Mineralization of Gold in North Bazman Area, Chah naeli, Iran

In the western part of the Sistan & Baluchestan Province (continuation of the Jebal- e Barez Range) in southeast Iran, the epithermal type (i. e. gold and associated elements) model is one of the anticipated metallogenic model. The studied area is one of the important targets of regional geochemical exploration. In this regard, the mineral and geochemical geological map of 1/20000 was prepared in an area of 81 km2. After processing of the data and identifying the ore zones, 30 trenches drilled perpendicular to the veins and one sample was taken in every 5 meters. The results show that a tectonomagmatic event and large scale fracturing with strike of N30E led the hydrothermal solutions and caused an extensive alteration. This alteration caused a regional propylitization in andesites and development of a large argillic-silicious alteration in associated lavas and pyroclastics followed by formation of the thin silicious veins in strike of N30E with chalcedony, colloform, cockade and vesicular structures, having the quartz adularia paragenesis and are assumed to be the sources of gold genesis and the main phase of gold formation.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 94, 2015
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