Islamic Sects and Rational approaches to Religion


The relation between ration and religion as one of the oldest theosophical discourses and intellectual challenges among philosophers, theosophists, scholars and Moslem jurisprudents (and even non-Moslems) is a subject constantly considered the most important intellectual and philosophical preoccupation in the field of ideological, ethical and socio-political existence. Historical, the emergence of various sects in the territory of Islamic civilizations has its roots, before anything else, in rational approaches to religion and in other words in their attitudes towards the relation between ration and religion, spiritual intellect, ration and ideology, ration and religion and the like. Based on which, the theosophical sects of the Shiite, Motazali and Ashaerah, with different rational interpretation and sometimes in conflict with Islamic religion emerged and presented interesting and attractive thoughts and viewpoints. Briefly studying the historical position of each of the mentioned theosophical sects, this article attempts to analyze the major differences among the theosophical sects in the subject.

Scientific Journal of History Research, Volume:6 Issue: 24, 2011
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