidy allocation according to their decision-making power; This can be considered as one of the cases of corruption in the country's pharmaceutical industry.
    In the end, the improvement in the stock of raw materials and finished products, the non-issue of licenses for non-hazardous production lines in line with the production of hazardous drugs, the non-importation of domestic similar drugs, the elimination of middlemen and backdoors, the transparency of production costs. Transparency in contracts, transparency in the interests of the involved parties, transparency in payment to pharmaceutical companies, transparency in payment of pharmaceutical centers to drug dealers, transparency in pharmacy drug items, transparency in the risks after taking drugs, transparency in the way the budget is spent, The transparent and traceable payment system makes it clear whether the distribution and granting of licenses to natural or legal persons is done based on legal criteria and competently, while the government authority and decision-maker to avoid disclosure or The monopoly of the market cannot limit the transaction within the circle of friends and acquaintances, the benefit of political influence for the production of drugs and the distribution of imported drugs has been greatly reduced, the privileges have been removed from the circle of friends and acquaintances and in a competitive environment, they are given to companies. It will be real or legal that provide fair access to medical services.
    Keywords: Blockchain, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Supply chain, Distributed Systems
  • Reza Moradi Latrei, Naser Yazdani * Pages 169-187

    Increasing competition in the current era and facing diverse and changing needs and demands of customers and the possibility of change and innovation in the products offered by companies in the service sector, which is due to the flexible nature of these products, make innovation and providing new services very important. It has made it important and necessary. New services can be considered as the core of competitive advantages of companies. Adapting to a turbulent environment requires a constant stream of new product development and delivery. Services are an indispensable part of every economy, and all successful economies, including industrial and commercial economies, owe a high share of their national gross product to the service sector. The increasing growth of this field and the consequent development of competition between companies are among the factors that highlight the importance of developing new services. The truth is that without paying attention to improving services and providing new services, organizations can never experience a sustainable and favorable growth for a long time. Due to many changes (such as the development of markets, globalization, changes in the rules of competition in industries and technological advances) that have affected the service industry, companies have both the opportunity and the need to use their skills and resources in a creative way to use there are potential and unprecedented advantages of this field. The development of new services is a set of activities that lead to partial or total changes and modifications in providing services to different parts of the market. Due to rapid changes in the state of technology and customer preferences, organizations cannot always rely on their existing services. Based on this, in the current research, the impact of competitive strategies, organizational learning and business on the development of new services has been investigated.


    The research is an applied one in terms of its purpose, and a descriptive (non-experimental) one in terms of the nature or method of data collection, from the branch of field studies. The data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire using the indicators obtained from the research background. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the opinion of experts and professors, and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed through Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was more than 0/899. The statistical population of this research is the managers of chain stores in Tehran province, including 699 stores from the chain stores of Ofogh Koresh, Shahrvand, Refah, Etka, Fruit and Vegetable Squares, Hyper Star, Najm Middle East, Hypersun, Hyperme, Iran Mall., Shahr Farash, and the number of samples was selected using the available cluster random sampling method and using Cochran's formula, 248 chain stores. Data analysis was done using the structural equation modeling approach.

