Geochemical Behavior of Rare Earth Elements in Garnets of Khut Skarn Using Laser Ablation ICP-MS Data, W Yazd, Iran

The garnets from the KhutSkarn in the west of Yazd have been formed as a result of hydrothermal activity ofOligo-Miocene calc-alkalineplutons. The chemical composition of garnets in the Khutskarn are divided into two solid solution of grossularitic-andraditic and almost pure andradite different types. The Fe-rich garnets are isotropic (Adr>96), whereasgrossularitic-andraditic garnets are anisotropic and show compositional zoning and sectorial twinning(Ad74.3Gr24.8-Ad32.1Gr66.6). The compositional zoning of anisotropic garnets may result from hydrothermal overgrowths on contact metamorphic minerals, variations in P, T, XCO2, concentrations of Fe3+ and Al, or kinetic factors. The Laser Ablation ICP-MS results show isotropic garnets exhibit LREE-enriched and HREE depleted patterns, with a positive Eu anomaly. These garnets grow rapidly under relatively high W/R ratios from the magmatic-derived fluids during infiltration metasomatism process, whereas anisotropic garnets have much lower enrichment in LREE and show a weak negative Eu anomaly. These garnets formed by prolonged interaction of pore fluids with the host rocks during the diffusive metasomatism process.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 94, 2015
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