Pseudo 3D Seismic Data Interpretation and Inversion In Ferdowsi Oil Field, Persian Gulf

This study has been done on “Ferdowsi” oil field, which is located on Persian Gulf. The geological studies show that the north slope of the field is situated along the Arabian shield in which its structure has been affected by the salt mass. The Fahliyan formation is the main reservoir in the field. In order to interpret seismic data, firstly by using sonic and density logs, synthetic wavelet was constructed and compared to pseudo 3D seismic data using software. Then, formation tops were picked, and time and depth maps were prepared. Acoustic Impedance pseudo 3D volumes were performed by preparing seismic inversion. It is to note that seismic attributes help greatly to estimate reservoir properties oftarget formation and it is useful in better identifying the reservoir and drilling wells with reduced cost impact. In addition, in this study, faults and stratigraphic features (such as channel) were recognized by seismic attributes that is important for development of the field.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 94, 2015
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