    Results and Discussion

    According to the purpose of this research to investigate the impact of competitive strategies, organizational learning and business on the development of new services in chain stores of Tehran province, the findings of this research show that competitive strategies, organizational learning and business have an effect on the development of new services in chain stores in Tehran province.ConclusionTherefore, these are suggested: 1. Senior managers who have the competence to build culture, be the pioneers of an internal revolution and a new dynamic, the alignment of individual goals and strategic goals will facilitate the strategy implementation process, and the adoption of a suitable strategy requires change whether we like it or not that directing and managing this change requires an adequate understanding of human resources.2. People who have capabilities in their field of work be given the necessary space to grow in the stores because it causes the growth of the store. 3. In the store, employees should be given the necessary training to learn and apply business strategy so that they can improve in their field of work. 4. By improving the quality and suitable human resources, high learning can be achieved, which will lead to the achievement of the focus strategy and can cause the retention and attraction of customers. 5. Personnel should provide services in new ways and benefit from new and updated technology compared to other competitors, and also remove existing old methods and procedures in order to achieve differentiation. 6. Managers should focus their activities in line with the chosen strategy and organize the necessary management decisions and actions. 7. Managers should prepare a comprehensive and coordinated action plan according to the organizational goals in the next 5 years that they are involved in drafting. It is better for these programs to be evaluated and operationally controlled in the expected time according to the allocated budget and the progress of the program.8. The personnel should have a proper way of dealing with the requests of the customers and have a customer-oriented culture and proper attention to the demands of the customers so that the customers buy the things they need. 9. The implementation of appropriate management methods using business strategy leads to the increase of service development, and finally, reducing the price of services increases the competitiveness of stores. 10. Redesigning jobs prevents employees from wasting their time, and also selecting and hiring the most qualified people provides profitable areas and reducing store costs. 11. Increasing the quality of providing technical guidance and how to inform about the store's product and service capabilities. 12. The necessary guidance should be provided transparently to perform requested services through the training of store personnel to increase customer satisfaction and ultimately sales. 13. Increasing the quality of providing services and solving product problems, as well as timely delivery and determining the duration of solving problems and how to inform in the store. 14. Regular handling of customer complaints and differentiation in the warranty period of their products compared to similar products in the store.

    Keywords: Competitive strategy, Organizational learning, Business strategy, New service development
  • Marzie Bakhshi Rizi, Asadollah Kordnaiij *, Ahmad Akouchakian, Seyyed Hamid Khodadad Hoseini Pages 189-209
    Introduction The emergence and processing of thought, theory, conceptual, and operational model of theological management of development, and thus the production of Quranic strategic decision-making knowledge, and solving strategic social and civilizational problems and challenges of Islamic-Iranian society depend on their methodical production and processing from revelatory teachings. Like any other scientific structure, the proper establishment of the epistemological structure of strategic decision-making knowledge based on the Quran requires attention to its "nature of paradigm fundamentals". Thus, every field of knowledge, such as the knowledge of strategic decision-making that seeks to enter the empirical reality for change, is rooted in the dominant world-view, and it cannot be designed and implemented without considering its paradigmatic principles. Therefore, to acquire the Qur'an-based knowledge of strategic decision-making, there is no option to adjust it epistemologically from the level of paradigm principals to the empirical level, based on revelatory teachings.MethodologyBased on the combined mechanism of the implication research method and implication logic in the literature of the science of principles and according to AL - ANFAL Surah, the present research sought to understand and explain examples of implications based on fundamentals of Epistemology related to the subject of strategic decision-making using thematic analysis and content analysis in ATLAS.ti software.Results and DiscussionThe research process led to the extraction of  192 primary codes, 14 basic themes, including1. The role of true and credible perceptions in strategic decision-making; 2. The role of the conscientious perceptions in strategic decision-making; 3. The role of the perceptions system in strategic decision making; 4. The decision-maker and in terms of subjectivity and objectivity; 5. The flow of thought elite knowledge in strategic decision making; 6. Discourse knowledge in contrivance and situation of management; 7. Discourse in the field of public knowledge and socio-cultural affairs; 8. Level of tendency (in the field of faith) in strategic decisions; 9. The level of action (in the field of piety) in strategic decisions; 10. The role and place of revelation, intuition, sense and reason in strategic decision making; 11. Credibility of intuitive and face-to-face resources in strategic decision making; 12. Credibility of product resources in strategic decision making, and 6 organizing themes, including: 1. The role and quality of the continuity of true, credible and conscientious perceptions in strategic decision-making; 2. Crystallization of the decision-maker in terms of subjectivity and objectivity; 3. discourse-creating knowledge of change in strategic decision-making; 4. the position of values in strategic decision-making; 5. resources of knowledge in strategic decision-making; 6. validity of knowledge resources in strategic decision-making, under an inclusive implication theme, namely the fundamentals of the Epistemology of strategic decision-making. The results of the present manuscript included an example of the fundamentals of Quran-based Epistemology in the field of strategic decision-making. The connection of this field of knowledge with religious sciences, on the one hand, gives a better and deeper understanding and analysis of events and problems, and consequently a more appropriate action, gives strategic decision-makers, and on the other hand  underlies the production, processing, and development of the theory and knowledge of strategic decision-making of the Quran by researchers, and thus the presentation of specific applied models for strategic managers from the perspective of religious (Quranic) thoughts in research and development objectivity.ConclusionParadigms and models are realized in epistemic, historical, cultural, and social tools and contexts, and even in territorial and regional, and it is required to pay attention to their ecology. If progress is considered as an approach and style of life and specific life world that a school - for example, Islam - has provided for human perfection and life; in addition to inherent features embedded in this lifestyle, the situation of time and place should also be taken into account to implement it and then, an instance should be designed from that life-world and lifestyle so that it can be implemented in that situation of time and place. Accordingly, it is necessary to seriously modify the ideological and practical foundations of macro level decision makers as well as the educational and research system of the country in accordance with the requirements of an Iranian - Islamic culture to respond to the current strategic issues of the country and scientifically and practically update the academic textbooks in the field of strategic management (and particularly strategic decision making). Hence, while enjoying the achievements of today’s knowledge, the epistemic foundations of this knowledge should naturally be adopted from the Quranic teachings and the prophetic tradition - administrators and compatible with Iranian culture.
    Keywords: : strategic decision making, fundamentals of epistemology, Paradigm, Quran, implication research method
  • Maryam Farahmand *, Sajjad Shokouhyar, Neda Farahbakhsh Pages 211-231
    IntroductionSustainability is one of the considerable challenges we widely face these days. Transformation into a more vibrant life provides a city for social, economic, and environmental interaction in which people can prosper, and hence sustainable transportation comes into play. Accordingly, public concerns about sustainable solutions in the urban transportation industry have increased, followed by discussions on public transportation, taxi apps, and ride-sharing. On the other hand, with the increasing emergence and development of social networks, customers can freely express their opinions without being bound by predefined issues. Moreover, social network analytics is an opportunity for organizations to understand the priorities of a large portion of their customers while spending less time and money compared to traditional research methods such as surveys. Twitter is now an accessible and valuable resource to access customers' feedback and what is on their minds. The present study has tried to identify the mentality of users of a transportation system by using data mining and text mining on Twitter so that the factors affecting the tendency of people to use any urban transportation mode have been investigated and prioritized. This article provides a model for improving the sustainability of urban transportation systems.MethodologyGiven that conducting field research or quantitative studies is very expensive, and the information obtained in this way is limited to certain customers, analyzing the contents produced by users on social media is a necessity for any organization. Compared to conventional methods of communication, social media have unique features. This study used Twitter since it has the highest growth rate among all social media platforms. Using the sentiment analysis, we determine what aspects of the organizations' management should improve to ensure their sustainable performance. Twitter sentiment analysis provides an easy and reliable way for businesses to monitor people's feelings towards their brands, businesses, and stake holders.This research is of a based type and tries to design and develop a model for the purpose of evaluating sustainable transportation. used as data related to transportation and collected all the required information sources using hashtags and with the help of text mining technique which is also known as text analysis and sought to extract high-quality and desired information in the form of Structured use and then with the help of sentiment analysis, we explored the recognition of positive, negative and neutral emotions about transportation issues in the texts. In fact, by analyzing emotions, opinions, feelings, behaviors, tendencies and emotions written with a written language, we analyze them and proceed to the final analysis. The result of the analysis provides sustainable transportation tools for use by policy makers and transportation network investors.Results and DiscussionThe results of this analysis show that the price factor, according to Twitter users' feedback, has the greatest impact on choosing the type of transportation while maintaining stability. Other main and important factors besides "price", according to the statistics published in the analysis, are "air pollution", "traffic", "vehicle fuel", "vehicle model", "driver age", "salary" and passenger age, employment and usage, routing, parking and driver gender, and vehicle monitoring are ranked next in terms of the number of Twitter users, respectively.ConclusionContrary to the idea, in addition to important issues such as price, pollution, traffic and parking, car model, driver's age and even driver's gender and car cleanliness are also important for passengers. On the other hand, the salary and age of the passenger are also important for drivers. The placement of these indicators together leads to the belief that in today's society, as the society grows older, the complexity and tastes also increase, but on the other hand, the exchange of information becomes easier with the advancement of technology. The results of this study can be provided to investors, policy makers and customers of taxi applications to improve the sustainable transportation system. With the help of these results, investors design and invest in sustainable transportation systems and marketing programs according to the characteristics expected by customers and advance their advertising. Customers' willingness to use such a sustainable system will guide policy makers to develop sound policies regarding investors, customers, and citizens, and identify the needs of transportation customers to increase their satisfaction. Knowing the indicators, tastes and priorities of people in using means of transportation can be an opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors for entrepreneurship and investment in the field of urban transportation.
    Keywords: Sustainable Transportation, Urban Transportation, social network, Data mining, Sensetive analysis
  • Morteza Haji Hosseini *, Mohamad Ali Shah Hosseini, Mohsen Nazari, Masoud Keimasi Pages 233-255
    IntroductionThe fields of economic development based on digital economy are increasing in countries, through the use of Information and Communication technology and through the creation of knowledge-based companies. Knowledge-based companies in order to increase knowledge and wealth, economic development based on knowledge and the realization of scientific and economic goals in line with the expansion of invention and innovation and finally the commercialization of research and development results have been formed in the field of superior technologies with added value. Based on the digital economy, it is widely influential, therefore, examining the value roles of these companies is of particular importance. New concepts have been proposed in the economy with the title of "smart economy" and among the necessities of the new economy is a structural change from an industrial economy to an economy in which data, information, non-physical assets, services, communications and networks are among the characteristics. They are Words have been proposed for this new economy, such as: "knowledge-based economy", "borderless economy", "weightless economy" and "network economy". The smart economy is basically based on information, communication and innovation, and in which the combination of network technologies and new business models create completely new markets, industries, businesses and work processes that shape this economy. Smart economy emphasizes on results and achievements (life and business) and its result is evolution and fruitfulness in the field of economy and digital technology and it emphasizes more on information and communication technology as an industry and infrastructure of information and communication technology. The main features of the digital economy are based on knowledge and the use of information and communication technology (ICT)MethodologyThis research intends to specifically answer this question: "What factors and components play a role in the formation of value co-creation in knowledge-based companies in ICT region?" In order to establish the model of value co-creation in the companies under study, and in this way, fill the stated research gap and while presenting the model of co-creation in this field, expand the realm of value co-creation literature and the results of this study helps to create comprehensiveness and develop knowledge from a theoretical perspective. In order to achieve the goal of the research, more than 230 researches and studies were extracted from the qualitative method (using a systematic literature review) and among them 64 articles and studies were analyzed in depth.Results and DiscussionIn this research, the identification of factors affecting value co-creation in knowledge-based companies in the field of Information and Communication technology (ICT). In the general classification, all these factors can be divided into five main categories, stakeholders and actors of the ecosystem of knowledge-based companies, main factors affecting value co-creation, background factors affecting value co-creation, and factors interfering in co-creation. Due to the fact that the process and what are the effective factors and components in value co-creation are not clear and its achievements and results are not presented in a consistent format and framework, it is indicative of its serious lack in the discussion of value co-creation literature and there is a research gap that focuses on the formation of value. It is obvious that it should be paid for all the stakeholders in the knowledge-based companies of the ICT field, therefore, the researcher was encouraged to do so by presenting the value co-creation framework and by considering all the elements and components of the value co-creation between the organizational stakeholders, by creating study fields, observation gaps and cover the gap between existing studies. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to provide a framework for Value co-creation, to create and develop strategic capabilities in knowledge-based companies in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) in the relevant business ecosystem, so that they can use their organizational assets to Valuable resources and capabilities, in order to present to the market and customers, and cause the survival and development of companies.ConclusionValue Co-creation as one of the basic theories in the scope of strategic management and innovation management, therefore, the main goal of this research is to identify the effective factors and provide a framework for Value co-creation (joint creation of value), for the creation and development of strategic capabilities in knowledge-based companies. It is in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) and it is trying to help the survival and development of organizations by identifying the main stakeholders and actors of the business ecosystem in this field and by creating a value network. The value and results and consequences of co-creation of value, which each of them includes the number of these 5 categories, 17 subcategories and 72 codes and in fact, they represent the factors that play a role in the formation of value co-creation in knowledge-based companies in the field of ICT, and their multiplicity indicates that it is not enough to just consider a few general factors (like many articles that had such a view). It can be indicative of the formation of value co-creation in the field of study, because we are dealing with a mysterious phenomenon affected by various factors. In addition, the dimensions of this time complication become more apparent when we know that there are effects and influences between these factors that lead and lag behind each other.
    Keywords: value co-creation, Entrepreneurship, Information technology, Communications (ICT)
  • Mohsen Nazarzadeh Zare *, Mahdi Namdari Pejman, Davood Ghorooneh Pages 257-272
    IntroductionDialogical leadership and organizational brilliance are emerging concepts in management and leadership, particularly in the field of human resources management, which holds special significance in today's competitive organizational environment. The open and two-way communication approach of dialogical leadership fosters collaboration among organization members, which can enhance the organization's competitiveness, employee satisfaction, productivity, and cost reduction, and ultimately lead to organizational brilliance. In recent years, Iranian higher education managers have noticed the need for an internationalization approach and competition with foreign universities, as well as domestic competition to attract more resources and achieve better performance. In this context, adopting new leadership styles such as dialogical leadership and focusing on organizational commitment can be effective in achieving excellence and subsequent organizational brilliance. By promoting open communication and collaboration with faculty members, staff, and students, dialogical leadership can increase organizational commitment in the university context, which in turn can enhance the brilliance of the university organization. Despite considerable research on the relationship between dialogical leadership style and organizational brilliance in various organizational contexts, there is still a gap in research regarding the investigation of this leadership style's impact on organizational brilliance in the academic context. Additionally, the mediating role of organizational commitment in the relationship between dialogical leadership style and organizational brilliance requires further investigation, especially the exact role of this factor in this relationship in the academic context. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impact of the dialogical leadership style on organizational brilliance through organizational commitment in the context of Iran's Farhangian University, which plays a significant role in training expert human capital for Iran's education system.MethodologyTo achieve the study's main objective, a descriptive-correlational approach using structural equation modeling was employed. The study population comprised all faculty and non-faculty employees of Farhangian University of Iran, totaling 980 individuals. Using Cochran's formula and stratified sampling method, 276 participants were selected for the study. Three questionnaires were used to collect data on dialogical leadership, organizational brilliance, and organizational commitment, with reported reliabilities of 0.97, 0.95, and 0.81, respectively, based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used for data analysis, using SPSS and Lisrel software.Results and DiscussionThe study's first hypothesis revealed that the dialogical leadership style has a positive impact on organizational brilliance at Iran's Farhangian University. This means that the university's leaders and administrators can achieve human resource excellence by engaging in open communication, exchanging ideas and information, and actively listening to key stakeholders. The second hypothesis of the study demonstrated that the dialogical leadership style has a positive and significant effect on the organizational commitment of Farhangian University employees in Iran.  Dialogical leadership can predict a significant percentage of employees' organizational commitment, and aligning individual employee goals with the university's goals can increase employee autonomy, accountability, and loyalty through effective communication processes. The third hypothesis of the study indicated that organizational commitment has a positive and significant impact on organizational brilliance at Farhangian University in Iran. Organizational commitment can significantly predict excellence in organizational resources, capabilities, and knowledge management, as organizational brilliance focuses on the university's resources and competencies. The fourth hypothesis of the study showed that the dialogical leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the organizational brilliance of Farhangian University in Iran through the organizational commitment of employees. This impact is strong enough to predict organizational brilliance through the two constructs of dialogical leadership and organizational commitment. A leadership style based on interaction, negotiation, and collaborative decision-making can improve employee organizational commitment, leading to improved organizational brilliance.ConclusionIn conclusion, the study's findings highlight the significant impact of dialogical leadership on both organizational commitment and organizational brilliance at Iran's Farhangian University. The study suggests that university managers can enhance organizational commitment and brilliance by encouraging faculty and staff participation in decision-making and planning processes. This approach not only increases organizational commitment among the university's main stakeholders but also leads to an overall improvement in organizational brilliance. The study concludes that dialogical leadership can be an effective leadership style for universities to adapt to changes and achieve excellence in the highly interconnected world.
    Keywords: Dialogical leadership, Organizational brilliance, organizational commitment, Conversational leadership